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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. I see a new Audi Quattro coupe coming [Autoweek story]. That would make an interesting car for Cadillac to compete with. Something fun, sporty and out of the norm for Cadillac that would appeal even more to the younger buyers. If not there at least at Buick.
  2. Cadillac is like Saturday Night Live. It is a collection of cast that has yet to prove itself globally. In time we will get the members or models that will translate to prime time and prove their worth and value. To make a move right now for some top end deal will fail even if it is a great car as there is no great demand for a ultra expensive Cadillac and as of now a failure on the top level will set back any second chance 10 year or more. The whole things is Cadillac is not the darling of the automotive market as it once was. It can be again but it needs to earn that right and do so with the products they have now. Look at Acura and the NSX. Yes they built a very good car but it is and will never be a Ferrari. Cadillac needs to be the best they can be and make Cadillac the car to have not make a Cadillac model that is like the others at this level. They need earn their reputation, respect and trust at $50-100K to earn a right to sell at a higher price. The profits are on the lower priced cars anyways so it is not a must have to go ultra. I would love to see them do some smaller volume cheaper special short term models to perk the line up. This could better show case their abilities and value.
  3. EDIT - Wonder if it'd be easy to set up a 'specialty' assembly line, focused 100% on the highest levels of manual input and assembly quality, for such a model alongside the other Alpha+Omega models... It could easily be done as this is how vehicles like the SSR and Viper were built. I think even the Reatta was done this way at the craft center if I recall. The more manual it is the more expense hence the higher the cost. The only issue is how much quality can they put in and still get a price to cover it. What is the model and price point that Cadillac can attain that people will be willing to pay. Also what you have to do to keep the car alive for more than 3 years. This is what Lincoln did with the Continental in the 50's and while it was a good car it lived a very short time and sold in too few of numbers. It was a case where the car was just not up to the image and different enough to make it desirable to most customers. Still a good car but not good enough in the right areas. For the longest time I always considered the LTS as the flag ship and anything higher a pipe dream for now. The things Cadillac needs to pull a car off like this is not anything they can install or do on the assembly line. The things they needs it what the car will mean to the customer and you can not build that or install that. Many have tired and failed with out earning their place like Lincoln. It is easy to fall from grace of in this case status but is takes much more time and work to gain it all back. Cadillac is not going to earn their way back in just 10 years and 3-4 models. It needs to do the work and earn its way back the right way with top quality product that with each new model takes it to the next level. I still think Cadillac needs to look at doing engines just for themselves at some point. Even if it is not one of their own it has to be one that is not shared in the same tune as the rest and they need make an effort to make it appear different. I often wonder the lack of the TTV6 in anything else at this point is to make that engine a Cadillac engine only. This could change but as for now if you want it the only way is through Cadillac vs. the ecoboost you can get it in a truck to a Lincoln. I just tire of GM doing cars like a XLR and Allante that just come up short and if even done right may still fail due to the price point. I just think they need to make what they have the best and then top it with each coming model. One large failure on the scale of a Maybach would set Cadillac back more than it did Benz. When you are there and fail no one says much but when you are trying to come back people talk.
  4. As I have said before a larger 2+2 open top would do well at Cadillac over another failed two seater sports car. Make it stylish, comfortable and a GT in the truest sense.
  5. Again calm down. I am not nit picking. What I had in mind were the A bodies F bodies etc. While even they had their differences they also many things the same. I have pulled out 12 bolts from under Pontiac GTO's that were bolted in place from the factory and used fenders for a 68 Camaro that bolted in place of a 68 Firebird with no issues only to be capped and hidden by a Bird bumper etc. While no where near where it got later the basis for these cars were starting to be shared and got worse later.
  6. While Pontiac did many things to change them they still started with the same damn platform Chevy was given as well as Buick and Olds in most of their cars. They learned to get the look down, how to market it and used performance and racing to present it. If you are referring to the period I mentioned, they certainly were not "the same damn 'platforms'" (no 'platforms'; BOF cars). Each Division in this era (thru the early '60s) designed their own. Buick's was totally unique out of the five '59s. Only thing Pontiac & Chevy started out with was the same damned body shell mounting points & the same greenhouses... the rest was proprietary. Calm down I was speaking of the 60's as many of the platforms were melding together at that time. Not as bad as later as they each had their little tricks but they did share a lot more than many want to admit. But on the other hand it makes it easier to restore them today.
  7. As a GMC owner now I like it but if Buick can put together a compelling package I would even take a third look. I think you will find in this segment it is the styling and not so much the shape that is what most look at. Most Nox and Terrain owners have their favorite but most would not have an issue with either if they could not get their first choice.
