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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Andy Granatelli's records were really well documented made for good press. Too bad Studebaker was so far gone by this point. I never got to meet Andy but I have heard good things about him. I have had to deal with his nephew for the last 20 years and he is a a$$. I was so glad when they sold Paxton but we still have to deal with Joey's present company,.
  2. Yes it was the Breedloves in a AMX. You have to do better than that. His ex wife also took the Spirit of America I think to or almost to 500 MPH and held the female speed record for a good while. Sonic One was here is town for Goodyear when I was a kid and they put in the cockpit. I still have a couple photo's around here I still treasure. The AMX is still around and I think it was sold a little while ago for a good penny. It was the first of the red white and blue AMX's that were built.
  3. I want my Terrain grill back. I am glad they are sticking with this style as it will keep my Terrain looking new longer.
  4. Sell I can see you have never driven a Volt. The Fact is the Volt even on stiff tires and not claiming to be a sports sedan handles pretty well and has more torque than many claimed sports sedans. GM can make this the ELR have the right feel to be very sporting the question is will they take this path.
  5. hyperv6

    Cavalier Z24?

    We had one of these at work that was a GM pilot car they gave us. John Lingenfelter put a Tubo on it. Nice little car we used at company displays. I would not waste my time on the Z24 sedan. I would move to the Cobalt SS Turbo Sedan. Not only are they fast and have great handling but they are also very rare. I think less than 500 were made each of the two years on the market. With the GM Turbo upgrade they were around 285 HP.
  6. Availability is not the issue it is the governent regulations that will create the changes to the products using these that will be the issue. CNG and Electric will be free of these so far. CNG may get a boost if they only offer large trucks and large cars only with this option. It would force many to give it a chance. Also if the goverment continues to print money it will effect the price of oil as it will cost more dollars to buy a barrel of oil as it is devalued with more printing. The present people in charge have fallen back on this a couple times and I hope they finally decide enough is enough already. They are not going to print their way out. Oil is a traded unit and the less the dollar is worth the more it will cost us at the pump. We have one of the greatest supplies of natural gas here but it still has a ways to go to make it a common accepted fuel to the average driver. A lot of the money spent on these wind mills that amout to so little could have been spent to help build infrastructure to better distribute and supply CNG or even Hydrogen for vehicles. More filling stations and faster fills need to be done in more areas. Honda and GM could do limited runs with Hydrogen now but there are few places to fill. All the help in providing more infrastructure has fallen trough too.
  7. I missed this one before. I agree with almost all that is stated. The styling is subjective as you either love it or hate it. I at fiirst hated this thing but once I really started to compare the Nox andTerrain the Terrain grew on me. It is almost like you crossed a Torrent and a Hummer. Ther is no right or wrong you either like the Nox or the Terrain and that is just what both are supposed to do. The tranny is fine and does not hunt once you learn to drive the vehicle and the engine in the sweet spots. The 3.0 and 3.6 need to be driven with RPM, The engine pulls from 3,000 to 6,000 RPM and if you keep the revs up it does not jump around. THe tranny will drop down in gear once you are moving but you need to apply the gas and it will kick down to 3rd gear and move back through them in a smooth undetected manor. This thing is just does not drive like a Small block with a Turbo 350. The lane departure and collison detector is a pain in the ass. The lane detector likes to go off often on secondary roads that are not wide. It is ok on the interstate of state highways. We leave this off all the time anymore. It was the first thing the wife said to shut off. The collision alert is a little better. It still has some false detections that can catch you when you are not ready. It does activate the brake system or trottle as the car seems to feel like it studders and loses power or the brakes start to apply. I am not sure what it is doing but the forward motion is lost just slightly. This is not a good thing under false alarm conditions. This is the poor mans system and is not as advanced as the Cadillac. We keep this system on but at the lowest setting. Knowing what I do now I would delete it if I could. Mileage is good but not great,. But at over 4000 pound it is very acceptable. If you want more MPG buy something less than 2 tons. I just checked out a Denali today and I am glad I did not wait for it. It is nice but not worth the extra cost. The is just little value int he Denali package vs what you get in the SLT2. The 3.6 is nice and the extra power is always welcomed but the percentage of power increase is small and it is not enough power to make me regrett getting the 3.0. The 3.6 should have been there in the first place but The 3.0 is not a bad engine either. The 8 way passenger seat is not really a factor with us as once the passenger seat is set we never change it power or not. Over all we are very happy and the only thing that is sad is they deleted the Mocha Steel color that we have. It was one of the most popular colors too.
