Open Minded/teh ricer civic could have cost AH-Ha his job...AH-HA posted a picture which was hosted on some image hosting site, and OM/TRC took the url from the picture and went looking in AH-HA's account with it viewing his other photos, one of which he decided to post showing AH-HA's face or something like that. Everyone got pissed at OM, he decided to ban himself from the site I believe (that didn't last long) and AH-HA left for a bit if I remember correctly.
BYEBMW I don't think really freaked...I think that was during the time when C&G was in bad shape, we were all going crazy over the cancellation of Zeta and everyone was at everyone elses necks...There were a lot of issues going on with power trips between the moderating team if I remmeber correctly and a lot of hypocrisy going on...BYEBMW got pissed about some issue regarding the afformentioned and that's what happened I think...
I don't think I quite remember the 98 issue, but whatever...98 posted a lot of stuff...he had the highest post count on the boards I believe...He would post every single news article, sometimes post duplicates of new articles he posted previously or articles that were already posted long ago...Frankly, most of his threads went unread I think, or atleast unresponded too...I remember responding to a lot of his threads mentioning that they were reposts, and after a while just kinda gave up...