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Dark Phoenix

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Everything posted by Dark Phoenix

  1. That's kinda scary though. I hope they don't change anything but that before it goes on sale.
  2. Well get to it man! Chop chop!
  3. lol I respond when and how necessary. It was suggested that I/We buy the lower end counter part, from the "everyman" brand rather than DEMANDING the car we want back. Funny how it was ok for you lot to rally and rant until you got it back, but now we have to remain silent. Too many people seem to think "well it's the same thing" and "they steal sales from each other" and "there's no point in making them both" and that's all total crap. Hyper wasn't trying to set me off and I wasn't trying to argue with him, but he more or less implied that I should transition to a sub-par version. That I should lower my standards and accept whatever GM deigns to offer me. Or perhaps, more to the point, he didn't realize that I don't give a crap about chassis designations and that drive-train layout is but a mere background requirement. Always hated camaros - even before I gave a crap about Pontiacs or had any brand loyalty. Fell in love with the Trans Am. There is VALUE in producing both. But see, we wouldn't have dragged this further off topic if you didn't feel personally attacked and try to tell me to STFU. That tends to have a negative reaction. lol Believe it or not, I don't seek out opportunities to talk trash about it, and would be perfectly happy to never have to even think about it. So what say we just go back to on topic?
  4. Was watching Setup last night, and I still think that this is a good campaign. But so many people are railing against it, maybe it's not as "obvious" as a good campaign needs to be. "Car" is not meant to be a reference to an automobile. That clearly would not make sense. But Car as a concept is something totally different. Think of it this way, car = cool. Use them interchangably and it makes more sense. "Yo, that is totally car!" Sounds weird, yeah, but we're not used to it, and in the right context (ie, Pontiac commercial), it works much better. I like SuperSport's idea - "Pontiac - For Those Who Get It". It perfectly explains the lower sales volume too as most people in general just clearly don't get it. lol And it's actually reminiscent of the old Packard slogan "Ask the man who owns one" Pontiac - - Try to Keep Up (both a demand to the buying public (to "get it" better), and a taunt to it's competitors) - Attitude - Passion - Fire - Born from Tracks (nod to saab - how can you cite jets an imply performance when everything is FWD? ) - For Serious Drivers Only (yes, inspired by VW's "Drivers Wanted") - Weapons Grade Fun (Weapons Grade referring to the arrow head, double entendre) - Tracked Widely (lol, just a joke, inverted Wide Track) - Yes! It's a Pontiac (lol many said that was the response to the reaction the first pre-production Solsti got on the streets)
  5. I am well aware of the history, thank you. So much so that that I am aware of how (a lot of) the success of what you feel it so necesary to defend is owed to the Trans Am. lol (2nd Gen chassis - Pontiac, Corvette 350 use - thanks to Pontiac's petitioning of top brass, luxuries and options - trickle down from Pontiac. That's just to name a few. They both owe a lot to each other, it's just that the chevy is, well... a chevy. [And there is a reason I don't hang out in and post in that section ])
  6. camaro..... I may own a car build on the F chassis, but I bought a Trans Am. My 3rd one in fact. Because I wanted a Trans Am. Not "an F-Body". Sure as hell not a frickin camaro. GM got my attention, my money, and (so far at least) die-hard loyalty, which has lead to me carrying the banner everywhere and talking up the virtues and defending the 'faith' through the roughest of times to the toughest of critics. But if they go and slap a GTO badge on a camaro twin, when it's just as easy (and more proper) to put a Firebird badge on it..... If they piss on us like that..... I'll look into a Challenger SRT8 6-speed. (and it's a real shame because it'll be a hard decision at that point to buy a Solstice Coupe, when so far it would be an obvious no-brainer [not for the same reasons or purpose, mind you]) As for time moving on, well, perhaps. The Duesenberg can still smoke many Korean white good appliances on 4 wheels. And the WS6 can still out run MANY cars from many years after it's end of production. Which is actually all the more impressive when you consider that the design really stagnated in '99. Cars that are considered "performers" today. Even in stock trim, but especially with a set of Brembo blanks, better pads, and some Konis (+1000 if you toss in Strano springs and sways). It truly shocks many people to learn what it can do (and I'm not implying you, please don't mis-understand that, I mean the import guys mostly). So saying "time has moved on" really isn't fair, and in my personal opinion, not really relevant, since nothing else matches the styling, let alone the styling combined with the utility, performance and bang for the buck. So Lamar, another question, did you aggressively change lanes or toss it around at all? A common complaint seems to be a lack of roll stiffness. Apparently they don't want to stiffen the springs or shocks any more and lose that nice ride, but I have to wonder why they didn't just add more bar. (or even a touch more rebound damping, but that's still no substitute for bar) I wonder if it's as bad as all the mag reviews claim. To listen to them it practially scrapes it's door handles. I wonder if the Stabilitrak is tied into the DoD. Seems it would be much more effective than pulling timing or forcng the throttle closed.
