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Everything posted by funkypunnk

  1. This part I love. You actually say it is almost instinctive. I have to cut you some slack because at least you said almost. Behaviors are instinctive in all species for one reason, SURVIVAL! That includes personal survival as well as survival of the species. Homosexual behavior, by its definition, is counter-productive to species survival. It guarantees population decline in direct relation to its propagation. It therefore could never be instinctive. It is a choice. Again, being heterosexual, I speak from ignorance. It is instinctive, however, to want to track down every female and have sex with them. We, as Men, are hardwired to do exactly that. We were not made to live with one mate for life, nor have monogamous relationships. We were designed to impregnate the opposite sex as much as possible. That is why we make sperm until we die, have testosterone pulsing through our bodies, and can have sex 4-5 times per day as long as we are healthy. Homosexuals are denying and even fighting their instincts. It is counter-productive to the human race from a biological standpoint. Now, I CHOOSE to have one mate for life and to remain monogamous, thus fighting my naturally instinctive behavior. I do this for personal benefit and view it as a good choice. You CHOOSE to love men, and also view it as a good choice. Should my son, who is now 18 months old, someday inform me that he is gay, I will tell him that he IS not gay, but instead has CHOSEN to be gay. IS is something you are, and that would again revert to the hard wiring that we call instinct. As I have already diffused that argument, it leaves us instead with choice. Rational thought, deduction, and reason is what seperates us from apes. It is that process that allows you to fight your instinct and BE gay. Good Luck with it, I will be ignorant to the actual insight of homosexuality as long as you are ignorant to the actual process of becoming gay. Only God knows, and depending on your viewpoints in that arena, we have a whole new Pandora's Box to open.
  2. Thanks for your reply, and I normally would never stae the things I said because they come from a position of total ignorance to the subject. I am not gay, therefore I could never understand it or explain it. I choose not to discuss it for that reason and others. As far as the LeMans, I will add the story to readers rides but basically: My daughter and I were avoiding some traffic and drove past it on a corner with a for sale sign in the window. I had promised her a car for half the average price of a new car when she turned 16. At the time she was only 13. She said she wanted that car. I bought it for 1000 less than he was asking, about 3100. I then dropped another two grand building a Pontiac 400 for it, as well as 500.00 on other things like missing trim, upholstery, etc. I will add pictures and a more in depth story in the rides section. So you know, I am an accepting person, and draw no negative conclusions due to anyone's preference. I would have just as big a problem with some woman running up to me in a thong on the street and bragging about her heterosexuality. Finally, I am probably the most sexually adventurous and least bit prude-like of anyone I know, but seperate my bedroom from my living room. I open up in the right environments, but only then! Thanks again
  3. I was merely quoting the rules for the lounge, about talking about the subject in front of your boss. Not in an obscure lounge, but in front of the boss. It is clearly stated at the top any time you reply.
  4. BUT, usually when I observe gay couples, and I see alot as my company is based out of San Francisco, one of the two people usually has qualities very similar to the opposite sex. In other words, one guy is very feminine, while the other is more masculine. With that said, if you prefer a gay guy who is more sensitive, emotional, soft, warm, and nurturing, why not just prefer a woman because other than the equipment, that is what you want. That leaves only the equipment and that is physical, therefore it is a choice and not something that I personally believe you are "born with". I feel it due to alacking of good male role models or too many strong female role models. Society has done you a disservice, and your preferences have been permanently mutated as a result. Just my opinion, but since y'all brought this subject up, I guess I'll participate until the thread is closed.
