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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Thisis the refresh I had been asking for here. This will help lot. The Bu overall is not a bad car it just is a dated car as it was delayed by the chapter 11. By the time it made it to market the styling was dated and the compitition had moved on. The styling will solve a great issue and I agree the dished seats would help address back seat room with only a upgrade of 2 seat backs. My 08 seats are dished too. The powertrains are already being addressed as the Eco launch was the wong choice. They just now need to tell someone about it so they just don't thing the ECO is all there is.
  2. Porsche and CTS V are not in the same group as the Tesla S. The Tesla S. The Testla S is a luxury car that is an electric car first. All you hear about is how great it is and how wonderful everything is and nary a complaint about cost. While it may be a nice car it also is a damn expensive car once you get the better batteries and bigger electric motors. They will tell you how great the cars performance is but seldom do they toss out the top numbers. When they speak on the CTS they make it clear if it is the V6 or V series and almost speak of them as if they were two different cars. Now while the Volt is not cheap I do not see the price being near out of line as the Telsa S but the Volt gets beat into the ground for it. I just feel the Tesla gets a free pass and the Volt takes many more hits just because it is GM. My long running thought has been the other companies have tried to nail the Volt as this technology is not cheap and if it proves to be the one of choice with the public as the price comes down it could cause the other companys the need to abandon the heavy investment they already have in their own electric progams. Companies like Toyota and Honda really want and need the Volt to fail or they will have to spend billions more to counter it. Tesla is not as much of a threat as they are small and while they may compete in the market they just do not have the capaital to compete with the other nor will they have it for years to come if all goes right. I feel Tesla will be sold off at some point the the investers will take the money and move on. I am waiting to see how they people againts GM will attack the ELR too once it hits. 15 years ago pre Prius none of this would have happened but today I feel companies like Toyota and Honda often try to contol the media of the compitition more so than any other automakers. If the Tesla was a GM car would it have been car of the year at Motor Trend at $106.000?
  3. I would agree with you on everything you say except the time line. 2050-2075 for a 30% market share. My numbers are based on numbers those in the industry would like to see. There are so many factors and new develpments in batteries and price of oil that could speed up or slow down growth. Either way the companies was to see steady slow growth as they need it to help continue the cars and trucks we like here.
  4. I love the new dark blue. I was please to see Motor Trend rate the Buick over the Acura. Not something I would have imagined 10 years ago even in a April Fools issue.
  5. Lets stop the bi%^&Ch feat here. The reality is the electric car is not going to be a major factor in the near term like or not. But the electric vehicles will be a growing element in the product line of every and I mean every MFG out there. It is now proven there are people that are willing to buy these cars and willing to put up with what they needs to fit them in their lives. Also the Auto MFG want to grow this segment as it will help them more and more in the EPA's race to keep rasing the standards more. While some may complain the Volt is expensive I see so few people complain that the Tesla S is over priced. Yes they push a price in the media of $59K which is not cheap but load up on options and you are looking dead at $106,900 Dollars. We just locally here got the first Tesla S in the state of Ohio. The local already had a speedster and is a diciple of the brand. While it is a neat car is is not going to pave the way of the market . The future lies with the Volt. Prius, Ford Focus and Chevy Spark like Electric cars. These are the cars that the volume will pave the way just as the Model T did for the Gas car. The Gas engine did not replace the horse overnight and we are into the same state of growth with acceptance and pricing. I see the electric market at 25% share by 2030 and that could change depending on the price of oil due to world conflicts. Other factors need addressed as the EPA is trying to kill coal at the same time they are looking to cut back on Nukes. This leaves an energy gap that will be an issue no matter if the auto is included or not. The electric car is not for everyone nor will all own one but it will be a segment that is here and will increase as time goes on.