  8. Image Is part product but much of it is Marketing! Lets face it some of the most popular cars today have great public Images and many are just ok cars. With Pontiac and I am a Pontiac fan the keys to their changes were in styling risks and with good solid marketing. Wanger was and is yet today full of hot air but he marketed the Pontiac image. While he talks a lot about the GTO today his marketing affected every Pontiac. Look at the imagery of the Fitzpatrick and Kaufman illustrations. Today they are considered art work and back then it sold a image and perception of these cars. While Pontiac did many things to change them they still started with the same damn platform Chevy was given as well as Buick and Olds in most of their cars. They learned to get the look down, how to market it and used performance and racing to present it. Pontiac in the last few years was not really getting the look down on some cars and they were a performance division that really had no performance out side two cars. Cadillac has the look and they are damn close on the performance. They only lack a few minor things that I expect them to fix. I only wish they would take the advertising to the next level. The S class is needed as this is a three model class of cars. The XTS is ok but it not what they really need in a flag ship. Having a FWD car is ok but it should not be your flag ship even with AWD. Cadillac can move up but they first need to earn the right to do so. The direction they are going shows they can do it but the fact is they still have to do it and it takes time to redeem an image from where they placed it. They will earn the customers trust but lets let the ATS and CTS have some time to do their work. In the mean time GM needs to address any and all issues asap and make these cars best in class with no reservations.
  9. Not true as while Cadillac on the option sheet could beat the flying lady in image and prestige Cadillac has not competed since the custom body V16 cars. Rolls was never really that great of a technical car but they have built heritage and image on styling and hand craftsman's ship. Also for a long time as one of the most expensive cars you can buy. Today they are just a large over priced ugly BMW. Until Cadillac has gotten the rest of their products in line they will not have the image to produce such a car. Even for Benz the Maybach failed as it never had the styling and was seen as many as just a over priced Benz. Lets get the rest of the new lines out and see where the market is and go from there. Lets face it if the LTS is not class leading then why bother with a even more expensive model. Right now the money is in the mid priced expensive cars in the 100K-175K range and they can look into that at some point but being there is not going to make or break Cadillac. The ATS and CTS being better than all other is where Cadillac's future image lies. BMW's present image was built with the 3 series not with buying Rolls Royce. If anything I think they have hurt Rolls more then helped them with their styling.
  10. The V16 cars of the 30's were seen of high value to people with money. They could compete with Dusey, Packard and even Rolls back then. Today If given time to improve their image to being a class leader in all segments they could tackle this if they chose. Just it can not just be a larger LTS and it has to be something special. Bentley today is high end but a much more common car today as I see them often even here in Ohio and even in the middle of winter. They and Maserati have become the choice of those who want to be seen differently then the traditional BMW and Benz crowd. Rolls is not as common for two reasons they are even more expensive and for the most part they are ugly. One of the few new Rolls I see here in Akron is Lebron James Rolls but even he does not drive it often as he spends more time in his other toys from Ferrari or even the family truckster they use to take the family out shopping or out to eat. . Cadillac needs to focus on the ATS, LTS and the CTS to make them the best in class. Then we can revisit this.
  11. I suspect that the Omega would share some things and be a reworked Alpha. As the Volume would be low enough that it would be difficult to spread this model out too much even with Buick in China and Opel in Europe. I always considered the LTS a S fighter and a flag ship. Once they connect with this car then they could move to other aspirations of higher models. I would love to see them do a Bentley GT coupe/convertible first and not another sedan and or 2 seat sports car. I think they could pull this one off and build on to a sedan later. Bentley is a obtainable goal but they have work to do first and a lot of other needed product to do before they jump in the deep end. You must be considered and seen as a true contender before you can compete in these higher classes. Image in these classes are just as important as anything else. But Cadillac needs to learn to walk the walk here before they try to dance.
  12. As long as people have the disposable income they will use them to enhance their image. That is the point of most purchases in this range. I know many who hide their income and worth and you would never know their worth while others display it or try to show they have more than they have.
  13. Not sure if I buy this. Too often things are on, off, on, off etc. I suspect that there may have been some timing changes as Cadillac has work to do before they pop a large big buck car out. I expected a $75K-120K car from the start and it is doable. The S should be the target here for now. Later on once they have established themselves as the choice car to be seen in and drive then offer the over the top car. The real key here is what can they also use the Omega for to cover the development cost on this platform. One car will not do it and there are few other large cars GM will ever offer again. Anyways we have heard so many times the ATS coupe was canned and yet it just appeared not long ago in cammo.
