More light-heartedly, From Bald's Leechbook (c900):
In case a man ache in the head: take the lower part of crosswort, put it on a red fillet; let him bind the head with it.
For the same: take mustard seed and rue, rub into oil, put into hot water; wash the head frequently with that water; he will be healthy.
For an old headache, take penny royal, boil in oil or butter; with that smear the temples and over the eyes and on top of the head; even though his mind be turned, he will be healthy.
For a very old headache, take salt and rue and branches of ivy berries; pound all together, put into honey, and with it smear the temples and the forehead and the top of the head.
For the same: look for little stones in the stomach of swallow chicks; take care that they do not touch earth or water or other stones; sew up three of them them in whatever you wish; put them on the man who is in need; he will soon be well; they are good for the headache and for eye pain and for the Devil's temptations and goblins, and typhus, and incubus (a type of nightmare) and herbal seizure and bewitching and evil enchantments; it must be big chicks in which you find them.
If a man ache on one side of his head, thoroughly pound rue, put it into strong vinegar, and with that let the head be smeared right on top.
For the same: dig up plantain, without iron, before the rising of the sun; bind the roots around his head with a moist red fillet; he will soon be well.
Against a woman's chatter: eat a radish at night, while fasting; that day the chatter cannot harm you.