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Everything posted by funkypunnk

  1. Actually,I have been invited to go out to gay bars while at corporate headquarters by gay people even though they knew it wasn't "my thing"! See, I didn't whine or complain! I just said no, thank you. Yeah right, I have never ever seen the gay rainbow bumper stickers on any cars anywhere! GET REAL, Gays advertise via bumper sticker more than anyone I know! Get joined, just don't call it marriage. Why is that so hard to understand? When you take a bath is it called getting baptized? When performed in a religious ceremony it has a different meaning, from taking a bath to getting baptized, from civil union to marriage. Since there is no traditional religion that recognizes the union of two same sex people as valid,that is why marriage cannot exist between gays. I have no problem with civil unions and believe that you and your life partner should be entitled to all of the perks, just don't call it marriage anymore than you can call any old bath a baptism! As far as our lifestyle being thrown in your face,in society majority always rules. The majority becomes mainstream and accepted and the minority is not. Gays are a very small minority and therefore you have to see my lifestyle just by chance. We don't throw it in your face and no malice is intended. We don't have a hetero rainbow for our cars, we don't stage protests or demonstartions in support of the hetero lifestyle, and we don't lobby the government or hollywood toinclude more hetero rights and issues in their prospective agendas! SHUT UP & LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of us!!!
  2. Hey, live your life, your way, and I don't care..............unless you ask me if I care, and then I will offer an opinion. My opinion will be how I honestly feel, whether you like it or not. In other words if gays just lived like I do, without advertisement within a group of friends they feel comfortable around, life would be as they wish. When they try to demand focus on their lifestyle, which I do not do with my lifestyle, I feel compelled to shout to all SHUT UP & LIVE!!!!!! It is not anyone's job to evangelize and convince the world that their way is the right way or an acceptable way. SHUT UP & LIVE!!!!!!!!! I don't care who or what you sleep with, I do care that you tell me about it.
  3. What part of the statement about mycompany being headquartered in San Fran didn't you read? 25% of the employees out there are gay and of that group at least half of the males, or a fourth of the fourth, are highly effeminate flamers. I have met more gays than the average straight guy. I do understand that there are "normal" gays, but unfortunately they are represented by gays who have problems with things like tinkerbell getting called a stupid fairy or a guy being turned into a flamer. Get over it. The only way to not be ridiculed in this society is to approach some assemblance of mainstream conformity. There just isn't that much humor in being normal. When I was a fat adolescent, I was made fun of, so I lost weight and the jokes stopped. I never whined about it, I never reported anyone or sued them for violating my civil rights. I didn't even retaliate as they were right, I was fat. And some people are gay. Don't whine about negative portrayals of gayness in the media, just accept it. If there were not flamers, there wouldn't be portrayals of flamers. If there were not butch-dikes there would not be portrayals of butch-dikes. For the record there is one subset of gays I really like.....Lipstick Lesbians......Fun to watch. Maybe BrokeBackside Mountain might help change the image a little, but then again it is a movie about gay sheepherders (not cowboys) and what is so surprising about a sheepherder being gay. You know what they say, Montana....where the men are men and the sheep are scared!!!!!!! Flame away but before you do, I wasn't the one who made the fairy joke and I am not the one who perpetuates the gay stereotype, I am just the heterosexual father and husband who has to insulate his children from these images and I am getting tired of having this crap shoved in their faces!
  4. Here we go again...........flame city! Silly little fairy cracks me up and is aimed at a FAIRY, you know, the tinkerbell kind. Leave it up to a bunch of over-sensitive minorities to find some kind of offense in a funny commercial. Yes, gays are just another over-sensitive minority. So they turned the guy into an effeminate homosexual stereotype, it is gays who created that stereotype. Ever watch queer eye? They don't sound too butch to me! Ever been to San Francisco (My company is headquartered there)? Meet a whole bunch of effeminate homosexual stereotypes out there. In other words, how can gays be offended when the world portrays them as they portray themselves? I wish everyone would just worry about their own lives and stop trying to control everyone else's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. It was the TransAm 20th Anniversary with the now even higher output 3.8 Intercooled Turbo. Pontiac took the great engine and eked out even more HP and put it into the TA that could handle as well. Ahhhhh, the good old days of Pontiac
  6. I usually tend to change my conversation style to one which clearly displays my superior vocabulary. I use words that I know the other person won't understand, and then after a few minutes I ask them if they know what I'm talking about. I do this as long as it takes for the person to feel like a complete idiot. Even if it doesn't fix the issue, it usually takes care of putting the person in their place. Of course, I have been counseled by bosses many times for my communication skills. They always say that it is not what I say, but HOW I say it!!! That is because I know what and what not to say and follow those rules well, but I tend to use communication as a weapon against idiots who deserve it. Good Luck and if this doesn't work, just smack the jerk and tell your boss that he called you cupcake and grabbed your butt!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I drove an 04, nice car but honestly not noticeably more impressive than an 02 Formula.I drove an 05 and was truly impressed by its' abilities. The interior is absolutely gorgeous and most likely best in class. If I was buying this car to enjoy from the inside, I would have bought the 05 GTO. Unfortunately I was also buying it to make a statement to the outside world, which the GTO does not except by showing its' taillights. I could drop in the exact powertrain from the 05 GTO for about 7200.00 total. I could upgrade my suspension, reinforce my frame, and upgrade the interior to be more liveable for another 8,000.00. The interior would not be as nice as the GTOs, but would be nicer than stock and have all of the modern amenities. I am confident it would handle better than the GTO, and by incorporating a dual suspension setup would also ride better as well. Finally, it would be a little quicker as it weighs less than the new GTO. The best part is that my 70 LeMans looks a helluva lot more distinctive and gets alot more stares than an 05 GTO ever has. Take the 15K off of the 32K asking price and I have 17K left which will buy me a 3 year old 05 GTO in few years. Then I get the best of both worlds! As far as the 3 series being everywhere in swarms, people don't tend to look at the 3 series and think Chevrolet, yet people who see the new GTO do tend to think that is as vanilla as a Chevy.
