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Everything posted by Dsuupr

  1. Dsuupr

    2.2L LAP

    It does seem like one GM isn't very fond of. But then again if they can get direct injection into the 1.8, their small vehicles like the Cobalt will get great gas mileage with good power.
  2. Our Cobalt had both. It still amazes me that people buy cars without it. Does that mean it also does not have the battery protection like GM cars?
  3. I wonder if it has something to do with the insurance. Our UPS provided insurance rocks. We always get the Dr direct. Heck, I even have time to have conversations about our families with my Family Dr and Cardiologist.
  4. Dsuupr

    The Stream is coming

    Not bad looking. It will be a hit as far as the magazines are concerned, because of the h.
  5. Dsuupr

    2008 Brochures

    All 3 Buicks (sad to say) Most Chevrolets (missing Malibu)
  6. So today I went to the dealership to have them fix the leaky seal they said they would. In the entry area was the same Cobalt from earlier, and an 80's Cadillac. I still was not able to pull my car into the service bay. I was greeted promptly this time and the guy was nice, though he STILL never used my name. He did acknowledge my daughter atleast. I was provided a rental car, as I insisted they did. When I went to pick up the car I noticed they still had not cleaned it. I asked the Service Advisor what the scoope was. He said it was less hastle to hand people car wash cards. I was handed a car wash card and was sent to the cashier. As expected of this dealer, the cashier was friendly but looked like well . . . Sad to say, but as long as that is the only dealer in my area I will NEVER own another Buick / Pontiac / GMC or Cadillac until someone else buys the dealer or some major changes are done. BTW: I called my friend who has issues with his acura. His answer, "the acura has issues, but atleast the dealer treats me like a King." He gets treats, a nice luxury environment to rest, a rental car without question and so on. Oh'yeah, and they use his name! The Cadillac / Saab dealer (Kuni) is the most 1st rate place I've ever been too. Too bad they are SO far away. The original notes of my experience have been sent to GM as requested by Tim, the person at GM that helped me today. They can't pull their franchise, but hopefully they can use my letter to put some pressure on that dealer to get their act together.
  7. Not bad, but WOW is that some bad gas mileage for a 4-cyl "small" vehicle. It also seems to keep with the Chrysler theme of cheap looking interiors.
  8. Would you say that it is better or worst than the GM Lambdas? For the money and gas mileage it turns out to be the same.
  9. blackviper8891 - my 1/2 the price HHR and our previous Cobalt didn't have these issues. Keep in mind. I'm trying to also point out that 95% of the articles written about acuras do not state any issues, yet his has many.
  10. Last night I went out with our boy in his 2007 acura tl (little over 5500 miles). While in the car I was struck by how many things just don’t fit right, how it squeaks over bumps, and how it has issues. 1. When accelerating it makes a grinding sound. Something he is taking it in for. 2. The right rear quarter panel on the outside does not lineup with the bumper. Bad enough that he is going to make the dealer fix it. He has seen multiple other tls with the same problem so he is not sure they can line it up. 3. The dash is lumpy on the passenger’s side. 4. The upper part of center console is wavy where it meets the dash. It looks like it’s been left out in the sun too long so it warped. LOVE that honda / acura quality!? BTW; Not a panel or interior piece on our HHR or our previous Cobalt look sun beaten or out of alignment.
  11. I disagree on the accord interior. The simplicity of the Malibu just makes more sense for someone who loves to drive.
  12. I think the crossover is a natural change. First station wagon, then minivan, then big SUV. Now you put the best features of each one together and you get a good looking family vehicle. Wagon Pros - Good handling, good gas mileage, comfortable seats Cons - Not tall enough on the inside for cargo space, not much legroom or headroom Minivan Pros - Tons of cargo space, easy to enter, packed with options and doodads Cons - Ugly, poor handling & suspension control, not so comfortable rear seats, squeeky doors (no matter who makes it, they get squeeky with age) BOF SUV Pros - Can pull anything you want, 4wd or Awd, high comfortable seating, a view from upabove Cons - Gas mileage, cost, hard to get into Crossover Pros - Can pull larger trailer, Awd, high comfortable seating, a view from above, decent gas mileage, tons of cargo space, easy to enter, packed with doodads, and good gas mileage Cons - Some are too small to be useful. This could be said of any of the other options as well. Being a parent of 2 and having both a small car (Cobalt) and a large SUV (Suburban), I can tell you that the Cobalt got old real quick when it came to even the smallest of family errands. The Suburban was also not so easy with kids, as it was always a chore to get them in it. Atleast with the Suburban we could fit everything, and everyone we wanted to come along. Something we can't say about the Cobalt or even our Park Avenue.
