because the media nowadays is only out to attract audiences and make headlines, not to report what is really going on in the world. They also have their own agendas to promote.
And I don't mean just MSN Foxnews, or CNN. They ALL are like this. That's why I usually read so many news sources to keep informed. It helps you balance the liberal, conservative, and any other viewpoints.
I was talking to a coworker the other day and all he could do was talk gloom and doom for GM. He said there was NO WAY that GM could pull out of their troubles. When I asked how he knew this he said its always on the news.
I asked him if he thought the media was reporting everything going on in the mideast (since he has been there so much) or if their reporting was balanced and he told me 'of course not.' Which is what I already knew. The news organizations report what they think will further their agenda or draw people to them.
Hmmm, makes me wonder if the media is trying to create a self fulfilling prophecy. Oh wait, I already know.
Sorry about going semipolitical on this but we've all seen them do what I said and I get a bit tired of being told by the news that my work is going to be all for nothing and a waste of time (remember I am Air Force Reserves)