Angry Dad
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Everything posted by Angry Dad
Brazil could host two F1 races this year after Belgian GP is dropped AP Sports RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) - Brazil could host two Formula One races this year after the Belgian Grand Prix was dropped from the schedule. Rio mayor Cesar Maia said the city had been told by the organizers of the Pan American games that a F1 race could be hosted at the Nelson Piquet race track currently being remodeled for the 2007 games. "If the Formula One says it's possible we will get serious and have all the necessary work done in six months," Maia said Thursday. Motor racing's governing body said the Belgian GP was dropped so "extensive improvement" could be completed on the Spa course. It also said it hoped the course would be included on the 2007 calendar. Brazil already hosts an F1 race at the Interlagos track in Sao Paulo. Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL. 02/09/06 14:10 EST BTW,one of Toyota's arms in NASCAR LOST a lawsuit brought by DCX about theft of property. I say that this is part for the course for Toyota.
With the postings hasn't anybody else noticed that GM is going to bring the new trucks to market within months while Toyota is showing this a full year from production. Maybe Toyota needs that year to do something with this terible styling. BTW Toyota originally projected sales of 300k a year, they won't do it.
It will sell if Toyota finds a way to solve their piston slap problem. Toyota and piston slap? Who would have thought it. Yep they got a problem.
The only magazines worth reading are the niche magazines. You can't find the feel that Racer gives you on the net. Drag racing gets next to no coverage. And my personal favorite, Street Rodder is a joy for no other reason than the advertising, in fact it's almost all advertising. If there is a good reason for the big magazines to go away it comes down to one word. The word "comparo". The real definition of the word is "which corporation paid the most the get the most stars". BTW if any of you knew Autoweek when it was Competition Press understand what a worthless rag it is now.
So how are you going to twist a team accused of stealing technology as not cheating? I'm not the one accusing Toyota, the German courts on behalf of Ferrari are. This ought to be a real good back slide. Oh BTW, Spa F1 race in trouble. one of the long term races. BTW, far and wide new Camry still ugly.
Toyota never solved the sludge issue, simply covered it up with a policy that still placed blame on owners. BTW, better go research what happened to Team Toyota, yep a couple members were hauled in by German authorities for intelectual theft. Something about their car being a clone of a Ferrari, nope, didn't make it up. And yes F1 is in deep doo doo this year, nobody goes, races are broke, how exactly is one company buying a series a good thing? http://www.motoring.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=3068831 WTF are talking about? What post about air restrictors? There is no post like that. Not from me. Maybe people would pay attention to you if you had your facts straight.
Press is reporting the dividend has been cut. This other noise about brands is pure speculation and contains as much credibilty as any thread on the Autoweek or Edmunds board. That amounts to something less than none.
The subject is ugly, the example is the new hideous Camry. Seems to me that the majority here and on many other boards agree. Can't run from that subject fast enough can you? Has Toyota done any good for F1? Think hard, you'll need to. So far all they've done is have a few team members investagated for theft of other teams designs. Speaking of sludge, don't you just love the way Toyota bamboozled the press and public on that defect?
There are trade offs. Starting and stopping any internal combustion engine requires lighting the converter. Or retaining a lot of heat in the converter. Sure there are no emissions while the engine is off but the start of the cycle in any converter equipped engine is where the "dirty" emissions lay. There is a future for this style of drive system. It requires a lot of changes to te entire vehicle. But if the goal is to reduce oil consumption, it is by no means the best way to do so quickly. E85 vehicles are in production, on the roads in very large numbers and it has been done at a reasonable cost. I've heard that going E85 costs less than $200 to build. On the other hand, going hybrid is very expensive. I cannot see how Toyota builds a Prius system for less than $3000. It is probally a great deal more and service costs are still excessive with built in obsolesence. I totally agree with Carlos Goshen when he says that the hype behind hybrid is doing more damage than good. And I fully understand why Nissan makes no effort to build any of these vehicles. He's simply expoiting the advantage of being the smaller corporation. He knows he had none of the market for hybrid and he isn't losing anything. Let the big companies play the PR game and engineer the first batch of failures. Then learn from their mistakes. But back to saving an economy from manipulation from foriegn producers of oil. I do not understand why a concerted intelligent effort has not been implemented to "get on the schine" about building ethanol production facilities. It must go back to who we vote for. They don't really care about what's good for us, they just care about what keeps them elected.
No. Still ugly. And won't stop it from sludging like so many other Toyotas. And I'm not the only one saying that. Doesn't reality suck?
There are a few other advantages of using LED tail lights. They use far less power, they can be made much thinner. Who wouldn't want a larger trunk at no gain in size of vehicle. But they are expensive. Eventually, it's a long ways away, they could be "printed". What will happen is just like the explosion in the TV industry, there will be massive cost reductions but along with that, there are a couple of competing technologies that may just blow the current processes into the weeds cost and performance wise. There is a styling trend to facet the reflector to make it appear to be a LED system. I cannot see too many car companies using incandesant bulbs at one end of the market for a model and upgrading to LEDs at the other, it simply makes a mess out of the wiring system and the body controller functions,
It would make way too much sense to take the HHR SEMA two door concept, add a distinctive tail light package and call it the Safari then sell it as a Pontiac. Instead we get a Cobalt with a nose and rump job.
Back on topic, if the people inside GM have to use clinics to find out what to build, why are they working there anyways? To slash the time to build, clinics have always been a waste of time and money. Now if GM can just eliminate a couple levels of nepotism and the jobsbank......