  13. It's going to take a few generations of top notch Malibus before the public starts buying them in numbers.
  14. If that was the case it would be illegal for any accord or camry buyer to be on the road.
  15. No problem. My main complaint is that this dealer is trying to compete with lexus, acura and the such. This level of service will only loose more people for GM.
  16. Well said. I think it goes beyond that though. I think parents have stopped teaching etiquette and standard politeness years ago and this is passed on into customer service.
  17. In recent years my wife and I have had GREAT luck with the GM dealers (besides the Saturn dealer). Don't get me wrong, they've made mistakes but they always make amends for their error. Most importantly they ALWAYS make sure to provide professional customer service. If I wasn't such a GM fan I would have headed down to the toyota dealer to trade in my Buick by now. Not because the car isn't great, which it is. But because of POOR customer service. The story is long. For those that have time (also very rough as I wrote quickly with little regard to grammar and such) . . . My experience with the Buick/Cadillac/GMC/Pontiac Dealer in McMinnville, OR – Larsen Motors We went to Larsen Motors because they had advertised a 2001 Impala and 2001 Century in our price range. The sales person told us about a 1996 Park Avenue “in the back” that was in almost as good a condition as a new car. Though I was reluctant, we checked out the Park Avenue. As it turned out, the Park Avenue was in better shape than the newer vehicles we had looked at. Our salesperson, James Renken, told us that all their vehicles are inspected, had their oil changed and any other service necessary prior to purchase, which made both of us very comfortable with the car. So we purchased it. Our purchase experience was typical car dealer. Not great, but not bad for a dealer. The following Saturday the rear brakes went out on the Buick. We brought it to our local Les Schwab to have it checked out. They said that whoever did the recent brake job had screwed up. Upon reviewing the records we noticed that the brakes had been recently replaced by Midas and not the Buick Dealer. The people at Les Schwab were surprised that the dealer didn’t catch the problem during their inspection. We figured it was a simple mistake by the dealer during the inspection. Les Schwab replaced the rear brakes and we were on our way. On the evening of August 19th when I used the Buick I noticed that the low oil light was on. Upon checking the oil I noticed that there was not oil on the dip stick. I called the dealer early the next morning to see about getting the car in. The Service Writer on the phone stated that they could not get the car in until the 22nd. He suggested I bring the car in for an oil change. We had gone almost 3000 miles, and the 1st oil change was free, so I agreed. I had to prompt him to see about getting the car in prior to have them top off the oil so no additional damage would be done. I drove the car to the dealer. As I pulled up to the service bay entrance had three cars blocking me from going in. A newer Cobalt with its hood partially open, a 1970’s Corvette with its hood open and engine parts pulled, and a late 90’s early 00’s Malibu with its engine pulled apart and the hood open. It was sprinkling outside so I sat in my car waiting for a Service person. After a few minutes no one came out so I went in. It took a few minutes before either person acknowledged me and asked it I needed help. I stated that I had called earlier and need to have my oil topped off. While telling him the story, the person I talked to on the phone walked by. He stated, oh yeah you’re the one with the Park Avenue. At that time he did not introduce himself or use my name. The guy that I was talking said that he needed the VIN to look the car up in their system. He went to the car and wrote down the VIN# then went to his computer to look it up. After looking up the information he walked back to me and stated that the service department had not inspected the car prior to us purchasing it. I was a little steamed but figured I could call the salesperson later regarding this issue. The service person then stated that we needed to get the car on level ground to check the oil. The problem; There were three vehicles filling up most of the entry area, and a car on the right which didn’t allow me to drive the front of the car in. The service person slowly looked around his own lot for a place to level the car out. I suggested that I angle the car in, which he agreed was a good idea. If he would have just grabbed the keys to the car on the right and moved it, I could have just pulled right in. I got in the Buick and backed it up to re-angle the car. As I pulled back a service technician with keys in hand walked up to the car on the right, opened it up and looked inside the car. I made eye contact with him, hoping he was there to move the car for me to pull