  5. I gotta say this, and let me preface it with the statement that I have no problem with whatever preference you have. I just find it particularly offensive to first advertise ones preference, and second to make an issue of it. The vast majority of heterosexual people do not go around and blatantly force their heterosexuality upon non-heterosexuals, and second they don't make it an issue that they are hetero. Why do homosexuals feel it is soooooo darn important to force this upon people like me who don't really care what your preference is as long as it stays yours and yours alone, in other words discreet. I don't feel that this is appropriate on a website such as this as it has absolutely no value to the majority of the forum. This doesn't seem like something that you would talk about "around the office, in front of your boss for that matter" unless you worked for the ACLU. Therefore it does not even meet the criteria of the lounge. I would like to think that I could have trusted my daughter who is 15 to read and participate on this site, yet in the past I have seen language that was inappropriate as well as jokes that were of a very adult nature. Add to these experiences this current thread and poll, and it paints a sad picture on a forum that otherwise shines very brightly. This place is about cars and the car business, and if politics are off limits, I would imagine this subject should be as well as it is just as volatile. Let's clean it up a bit!
  6. I was born the year when the GTO styling changed to a more European look. 20 years older than Blackviper.
  7. The fact is that they still spent the money to design a new front fascia for it, why not design something with a little more style to it. I had cash in hand waiting for it, but could not commit due to its average looks. I understood the main profile would not change, but the front fascia could have easily been done in a way to be a little more distinctive than what it ended up with. The scoops should have been present from day one, and if you're goinna have a Grand Prix fascia, AT LEAST GIVE THE GRILLS A LITTLE DEPTH NEXT TIME.
  8. With all of the people salivating over the new Camaro, the GTO lovers finally may understand what all of us really wanted with the new GTO. Styling that was worthy of the GTO nameplate, like that which the new Camaro got!! I am just glad GM is doing it right this time, and the money I didn't spend on the jellybean GTO will now gladly be spent on a new Camaro!!!
  9. Hey Nissan, Jelly Belly called: THEY WANT THEIR JELLY BEAN BACK!!!! This thing looks like a big silver road pimple! Seriously, if you didn't have a liscense plate that read concept, I would have thought this was the current G35. YAWN
  10. I used the released photos by R&T for the base, and got the interior and convt top section from a 69 Camaro SS. Created the passenger side of the trunk from scratch and color matched it. I would NEVER,and I repeat NEVER, insult a Camaro by including any Mustang parts of any kind. That would be like putting dog$h! into a gourmet meal.
  11. Added a blue version since I favor it over red, plus I put in some phantom stripes on the hood. Pic in top post.
  12. 1st Gen: 184" long 108" wheelbase 72.5" wide 51" high 3000 Lbs. Almost identical to first gen! 4th Gen: 193" long 101" wheelbase 74" wide 53" high 3300 Lbs. Pretty close actually with shorter overhangs. My Catalina: 218" Long 121" wheelbase 4000 Lbs. Now thats BIG
  13. Wife already yells at me for eating dinner late, and you want more?
  14. Here it is, I did it quick so don't pick on the fact that I haven't put the shine on the passenger side trunk section. Was in a hurry and when I saw it almost done had to share it with you. I'll finish it tomorrow. How about in Blue with Phantom Racing Stripes! Cooooooooooooool
  15. Like in my Sig, silver beauty on the right.
  16. EVERY Old person I know of is a Republican. After spending their lives supporting the self-entitled welfare class in this country, they got tired of it and decided that although republicans want to pay alot less in taxes, it tends to be because they earned their money and feel it should help them and not a bunch of lazy good for nothing bums who just want to collect checks and eat steak on food stamps! I want the whole welfare system to stop, and all of the people on it can fall back to the golden rule of survival, Only the fit shall survive! Work, or starve!! No free handouts, no free lunch!!! You want free, find a communist or socialist country and move, but don't ask for a free plane ticket. I know I have extreme views, but then again I WORK for a living and don't like standing in line behind some idiot with a food stamp card who is buying better steaks than I am when I paid for her friggin meal! I always hope that they get robbed of their food in the parking lot. Maybe then they'll have to actually work for some food, no, they would probably just sue the supermarket and get rich and become Republican so they could try to keep more of their ill-gotten gains!!! Darn Liberals, get me worked up every time!