  8. In America it is supply and demand that determines sales success. Had Pontiac added even a little bit of uniqueness, which BMWs have always had by the way, this car could have sold bunches. Instead we got the equivalent of styling vanilla! You compared it to the three series many times, yet never explained why this car was expected to succeed even though it never had the individuality of the 3 series! The GTO quite simply blended in too much for the audience that it was aimed at. I was a part of that audience, a buyer who could afford 35K for a "spare" car and was fuly prepared to buy one with the wife's approval. Then they released the first pictures and even before the dealers could gouge I had already written it off. Throw the new Mustang into the mix shortly thereafter and it is not hard to understand why it failed. It failed for the same reason the 73 GTO failed. Too much money for not enough GTO! The 73 lacked substance in the powetrain, the new GTO lacked it in the styling! It really is a Fat Cavalier with one hellUva engine, but I could buy that engine and put it in my 70 LeMans for about 6 grand. For a total of 15,000.00 I could build a better handling and faster car and have enough left over to buy an 05 GTO in a few years!!!!
  9. And so the Sun Sets on my beloved Pontiac. Oh wait, that happened 25 years ago with the firebird and GP barely holding onto the heritage that was Pontiac since.
  10. Not me, I'm upside down. I owe my wife more than I'm worth!!!!!
  11. As an experienced and once Master Cert mechanic I will tell you that it is NOT just a noise. Piston slap happens due to excessive clearances between the piston and cylinder walls. This normally was not an issue in the old days as pistons had at least partial skirting or even full skirting. Manufacturers in their quest for performance and emissions qualifications have either removed or at least reduced the skirting from the pistons. This now allows the piston to "walk" up and down the cylinder. The reason it goes away when the engine warms up is the piston expands and takes up some of the gap. With metallurgy where it is now, they could fix the problem fairly cheaply by lengthening the skirts on the pistons, but that would add 5.00 per vehicle and take 5hp. They are not willing to do that as 5.00 times 700,000 V8s is alot of money. Good engines DO NOT HAVE PISTON SLAP!!!!! I have never had piston slap on any engine I have built. This is an easy problem to fix, but GM and others are not willing to fix it. They should extend the engine warranty to 100,000 miles. I will be trading in my Avalanche for this very reason as it sounds like a friggin diesel when it's cold. He's not whining, you all are a bit under-informed and just taking GM's side in this issue but he is right.
  12. Check Out This Wagon
  13. They need to put the GTO name to pasture until they can give it to a vehicle that truly deserves it. It needs unique styling, great performance, and an awesome interior. For all of those that will say the original was just a souped up rebadged family car I say: That was then, This is Now, and the GTO has reached Iconic status and therefore demands iconic styling! Come out with a two door GP and name it the GP or LeMans. Dump the stupid-a$$ G-whatever naming campaign and bring back the GrandAm nameplate. I sure wish Pontiac would pop their proverbial head out of their a$$ and stop trying to be an American BMW as that will never happen. The cars could be better than any BMW, but they will never get that level of respect or cache due to their origins. They should just try to be an affordable performance American Car Company and keep prices down below 25,000 and quarter mile times below 14 seconds. Imagine the advertising slogan: Pontiac: 0-60 in 6 seconds or less, Period!
