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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. The Seats are subjective. I see the same comments on the Terrain. Most like the seats but some complain they are hard. In the last year I am ok with them. I am use to stiff seats in most of the cars I have owned as most have had performance seats. Now if you were coming from a DTS or the like you may no like these. The younger you are the more inclined you will be to feel they are fine.
  2. Nice ride but showing its age. The new one will address the weight and the issues of size as this one is pretty large for this segment. It also may have a lot of back seat room but at the expense of the rear cargo area. It will be interesting to see how GM updates this segment. While the Caddy is nice the GMC is a better deal unless you catch a break on the SRX that they do once in a while. The MPG is expected as you have well over two tons here to move. The 3.6 has improved the MPG too. The TT V6 would have the ability to get a little better MPG but also provide worse the way many driver drive with this amount of weight. The TT would be better suited for a 3500 SRX vs. this one.
  3. I have heard that people were pleased with what they saw at the event. Sorry no details could be given other than they were very pleased. The Escalade will be a major step up on interior trim and features. This one will set itself apart much more than the last couple gens did. I expect that Cadillac will soon offer a Turbo upgrade for the Turbo 4 soon that will boost it to over 300 HP and as much as 340 FT LBS of torque. This would make for a very appealing dealer installed option on a Coupe. $400-500 will get you 50-60 HP.
  4. GM did well to improve this car and hold the bottom line on the base car. But as with the present car once you start checking boxes the price will go up fast. Once they add the performance models it will go up even faster. I have seen Z06 carbons already stickered right at $100,000 now so I suspect the same will apply here. At least GM is trying to keep the cars affordable on several levels. what is sad is my Mom gets a Magazine called Reminisce Magazine. She gave me the last issue since they did a story on how older folks remembered their Corvettes. Most bought theirs while still in their teens and still in High School. Not one of them bought one older. It is sad but understandable with the changes in times and insurance that kids today can buy their cars till 40 years later when their kids are out of the house. But that is just the way it is. If I were to spend $70K today on a Vette it would be hard for me to choose from a new C7 or a 1959-60 C1. I love the new car but I have fond memories of the many miles I spent in my Neighbors 59 FI car. Today they are about the same price and the one is continuing to climb. Just a note today I took my son out in my Buddys 94 convertible today. It was the first time he was on the road in a Vette or a Convertible. He had to tell mom we needed to get a Vette. The car my buddy has is nothing real special but it only had 30K miles never been in the rain and Torch Red as it should be. He only gave $12 K for it and it only needed a few simple things like a new shift boot etc. that came with the car and just needed to be put on. We have spent time fixing little things on Saturdays and upgrading things like the Skip Shift and removed the rear resonators. He did get a pretty good deal from what I Can see.
  5. Before I get all worked up I think I may just let them pull off the covers and see this before I get an idea of if I like it or hate it. I might just do something silly like even wait till I see it in person to better opinion.
  6. The second one speaks to me of past Cadillac's with out trying to mimic any one in particular. To me it screams Cadillac but on it own not trying to pretending to be something from the past.
  7. It is not impossible but it is still very difficult and very few cars can pull it off. In the end it is still easier to style a larger car with less restrictions. The little 3 door Opel Astra is one of the few small cars that pull it off. Once you cram all that you need into a smaller package and have to design around it that is where it becomes a real challenge to cover with less option to stretch the sheet metal. This car should be fine but it will never be an Impala.
  8. To early to panic as normal. The last one looked like a Jelly Bean in Camo too. So did the ATS etc. You also have to accept the fact this is a smaller car and you just can not do things stylistically like they did on the Impala due to size. The smaller the canvas the smaller are you have to be creative but remain functional.
  9. The Second is an Omega for sure and was just shown last August. I love it much more than the Ciel. It could even be made into a very dramatic sedan too. I expect the LTS will carry traits of this car into the editions they offer. I see a LTS coupe doing much well as at the price point they do not need to sell a ton of them. The first one surfaced just last May and no other info can be found. I was just intrigued by the concept of a GT 2+2 as a better choice over another failed 2 seater.
  10. I have seen them posted other forums but I did not think they ever made it here for some reason. We got stuck talking old cars and I think they just got missed. There are photo's of the new ATS coupe out there now too if anyone wants to post a link.
  11. I am speaking on these coups I have photo's posted of. Neither are a ATS OR CTS and both are from the last year. I assume one is a concept of a possible LTS and the other is a LTS or could be some new 2+2 GT Idea they are playing with. They are for sure Cadillac's but few speak of them after they were shown. I just wondered if anyone had seen anything on these. The ATS is already testing in Camo and is definitely on and the CTS may or may not follow later based on ATS sales.