in. He looked at me, looked back in the car, and slowly closed the door and walked away. I then angled my car in for the service person to inspect. When the hood was open I noticed that the coolant looked a little low so I said something to him. He stated back that it was low but that it was ok for this car. His last words to me was, “be careful not to his the Corvette when backing up”. Not once did anyone use my name when addressing me. He finished the top off and I went home. Once home I called the salesperson, James Renken. I explained to him that I went to the service department and they told me the inspection was never done. James said that he told us that was what the 1st oil change was supposed to be. I remarked back that he never stated that to us. After he went round and round about what he stated, he backed up and said that he might have forgotten to say something. Here is the catch; I am a car nut. NONE of my cars go pass oil changes, or are kept for proper service. I would have brought the car in the next business day if I knew it needed an oil change. I most definitely would have not bought the car at all if I knew they hadn’t even inspected it. At the end of our conversation I told him I was disappointed with Larsen Motors and would most likely never buy a car there again, or use their service department. His response, “sorry to hear that”. He never did ask what he could do to keep my business. With that I decided to take it to the next level to see if someone at Larsen Motors wanted my business. I called to cancel my Gold Rewards program. The Gold Rewards program is a marketing scheme to keep their customers. The person I needed to talk too was not available so I left a message. A short while later Anne called. She said that she got a message that I want to cancel my Gold Rewards program. I was asked if I wanted to stop receiving the emails which I responded in a firm voice, “No, I do not want to be a part of the program at all because I will never use Larsen Service Department.” In a positive tone she said “ok”. She then confirmed who I was and said goodbye. Not once did she ask why, or what she could do to keep me as a customer. At this point I knew I needed to contact General Motors. I called the Customer Service Center for Buick and got Donna Mowat (who is FANTASTIC). I explained to Donna what had happened and how I was disappointed that such a dealer could represent General Motors. Donna asked me if it was ok if she called the dealer to try and clear things up. She spoke with the Service Manager, Matt Patulfki, at the dealer. The Service Manager agreed to give me an additional oil change and said that they would inspect the car to check for issues. They also agreed to bring up any issues with the sales department to see if they would pay for the repair. Donna asked me if I was willing to give them a second chance and go back for the oil change and inspection. I agreed because she went through the effort to help out and I figured the owner of Larsen Motors would also want the opportunity to show a more positive experience. On Wednesday August 22nd my daughter and I drove up to the service department at Larsen Motors. The same 3 cars that were blocking service bay entrance where still there almost as if they hadn’t been touched. No one came out to greet me so I got out of my car and went into the Service Center. After a few minutes Matt came out of his office and asked me if I need some help. I stated that I had talked to Donna with General Motors and was instructed to talk Matt the Service Manager. He stated he was Matt, but never confirmed my name. Matt said that he needed to get my paperwork so they can work on the car. I gave him the keys and he asked me if I was going to wait at the dealership. I asked if we could get a ride to the local mini mall at which he responded that if we go to the waiting room someone would be there in a minute to give us a ride. At no time did Matt acknowledge my daughter or use my name. A guy in well used jeans, worn out shirt, and tennis shoes asked if anyone in the waiting area needed a ride. I responded and then he led us out to the courtesy van. It was a newer Pontiac Montana that was dirty on the inside and smelled horrible. The driver did not open the doors for us, even with the power sliding passenger door. No name was given, and no name was asked. Once under way the conversation was pleasant and he seemed nice enough. He dropped us off at the mall and said we could call once we are ready to be picked up or they would call once the car was done. We waved goodbye and he was on his way. My daughter and I decided to walk back to the dealership. I decided I should tell Matt we would be waiting in the waiting room so we walked into the service bay and stood there with 3 other people waiting for attention. Though Matt could easily see us from his office he never looked up to acknowledge us or to tell us he might be a few minutes. After a few minutes a Service Writer came in and asked who was first. The lady with paperwork responded by telling him she needed to speak with Matt. He said ok, and then went onto the next person who