As a Christian, by faith I believe that God made everything. However, I have a hard time believing that Genesis Chapter 1 is meant to be taken literally. I could connect each of the six days to events that theoretically took millions of years to occur. I'm thinking, the author used the term "days" because it would be more like days to God, but to us it's more like eons. Many Christians will disagree with me, but this is my own personal conclusion.
I also believe that evolution takes place. All newborn creatures take on the physical and mental traits of their parents, and sometimes develop traits of their own. How can you even dispute that such a thing takes place? That's not to say God doesn't play a part in it... But again, many Christians will disagree.
The logic behind completely ignoring the theory of Evolution is that it contradicts the first chapter of the Bible as it is written. And sometimes a Christian is considered not a Christian if they don't take the entire Bible literally. The argument that can be made is, if you don't believe that the Lord created the world in six days, then how can you believe anything else in the Bible? To that, I say, there are over a dozen different versions of the Bible in every conceivable language. There's obviously room for interpretation.