  12. For the lack of anything interesting going on I thought I would drag this out. Last Spring I saw this posted but never heard or seen anything else. Anyone else see or hear anything on this car. I could see this as a great challenger to the Aston Martin or AMG coupe. I think a 2 + 2 GT would work much better at Cadillac and not step on the Corvettes toes. They need space and what would do better than slotting the Cadillac into a GT class the Corvette is not in. http://www.burlappcars.com/2012/05/new-cadillac-coupe-coming-up.html Anyone know any more on the Cadillac Glamour Concept? http://www.digitaltrends.com/cars/cadillac-glamour-concept/ Cadillac has put this out there but I have seen nothing more. I suspect this has some LTS traits to it but since Pebble Beach it has been silent. I never saw anything here on either car and wondered if anyone even noticed these on the other web sites? I love how they did the rear on this one. To me it is much elegant than the Ciel open car. To me it has a little Eldo but it is it's own car.
  13. The tax is a major part of it but Americans as a whole still need to change how they feel about them. For this to work GM needs to grow this market and educate and win the trust of Americans. The greatest key is to get them behind the wheel to see how the torque feels. This is a 5-10 year deal that GM needs to stick to if they want growth. Even then they have to hope the fuel does not go up in price over gas. Too few equate the MPG gains over the Fuel price paid at the pump. The other factor is will the EPA slap more hate on these engines. While the tax is better in Europe the emissions are much softer there. This is a risk here and not a slam dunk sure thing.
  14. I am not sure where the heck you get emotion here. The basics are this, some people look at selling a car as in one dimension when you must look at all facets of the issue. Dwight often makes good points if you are doing a limited look at a model but in selling a car in the real world you must factor in everything and not cherry pick. This is where people Like Bob Lutz, Mark Ruess and even some like Scott Settlmire have to take all factors and put them together into one vehicle. While having these more efficient engines are a good idea if you only look at MPG there are other factors to consider. You may build it but will anyone come to buy? At what price point will be the best chance to sell the car in the best numbers. What options do you have to have or can do with out to best price the car. This is how far they go. When the planning was being done for the Gen 5 Camaro the Disciples were asked how important the smell of leather was to them. They were to the point of seeing if the added cost of the smell of the leather was a item that needed to be included and how important it was. The smell has to be put in as it is not natural. Building a car is part what is on paper, yes a little emotion and a lot of study of people and what the public wants and what it will take for them to buy the car. Your idea of a Encore with a Voltec drive line is interesting but how much and how much would people pay? If the Volt now is near $40K you know the Buick with AWD would be over $50K or more. GM right now is growing this segment and right now the greatest complaint is price. Once they get the Voltec system cheaper cars as you state may very well be on the board. Right now it will be interesting to see the take rate of the ELR. Also how many miles will the AWD kill the battery sooner? 5-10 miles would be a major deal breaker to many. How soon will they be able to extend the present range? The Cruze Diesel will be a segment like the Volt that needs to be grown. It is not a segment that will be a home run right out of the gate. In a year or two I expect they will expand sales and the car the engine is offered. The more they sell the more Americans will learn about them and dispel the myths good and bad. CNG has a long way to go for mass public acceptance. Fleet sales will be the fastest way to grow it and get them out there but in the public hands it will see limited growth again till people better understand it and also the price is closer to what the gas engine is. The dominate factor in all of the this is price. Most people will pay more for a better sound system vs. a better MPG powertrain. Either way it takes all factors to build and sell a car and all must be considered. This will help many better understand why companies do what they so even when a Enthusiast is in charge. Anyways it take more than pure performance numbers and good ideas to sell a car to the public as they are today. You must understand them and know what they wants and needs are logical or not. You must understand their limits on what they will pay or expect. Too many here do not spend much time on non enthusiast web sites and forget what the average buyer is like. Just the other day on the Nox web site they were arguing mostly over how long to change oils, to use or not use Nitrogen in the tires and wrinkles in the leather in the seats. MPG, QUALITY and PRICE are the most important factors and any single one could kill a sale. Note styling is important but this emotional item is lower on the list than what I have listed. Once purchased general ergonomic are what are important. Many things are petty but often are what lead to repeat buyers.
  15. Again you leave out the factors the kill your position. I agree it is the smart thing to add a couple MPG. I thought that from the beginning but! Increased cost on a over priced car as it is. Limited increase in MPG. Increased fuel economy. Increased and difficult EPA standards. The lack of love for Diesel in this country and limited love for electric as it is. Now your idea may have merit in Europe where people love Diesels also the emissions and cost of them and the fuel is much more in line with gas. The way they treat Diesels in Europe make it much easier to build and to own and make it an advantage in all parameters not just MPG. You need to read the speech by Lutz at the SAE Congress as it is on the web. He makes some very valid points and from position of someone who knows all sides of the issue. Also note his love of the Volt is deep so If anyone would think this was a good idea in all areas he would have pushed for it. He is a man who spent most of his life in Europe and understand what they are all about and they work there. Like I said in number on paper the Diesel Volt look wonderful but the problem is you have to figure the real world into the equation. Sorry building and selling car is not just numbers. With Diesels most of us here including myself do not have a full grasp of what is all involved and why the work in Europe and not here. It is more than numbers or the lack of American love. The more I learn on how it is treated there the better I understand how it works there and not here. There is a hell of a lot more to it than I ever imagined.