asked to set an appointment. After a minute or so Matt came out of his office to help the lady. When he came out I tried to capture his attention to tell him that we where going to the waiting area. He did not respond back though I knew he saw me because I was right behind the lady and he looked up at me. Less than a minute later another Service Writer came in and he asked if we needed some help. I asked him to tell Matt that we would be in the Waiting area. We were less then 5 feet away from Matt when I made this comment. Matt looked up and said ok while the lady was in mid-sentence with him. He never excused himself to respond, nor apologized to her for responding to us. We then headed into the waiting room. After 15+ minutes my daughter headed to the service area to see if the car was done. She found the car in the parking lot looking as if it was ready to go. She came back and told me were it was so we headed to the cashier to see about checking out. We went to the cashier and I told her our car was in the parking lot and was wondering if we can check out.. She asked my name and type of car and then responded, “I don’t have the paperwork yet”. She did not suggest that she could call to find out the status or ??? For the next 10 minutes we sat the waiting for Matt or someone to let us know what was going on. Matt walked by 3 times without acknowledging us in any way. On the fourth walk through Matt came up to us said that the car was ready. He explained that the car has an oil leak and that the sales department of the company was willing to pay for it. He asked when I would like to schedule it. I picked a date and time, then asked how long it would take. He said it would take a few hours. Right away I asked if I get a loaner car. He said since it was the sales department issue he doesn’t have a car for me. Then went on to ask were I live. I stated I live in Dundee, approx 15 minutes away. He responded by saying, yeah . . . we don’t do courtesy service to that area. At this point I was so mad that I didn’t want to argue the issue. We headed back to the service area for him to get me my paperwork. While he was getting my paperwork I sent my daughter out to see if they cleaned the car. A big selling point of their Gold Rewards program from our salesperson was the cleaning of the car when you bring it in for any type of service. She came back and said the car didn’t look clean. I headed out to the car to find that they had not in-fact cleaned the car. Matt showed up with the paperwork, I took it from him and we left. At NO time did Matt use my name, or acknowledge my daughter. When driving home I noticed that our front windshield had lines of dirt on it, and the A/C was switched to super cold. Once home I left a message for Donna to update her on the problems we have had. KEEP IN MIND; THIS IS A CADILLAC DEALERSHIP! I'll update as new things happen.
  18. I want a button that fries the computer of the car in-front. To be on the safe side, make sure it only nukes Asian makes, or any country that is not a fair trader with the US.
  19. Your parents don't need to know everything about your life once your an adult. Sometimes parents know and they choose to ignore it. Leave well enough alone unless you Dad asks. Ignorance is bliss.
  20. There are a few things I wish they would offer on mass produced vehicles; 1. Rear seat trays, like those used on airplanes 2. Being able to connect to your home computer (wireless) for updates & music swapping 3. A window in-between the front seat and back seat (like limos) so one doesn't have to listen to your kids or their CD / DVD With that, I also wish a manufacture would build a car lineup that was back to the basics. A complete lineup that had all the modern crap taken out. A "pure" car. This would reduce weight, increase gas mileage, save money, and allow people to concentrate on driving vs. playing around with buttons and watching TV while driving. Yes it would have options like an AM/FM CD player, power windows, etc.
  21. That was the first thing that came to mind.
  22. Great read. Have some one check your article for errors (grammar), and post this anywhere you can! !
  23. Wow, that's a great looking new hyundai. That's not a hyundai you say? Are you sure? You gotta love that advance crap they put in the honda. You know the 5 speed automatic. Wow! :AH-HA_wink: I've said it before and I'm going to say it again. 1. When GM had too many confusing buttons, as this honda does, they got blasted for it. Why does everybody love it now that honda and toyota do it? 2. When GM made the stereos impossible to replace with aftermarket stereos, like this honda does, they got blasted for it. With Honda it makes the dash look cool? Sorry, I hated it when GM did this crap, why should I like this?
  24. The price seems mor reasonable than I expected. They should sell out.
  25. I would ike to see the news carry this one. But then again, this is toyota, the company that can do no wrong. I'm guessing we won't see much on it. Write your local media to get them to show this story. It's time toyotas lies got out.
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