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Everything posted by Dsuupr
He, the Landlord, made comments about kids and age of the tenant. Sexual orientation is illegal in certain cities, but not all.
We have very fond memories of our old one.
He doesn't have to deny you . . . he just has to make the comment. The fact that he made mention of people he didn't want to rent to opens up the door for a fair housing law suit. Though I generally am pro-landlord, this is a case where a person should be sued to learn a lesson, and prevent such things in the future.
Nice. Will it have the 2.0 Turbo Flexfuel engine offered here?
What Is Prohibited? In the Sale and Rental of Housing: No one may take any of the following actions based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or handicap: * Refuse to rent or sell housing * Refuse to negotiate for housing * Make housing unavailable * Deny a dwelling * Set different terms, conditions or privileges for sale or rental of a dwelling * Provide different housing services or facilities * Falsely deny that housing is available for inspection, sale, or rental * For profit, persuade owners to sell or rent (blockbusting) or * Deny anyone access to or membership in a facility or service (such as a multiple listing service) related to the sale or rental of housing. If You Think Your Rights Have Been Violated HUD is ready to help with any problem of housing discrimination. If you think your rights have been violated, the Housing Discrimination Complaint Form is available for you to download, complete and return, or complete online and submit, or you may write HUD a letter, or telephone the HUD Office nearest you. You have one year after an alleged violation to file a complaint with HUD, but you should file it as soon as possible. What to Tell HUD: * Your name and address * The name and address of the person your complaint is against (the respondent) * The address or other identification to the housing involved * A short description to the alleged violation (the event that caused you to believe your rights were violated) * The date(s) to the alleged violation Complaint Form
BTW: If you make some cash on the deal, you can send some my way.
You are in luck. Thanks to Federal Fair Housing Standards you are now due $10,000 (or more). Please check out http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/ and let them know the name and such of the Landlord. It is AGAINST THE LAW to ask about familial status. I used to do training for the Property Management firm I worked for on this very issue. GO GET YOUR FREE MONEY!!
The success of such a van here, would depend on the inside, safety, and reliability more than anything else. Maybe this is an opening for GM to introduce a minivan to the US again, which could prove to be popular with gas mileage standards and needs.
I'm sorry for your loss DodgeFan. When I was younger, I told my Mom that I will find a wife when we have to put my dog to sleep. When I was 19 we put our family dog to sleep, and less than a week later I started dating my wife I didn't expect to be so young when I found her but . . .
Sad really, the car that could help save Chrysler is the car they don't have on the lot. Don't forget, as Americans we don't want rear-wheel drive sedans, we all want toyota made hybrids. I think someone is confused here . . . maybe people just don't get that they are wanting the wrong thing? We need a little more legislation please to remind us of what cars we want to buy.
Happy Birthday Walt!
I felt the same six+ months ago but wasn't willing to watch people screw things up only to leave me with the bill. Over the past six months I got politically active on a local level, started a biofuel group, and have done everything I can to teach people why they need to get their head out of their _ss. By getting on our city budget committee, becoming a PCP in my local party, teaching and pushing for a local CE plant, meeting with state reps, etc., I've been able to start making the changes I know we need. I still get very frustrated with the whole GM scene, but during my time out, I've been able to show people that buying local means buying GM/Ford/Chrysler. It has been the big push for buying local that has helped me convince people the importance of helping the Big 3, by buying from the Big 3. I've helped promote a local Chevy Dealer, Loren Berg, and because of that Loren lets me take out any of his cars at any time. Driving new GM vehicles alone will help you realize why you are a fan of GM.
Idea's... for my next car and its a poll... UPDATE 2
Dsuupr replied to gm4life's topic in The Lounge
What smart_ss picked the G3? -
Mumu - Now that has got to bring the girls running . . . away.
What will it take for American's to buy American again?
Dsuupr replied to Dsuupr's topic in The Lounge
Exactly! That is why producing great product & advertising cannot be the only answer. They have to do something to recapture the attention of the American public in a positive way, NOT using the same old . . . -
GMs version of a scion brand doesn't have to be small ugly station wagons. It can be hot small coupes, hatches, etc. It can be a "small" rear wheel drive Firebird. It can be a division that offers an electric/gas Firebird. A Firebird that goes faster than any other electric vehicle but still is able to achieve 40+ mpg. It is the image of big V8s, both in cars and trucks, that GM needs to get away from that will help change public perception to be positive. Don't get me wrong, I think we are better off offering big V8 engines that use renewable fuels than small electric vehicles that use metals that are not renewable, but right now GM needs a positive image change more than anything else and electric, small vehicles are it.