  6. The Volt has two things going for it. One it is a system that works and works very well. Also it has the kind of buyer that has to commit to the concept when buying, In other words they have bought into the program well before buying because of the price and the other needs to by installing charging stations etc. They have done their home work and did not just buy on a whim. Price has been a factor as GM bit off a pretty big chunk here and knew that going in. The only mistake they made is anouncing the larger sales numbers when the odds were stacked against them with a unknow product at a higher than normal price. Lets face it the Prius at under $30K is little risk to many before they really knew and understood the car. With the nearing of the Gen 2 Volt and work aready well on the way on Gen 3 we should see imporvments in performance, battery life and price with each and every one. Now too after the election I expect with the EPA in Obama's hands there will be even more pressure to increase the CAFE even more. If this happens you could see some crazy S^%t down the road. We already have Porsche and Ferrari playing with electric system in performance cars so we should not be suprised to see GM apply it in other areas. I just hope they come up with something better and cheaper than the E assist system. I just have not been won over on this one yet. I know it is the best thing they have for now but I hope they can surplant it with things learned by the Voltech. Down the road the Voltech investment may pay off big in all models.
  7. The fact is GM is avoiding the fleet market if at all possibl to protect resale value. Just look how they have killed resale on the Grand Prix and other cars they dumped in the thousands on Enterprise. We will still see volume cars sold to fleets in limited numbers for marketing and I am sure a handfull of Imapalas will also hit the market but no where in the numbers like the have been. The path of the Captiva is what we will see more of. In fact I look for a large number of the old Impala getting dumped on the market soon. The only way we will see dumping is if GM get stuck with many models on the lots and can not sell them. I saw a little while ago what GM expects this car to do and the numbers are way down but with the price being up they will remain a profit car. The fact this car will be mor car like and stylish will help it much vs many others like the SUV like Taurus. The Tarus looks more like an Explorer vs a Fusion. The Cruze and Impala will be and remain strong profit cars for GM. My only worry again is the BU. Can they make the needed changes fast enough to bring the BU up to the lead in class. While the BU is not a bad car it is jst behind the others now and the styling is already dated looking. It needs the new Chevy nose soon.
  8. We also should note here how the Super Sport is being used now too. It has been made clear by GM that the Super Sport is not going to be just a G8 or GXP with a Chevy nose. This new model will move much higher up in comfort and performance vs the last VE car. At this point it looks like a short option list but I would not be suprised to see it include things like a Magnetic suspension and even possibly a supercharged Gen V engine. While many have been thinking a Camaro SS 4 door it will be more closer to a ZL1 4 door. I see this car getting people into the show rooms for a look but it will generate traffic to help get people to also look a tthe Impala and Malibu. I just wish they would jump on the Malibu fast to pump it up as it was a old design that came late and it shows. I saw a new Fusion on the road today [not on fire yet] and it looked great I hate to say. It made much more of an impression vs the Malibu that kind of gets lost with the old Malibu and Cruze with the old Chevy face.
  9. Yes the Taurus and Avalon are prime targets of the new Impala. The market as a whole has moved volume from full size and mid size to mid size and compact. In turn we will get a much better less compromised Impala. This Impala will be more like the Impala of old where it really was a special car and not just a slightly upgraded fleet car. From 1958 to about 1972 the Impala really was something special. form 1973 and on the Impala/Caprice was not what is really used to be. It really got to the point there was not much difference from the top model to the bottom model over the last 20 years. I travel from Just between Clinton, Canal Fulton and Manchester to Tallmadge every day. I only jump on a couple miles of interstate 76 at the Goodyear headquarters. The rest of the way I take the back roads and I love the winding back roads in th lakes. It is much less stressful. But I know what you mean as I have also done the Santa Monica freeway at rush hour several times. Any more If I am in LA I kill time till later in the evening and head back to San Diego later on. I love to watch the sun go down over LA from the Griffith Observatory.
