Front of the Azera is far better-looking than the LaCrosse!
Rear is offensive to me, but Hyundai is gearing up to take on the world. According to Asian-lovers Motor Trend, Hyundai is racing to have a rear-drive automobile (coupe/sedan) in the U.S. while Ford (and even to some extent GM) seem to be hoping that no one notices the Chrysler 300 and its siblings.
Factor in the warranty and features available for the price, Hyundai has seemingly nailed that elusive factor of "value' when shopping for a new automobile.
The new Sonata has a pleasing VAG quality to the front design.
Mismatched interior panels? Yeah, there was a glaring example in a 2006 Cobalt coupe that I drove. The air bag panel cover was of an entirely different texture and sheen from the rest of the dash and was worse overall than even the aged Elantra.
All the Hyundais that I've ever ridden in, or been in at NAIAS seemed very well constructed. My g/f's Elantra is pleasingly quiet, much as the Cobalt.
Grade Report for the Azera: B+. Great features, excellent warranty, and unbeatable price for the package. Shortcomings include certain dynamic aspects, the LCD displays of the stereo head unit, the green lighting of the gauges, and the profile coupled with odd rear styling.
Grade Report for Hyundai: A. Hyundai is making improvements lightning fast, and striving to make products America wants.