  7. mmm, I'd have to slightly disagree there. Of the current lineup? Yes. But you said "in decades". LS1 WS6 T/A is more athletic, and IMO a more "pure" expression of what Pontiac styling is all about (marriage of form and function, and raucous attitude that intimidates and _demands_ attention). Not to mention us over-6-foot-ers fit better, have more room to carry stuff (even for a weekend trip). http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r71/tygarceau/tyscar4.jpg http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee257/b...pg?t=1202584994 http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee257/b...pg?t=1202585045 But that aside, I'm with you in drooling over the Soltice Coupe. God that thing rocks. If I had the cash on hand, I'd line up to buy one. Pure, raw driving experience - have to be sans ABS or TCS or Stabilitrak or OnStar. Z0K equipped. Probably in that show car's color, or maybe SOM. A few simple tweaks, and get that bad boy between the cones. Regarding the Sky.... god I sure as hell hope not. The sky is ugly, doesn't belong at a saturn dealer (a saturn sports car? I mean, really....!), and besides, it's called the "Sky" because it's a roadster. Can't close it up. They'd have to change the name to the Roof or something. lol
  8. Someone basically made one for the aftermarket - http://images.worldcarfans.com/articles/20...0103.002.1M.jpg Not exactly what you meant, but it has that look.
  9. Well, there are options. Formulas should be cheap. While they aren't exactly plentiful, they aren't so rare as to have that spike the price. They just were never all that popular, so they should run quite a bit less than a Trans Am (especially a WS6). Of course, WS6 Fomulas are a different story. There were VERY few of those in the LS1 era and I'm sure the cost will be higher with those too. "base" Trans Ams (if you can make such a statement lol) should also be cheaper than WS6 models, both because they were cheaper to buy, and because everyone wants "teh ram air". And of course, Firebirds are cheap too. Now, that said, I know you want a WS6, so here's what ya do. Track down a "base" Formy or Trans Am, then buy either an OEM WS6 hood, or a Raptor, or a WS9 hood, and then mod the rest of the car however you want. (just don't badge it as a WS6 then, please - there are WS7 badges made for WS6 clones that look factory) To be honest, if you jump to 18s, or wider than 275s, and especially if you lower it, and/or change the sway bars, you've eliminated, and possibly even gone beyond what makes a car a "WS6". The flat hoods make just as much power. Alternately, you could get a Firebird, then put a couple of hair dryers on it. Sort of like a re-incarnation of the '89 Anniversary T/A. That would be kinda cool (especially with LT1 styling, IMO). Any of those will get you WS6 performance (or more) and the looks, for less money. Just don't wreck or excessively beat on it, please. I hate to see Trans Ams being daily driven. Used, and used hard, yes, but daily driven is just excessive wear and tear, it's being wasted in rush hour traffic jams. Or..... you could wait till '09 and get a Solstice Coupe.