  10. GM has moved the Impala to a place where the size and cost will limit sales vs the Impala of old. If people are willing to buy they will build as many as they want but the fact is at the price point it is at GM has moved the volume focus down to the Malibu and Cruze. Ford has done this as has Toyota etc. They all understand where the market it at today and Chevy was smart not to put the presssure on this car to be more than it can be unless market demand is there. I think it will be a better car because of this as it will have features not normally available at a lower price, it will hold value better not being fleeted and it will prove to be more profitable per unit for GM and dealers. As for Ohio roads I love the one from Walnut Creek through Trail and into Winesburg in Holms county. That is one I have ever turn commited to memory. I also take the side roads in the Portage Lakes south of Akron every day and avoid much of the drab freeways and stop lights. I not only picked up one MPG but I also have the winding roads around the edge of the lakes. In my younger days I had one corner I could 4 wheel drift in my Fiero. Not an easy thing to so in a stock Fiero. I had to limit myself once I added the Herb Adams kit to it as the speed was too much for the area.
  11. That is a nice trip but it is getting to be a pain like the PCH. Lots of trucks and lookers and hard to get a good run. There are many roads in W Va. VA , Ky, TN and even Ohio that have much of the same thrill and less traffic. Though in Ohio you do have to watch for the Amish buggys. I have one here is Ohio I just love to hammer down. It runs through smae small towns in the swiss hills of Holmes County. Many of these roads originally were Buffalo trails that were turned into Indian trails later used by settlers and then paved over for roads. These things are up, down and around the many hills, ridges and valleys. It really is much like the Swiss valley roads. The 25 mile road in W VA is well paved and has great elevation changes. It is smooth and even has a run along a river where you can stand on it. You do have to watch for deer, bear and locals in their rusty pick ups trying to pass you on blind curves. These guys down there drive flat out no matter what the vehicle. LOL! I also love the run from Mt Airy NC to Stuart VA and Martinsville. Only down there once you hit VA you have to watch for the cops as they are everywere. It used to be an old Moonshine run years ago and still may be with some of the dry counties there.
  12. Yes....as long as the dirty bits are reliable (most are today), it's the interior gadgets that count. Because that is where people spend their time w/ a car. Inside. And most buyers don't care about performance or handling, since most driving today is tedious and dull...the slog to work on congested freeways and city streets, driving through crowded parking lots, dodging incompetent drivers and zombie pedestrians. Rarely does one have time to actually have 'fun' driving a car. Thus the excitement about Google's self-driving cars... All depends on where you live and where you drive. If I lived in San Fran or LA I can see the issues. Where I drive I take the side roads and the winding roads in the lakes area and try to take the perfect line. It is kind of my own small PCH so to speak. Not all are this lucky but often these routes are around if one is willing to seek them out in their areas. I have a few roads in W VA that would challange even some of the best. Smooth and winding with great elevation changes. One state route has a hair pin that has banking that makes one think Charlotte Speedway.
  13. And few (esp. younger buyers) wants a stripped down car of any size. Interior content and electronic features is as important as mileage and price to younger buyers. That is true and some find it hard to grasp. In this day and age they are more worried about what sound system vs what engine.
  14. The Cayenne and SRT*8 are both performance vehickes but they come from different directions. The SRT is more truck than car and the Cayene is more car than truck. Besides I would want to keep the price cheaper than the present SRT. This like pointed out would be more Outback with a performance option.
  15. Might note in the video. Mark stated the car was developed by the ZL1 engineers. I suspect this is GM speak for us to expect more than a SS package on a sedan. Will this mean the Magnetic shocks come standard? Will this mean we will some kind of supercharger? Stay tuned. I note too this car will be first shown at Daytona in Feb and released 3rd quarter of 2013. If you have not seen the video take the time to watch there are a few hidden nuggets there.