What will it take for American's to buy American again?
Dsuupr replied to Dsuupr's topic in The Lounge
All good ideas and I agree this will help GM in the long run, but is there anything they can do over then next 5 years? GM continues to loose market share, which in itself, creates financial issues. 1. Does getting new board members help create a "new" image of the company? 2. Would a bankruptcy make people think they are thinking in a "new" way? 3. Does killing off the union help, or does it just make sure more Americans are underpaid? 4. What about focusing on cars for the next few years, with little to no updates on their trucks? 5. What about making a division focus on high gas mileage compact and subcompact class leading vehicles (Pontiac) verses keeping a truck division(GMC)? 6. What about an electric car division (Pontiac)? 7. What about a truck division (GMC) that is the first in the industry to have electric, hybrid, etc. as their main products? 8. What about a CEO that does weekly town halls, or similar, like a President? 9. What about a batttery powered Firebird? 10. What can they do about quality perception? a. Do they dump any vehicle and plant that does not get top rankings? b. Do they make sure EVERY vehicle that got a reward due to quality has a sticker showing of such? 11. Do they work with GMAC to see if dealer customer satisfaction surveys can be linked to the interest charged for the vehicles floored? 12. How do they get the public to believe, those running for office should drive what we make? I believe it is as much the little things that GM does wrong as the big things. Class leading trucks and SUVs have been big for GM for years, but it hasn't stopped toyota from selling a fair number of tundras. A new image is needed beyond making top notch vehicles and making sure people know about it. It is an overall image that they need to change. Not so easy, and not so cheap when you have no money available and don't like to do things that are considered out of the box. I'm not saying I have the right answers, but I am wondering if GM, and it's fans, are still thinking within the same box that got them into trouble in the first place. -
A scion like brand would help GMs overall image, at this time, more than a mullet brand. I'm not a fan of small cars, or scions, but I do know they bring good PR to toyota. Good PR is something GM needs right now.
What will it take for American's to buy American again?
Dsuupr replied to Dsuupr's topic in The Lounge
You mean like the Malibu? I'm thinking it will take much more than that as this has not gotten the "Foreign car humpers" to reconsider American products. -
In all the talk about GM restructuring and the possibility of bankruptcy, nobody has come up with a solution to GM's true problem; the American public general perception of the company and its products. What do you think it would take for people to believe in GM again? Or more importantly, what do you think it would take to get Americans to believe in other Americans again?
Around the house - UPS shirts that have been given to my wife and I over years & jeans or pj bottoms Out and about - Organic T-shirts made in Texas & Levis with Doc Martin shoes Semi-dressed up out and about with wife - Long sleeve shirt & Levis with Boots Work - See around the house, as I am on temporary disability. Government meetings / BumperFuel Presentations / "Dress Up" - Burberry suit & dress up shirt, black shoes For the most part we make a point to buy US Made products, even if it means it costs a little more. We find that they last longer and are of better quality.
The dealer ended up paying for the brakes and our local tire/battery (LeSchwab - well known and highly respected in the NW) store won't touch new VWs because of electrical issues when changing over batteries. Keep in mind, it is a 2005 VW Toureg, a very expensive and over engineered vehicle. Older VW design is nothing like the new ones. With older VWs you didn't: 1. Remove the front driver's seat with airbag & electrical hookups to get to the battery. 2. Need to reset the computer when a new battery was added. He can't even go to a local oil change place because of the filter that is used. He has tried 3+ different ones, and all of them say they won't change his oil, and that he must go to the dealer. Oil change at the dealer is $100. Both friends who had/have a VW Toureg noted the same high cost of ownership. Both are car buffs that often do their own repairs, something that was not usually possible with the Toureg.
This seems fitting and typical GM for the past 30 years. They get something perfected for a division or a product then it is killed (Oldsmobile, Fiero, etc.).
Face it CaddyCruiser, God just didn't have plans for you to be driving a front-wheel drive vehicle. Congrats on your new car!