  10. Hey hyper. I don't want to give the impression that I'm following you around to argue, because I'm not. lol I just keyed in on these points and wanted to remark on them (and do hope that this doesn't side-track the thread, apologies to the OP - great review btw, good to hear stuff like this). Regarding solid, the GTO is more solid, yes, but it's also a few hundred pounds heavier. However, the 4th Gen doesn't really flex all that much. Most of what people interpret as flex is a combination of weak interiors and horrid shocks. Those stock shocks (DeCarbons) are the biggest steaming pile of crap to ever get bolted on a car. Put some Bilsteins (especially revalved ones), or Koni SAs on a 4th Gen and it is TOTALLY transformed and whole different beast. With the Bilsteins, you will see massive refinement, and an improvement in handling. With the Koni's you see lots of refinment (just not as much as the Bilsteins), and downright amazing handling. IIRC, the 4th Gens are something like 45% stiffer than the thirds, were designed to be 'verts from the outset, and I know of one that was road raced, auto-xed and drag raced for well over 100,000 miles and is just fine, and another that was rolled at over 100mph and the driver posted pics later and hte car still looked useable (all ya had to do was replace the C-pillar/sail panel). They are built like tanks. Which is why they are 3500 lbs (when an S-14 Silvia is nearly the same size, with an engine that weighs the same or a few pounds more, and is only 2700 lbs). Also, I'm 6'2" and 230lbs. And a friend of mine is 6' 170 lbs (way underweight and wasting away). One day we went to track down a noise and I threw him in the back seat and he disappeared back there. Later we switched, and to my utter amazement, I not only fit, but I fit comfortably. Head room is tight, yes, you do have to lean over a little or tilt your head, and you do have to place your knees around the back of the seat in front of you, but(!), you don't interfere with the front occupants and it's not the least bit uncomfortable. It's not a place I'd want to spend several hours in, but up to an hour would be fine really. (and because of this, I have nixed the idea of a rear-seat delete, which I had initially intended to do) Lamar, when and how did the AFM come on and go off? You said you could feel it. Does it only come on after a set time, or is on the default and you have to matt it to get it to go off and allow full power?
  11. Going on a fishing trip? Or have you given up on the WS6? (if so, what happened?)
  12. What he said. But I didn't make the image. lol Here's a better post of the second one I tried to link -
  13. Enh... They all look good. The Red one should be the base trim though. It looks great, but has that base model look about it. The black chop does look really good. But ya know, some people love the catfish too, even though I think it's hideous. http://www.ls1tech.com/forums/attachment.p...81997&stc=1
  14. Yeah, great fun on an open highway or windy back roads. 2 more of my favorites - For high energy (poor recording, and the video is irrelevant, only studio version I could find) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4oh1vqTDNc...feature=related (bastards video makes it feel slow) And both for energy and, well, association lol -
  15. Here ya go, this should help cleanse the palette - btw - I recommend not playing that in your future Formy, Hawk, or Trans Am - it's dangerous.
  16. lol Hey this place was dead. Ya gotta admit I livened it up. lol
  17. Formulas are the only REAL Firehawks. See, this is the thing, I'm not in love with the G6 GXP. I DO think it looks mean. But my point is the hatred for agressive styling doesn't belong in a Pontiac fan. And it IS aggressive, even if one doesn't enjoy or appreciate it. Also, it's target market isn't the G8 crowd anyway. They can't be bashed for going after different markets in their own "tongue".
  18. And of course since I have the gaul to challenge you, I automatically have no clue. Yes, seen this so many times before it's not even funny. And as we know, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Koenigsegg, and Lotus combined sell that many cars too..... Wait.. let me guess - but Pontiac doesn't have the performance or badge to sell cars like that. Yeah. But it doesn't have to be JUST like that. Point is high volume isn't the be all, end all. If it was, the Corvette would be dropped since THAT market is even smaller, and it doesn't post Camry-like numbers. Volume is for chevy. This mentality that you have to sell 300K units is what's going to kill Pontiac, AND GM needlessly. It's WHY Pontiac has produced such dull dreary crap for so long, it's WHY GM has used such cheap interiors and haphazard, shoddy build quality (drop cost to be more appealing to buyers), and WHY GM has been giving cars away for so long. Profit and huge volume are not the same thing. And you know what? Not doubling your profits every year is not the end of the world either. I know, next