I don't know exactly what can protect the future of American and Canadian manufacturing jobs. It it getting worst, and fast. There was a news story on CBC last night, it stated that since September 2004 there have been 114,000 job losses in the manufacturing sector in Canada, Obviously there have been far more losses in the US. There are options that have yet to be entertained.
First we let Japanese car makers sell cars here, and ultimately all cars will be built with Korean and Chinese parts. The Equinox gets its engines from China already.. it is only a trial run to see how well it works out. I am willing to bet that they will be building more engines in China soon enough.
I am for GM offsourcing parts if they have to, but they shouldn't have to. The government should step in and put it bluntly(to Japan):
"Stop de-valuing your currency and Either your companies build all your cars in the United States with mostly American Parts, or you let us sell our cars directly in Japan with American parts".
Our Auto makers are delt an uneven hand, and have to try and make up for it somehow. Unless the government trys to fix the Asian trade practices we will watch Delphi offshore all of their capacity in the medium to long term.