  14. The DTS has been issues with Oil burning, Air pump, AC, BCM, Fuels purge system and now converter issues. I am shocked the CEL has not burned out with as much as it has been on. I am glad I have a good engine scanner so we could figure out what many of the issues were. From what I have read on the Cadillac site many were common. They have had a series of Lincolns and now the Cadillac and have had bad luck with all of them. She just uses it to go shopping a lot. I recommended that they check out the Impala too as the car just gets beat up in mall parking anyways. I really never liked the DTS but then it is not really my kind of car. The XTS is good in her eyes for the chrome but she does not like the slope to the back. She likes here cars like boxes and I have advised here other than the 300 Boxes are pretty much gone. I do not think the father in law will go Chrysler as they have had several on that side of the family and many blown head gaskets and other issues with them. But most were driven in WV and beat to death too with 50 mile plus trips to work and 50 miles home over the mountains. They are also looking as SUV's too. She really likes out Terrain and I told her to check out the SRX. She buys cars not for performance or even the comfort it is the image she seeks. On a side note my resident Ford guy at work about fell all over himself over the Impala. He could not believe how sweet it was. I told him last Feb it blows the Taurus away in styling and now that he saw it he agreed. He said if he had not just bought a new Ford he would have looked at one.
  15. It will be interesting to see who buys and how many new CTS vs. XTS. The XTS is not my kind of car but It is very comfortable and with the new engine they have made it interesting. I love the drivers seat. I am trying to bet my in laws to look at one to dump their DTS for it. They have had so many nagging issues with that car I would like to see them dump it. I think it was that car you always heard was built on a Friday.
  16. It's simple... because a Certified Pre-Owned (6yr/100K warrantied) XF S/C was available @ $34.8K with 40K miles. I couldn't find any CTS-V Coupes under $42K (or any C63s for that matter) with that kind of mileage and I am not interested in $5K clutch jobs every 20K miles with the E60 M5. The CTS-V is the preferred option, just not quite as good a deal used. Fact of the matter is this... The XF S/C is a 4300 lbs car with 470 bhp / 424 lb-ft and 15/21 MPG (ZF 6-speed auto). This car would have been faster, cheaper, potentially less problematic and have better fuel economy if it had the 460 bhp / 466 lb-ft LT1 Pushrod V8. If not anything, because the engine would be almost 100 lbs lighter and doesn't spend up to 30~40 hp driving the blower. Output is about the same. Here we go again. LOL!
  17. I love the wheels on the black one. They look similar to the GS wheels. I hope to God they did not spray down the interior of the new truck with detailer. It looks so shinny in these pictures. If they did and it was my truck I would be plenty ticked. I just was sent more info from GM on the new GMC. I love the dash and the gauge placement. This is a good truck but I just wonder if the conservative styling will make it get over looked by those who are not brand loyal. You know the loyal people will buy hell or high water but those who are open minded need to be temped and lured visually. I think the styling while good just does not send the message of how changed these are.
  18. Cuze? Another name change? Hey it was 6:34 AM and I do not wake up till 10 AM. Yes I have to be at Work at 8 AM. Makes for a fun drive to work I think. LOL! Based on the Mules I have seen I expect something closer to this. I do like the harder edged first one better.
  19. Hmmmm looks like a new Cuze.
  20. For the last 20 years the only traditional Buicks that mattered were the GN and the Lasabre. The rest of the line up in North America was nearly invisible to the general public. Now I am not saying that they were bad cars but they were car the public just really never connected to and defected from to Lexus and other models. The public no longer anymore are Brand Loyal and it is more of what have you done lately for me. While the cars like the Regal are claimed to be some of the best Buicks in years they just do not stand out with that thing about them that says I have to have one. You can argue all say about port holes side spears and Tri Shields but today buyer that GM needs generally could care less about these things. They want a car that sets them apart. They want designs that they feel and stir their emotions. They want performance in MPG and MPH. They want no compromise handling but they want a good ride. This segment used to only have a few cars in it years ago and today there are many models in it and most have little to no heritage and out sell Buick easily. I can't put my finger on it but I just feel with the next generation of jointly built Buick and Opel cars GM needs to take it to the next level. Now I am not saying to trash all the heritage but I would spend less time focusing on these things and focus more on what really sells cars today to the 30-50 year old professional class. I could want a Buick but you do not have to remind me of my Fathers Lesabres and Regals as most of them were good cars but very forgettable.
  21. The Olds Omega is coming back? LOL! What are you getting at? This will be the last large RWD GM is doing and as in I am Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End? The next RWD platform from GM is called Omega to sit over top of Alpha . It will first go to Cadillac, but as a large and likely expensive platform, I would expect it to end up at Buick and Opel as well. By all means it will be leveraged out over several brands. I also ponder that they could consider a future unibody SUV or the like on it. GM would never have approved this for Cadillac if it were only to be a single model at Cadillac. The real mystery will be where and how they will use it. Where ever it goes it will be the top model, expensive and limited in volume unless they can use it in a truck or SUV class where they can beat some of the fuel mileage regs. Hmm! I wonder if they could do a Porsche Cayenne sport SUV to compete with the up scales performance SUV models. It is amazing how many of these Porsche is moving anymore. Here in Ohio they are becoming more common than any other Porsche model and most are not entry level models.