you'll look down your nose at me over that one, right? Profit is profit. It's ludicrous to claim that Intel dropping from $12 billion profit to $9 billion profit is a bad thing, yet people did. As if $9 billion in profit was in the red somehow. Ok, comments like this "you had better learn" are why I have such sarcasm and 'tude in this post. He's done a lot of things, and conversly has NOT done a lot of things that indicate little head use. You just said that high volume is a must and if it can't sell 300K units it can't be done. And here we go... Ok, sorry, but this is utter crap. They do NOT compete with one another and they do NOT rob profits from one another. It's the whole point of platform sharing in the first bloody place. If they sell a Firebird or a camaro - they sell an F-Body. To do what they did in the 4th Gen, it doesn't take that much money. Or rather, it doesn't HAVE to. Doesn't mean they won't blow loads of cash, but that's a totally different story. See, "sister" cars make so little sense, and Lutz knows so much better than that that he pitched the Saturn Sky. And how is it that a GTO on the Zeta platform makes sense, but a Firebird does not? No see, all of these anti-Firebird or anti-Trans Am arguments are bunk. Pure and simple and have all been countered by GM itself, and the very people who POSE these arguments. It's not the economy, it's the mis-management that has been going on ever since the brand consolidation (arguably even before). And isn't that the point of an "excitement" or "performance" division? Cut models, crank performance. You're still unable to separate this. The looks of a design and it's performance and build are 2 separate issues. I _agree_ that the performance and build needs to be way upped. But that doesn't change the fact that the styling of that car is mean. Mm-hmm. And which GM cars have been used in movies and TV shows? Caddys, Corvettes (Corvette Summer, The Wraith), and Trans Ams. Of those, the first 2 were just props and set peices. Which ones were stars? Trans Ams. Not camaros. When Hollywood needed a car for a hot shoe good ol boy, they needed something with flash and balls, something with star quality. Only one car made sense - the '78 Trans Am. When Glen Larson needed a sleek, futuristic car to be a star in his new show, only one car was an option, only one car made sense - the '82 Trans Am. John Delorean got the ball rolling by dropping a 400 in the Firebird when he was denied the Banshee and offered the F-Body as a booby prize. Pontiac designers created the record sales setting 2nd Gen chassis (and any time Bandit hit theaters or TV they couldn't produce Trans Ams fast enough). They also wanted to take the aero further than they did but chevy cried. Later Pontiac forced the issue and got GM to ok the use of the Corvette 350 in the F-Body (prior to GM saying "do it" chevy kept saying it was impossible, then suddenly it all magically worked). If GM hadn't been so blind, the GTA would have been what the '89 Anniversary Trans Am was and would have chased down a lot of the original target market - 300Z and RX-7 buyers. In time, it's not a stretch to see that IRS would have followed. (and that's not even getting into killing the Fiero, which was another mistake) Like you said, in this market they can't be expected to sell volume on par with chevy. They NEVER should have been expected to do so. Had they been accepted as a low volume producer and unchained and allowed to do their own thing, they would have lived up to the hype and not be in trouble now. Yes, they can survive on 4 or 5 models. They can survive on one so long as it is in the black and brings people into a GM dealer. Camrys and Accords are not the point, and their #s can't ever be considered as a reference.
  19. lol, that's the kind of high and mighty, holier than thou attitude that you hear from liberals. Their way is the only correct way and everyone else is blind or stupid. Nice. The average person doesn't know what's functional and what's not. And you do I assume? Ok, what is the wing's profile and it's AoA? Are the grills blocked off and not providing cooling? Is aesthetics a bad thing for it's own sake? (metal grills, 18s, etc) As mentioned above, everything said about the G6 GXP could be said about my car - save for the performance. And that's the real gripe - it can't back it up. Even I said that. But that has nothing to do with the pure visuals of the car. You're attacking the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.
