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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. THe key here is not to count total volume with the ELR. It is a car that has many jobs to do and how well it does with each will decide if it does well or not. Anyone here who thinks it should and will sell more than 10K units does not understand the real mission this car is on.
  2. Some people compensate with piston counts while others are more secure in pure power results. In this day and age proper performance can be found in 4-6-8-10-12 cylinders. The only thing the smaller 4 hurt in is sound. Even the Great Enzo Ferrari also did well with 4 and 6 cylinder engines. A mini Vette is a waste of time. How many limited segment 2 seaters does a volume value leader division need? As I see it the more options available on the Vette the larger segment of the buying public it can reach. They have already shown this with the ZR1 as few of the present Vette buyers can afford this but I am sure it has picked up buyers that normally would have never bought a Vette.
  3. There is a time to offer what is right but there is also a time to offer what the market wants. Some may call them Fools but the companies showing profits call them customers. The public may not always want what is right or the best but they are the ones paying the money and they need to be given what they want.
  4. Companies today tend to stick to more realistic concepts unless they have some wild hair. GM has learned it's lessons of late. As cool as the SSR and Camaro show cars where they also paid the price with issues that most production cars do not have. At time the concept design helps but in the long run it also hurts as people have to live with these cars daily too. Also if they do not stick to the show car they catch hell if they do and then later catch hell because they did.
  5. Thinking today of many in the public is not so centered on the number of cylinders. In fact the younger the buyer the more inclined they will only look at the HP and performance numbers. The one group that would need to change the thinking would be the engineers on teh C platform. For the most they are the ones that have killed the V6 everytime GM looks into it. The 2 factors in play. What markets will the Vette sell in and what regulations will they have to deal with. At the rate of goverment regulation we may have a 4 cylinder or electric Vette by no choice before it is all over. The sad fact is now even with a nice C6 the sales are getting tougher to get. GM will do ok with the C7 but they will need to shake things up here at some point as there are many other choices in the market. Even Harley relented and did the V Rod and did very well. I suspect GM will keep some old but we will see more changes as nothing is sacred anylonger. We have already lost the pop up headlamps and round tail lights. At some point I suspect the Transverse springs will give way to some kind of new coil over. Even as the 911 may still be a 6 cylinder with a body that has a similar shape the 911 is no longer the same car it was at intro. We may see a V6 at some point but it will not be any sooner till the next gen. The goal of the C7 was 3000 pounds and I suspect it will need to lose more weight and size before they go to a smaller engine. What would be interesting is to see them take the Indy engine and base a production engine on it. Sell them as a special edition.
  6. Why Concepts? Right now I would say the Production cars are closer than you realize. The Camaro and CTS are just around the corner and I would expect if they plan to do a Buick it would not be far behind. GM has a lot coming and they just don't say much till they are 18 months out anymore. A Buick could be under a ATS body as we speak.
  7. The fact is people who don't buy Corvettes would be the target for the V6. But if you want it to sell you would have to make it interesting and not just a lower powered option. It would need to have performance as good or better than the base V8. In time we may see this engine in there but I would not expect it very soon. The V8 will be around for a while. The truth is the Vette needs to expand its appeal to more than the American gear heads and appeal to a global market since GM is now going global. Even if the V6 is not offered here it could be an export option as it would have great appeal in Europe.
  8. In the latests Hot Rod they stated GM is already working on tune kits for some of their Turbo engines. It did not go into detail but it did say they would be similar to like what I have on my 2.0 now. In other words they will make the premium required and you will see boost levels over 20 PSI. I would not be suprised for them to push past 300 HP and more boost on the new 2.0. The Transmission is all that holds back mine as the old 4 speed is at the limit at 315 FT LBS.
  9. Corvette generations tend to run around 7-9 years at the least...so is the C7 going to be short lived if the C8 is already started? Seems unlikely we will see the C8 until at least 2020.. Just what someone said on the Corvette team. They said both the C7 and C8 were being worked on at the same time. At the time they said the changes would be evolutionary on the C7 and the changes would be greater on the C8 and a longer development time would be needed. It seems that the changing CAFE will force major changes sooner for the Vette. Also I would say the competitive market will make the 9 year changes much shorter. GM can no longer afford years like last year that sold less than 12,000 units and even less this year.
