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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. GM is working to address the new small RWD segment that Toytoa has already taken too. It is said they are looking to enter this segment and will do so with not a Alpha car but a new platform using what they learned on the Alpha. I see the Camaro now not needing to sell 100,000 units to be more of a lower volume power house at a price and Chevy offering and growing a smaller segment with the Turbo 4, I like this vs forcing the Turbo 4 in the Camaro. I would forget the R130 styling as it is already dated and not as sporting as the present Toyota offering. I expect they will do a more global styling and may go a little more retro with the Camaro than I was expecting with this two pronged effort. Ford is doing this with one car with the new Mustang and I feel if GM takes this two car effort it will give them more of an advantage to better taylor the cars. It will let them grow the new segment and retain the older segment with out fear of losing the present fans. I would not be suprised if this car is already past the idea state and may be up to the buisness case level if they are now talking about it. http://gmauthority.com/blog/2013/01/reuss-scion-fr-s-subaru-brz-toyota-gt-86-fighter-from-chevrolet-on-the-list/
  2. Refresh reported to be addressing the rear leg room. http://gmauthority.com/blog/2013/01/upcoming-chevrolet-malibu-refresh-reported-to-address-rear-seat-leg-room/
  3. The fact is it was not all that long ago there were Cadillacs doing 12 secong 0-60 times. The majority in this class are not 0-60 people and all they want is something that will merge well with traffic and have a good feel. The Cadillac is more a sensory car where the feel of the interior, the feel of the ride and the lack of noise are what the owners are looking for. If they were looking for peformance they could easily get that cheaper some where else. The V, AMG and M series vehicles are the odd models out and not the norm that buyers seek. We may get the false impression that they are the most popular since they get most of the press but the normal average V6 model is king of sales and buyers hearts. In this corperate world we have to accept that engines will be shared with all division and that will not change. The only thing I do hope is GM works to give different tunes with more power to the more expensive cars and I also hope they dress the engines better in the more expensive cars. Lets face it the new LTS should not just be sent out with a cheap black plastic cover on it even if it is a LT1 based engine. Give it more power and dress it up in a little more quality trim. This was the one area my co workers and I feel the Vette missed the boat. Having a V6 Fiero you should see the reactions by many when they find out the trim I have is all stock. A little red poweder coat and 12 point stainless bolts make a very good impression and really only add a small amount to the cost. The ELR will have permance that will be more than enough for this segment. GM is trying hard of late to create classes of vehicles vs chasing them like they have in the past. The ELR Encore and Verano are trying to create what does not exist. How long have most of us here had wished them to do things that break new segments into the market. It is not easy and nor will all of them make it but they have chosen well in this and delivered product worth a look. Now they need to so is do a good job of selling it. The ELR will only build on the Volts progress and they did it well with cloaking it in some of the best sheetmetal we have seen in years. GM is showing that if you want electric you no longer have to settle for an easter egg and cheap interior or wonder if you can drive from San Deigo to LA and back in one day. If they can sell 5K the first year it will be a good year and they will advance it from there just as the Volt has. With this kind of technology you have to grow it as so many people really have no clue about it or what it is really like. The ELR will expand the appeal of the Voltec and get more people to understand and take interest.
  4. Or cars like the Viper ends up slow growth like the Vette did for much too long. I just expected with imput from a Company with resources from Ferrari, Alfa and Maserati would have advanced the ball a little more for the price they charged. At the least a electric suspension and an aero package with imput from the aero team at Ferrari who have really mastered the wind. For what the Viper cost there are better options out there that deliver much more even the out going C6 ZR1. The bottom line is GM advance the Vette more than the Fiat advanced the Viper in their new editions. I am not complaining as I like the to see GM have a edge but compitition only improves the segment as a whole.
  5. Just some numbers to consider. Volt sales 2010 - 1,219 2011 -14,510 2012 - 24,196 Add in Ampera and 2013 sales there are now 50,000 units on the road.
  6. The me the Viper did not go far enough in most areas. I the styling and options for what the price increase was is disapointing. When they test vs a similar priced old ZR1 and the performance is still less is not a good sign. I guess since they put a lot more Fiat DNA that was available into it I expected more. As it is now the new Zo6 may be enough to challange the new Viper. Over all the Viper is fine but I am just feeling like in past Vettes they did not move the sticks as far as they could have.
  7. The neat thing too is this is only one of many more new Cadillacs we will see by 2016.
  8. The Viper looks ok but it looks not a lot different than the old one for better or worse. I just think they should have changed it up a little more. I saw the C7 with the roof off and it looks great.