  16. I am sure GM has good reason. These are all good ideas on paper but when it comes down to adding in all the other factors it changes the pictures. A diesel along while a good idea would add cost to a car that already cost too much. ETC. Might read on what Lutz had to say on the Cruze Diesel at the SAE Congress. It adds some info for though with Diesels.
  17. Sorry I was late for work it should have read NOT swamped with complaints. There was some talk of the clicking when the engine cam to market but as the noise has toned down with changes as has the talk. Also there was issues with the soot in the tail pipes and black smoke at start up at times. now that people know it is normal no one speak of it anymore.
  18. I hope this does well but I will be shocked if it works out to a large scale success. If only all those that cry Diesel will pony up the money GM would have a run away hit but I fear many of those who voiced they wanted a Diesel will not be around when this hits the dealer. If anything any they do sell will help and the marketing of a MPG of this nature will be good for marketing over all. While I do not expect this to be a Failure but it will not be a home run either. But it will not be GM's fault a they offered what was requested,. Again I hope I am wrong but time will tell. May be the new coming Cruze with less weight may hit the magic 50 MPG.
  19. Just had a friend put a Corsa on a new Camaro V6 and I was afraid it would not sound right but I was wrong. The Corsa came out very good. Also the engine in that car is no more unrefined than the V8. I found nothing to be objectionable. GM with each model and each use of this engine has refind the noise issue related to it. Yes at the beginning it did make some odd noise mostly outside but since the first CTS model year it has proven not problematic. Lets put it this way the forums are now swapped with complaints.
  20. Major car companies, i.e. Toyota, Honda, Ford, and GM love that sort of vehicle. Only because it makes money and fits into their plans to reach the levels of CAFE they will have to meet. Sorry to say even the 3 cylinder will become a bigger part of this mix as cars get smaller and lighter. The imports made a lot of headway in this market not just on quality as they were better but not by much. They made their ground with economy and keeping money in peoples pockets at the pump. These days of the $70 fill ups will only fuel more of this thinking. Pun intended.
  21. Till Europe is on track I expect GM to remain neutral there. As for people being led I see more enthusiast or what ones that are left getting delusional anymore. They think they have it all figured out but have little business sense or understanding of todays market since they just do not agree with the general publics opinion. I do not like most of what is out there but understand what is needed and what is wanted by non enthusiast buyers who dominate the market. Like I said 1959 is over.
  22. No people with different needs, likes and different opinions. Times have left you and me behind.
  23. Not as much as a SUV or most CUV's The fact is people like the roof high up to give them much more usable room than was available or is available in most car bases wagons. People buy SUV's and sedans as they are more usable. Today most buyers are looking more for practical vs. style. Coupe and Wagon sales have gone down ever since the market and buyers have shifted. You My not like the truth but it is what it is. I own the closest thing Chevy has made to a wagon since the Cobalt wagon and the HHR has sold many more units than they ever would have with a Cobalt wagon. Some bought for the retro styling but many bought because it was a inexpensive reliable vehicle that can haul more than a low roof wagon. In days gone buy cars were taller and so too were the wagons. As the automobile got shorter and lower it removed much of the ability for larger taller items and space. Wagons became less popular as they were replaced with small minivans that did the job of hauling people and cargo much better. Even the little Encore from Buick with the seats folded down has a lot of usable space for tall and wide items. I look at it this way. A auto based wagon has 2 dimensional ability with wide and long where most minivans and SUVs have 3 dimensional ability with wide long and tall. When hauling people just look at a Kingswood estate wagon vs. a Traverse and see which hauls more and which is more people friendly. Granted the car is more stylish but buyers don't seem to care so much anymore. It is sad but the Asians have turned the Americans into looking at the auto as an appliance.
  24. If you want wagons convince the American public by a large margin they want them. Same with Manual transmissions. Auto makers will build what ever the mainstream wants. As of right now only a handful out of the mainstream wants them. The problem is this is not 1969 anymore.
  25. OK you are crazy. You said to call you that. LOL! I have seen many out there and I have been waiting to hear more feed back. I am interested to see how this car is for real people in the real world. Post how things are and how the experience goes. Cars like this are very important to GM and Chevys future health. Even our people here that only like V8 RWD should have a interest here as the longevity of the cars they love rest in the success of selling more smaller cars like this into the future. I am not a Spark buyer but I know how well it does will effect what I do buy or am offered in the future. Good luck! I hope you love this car.
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