  20. Yes, I am aware that they need new people buying. But they need direction, and need to be unchained by GM top brass. So far, the only people to have really done anythng for Pontiac are all long gone - Bunkie, Wangers, and Delorean. And even they were handcuffed by the top brass. Lutz hates Pontiac and is schizophrenic. Yes, he brought out the Solstice, and I applaud him for that and I was one of his biggest supporters when he first came on board. But over time, his hatred for the Firebird, his comments about damaged brands, and the overall languishing portfolio of the brand, along side offering "more aggressive" versions of cars meant to save Pontiac, to other brands (read "Sky" - it's ugly, but more people seem to like it, and Saturn does not need nor desrerve a sports car). And then he positions Cadillac as the BMW competitor, just before saying that Pontiac needs to move "up market" to become the same. We all know that Pontiac will never be allowed to steal Cadillac's thunder. So... he's either Schizo, or very crafty and slowly killing the brand while making people think he's trying to help it. My past cars have been a '71 Olds 98 Royale 'vert, an '84 T/A T-Top (WS6 equipped), an '88 GTA Hard Top, 2 Grand Prixs (coupes, '90 and '91 - beaters), and my current '02 WS6 T/A (bought new in 02) - and my grandfather's Dakota R/T (kept for sentimentality, but is also now my daily driver until I can replace it - 5.9 Magnum Club Cab). I have always been about classic American power, and style. Never Honda. lol Yes I know that sedans are a big part of the OVERALL market. But that's probably the biggest point. Corporate mentality. Yes, sedans should be covered, but because it's another form of the performance market, not because Pontiac needs to sell on par with chevy. If the rest of the worlds car makers operated under the same accounting mentality that GM has, they would all have long since closed their doors or sold out. You don't need monster volume to be successful. But nobody at GM really wants to let Pontiac form an identity and take it's own strides. FWD is a part of the "performance" market too. I hate FWD, and cross-overs, but I recognize the value in the G5 and Vibe. So don't misunderstand me. (I also recognize how much of that value is being left to rot too) I honestly am glad the G8 is here. I'm trying to talk my dad into one (or maybe a CTS). The name sucks, and the styling is bland, but the styling does fit the car. But ok, so they have to go after hte large markets? Are old El Camino and Ranchero fans a huge market? And why not the Wagon? (more Lutz Schizophrenia/Pontiac hatred) The Solstice concept looked much better. Yes, the production IS close, and is awesome. Hey, I love the car. But it's nose was uglied up in the production run. The grills look pushed down, the arrow lifted up, creating a nose and face, and the nose was pushed in too. The differences are subtle, but you can see that they look different. (and the concept better) Speaking of concepts and markets - SUVs, Cross-Overs, Sport Wagons, hot rubber burning SUVs, etc are all the Rage - so how is the Rageous not perfect for all of that? (not to mention Righteous) So basically what I'm getting here is that young buys with fire in their blood are an invalid market? Isn't that what got Buick in trouble? The WRX and Evo's seem to do ok. The thing is, the interior has nothing to do with the styling on the outside. The scoops should NOT be fake. The wing should be functional. But above all, the performance should match the looks. And that thing just screams performance. Should really be RWD too. But don't hate on the looks because the scoops are fake or the interior is cheap or the performance blows. Those are 2 different concepts. I actually agree that, while I like the G6 (Coupe and Hard Top 'Vert), it's redundant. Do we really need 2 FWDs in the performance division? Vibe - Mazda3/Scion Xa and b/WRX competitor (yes, totally different markets, but that's the brilliance and potential of the design, it's all about marketing - and building up the specs to match, which right now they don't). G5, FWD performance car - Tc, Xa (to some extent), RSX, etc.- should have 4 and 6 cyl options and take over for the G6. G8, RWD sedan - false-Charger, 300C, cheap 3 and 5 series sedan buyers, even get in the face of Evos. Solstice, roadster and lithe coupe performance market, hard core - people want either an MX-5 or a Corvette and love to race but don't want to be thoguht of as a hairdressor and don't have the Corvette money. Torrent, hot SUV - crank it up (and make it AWD with a RWD bias) to take on the X5/6 and Cayenne. Of course that leaves a hole that the Trans Am once ably filled, but tha's a whole nother argument. My only point is it's not about what I want to own. It's about pushing the brand and re-invigorating it. Using what's there already and building it right. The point of my post is that it has to be done with aggression and flair appropriate to the market segment. And the sedan buyers (like you?) are not the ones who will like the G6 GXP looks. But performance coupe enthusiasts will (and do). Remember, like I said, attitude and agression come in many forms, and can be sleek seductive curves, or loud scoops and wings. Everything you say about the G6 GXP can be said about my car. 'Cept that my car will rip your face off if you don't respect it behind the wheel - and will smoke most things out there (even on the back roads, but even many F-Body guys think these cars can't turn for some reason).