  9. Having first hand knowledge of the Turbo Eco engines they are no more harsh than the non turbo. In fact they tend to not have to get rev happy for powers so I tend to feel the harshness is cut down. Vs the Voltec in electric mode now what is not more quiet and smooth than a electic motor.
  10. The Lexus Prius never looked this good. The way I see it this car is the best looking Electric car on the market and cost less than the others. It has most of the advantages of the Karma with no bad Karma traits or cost. It also can be driven cross country in days vs weeks like a Tesla and will have better fit and finish. This is not a car for everyone but it will be big in California and other trendy liberal areas. It will become the see me for this class and will help regenerate the Cadillac image along with the ATS and coming CTS. Each I see as a building block to the future. As for performance it is just great they did not lose more than 1 mile of range as this is not Volt and has much heavier items on it and in it. The 20 inch wheels along have to add 70 pounds over the Volts. As for working well? It depends on just what you expect. This is not a 20,000 unit per year car and GM will not saddle it with any high numbers. They learned the hard way they have to grow this segment with the Volt already. As long as they slow but steady growth in this segment it will be all they need to see. The Electric car is only a part of the auto market not the market nor will it be for some time to come. It will take time for all of them to grow. It will be no different with the Diesel or any other new or different powertrains they may bring out.
  11. I love the interior. I like it even more than the ATS interior. Nice looking car. I wonder how it would do if they had this car offered with no battery and a 2.0 Turbo? It would be a nice option.
  12. This photo above show how this car has much more shape and depth than many of the photos imply.
  13. I feel the same but even in 63 they did not get the rear disc yet. Nearly all new C model intro's left a major thing on the table. The C2 til now was the most complete at intro. The reason they were smiling is they have driven the car and they know the sub and special models to come. We all need to remember we are only looking at the base car and it will only get new and added things on top of this. I wonder if they will try a full carbon fiber body on a ZR1 replacment.
  14. I too remember this even when I knew better. LOL! It may have been just the case of not pissing GM off as invites to the intro are not for all. Same on test drives on press day.
  15. If you hate the lines I would recomend waiting to see it in 3D as the line you see are more shapes in the body that often make more sense with depth. The Corvette is a damned if they do and damned if they don't car. No matter what they do it will bring cheers or jeers. From where I stand if they left off much of the shaped and sculped lines we would have people complaining about the slab sides. I still have a diehard Vette owning neighbor who just bought a low mile C5 because it is not a Corvette if it does not have pop up lamps. He looked at the C6 and refused it. Some feelings die hard. In the end this car like those before it will be in demand and a darling of many. I see this as the most complete Vette ever introduced. Sure in the past we have has many good Vettes but we have never really had one at intro that really addressed all the details. If the suspension tuning is anything like I expect based on the C6 and ZL1 we should have one hell of a car for the money. I am sure one on the Rags will find fault with the shifter being too notchie LOL!
  16. I have kept up on this car for a while and it is the car they needed and came out pretty much as some predicted. This car retains a lot of Vette but take it to the next level in a way no Vette has since 63 and 04. What is different this time more than even the tail lights is they got the little things addressed more than anything. They finally got a Vette they could finish before it went to market. In the past the details lacked as like with so many other GM products they never had the funding to do it all. Case in point the 4th Gen F body where the money went into the drive line and suspension but nothing was left for what was inside. [pointed out by the F bodfather himself]. The only thing I was suprised with is the HP did not reach 470 HP yet. I expected a jump but they are still saying estmaited so we still see a few more ponies in the standard cars. Even then the standard car is still noting to passed over by anymeans. What I like is they addressed the interior and it looks great but what I really like is they addressed things like Aero. GM has gone in the direction Ferrari has done and addressed the aero aspect of the car as there is a lot to gain in perfornace there. I know first hand what a functional hood vent will do on a car owning one myself. You would be amazed at how even a small vent can settle the nose of a car down. not to mention it makes a hell of a bug deflector. LOL! What will be interesting is the present car will play better to the global market and challange many global players. The cool thing is how the added models will advance this base Stingray even farther. The first reaction will remain the same as 50/50 is how it normally sizes up on like and hate. Around the time the first reviews and numbers from the track come in the hate grows more and more distant. I think Chevy has finally started to move the Vette on and this car will translat into even greater changes when they seek the C8 as most automakers have began to move on with some aspects of their sports cars for the sake of a better car. Only the 911 keeps it's basic shape but nearly everything else has begun to move on and the Vette has joined them. Job well done GM Now see if we can get aound 470 HP out of this engine.