  14. Wow, that's an over-simplification! Voltage is the pressure and Amperage is the flow. Problem is that a higher pressure easily overcomes resistance and the result is greater flow. Your skin and tissue is the resistance, and at 20 volts on dry skin there is not enough "pressure" to overcome the resistance and therefore the "flow" is minimized. At 100 volts however, the resistance is overcome and enough flow ensues causing electrocution. Consequently, at 100,000,000 volts, an arc would be drawn through your body vaporizing your skin and then ionizing the gas vapor. Ohm's Law: Volts(pressure)=Amps(flow) x Ohms(resistance)
  15. Metallurgy, computer controls, advanced air/fuel management, and advances in lubrication!
  16. Here we go, it was only a matter of time before they aligned against the US, even though we condemned the cartoons. Yep, any excuse to blame us and further the anti-US sentiment throughout the Islamic world. If they are soooo religious, where is the peace and love? Their religion is about war, and so we should respond in kind! I know that Islam is not really just about war, but since that is the way it is being interpreted, why not just give them what they want???? Where is the tolerance that most civilized religions teach? Where is the love for fellow man? How can Muslims not expect the world to get a jaded viewpoint on their religion when this is how it is showcased to us?
  17. As a current owner of an Av, uncladded version, I kinda like it. I would have liked chrome steel bumpers on a black truck again as these tend not to get scarred up by parking lot bumps. Additionally, the front end lacks the snarl of the current model, it looks a little tame. Trucks should look a little mean from the front. Finally, what is with the stupid half-color side mirrors. The current model's were bad enough with 1/4 being black plastic, but now we move up to half! I'll probably still buy one when the deals get attractive in a year or two. I'll just have to spend a little to make it what I want!!!!
  18. I probably shouldn't but what the heck: When I was in the Army I learned that in some countries and some religions, there are no civilians! Islam, generally, falls under this category as do alot of the countries whose major religion is Islam. It is with this in mind that I find a particular interest in the violence that is now spreading throughout the Islamic areas of the third world. As this escalates and more embassies get destroyed, the world will respond in kind. The best part is that if every citizen can be a combatant, then they are all soldiers and fair game. We need to consider using large area weaponry as a solution since there shouldn't be any concerns of collateral damage. Fortunately, I live in a country where people are willing to die for an ideal like Freedom, as I was willing to do. So if Islam wants to pick a fight with the Western world, I say bring it!
  19. Mopar alternator, top tank radiator, unibody construction, I also am guessing a Jeep product or Chrysler. Single master cylinder puts it in the lower 60s, older than a 68. 1965-66 Barracuda maybe???
  20. This truly shows the age difference on this forum. I grew up driving beaters all with V8s. My generation all picked up 500.00 cars that were from the late 60s and 70s. They all usually came with a minimum of a 350CID V8. Most had bigger. My 74 Toronado had a 455, 70 LeMans 350, 69 Camaro 396, 74 GP 428 (not stock), 71 Catalina 455, 71 Olds 98 455, 69 Firebird 350, 66 Tempest 326, 66 LeMans 428 (from 74 GP), 73 Cutlass 350, and 68 Olds Delmont88 350! Only when the 80s forced me into underpowered crapboxes did I drive V6s. I still managed to buy a still underpowered but at least a V8 86 GP with a 305. I yanked the 305 and built a Chevy 350 and put that in. Until there are no V8s available I will always choose to drive one. I am the type of guy who floors it from every stop, and I prefer smoke to squeal!!!!
  21. Excellent choice in cars!! I also love the Cord Coffin-Nose, Deusenbergs, Auburns, and Packards. What an era!! Throw in my favorites from the 60s and 2 cars from the early 70s and my collection would be complete!!!!
  22. Here is a new one:
  23. I've driven an Interceptor package Crown Vic, and an LS2 GTO, both stock, and the Vic couldn't even keep up with a stock LS2 GTO, much less one that has had the top end of the engine modded and a turbo thrown on. You're talking about up to a 165+HP advantage plus the IRS and better tires which combine for better traction, and 400 lbs. less weight. NO WAY an Interceptor Vic can even come close. Either that cop has one souped up car, or someone was getting sleepy from being out so late!! Crown Victoria Interceptor Specifications : Price Range : Only sold to law enforcement agencies. Used ones available at police auctions. Engine : V8, SOHC, front engine RWD Displacement : 4,600 cc Valve : 16 valves, 2 valves per cylinder Transmission : 4-spd automatic Fuel economy : city - 16 mpg highway - 22 mpg Horsepower : 235 hp - 300hp depending on year Torque : 275 - 300 lb-ft depending on year 0-60 mph : 7.0 - 8.7 sec. depending on year Curb Weight : 4020 lbs Overall length : 212.0 in. Wheelbase : 114.7 in. Overall Width : 78.2 in. Height : 56.8 in. www.ford.com
  24. Congrats on the car, but man how I hate those damn surface mount grills. Now you need to make it yours, if you have enough money left for mods that is!
  25. Bonneville Special went for over 3mil. www.barrettjackson.com and search for 1954 pontiac bonneville.
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