  8. I think they improved on the old but I had wished they had gone farther with moving the design forward. At a glance it still looks like the old truck till you seek the details. Maybe in person the details will stand out more. Based on the photo it is not bad I just wished for more change. I will wait till I see one in person before I make a full choice on what I think. Just a shame the tranny is not going to be ready at intro. I wish GM could get the engines, tranny and new models all in the first year. Too often we are waiting for on part of the equation.
  9. Working on that very issue. I see AT&T just ordered 1200 CNG Vans from GM. Sorry fleet sales are not I am talking about as in my area they have been very common for years. the East Ohio Gas company has nearly run all their vehicles on NAtural gas as well as we have has othr companies on Natural gas as well as propane. Even CF here ran the short city semi's on compressed gas. The City of Akron and other Cities here have run buses on CNG. The area for improvment is the private car owner that has no service manager to refuel their vehicles over night and filling stations in all areas not just a few where you have to go out of your way to find it. I know there is work in these areas too but they still have a long way to go. Then it comes down to the average joe if given the choice what one would he buy. RIght now most average drivers could not even tell you what CNG is let along make a choice to buy a vehicle that would use it. I hope you are righ and we see a large growth here but from where I see it the kind of growth needed will still take a lot of time. As I see it electric cars are fools gold but people understand the cars and know they can fill them at home. Even then they are still a hard sell because of the limite range. What worries me is if the carbon credit/ cap and trade stuff really gets on a roll and the price of electric really climbs it will scare off even those who like electric. I see energy cost in the next 4 year making some real increases in price in many parts of the country. It will play a large effect on many of the new fuels and old fuels that lead us into the future. This is why we see the automakers scambling for any and all options. None know what is going to be the right one 25 years from now.
  10. It is a step but it is far from wide spread acceptance. I even bet here few could give you 5 places in a 20 mile radius that they could fill from with out looking it up. It would take planning and knowing where to find it and most Americans are beyond doing that till it is on every corner like gasoline. It will expand and improve but with the slow economy it will expand slowly as will sales till there is more easy to locate stations. Like Diesell I see this as a segement that will be slow growth. Trust me I have nothing against it personally but I know the public and the American resistance to change. If MFG want to make faster headway they really need to advertise and promote the system much more than they have. It needs to be moved out front and give all the good things to the people to sell them on it. At this point little has been done and so far little has been shown they will do much more other than offerng it and a blerb that it is availalble. You want to sell this you market the hell out of it.
  11. CNG has a long road to go here. I agree it works but the problem is the preception of the general public as a whole will have a hard time with it. Even if you educate them many just will not to want to bother as they still wlll not understand it. The other problem is the lack of enough easy and fast filling stations. It is not like you can fill up just anywhere. Even if they started to add these things today most companies would be pressed to make a great dent in availability in the next ten year. This was where the goverment should invest more vs solar companies and other green companies that are hear today and gone on Friday. They even could still pay back the unions by the added construction jobs to keep most happy. CNG and Hydrogen both need more work to become more easy found and faster to fill. After driving GM's Hydrogen Nox I was very impressed and found that it would be a great driver. All is perfect there till you try to fill it anywhere. Also you would have to teach people they will not bloe up there too. The lack of a real energy plan not just with this admin but going all the way back to Cater and even Nixon has put us were we are today. We have 25 years of work that needs done in 10 years. Killing NASA has hurt our energy advancments more than anything. I live near the Glenn NASA center and they specialize in advanced power systems for space but also have been used here on Earth. Since their budget has been chopped they have been able to advance so little anymore.
  12. The truth is all automakers are praying to find a electric car that will sell in some kind of better numbers. Their futures will ride with these products. If they do not find a way to sell electric it will impact all other products and the ones we like the most. Now that the election is over there is little hope the CAFE will get dialed back for a while.