  17. Why Cruze Diesel because they have already anounced it. I would have chosen the Verano if it were up to me. Impala LTZ loaded will be around $42K per what I saw from GM and if you add a more expensive engine what is that going to do? As for the SS they change a holden grill I never made a case for a Cobalt SS they just did it and failed to market it. I am not even calling for a Cruze SS. I may own a HHR SS but I would have never advised to have built one. Olds sold a lot of diesels before they had issues and Diesel was cheaper and gas was up. Not difficult to do back then. Now I do agree with this "Memo to GM, make it reliable, don't f*ck it up." I have no issue with Diesel and the expansion of the engines at some point but before there is any heavy investment lets get the Cruze up and selling and show what it can do and then use it to sell what ever else they desire. If Diesel was such a slam dunk they would all be runnung to it like they are to the small CUV's. Let them get one right and then the rest can come petty quick if there is demand.
  18. The fact is the American car buying public is not sold on Diesels in a great degree and GM needs to sell the truth to them to get their attentions. Untill they drive them and understand the MPG they really see no reason to change. Most of the VW buyers are German or Import buyers to start with and out of 29K a small part converts from different makes. Diesel is like a Religion to some and they are faithful but others just are non believers or see a reason to change. I agree GM should go big with the Cruze or even a Regal Diesel but do you think a loaded LTZ Impala that now stickers over $42k will sell as well with the added cost of a Diesel? That car would be pushing $45K. At this point we have not even seen how the public will take to the higher priced Impala as it is. Lets get the Cruze out and see how it does and how well GM can sell the idea and expand from there. I hate to see GM go big on Diesels like they did on Hybrid trucks to only see them fail. If GM does not market the Cruzw Diesel well why bother with anything else.
  19. One thing that must be considered too when buying a Diesel is they are not for everyone. Generally the harder they are driven the better. One thing we learned on the Old/GM Diesels and some other makes the harder they are driven the better the held up. The GM engines often in Cadillacs were bought by people who just putted around town and the engines leaked and often had issues. Now we also has some used buy salesman who were on the road all the time and a lot of highway miles and the engines leaked less to not at all and they seldom had issues with the engines. Most out lasted the body and frames of the cars.
  20. Not when you want to pay that much and you can get nearly the same car for much less. I think he is like many Chevy owners much happier with the lesser price of a LT2 vs the LTZ. All I know is he is a dedicated Passat owner and fan of the Diesel and this is his fellings on the car. Love the engine not the price and chose the gas because of it.
  21. My co worker has a new 13 Passat and he loves it. He has owned a series of Passats and has remained with the Gas power. He said he loved the drivability of the Diesel even better than the gas and the mileage but the cost was too much for him to justify. He said if it was an even cost he would have taken the Diesel. It is a nice car I just wish it was a little more sleek looking like the CC.
  22. Just for grins and giggles I spoke with my resident VW owner and fan at work and asked him for his imput on the Passat and Diesels in general. He has owned 3 Passats over the last few years and before that a series of GTI Golfs and a series of Sirocco's. Here is what he had to offer with no prompting from me. I asked what he thought of the Passat Diesel. He stated he loved the car and it drove better than the gas version he owns. He stated he would love to have one but the added cost is all that stopped him. He is considering the next VW he buys may be a Diesel. I told him around 29K were sold and asked him where most of the buyers came from. He said of all those he knew that owned them and drive them were all prev VW owners and many Audi owners. Being involved with VW groups I asked what he knew of American converts to the VW Diesel. He knew of none. He said there were many American owners converted to the Gas models but not many with the Diesel. I asked what he thought of a Cruze Diesel as we are expecting and he said it would be a good place to start as it should run well and get well over 50 MPG. He noted the real issue is cost. He said if they can not keep the price resonable or cheaper than some models it could be a hard sell. He pointed out the Passat Diesel is treated as a high end model because of the cost and they load the car up with options to help make it feel as a good value. I asked what he would think of the new Impala Diesel. He said it was a nice looking car but he is not sure how it would play if it cost too much with the diesel. I advised the loaded LTZ would be just over $42K and he felt it would be a hard sell at that price with the other more popular Euro offerings. He felt that American companies if they want to sell diesels that the price and education are the key points and he said they should not expect great sales as it will take time for people to accept them. In other words don't give up if they don't have a big take rate after 5 years. I asked about the Malibu having a Diesel and he felt the Regal would be better with this engine as with better options and a more Euro like car [he noted it was a Opel] it would have more appeal to the Euro buyers. He said even his VW friends like the GS. Anyways that is what he stated to me.
  23. It would be interesting to see where the VW Diesels came from.
  24. GM and Chevy are to the point they need to express the global thinking of we are moving ahead and don't look back. We are a new company and not the same mess we were 10 years ago. I would love to see a head well spoken person from GM go public like Lee did for Chrysler and really drive the point home that it is a different ball game.
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