ok...so lets get my first drinking experience outta the way...i'll make it short and sweet...to put it bluntly, downed half a bottle of Absolut, about 3 shots of 151 and 2 shots of parrt bay followed by about 3 cheap ass cigars...was all cool for a while and whatnot...my friends and i went walkin around and stuff...I was like numb...when we came back into my bud's room my head tilted downward and everythign just started to flow back out...oh, did i mention i was on anti-depressants?
Anyways, so last week my frends and I got together and we started taking a few shots of tequila...then we decided to play some darts and if we missed or our dart bounced or fell we had to take a shot, and whoever lost had to take a shot...well, let's jsut say I missed a lot of times...oh, we were chasing with beer btw...So, yea...by the end of the night I had about 10 shots of tequila in me and about 4 or 5 beers...very fun night...my buddy and I were messin around in the street...he chucks his shoe at me, I throw it back, then he picks it up and smacks me in the face with it nearly breaking my nose (it still hurts). I then tripped over my friend's sea-doo trailer and face planted on the driveway (didn't feel it at the time, but knew I'd feel it in the morning)...Then I guess throughout the night I was chasing one of my other buds around, and I was also found breakdancing a couple times, then later I passed out in the middle of the street. I think I puked...(it looked all weird and pink)...then my friend took me inside the house where I proceeded to pass out in the spot he happened to have called dibs on earlier...not too much of a hangover...just a bit tired and wiped out the next day...but yea...it was a fun night...i think...