  10. We go through this drama at ever C body release. Half love it and Half hate it and in the end they all end up dealing with the changes and accept it. The C7 is just a bridge to the C8 that is alreay in the works and will see some major changes as it did with the C1-C2. The C6 pissed a bunch off on the no flip up headlamps buy people got over it and moved on.
  11. If demand warrants we may see a 4 door at a later point. I suspect this car will be the Volt 2.0 as they are do for a second gen updates to the Voltec system. What better place to show case it.
  12. Even if the 4.3 is all new the name is a marketing issue. Most people still laugh and joke of the old shaker it used to be. The memories still lingered throught the Vortec era. Having owned several I know the engine improved first hand but They should have changed the engine to a 4.2 or 4.5 or some other size just to stress the point this was an all new engine. There really is no driving lust and love for the 4.3. It is just the engine people get when they buy a base truck for the most part. I do wonder if they have any plans to use it in the Colorado.
  13. The plug in hybrids from Ford and Toyota look like what and have crap interiors. Lets face it Electic cars look like crap and feel like crap because most are based on small econo cars. Tesla is offering a car that is niether and is is doing better than most. The Cadillac is breaking ground here for styling etc with a price I expect in the ATS range. Lets face it people complain the Volt is too expensive so why not make a better one all the way around and offer it to the people with the money that would not think much of a higher price. But to do so it has to have style and comfort. We know know what GM can do with a Cruze when it turned it into a Verano. Imagine a Better Verano at this point.
  14. What is a death sentance for a car that cost little to develope since most of which was spent on the Volt and has little in a way of total required sales. For the most this car gives GM the chance to show a different face of this technology and also the ability to show that cars like these do not have to be odd shaped golf carts. I feel the goal of this car is not profit or so much volume sales. This car will speak of things possible as things progress. This car is more about how people see electric cars and think of them than anything else. Just look upon many here an the negitive images some have here that are not fully developed by what they can not see for the future. In the public domain this is even greater as people there really have little knowledge and ability to understand what is possible. The one main goal of the Volt and the ELR is not profit or volume but to gain wider acceptance of these models and better understanding what they are all about. Few people again do not see the big picture. We all must look beyond the norm and see what the bigger goals are not only for this kind of product but for public opinion. Untill people see these cars for what they can be they will remain a hard sell. Many cars like the Corvette are easy sells as they sell on emotion and ego but a product like this needs to be sold with wisdom and understanding that emotion can be added to this. The bottom line is this is a electric vehicle that has advantages of electric vehicles but also the ability to capture the things we also love about our regular cars like styling, luxury and performance. The ELR is here to send to send a message of what is possible more than anything else. If the ELR helps change the opinion of many it has met its goal. Even with improvments to the system and lowering of prices with time there still has to be a good understanding and accptance of this system to ever get beyond science experiment image in market acceptance.
  15. I have to agree. I suspect the Z name will remain on hold till the new Alpha plaform arrives. This is the engine that should have been in the 1LE. A Z06 for the Camaro line. They may just make this happen now the Z06 engines are available.
  16. Not sure but the GM show cars with it were around 425 HP as was the Jay Leno Camaro they built him. The Holden Torano also if I recall was in the low 400 HP range too. From what talk there has been I have heard from 425-440 HP for the 3.6 and that there may also be a 3.0 if it was not killed and it would be 340-375 HP. Other than just lose talk and the show cars there really has not been much out of GM that we know for sure.
  17. But many also get the new platform and new engine at the same time. Just look at the Verano It has been through the 2.4 and now 2.5 and next will get the 1.6 Turbo. At least they worked hard to get the trucks and the Vette out with the new V8.