  21. Wow... LOT of hate in this thread. Why are (many of) you guys in a Pontiac forum again? The G6 concept WAS cool - FOR a sedan. But that's like saying that a 500lb chick is not bad looking for a fat girl. lol Sedans belong in Buick dealerships. That said, the overall styling was sleek and the AWD aspect made me drool. But like with everything, even the Solstice, they just can't keep to the concept. Thanks so much Bob Putz. I'm glad the G8 is coming because it's generating buzz and will bring in sales. But it DOES define sedan, visuall - boring. And howcome nobody rips on the ricer 'tezzas on the G8 GT? The G6 GXP is a bad-ass looking car. The problem is that it's wrong wheel drive. FWD is the antithesis of performance, and those looks scream performance. See, Pontiac is about Excitement guys, Fuel for the Soul that is Designed for Action. It's aesthetics can't be "restrained", which is another word for boring. It has to be in your face. It can do that with luscious curves (Solstice), or sleek futuristic styling (3rd Gen and LT1 4th Gen T/A), or ultra aggressive lines and features like most every 2nd Gen and the LS1 WS6 T/As. You guys probably hate my car, don't ya? Oh, and you wanna talk ugly? Outside of every single chevy made, the Saturn Sky. Those hard edges and angles do NOT fit those proportions, NOR the luscious curves of the deck lid. And the interior.... god... I'm EASY to please when it comes to interiors, but the Sky's is just god awful and dreary. The new GTO was the ultimate expression of sedate and restraint, and look at it. Boring as hell (visually), called a cavalier, and sold no more than V8 Firebirds (depite having EVERY advantage over them - no stigma, IRS, better interior, bigger engines (after 04), etc). THIS is what the GTO should have been - In your face, and laden with attitude. If that had been the GTO, and the G6 had been the concept (and the Solstice had also been the concept), then they could have made the Rageous instead of the Vibe, and truly been kicking ass. If nothing else, if the G6 at least goes RWD and gets some 'roids, then it could be pretty bad-ass - None of that is about the pointless plastic cladding of the recent past. It's about function, form, and aggression - attitude that demands attention and signals it's performance intentions to the world. The market does support over the top looks. Witness the WRX/STi and Evo (especially the 9 MR), or the Elise/Exige. The STi and Evo are not rice-mobiles either. They are hardened performance vehicles with no qualms about displaying their aggression and prowess to the world. (shame they are japanese and sedans though)
  22. I've owned 2 - a 90 and a 91. Both coupes. They were nice cars. Great for the task of being daily drivers (something I will NEVER abuse my Trans Am by doing to it). Lots of back seat room and huge trunks with plenty of pick-up. The later model GTPs were really cool looking too. I loved the HUD. The problem with the Grand Prix, is it became a Sedan, and then a Sedan only. The only thing worse than FWD is 4 doors. Combined..? ugh The G8 should not ne called Grand Prix though, it should be called Bonneville. The G6 should be the Grand Prix, and the G5 should be the Grand Am. Or, instead of Grand Am, maybe something else, but this letter/number bull$h! has got to stop. The Monaro was fine as a short lived GTO. It was a really nice car. The Holden Coupe 60 HAS to be a Trans Am though. Nobody wanted the GTO after the Judge, and they didn't want to the Holden based on either. Lutz..... As for the $50 Grand notion, I'd buy a G6 Coupe (maybe a hard top vert) (instead of another used Grand Prix, as I will need another beater and don't have new car money at this very second), drop half of the rest on my Trans Am (Headers, lid, tune, wheels and tires, dynamatting, K-Member, clutch, sway bars, etc), and sink the remainder into my house. lol Though a base Solstice might be a tempting summer DD. Especially the Coupe.....
  23. Well, if it sells and makes money for Pontiac, and gets people in the showrooms at the same time (especially if it makes "fans" out of the owners)..... what could be bad about that? I'm not a fan of Toyota by any stretch, nor do I particularly like the Vibe, but I never see Matrix's on the road, yet I see a lot of Vibes, and they seem to always get good reviews, and by using Toyota running gear, it's easy to recommend to people who would not otherwise buy a GM (at least GM still gets a sale and the $$). And along the lines of fans and sales... picture this - the FWD hidden away and not mentioned (sold, but only per request), the GT becomes AWD, and the drive bias is shifted to primarily RWD (minimum of 50/50, preferably at least 40/60), and gets a s/c or even the Solstice GXP turbo Ecotec. The Imprezza went wagon/hatch/thing. If it remains in the fight against the Evo, then that means the Vibe can play too, with the right drive setup and enough power. Plus it's in the face of the Mazda 3, and great for "lifestyle" people who buy Scion Xbs or Asteks. It really could be a useful vehicle, but even just as it sits, if it's moving, it's already useful. I just think they really need to leverage it. But.... lacking the vision of people like Bunkie, Wangers or Delorian, and stiffled and stymied by the schizphrenia of Putz, I fear it won't happen.
  24. I saw this on YouTube just now, and while I was rolling my eyes and some of the comments about the slogan, past cars, and interior of the G8, I couldn't help but bust up laughing at the ending comment.
  25. It is. -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W29zZXiBsPw
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