  13. Sorry but you have missed the mark all together on wh is going to buy this car. $100K only buys you a up market luxury car for a company manager not a owner unless he is smart with his money. We are not talking Rolls or Bently here. These cars are still going to be owner driven 99% of tje time. Where the risk is involved are for non GM owners and buyers who know if they buy the BMW it will hold it's resale to some other idiot who is willing to pay more for a BMW. Where Cadillac make inroads is the guy buys his wife a CTS they drive for running around town and if he is happy with the experience he will see value and trust in the LTS. But if Cadillac does not win the owners loyalty on a CTS how are they ever going get him or her to look at the LTS. I also know the SUV have been a profit point but Cadillac is finally going more understated and less a pimp mobile with the large SUV's. I am hoping they give them a more sporting edge like the Euro ones too. While they are not sports cars the sporting flair to them looks to be a hot point with buyers. If they do this I think they will only do better with their SUV line already. Note too the SUV line has done well as many of these owners already had a GMC Yukon already and like a GM truck to start with. THey trust and see value in them. In this day and age if you can't build a real luxury sports sedan in the $50K plus range why should I trust you with twice that much? Better to take a sure thing with the BMW or Benz [in their eyes]. Hyundai was a little premature with the Equuis sedan and has struggled with this line. They will stay the couarse and are earning trust with the lesser lines that will lead to the upper line making it in time but like I just said it will take time. While most of us here know Cadillac well and how far they came to many they are still the Cimarron and Catera division and hardly one step ahead of Lincoln. GM has converted many minds but there are still many to convert. The new ATS is only the first car that is on a even playing field to the critics and I expect the CTS to follow. These cars will get people into the dealers who never would have come in before. These are the products that again will put a new face and image on Cadillac. The only real thing is they needs to still work on the engines a little more. I would like to see them take the engine one step above the rest of the GM line in NHV, tuning and power. They must not be the same thing that is in my HHR SS or Malubu. They can be based on it but they needs to be somehting more.
  14. I must have not gotten the fan post.? Mine are missing.
  15. GM has work to do here and they are doing it. As for Europe they have so much to do it is crazy. The first key is to get the dealer network up and 5 star rated in service. They have a lot to make up for there and good customer relations and service will help them stand out. The LTS will be an investment for them but they have to earn the trust of the buyers with the lesser cars. Hyundai tried to to offer an expensive car in their line with mixed result. The fact is GM and Cadillac need to earn peoples trust before they will spend the kind of money they have to spend for a LTS. Too many have been burned on past Cadillacs that had no resale from the high price they paid. Rigth now the CTS and ATS is earning trust and will push over to the LTS. The XTS is just a lost leader for the professional market and traditional owner. The styling is right as there is nothing else that looks like any of the Cadillacs. Also the Suspensions now are world class as the Magnetic ride systems are class leading. I am just affraid the LTS will have the same effect as the ATS has now. Great car in search of a better engine. Not that the V6 and Turbo 4 are bad but they are just not as good or as well liked as others in the same class. I wish GM could put more effort into the Cadillac engines. Even if they are based on the rest of the line do something more and better to take them to the next level. The last thing we need is the LTS to be a modern day Mark II.
  16. To be honest Benz image and rep was cemented in the 20's and 30's with their high end cars used by the rich, famous and politcally connected. These models today rival the Rolls and Dusenbergs of the era. Some are the most valuable today.
  17. "If you think you hate it now just wait till you drive it!" I saw this one when I was in Detroit. Pictures in this case make it look better than it really looked in person. This was a mess of a car and I am willing to bet the same people behind the Aztek were also the same ones who penned this one.
  18. Benz built their image near 100 years ago from the bottom up. This gives them options. Lexus is just a luxury car for people that can't buy something other than from Japan.
  19. I think it's basically because GM doesn't want to do it; there appears to be no long-term drive except to cater to the ATS/CTS/Escalade crowd... It's a management option to go the way they've gone at it for the last 10 years, but an option without any major opportunity for the Cadillac brand to really restablish itself as a world-class reference. The fact is till they get the ATS and CTS best in class why would anyone pony up big money on a LTS? BMW was built pretty much from the 3 series up. They earned a rep on the lower priced cars and then expeanded it and moved the customers up that could afford it. Today Cadillac has the ATS almost there with only a need for some better engines. The new CTS also should prove to be class leading or right at that point. Once the public gets a good feel for these cars the LTS will be ready to be set upon the market. People will risk $40K on an ATS to see how they like it but few will risk $70-100K on a LTS only to find it not of their liking. Please them with the ATS and CTS beyond the others in the market and they will be willing to take the plung on the LTS. The key though is it much not just be a expensive and more expensive Super Sport sedan.
  20. Why bother buying a LTS is you can get the same engine in the CTSV? It needs something more or different. The new Gen 5 engine with a SC or Twin Turbo'd to 750 HP would be nice. It also is do able since the present ZR1 engine has already been tested to 725 HP. The new engine should have no issues. The lower volume of this car will let them move the power up more too. It is not like they are going to sell a ton of these. But the bottom line is you can not use the same engine in the LTS that could be had in any other model GM car. At the very least it needs it's own tune and it own look even if it just a Gen 5.
  21. No, it's the In Living Color special edition, even comes with the Wayan's signature on the dash They reviewed it on a episode of "Men on Cars" On In Living Color. . Antwon Maryweather gave it two snaps and a swirl. :gay:
  22. What is that the Miami Dolphins Edition? They could call it a car with a Porpoise.
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