  22. The Olds Omega is coming back? LOL! What are you getting at? This will be the last large RWD GM is doing and as in I am Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End?
  23. I would think the Verano would really appeal to LeSabre, Lucerne, Century owners wanting a smaller car. The Verano is the most appealing Buick sedan to me, although I wish the fuel economy were about 10 percent better. At least for me, I can see no reason to choose a Regal over a Verano, and the Lacrosse has a ridiculously small trunk. It has a appeal to those in this class on fixed incomes. In the past to buy a smaller car left them in a Cavalier or Cimarron. Neither were what you would term a world class luxury environment. The Verano offers a level not seen in this class before and compared to cars with this class it has much better MPG than most. The Verano is where it needs to be but the Regal and Lacrosse need to grow in size and status. With the new ATS and CTS they now have space to grow with new models. I would still like a 3 door Astra hatch in sport trim under the Verano for the younger buyers. Buick needs a car that connects with the youth at a price they can at least consider. Buick needs to make cars that stand out because they are striking and cars that you not only want but make you feel it inside when you see them. We need to stop arguing over should they or should they not make a new GN or if they should have port holes and concentrate what would it take to bring people who don't care about Buick now to want to be Buick owners in the future. These people are not loyal to any brand and can be taken if you give them what they want. They could give a rats a$$ about the past Buicks and only care about what is in the show room today. They can and will leave Lexus and Acura if given a damn good reason and to this point the new Buicks are better but they are still not good enough. I will give GM a pass now as I know they have yet to do much for Buick yet but the next string of new cars had better be right if they want to grow. Buicks future is not going to be built on the future of past loyal owners it has to be built on the backs of the owners of the other brands. Conquest sales will determine Buicks future and that is the reality of it. My father was a Buick guy in his later years but where he is at they don't need cars. My mother grew up with Buick and while she is still with us she has down sized to a Chevy and at this point no longer drives. Now if Buick can make a car that has the luxury of a Buick and the performance of what Pontiac used to have years ago I could be a Buick man real easy. I expect that many others would be too. This is where Lexus and Acura and even the low end Audi high end VW has done well.
  24. Having parents that are Baby Boomers and listening to many baby boomers they socialize with, the recent Great Depression we are just starting to pull out of has had a very large hit to this class retirement funds. Most of these 60-80 year olds have decided to hold onto their Honda, Toyota, Nissans, VW etc. than spend money on a new car. 80 is a different crowd--the 'Silent Generation' (1925-1945)... like my Mom...Baby Boomers are ages 49-67. (1946-1964). The Silent Generation were still really into American cars in a big way. As far as the Baby Boomers in my family, my brother has been consistently Ford (Ford, Mercury) and GM (Chevy, Pontiac) most of his life (w/ one Mopar product), while my sister has been all over the map...Datsun and Nissan, Acura, Mercedes, Saab w/ a couple Fords and a Cadillac. The Silent Gen is the last group of true car loving people. They were in love with the car as it opened the door for them to travel it let them move out of town and drive to their jobs. It changed their lives and made thing much better for them in so many ways. Boomers still like cars but they are more open to what they can afford and not against going overseas for a car for image or performance. Gen X is all about tech and love their I phones more than their cars. They grew up in Honda and Toyota FWD cars and were taught that the auto was killing the world and creating global warming. They are either indifferent to the auto or think the car is evil. The silent gen is at the point they are in their last car or will only buy one more on average. This segment is getting smaller and smaller. The boomers are entrenched in the Asian car thing and prevcieved quality. Many think they are smarter than they really are but if they are happy with what they have it is going to be difficult to change their minds. Gen X are more open as they did not oven or live with the cars from the 70's and 80's in America. None owned a Pinto, Gremlin or Vega. They have no perceived ideas on many American cars and could be lured away. Besides many times kids never buy or want what mom and dad had so they are more open to a American car than the parents. But you need to give them what they want. The old saying also applies that you can sell not sell a young man a old mans car but you can generally sell a old man a young mans car. Or in this case you can interchange woman here now. My father always liked my sporty cars and could be persuaded to buy one but there was no way in hell I would have ever owned his Lasabre. Sure it was a fine car but it was what my dad preferred not me. In the future here with the economy still struggling, the cost of new cars, the hit retirements have taken inflation and the added cost of health care and tax increases spending is going to be more limited with the older people. this is why I think GM has reached out in the Verano and Encore. They can not only sell these to older people who still want comfort in a car but one they can afford. Also the prices are low enough and the engines are such to make them still appeal to younger professional that are working their way up. It is their stepping stone to the ATS or at least we hope.
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