  16. If anything it is an improvment over the odd shaped car they are presently using. At least the nose and tail really kind of has a much more similar look to it vs the present car. The green house has to be retained as a set shape as they have to keep the brands honest. If not they would come up with some really odd crazy things to gain advantages at would really kill the seires like so many other have died. As much as I would love run what ever you want the MFG's always go over the top and damage the balance to the point people stop watching and other MFG stop investing. It is the best and worst thing that happens to racing. With the economy and attendance down controling cost will be very important.
  17. You beat me to it. Yes this as close as anyone has gotten to what to expect. Keep in mind this is the base model and I suspect there may be some even more limted HSV options added to special editions to keep things fresh. GM will not let this car just come and and just sit if they plan to use it as a NASCAR model. Just do not expect a wagon or coupe. I still hold out hope for a import of some Utes at some point. I suspect this car is not a long term deal and may be replaced with a Alpha or Omega based replacment. We will have to see what Holden plans to see what they do. The VF is just a evolution of a vehicle that has been pretty well played out to the limit. With out much more investment there is little more they could do without moving hard points. This is why I suspect they will invest in a different platform in a few years. I think the performance of this car will be the main thing that sets it appart. WIth the Gen 5 engine and optional Magnetic shocks this car will dance circles around the SHO and Charger. I just want to see this car anchor a place in the line up even at low volume that will spur more development in the second gen of this car. GM is doing the best with what they have and can build on it from here. This is a long term rebuild of GM and Chevy into this segment.
  18. I think a poormans version of a Porsche Cayenne would have some good appeal. Make it lighter and cheaper and of better quality and you may just sell a lot of them. I would also offer the 3 door coupe.
  19. You are the only one I have seen that feels this way. Even the other kids who hated him felt bad for him. The Hornet wagon was not so bad as it at least was a loud blue and had a white stripe. But the Salmon colored Rambler wagon was just as uncool as you could get even with a bunch of 5-10 year olds. Now the Nova was cool as it was even a 4 speed. Today this kid is in his 40's and is making and delivering pizza. I always say self esterm at a young age is important. LOL!
  20. A younger person buying a stripped down large sedan is just not realisitc. First they would avoid the lack of options and two they would not buy a large sedan. Generally if you can not afford the larger car you can't afford the gas either so they tend to go for the smaller higher MPG models or even buy used if they can pony up the money. There are many reasons many young people drive cheaper Hondas and it is not just price.
  21. They will probably do a wagon of some sort for markets where people buy wagons (not the US). I agree if this car becomes an Opel.
  22. They would do better with a cute cheap Metropolitan retro remake mini. Toss it on the LWB 500. Ramblers were always for the families that inherited Grampa's car when he got a new wagon. Ever neighborhood had a family like this. They were the kids that were always at your house looking at your dads new Chevelle. The day his dad finally bought a Nova SS that kid really started to hold his head up.
  23. "survivor from an earlier era, say that nice AMC Concord" Now there is something you do not see in print often. LOL! Too bad the Eagles did not hold up better and were in greater numbers. I think they would be a good collector car today with the oddity of AWD from that era.
  24. The diversity will start when there is more demand for some versions. You will get a coupe soon in the Camaro and more will come from that wheel base. As for a wagon I would not hold my breath.
  25. The visibility out of some cars these days precludes that. There have always been difficult vehicles to back up. For years many vans had more blind spots than Stevie Wonder. We had one we had to Service that was the worst. It was a Dodge Ram van with no windows behind the two front doors. It thing did not even have rear windows and had only two small car sizes mirrors. Or even my Neighbors 82 Camaro has one mirror on the drivers door that is a fun one to back in the garage but with a little practice and skil not impossible. Ever back up a 38 Chevy Coupe with no mirrors? Granted it comes in handy but at the loss of driving skills many never regain in the future. Many of these things are leading up to your car driving it's self. The Google we drive it for you idea is a fear all car enthusiast should have. And Blu I don't expect you to like it but just need to learn to deal with is as we are not going back. Besides in a crash today what is not expensive in this day of disposable cars. Just look at the cost of a single projection headlight assembly anymore.
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