  17. First, my first career was as a Master Cert. Auto Mech. so I do all my own work. 2000 Firebird, had for 60000 miles, other than replacing the Cat Conv twice under warranty due to rattling, no failures whatsoever. 1994 Firebird 30000-88000 miles, no failures, brakes once and clutch once. 1998 Firebird Convt, currently at 83000 miles, replaced O2 sensor at 79000 miles due to bad heating circuit, no other failures although the passenger side window moves a little slow. 2002 Goldwing, P.O.S. Had for 5000 miles, paid 16000, owned for two years and had a head replaced, cooling system chronically overheated, frame cracked, and more. American Honda SUCKS and lemon laws due not apply to motorcycles in Indiana. Gor rid of it after fighting with Honda for two years. Never Again!!!! 2001 Durango SLT, had for 34000 miles, no failures, 2 recalls. 2003 Avalanche, guage cluster replaced at 10k miles, needs it again due to bad oil pressure guage, AC compressor replaced twice, 2 recalls, center support for driveshaft currently bad, currently at 33K miles. Going into dealer next week. 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee currently at 48K miles, needs an O2 sensor due to heating circuit failure, no other failures. 1966 Pontiac Catalina Convt, currently at 63K miles, new engine not needed but badly desired so has a 325+HP 389 with only 10K miles on it, no failures since I basically restified the whole car. 1970 Pontiac LeMans Sport, same as Catalina but with a 400+HP 400. Could use a higher ratio steering gear. Maybe this summer. 1986 Honda CRX clutch at 45000 miles, fuel pump at 55k miles, blew out a cylinder at 75k miles, alternator at 80k miles, ran on three cylinders until 105k miles when it lost another. Junked car 1988 Honda CRX 337,000 miles with 2 clutches, 4 sets of brakes, lots of tires, and finally the alternator went at 337K miles and could not be removed due to electrolysis on the main bolt, so I sold the car! Lots more, but basically, I have had good luck with cars. If I owned either one of those BMWs, I would never buy another German car as long as I live. For the kind of money that BMWs draw, I would expect much better reliability or at least much longer warranties. If you can forecast parts replacement by mileage and age, then so can BMW meaning they COULD engineer them better but they choose not to!
  18. Why not get a 4th gen. They were a whole lot nicer, quieter, faster, and more stylish in my opinion. If you're lucky, you can even land a V8 with 285-305HP around your price. Otherwise you can still get a 200HP 3.8V6 in up to a 1998 in your price range. I picked up a 99 Firebird Convt with the 3.8, a 5 speed, fully loaded with only 75000 miles for 6700 a year ago. Dig a little deeper and you'll find alot more for your money than a 15 year old car with leftover 80s handling and build quality, and rather weak engine outputs. A stock everyday 3.8V6 from the mid 90s put out equal to a high output V6 or a V8 from the late 80s to 1990 era. They got better mileage to boot! The 4th gens also came standard with 16"-17" wheels, dual airbags, and even 4 wheel discs as of 1998. I ha a brand new 2000 V6 firebird with the chrome 17" wheel option, posi, and the higher rear end gear and I could do doughnuts all day on DRY pavement. That was with 55 series 17" tires. These cars are awesome, you should truly consider them. Here's a good example: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Fast-Fast-F...1QQcmdZViewItem
  19. Carry (concealed, legally) a Glock 17 since 88 when I was in the Army. Want a 23 as soon as I can talk the wife into it. I have fired alot of firearms and I shoot better with the Glock than anything else. Feels more balanced to me and they were the first that put reliability and ease of maintenance above looks. Now everybody loves the look and it has been copied many times over. Nothing beats a Glock, period! As far as a drag race between a 240 and a Camry, YAWN, sound as exciting as listening to people talk about internet crushes. How can anyone seriously talk about a drag race between two imports with 4 bangers and 7 doors between them like it's cool. I actually like the 240, but it needs something a little bigger like an LS2 V8 in it. It's already rear wheel drive so the swap shouldn't be too difficult. The Camry can just be put to pasture, or smashed into a Taurus or something equally fun to watch. WHO WOULD FRICKIN MODIFY A CAMRY??????????????????????????????? What do you do for traction, put 17" 35 series tires on the front and rub the wheelwells until the tires catch on fire????? I bet the CV joints love all that extra power! To each their own, I just don't get it when there are lots of beautiful and affordable Camaros and Firebirds plus 80s rear wheel drive midsizers that actually look like muscle and can be made to go real quick.