Did anybody mention that the new Camry is ugly? Well anybody that isn't getting paid to write about it is.
If it okay to have an opinion I sure as heck have mine. What we have learned over the last couple decades is that "free trade" is a complete disaster. There is absolutely no intelligent reason in today's world to embrace such a policy. Exactly what has it done for us? More like what has it done to us. I can understand that free trade should be thought of as a way to promote democracy and eliminate the need to defend ourselves from threats. That is how it was sold to us. That and as a way to reduce the costs of goods. Consumers always want lower prices. Too bad consumers can't spend money they don't earn. And how does this relate to the expenses of living here? Well when less people make less money less people pay for the enivitable bill that comes in. Those working pay for those who don't. Let's face it, those without benefits or money simply use the only method posible for health care which of course is the least effective and most expensive. That being the emergency room. I say tariff the daylights out of all goods coming into the country. What will China, Japan or anybody else do? Tariff our stuff? They already do. At least we could use that cash coming in to pay for heathcare for the non workers. And I'll say what I believe, does it really matter if Joe Blow has to pay an extra 5 thousand for a Toyota? I don't care if he does. He doesn't have to buy it. You know Japan would do exactly the same thing to our goods and have done so to protect their historically bloated and incompetent agricultural industry. We can't help anybody and everybody in the world by giving away our jobs. As Ross Perot said, there's a giant sucking sound coming from across the border. And eventually it will get everyone's job. EVERYBODY'S!
President Offers Automakers Little Encouragement
Angry Dad replied to z28luvr01's topic in General Motors
Let's see anybody that is against "bailouts" provide any rational reason that healthy corporations should be given tax incentives. Changing the words does not change the result or the intent. W has no grasp of the situation. Strange thing is GM is heading overseas to get the same sort of deals "our" politicians are giving away here. No wonder GM is prospering elsewhere. I look at this as if you built a successful business. You are doing well for your customers and your workers. Done so for decades. Now somebody decides to enter the same business. He simply pulls up into the parking lot you built, and puts up building on the other side. He pays you nothing and then demands that the taxes you paid in the past are used to build his building. The he lays down a load of baloney for the gulible, pays off a few politicians and puts you out of business. Sound familar? -
President Offers Automakers Little Encouragement
Angry Dad replied to z28luvr01's topic in General Motors
It's not a matter of GM or Ford getting a bail out. it's how can state governments go out and give Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Hyundai huge tax incentives to build plants here? They build plants for virtually nothing while those tax breaks are courtesy the long term existance of GM and Ford. They are the ones getting a bail out. Do they need one or are "our" politicians that skillful at lying that anybody really believes they are "creating" jobs. Label it correctly, it is theft of jobs by politicians. And at the same time the moron in the White House ignores predatory currency practices by the Japanese. It's not a question of if GM and Ford will exist, it's how long and what standard of poverty is acceptable. But short term thought is acceptable, just don't expect your kid's kids to have a nickle. BTW: http://www.aiada.org/article.asp?id=28744 -
Conspiracy Theory & Buickman? What's the deal with
Angry Dad replied to enzl's topic in General Motors
End this right now, there are no givebacks to the union. None. That's it. Want to know what happened with Fiat? GM got caught in a bidding war with Nasser from Ford who was like drunk sailor on shore. They screwed up. They did try to make it work and did get a few production sites out of the deal but unlike Ford who has thrown carloads of cash at Jaguar, Aston Martin and the the rest, GM got out. Do you remember what happened with Daewoo? Care to be reminded? Ford again went bezerk with the bids and then sanity took over. They made an insane bid and then withdrew it. GM picked up the pieces for pennies on the dollar. Now Daewoo is a cashcow. Besides Roger Smith and his days at the helm the one person that has done the most damage to the US auto industry is Jacques Nasser. He started this stupidity of mega companies by buying and led the entire US industry into the crapper. I dare say if he wasn't the moron he is, Eaton wouldn't have sold the keys to Chrysler (no merger, just a pay off to the chiefs) to Schremp who is just about as stupid as Nasser. -
Conspiracy Theory & Buickman? What's the deal with
Angry Dad replied to enzl's topic in General Motors
Don't read too much into the Tahoe movement. If it was removed while the show was open to the public then it would "mean something". Just my opinion but since these are the press days doesn't it make more sense to take it outside and run it for the doubters than to have it sit on a turntable? I doubt that GM cares what this guy's phony blog site writes anyways. But it sure is funny when he makes up outlandish conspiracies. -
Conspiracy Theory & Buickman? What's the deal with
Angry Dad replied to enzl's topic in General Motors
Does Mr. Farago moonlight writing for "The Weekly World News"? His theory is complete bull$h!. -
But don't you see it? Toyota is doing us all a favor by destroying the evil American auto industry! There isn't a single commentator that has enough common sense to read what this guy said and figure it out. He really thinks that the US should do the exact same thing that his government did. He just called us stupid and we are going to agree. John Lennon with his "more popular than Jesus" statement had more impact. We want to be fat, lazy, stupid and soon broke.
And the FJ gets a rated 16 mpg. Doesn't look like a good deal at all.
To sum up the collective "intelligence" of the automotive writers they have now named the Honda Civic car of the year. It is only fitting that the Civic is being fronted by none other than that cutting edge musical act Black Eyed Peas (in her pants). Now does anybody take anything from the traditional autowriters seriuosly? Not after this joke.