Get over it people, the Impala is a fleet car and a darn good one too, the Taurus was the fleet car of the 90's and over the last 3-4 years the Impala has replaced it. Somebody has to sell to fleets so it may as well be Chevy,not Buick or Pontiac. I see nothing wrong with Chevy building 250k Impala's a year and selling 60% to fleets. Not all fleet sales are to rentals, a large share go to company fleets that workers/salesman take home and use as their personal car so if the car is a well built car like the Impala I think its positive for GM. The Impala is not and will never be crossed shopped by Camry/Accord owners, that job should be for G6,Malibu and Aura but they have to become more competitive to be taken seriously.
On a side note back in the Spring I was talking to a guy at work who works in procurement and he was telling me about how they were working on choosing what company would get the contract for the company cars for the next 3 years. I went to see him with all my GM artlicles and tried to put in a good word for GM by talking about their improved quality ratings and showing him the new stuff that was coming. I like to think my preaching paid off cause its turns out GM got the contract to supply our company cars for the next 3 years. Chrysler had the contract the past 6 years. It even made it onto GM news last week when they mentioned Merck (that's me) and Eli Lilly will switch to GM cars for their fleets. :)