  20. Small changes, a little late.
  21. funkypunnk


    Actually, you can if you choose to. I have always been very strong-willed and view every challenge in life as war, and I am out to win every one. I don't drink, never have, nor do any other recreational enhancements if you know what I mean. I used to drink alot of soda, but my doc said I should get off caffiene and made some stupid 6 week long weaning schedule. I asked about cold turkey, she said I would get migraines,I said how long, she said a week. I said OK and went cold turkey. I know this is not nearly as bad as the shakes for 6 months, but sooner or later they will go away and you will be able to look back and be glad you did what you did. I currently am recovering from a lung problem that has left me disabled for the last 3 months. The worst was being in the hospital for 3 weeks, not being able to walk more that 5 steps without feeling like collapsing. Going to the bathroom was a seriously hard thing to do. You have no idea how many oxygen sucking muscles you use for a bowel movement. Now I can get around the house OK and I don't cough non-stop like I did. Nothing improved for the first month and a half, and I was getting used to the idea this was life from now on. Keep in mind I have never smoked and am only 37, yet somehow my lungs are damaged and the best guess is that I had pneumonia and worked through it and it got really bad. I can only wait for them to get better by themselves, so when no improvement is seen, it is very disheartening. Now, in the last 3 weeks, I have noticed significant improvement and will find out for sure from the doc on the 9th. Be patient and remember that nothing worth doing in life is easy. Merry Christmas
  22. funkypunnk


    It's a 70 Lemans Sport. Originally came with a Pontiac 350 2 bbl single exhaust and a TH350 trans. Now it has a built 400, 4 bbl, dual straight pipes. She won't lose any races to any brand new cars save for maybe an 06 Z06 or faster. I am probably going to take the posi out of the rear axle just to cut down on traction so that she drives a little slower. She'll smoke one tire all day that way, but the back end won't get sideways on her like it can now. Everything else about the car is nice except for the headliner which she wants to put in when she comes for the summer. She doesn't live with me, she lives with my ex. She won't be able to be active on here for that reason.
  23. I may be biased, but 4 years after the Avalanche premiered it still goes unchallenged. I think unchallenged clearly equals top of its segment andclass leading. It is big inside and in the bed, plus it gets even bigger when you need it to. Oh wait, doesn't Ford have some crappy sport-trac POS that is supposed to compete with it, I can fit it in my bed.
  24. funkypunnk


    See the gorgeous LeMans sport in my sig? That's gonna be hers. I gave her a choice last year of a used car up to ten grand when she was 16, or a new car up to twenty grand when she turned 18. We were driving around some traffic and she saw the LeMans for sale on a corner and said, "I WANT THAT CAR!". I explained that I could get it and fix it up for under 6 grand and that she was getting ripped off. She replied that it was more exclusive than a Corvette, went up in value, and was something we could share. I love my little girl!! She also wouldn't let me finish the engine without her as she wanted to help install it! This is all from a very girlie girl who is not the least bit tom-boyish! Here is a pic:
  25. Yeah, and no Dems EVER did anything based on a lie, huh? How can Democrats point a finger at the President when your guy, the most blatant liar of all, Bill Clinton, not only lied under oath, a felony, but created a whole new definition of sex where the woman could be having sex with a man who isn't! We won't even talk about Whitewater and all of the indictments handed down through that debacle. Kennedy never lied, right? I think Democrat must be a synonym for "convenient memory"! The one thing I can say about our President is at least he has enough conviction to take a stand and ride it, unlike Kerry who turned on his own fellow servicemembers and testified against them, which as an honorably discharged artilleryman is unthinkable to me. They broke down enlistment by viewpoint and found that Democrats are half as likely to serve their country than Republicans, says alot! If you are not willing to die for it, you shouldn't get the privilege of enjoying freedom's gifts!
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