You realize that you would lose like NOTHING in a reverse split right? Ill do a little Finance 101 to clear up some misconceptions about stock splits.
IN a 2:1 reverse split (which i really doubt Ford would do, they seem to like keeping their shares priced low). All that means is that for every 2 stocks you own, you receive 1 stock back. In the end your ownership & value of your 1 share is the same as the value of your 2 shares, as is your ownership.
Look at it this way. Lets say Fords market capitalization is $1000. Ford has 1000 shares outstanding. Each share is therefore worth $1. YOU own 50 shares of Ford stock worth $50 and own 5% of the company. Now lets say Ford wants to make their stock look "better" so they issue a 2:1 reverse stock split. As i stated earlier, this means that you will trade 2 shares of your Ford stock in exchange for 1 share of Ford stock, which sounds bad right? But it is not.
Now after this reverse stock split, Fords market capitalization is still $1000. Ford now has 500 shares outstanding (1000/2). Therefore each Ford share is worth $2. YOU now own 25 shares of Ford stock still worth $50 and you still own 5% of the company.
Now lets assume Ford decided that $1/share was too much and they do the opposite, a 1:2 stock split. That means that for everyone one share of Ford stock you own, you will receive 2 shares in return. Now ford still has a market cap of $1000 and now has 2000 shares outstanding (1000x2), and thus each share is worth $0.50... YOU now own 100 shares of Ford company worth $50 (100x.50) and you still own 5% of the company (100/2000).
The difference between that and what GM is doing, is that GM is going to issue a TON of new shares to the point that old shareholders COMBINED would control all of 1% of the company. THAT is what is wiping out their stock ownership, not the reverse stock split afterward... although at 100:1, it may get rid of the people that only had a few shares... i am not sure how they would deal with someone who only owned say 50 shares of it.
So in conclusion, you can see that stock splits and reverse stock splits are nothing to be afraid of. I am sorry i made them sound bad earlier, i am not really sure what i was thinking, but i was more concerned with the massive dilution that existing shareholders are going to experience through this.