  18. Hard sell to you but there is a small but growing segment that will forgo price and other issued to be Green. Most have had to forgo style and luxury and the Cadillac will offer that. GM of late has taken chances with the Encore, Volt/ELR, Cruze Diesel and a few other coming vehicles. How many years did we sit here and complain when they could not afford to fail in any segment that they did not take any chances. Much of segments GM needs to gain ground in are vehicles that most Regular GM fans have no interest in. By attacking these segments or creating new ones they can bring in customers they do not have now that have no interest in the same old thing GM has been offering.
  19. As I can see some still do not see the big picture. No even GM expects to sell a ton of these but you have to start somewhere. The one issue they do need to address is to give the XLR something more to make it enough different to make it worth the price increase. The XLR had the major issue that while it was different it was not worth the extra money over the Vette. This is why it will be key to make enough changed to the ELR to make people want to move up from a Volt.
  20. I suspect the 1.6 will find its way into many products and the Encore is one of them I suspect the Encore was another case where the vehicle was ready before the engine they wanted was. Not that GM ever does that.
  21. The difference is the XLR was not built to create a new market and new systems for the Automobile. The XLR was not a path to anything new. This is a deal where you have to look at the big picture as this is not about a single car but more about growing technology. With this you have to bigger and longer term. The day will come where the Volt will go away and a lot of what was learned will be used in many different models. This journey stated with the GM Imapct vehicle and has move to the Volt and will move on to other advanced cars that will feed the future automotive market.
  22. God knows BMW would love to be able to pull off a ELR. To do so they will have to partner with someone else or out right buy the technology. Few companies could afford to do what GM is doing on their own. This is why some are scared of this car. It could change expectation of the consumer over time. Toyota took the lead with what they want the market to accept and if GM can change the direction it could cost them billions of dollars to change direction. There is a war on over how to do electric powered cars and who ever sets the stage will rule the market. Kind of how Apple set the pace of what is expected in a Music player, phone and pad. Others have come and gone and now they are all trying to do a better Apple now. You win the publics accpetance here you win the war. GM's Idea of making electic cars that can go gas and electric is the best idea out there. Also the Volt drives and rides much like any other normal car. It is something that could take care of the average owner and not just a few willing to limit their travel. The only issue is price and time has a way to take care of that.
  23. Not a great suprise as I figured they would have a nice send off for the Zeta Camaro. Just imagine what the Alpha Camaro will bring with the less mass and as much or more power with a better suspension. Imagine if they are using a 505 HP V8 in the present car the next GenV in the 6 Gen Camaro should have similar numbers and better MPG. The 1.6 will not only have better MPG and power but it I expect will have a much flatter torque curve.
  24. At this point with these cars GM is building to the goal of establishing a market and a break even point. Once those goal are achieved then they can focus on continuing to improve the cars and making a profit in a segment few others are dominating at this time. The Prius is the best that is out there and it is far from a good car. Just read the last comparo in Car and Driver between the Volt and Plug in Prius. Other than price they love the Volt. This deal is not a race but a marathon and any lead GM builds now till take others years to catch up. Think of this as an investment in the future. It may not seem like much now but could pay off big later with ground the gain and what they learn. Electrics are here to stay and will have slow growth but growth all the same. One only has to look at the space program. the Merucury rockets did not go to the moon but it was only the first step. With each generation of rocket after that we got closer till Apollo 11. Not only did we meet the goal we set out for but all we learned along the way that was and could be used in other parts of our lives was even greater. We must look at the electric car as like landing on the moon So many said it could not be done but it was. Also many of the new techologies we learn for this vehicle wil also be applied to other vehicles and possibly even lap tops pads and phones. GM may even be able to sell the rights to a lot of what they develope along the way to gain income not only from the sale of cars. GM once was strong with this in the past.
  25. Hmmm Development cost of one platform and spread over two cars sounds like just good buisness to me. The money save and the development money spred out like this will not only give them this car but will help funnel other money into other projects that they are already working on that you have no clue even exisist yet. The LTS and ELR are far from the only things they are working on. Also all the money they used to spent on the other division are now just focused on 3.
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