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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Styling and quality were on the decline in the 60's and the wheels came off when the market changed in 1973. People started to change their opinions and wants in Luxury cars. They no longer wanted floating boats and they really did not miss the large hunks of chrome. Cadillac reacted with the Seville but it was a weak attempt they never really follow through on. To be fair Lincoln failed even worse here. America moved on and the American automakers just did not understand the changes. The panic moves in the 80's just were the final nail to an issue that they ever understood or fixed until recently. It is the same problem they also faced when they tried to send Cadillac to Europe. Over there you have to sell, build and market cars differently as they are not Americans. In Germany they really stress and market as cars engineering. This is the aspect of Germans that they see value in. If GM goes back they need to learn and sell cars with high technical value and interest to these people. I know they may never take over the market there but they can and need to have a presents and make a profit there.
  2. Matter of opinion. Other than the Eldorado the 60's showed a decline every year in styling that did not improve in the 70's and the lack of reaction to the market changes in the 80's or in their case over reaction in the wrong direction was just the last nail. The values of the cars of the 60's reflect the value people have yet see in them today. The 50's were tough to top. Better late than ........
  3. Too many use this obvious excuse for Cadillac to never try to compete with them when the fact is there are also a large base that would never own a German car too. Contrary to what some here believe Cadillac has not really held much significance since the 60's and it was waning even then. The point is that no car is going to win the entire world market 100% but that is not an excuse for not trying to win as much as you can. Cadillac can own a good share of this market in time but they have to own their reputation back with each and every new model. Cadillac will take time to grow and build it's markets and image. In this segment there is no problem with not being number one in each market as longs as you continue to improve and remain profitable. Right now Cadillac has gone from crap to being taken serious now by the media and slowly by the unwashed public. The next step is to back it up. We must remember Cadillac not so long ago in the 80's was seen as Lincoln is today as a joke. Today we are seeing people in Cadillac's that would never had considered them 25 years ago. They hit some bumps and setbacks along the way but now they have the proper funding and leadership to pull this off. This war is not going to be won in one year or one model so do not expect the LTS to dominate this segment even if it is the best car. The markets way of thinking can change and at some point Cadillac can and will dominate but it will take consistently good product and time. Just look back in the 70's and remember how many said the Japanese would never dominate Detroit. That people is proof possible anything can happen. GM needs to make sure to give the people what the want today and stop living so much in the past. We have people today who want to argue that they need the wreath and there are so many other important things to worry about in their cars. The Elmirage is a good example of where they are going and yes a open 4 door and 2 door are cool the sedan will be first and improve on what they have now. Why because that is where the market is at. The coupe will come in time just as the ATS coupe will. The CTS is proof that GM has improved on the ATS and we will see an improvement on the LTS and other like models from here out.
  4. I am wondering will we see a AWD 600 plus HP CTS V this time. Lets face it they can add more power to the CTS but they have to remove the power just to hook it up. A real Haldex system here to handle the power would really make for a car that would challenge any sedan and many sports cars. Making great power is one thing but it is use less unless you can hook it up. The CTS V is finally in the price range that it can support a proper AWD system.
  5. Having read many of the other web sites with the new CTS V Sport reviews things look very good. Even Consumer reports loved it and stated it drove better than the Germans. The CUE is still a point of complaint. I hope Cadillac will address it soon. These reports have been out all week and no one here even mentioned anything?
  6. Just read there may be some 4.5 TT V8 Corvettes testing. If we thought we saw gnashing of teeth with the tail lights just wait till they see more of the changes that are coming. It is funny but those who want to just keep rehashing the same old stuff over and over are just what could finish the car off. Thank God they were not here in 54 or we would still have a I6 2 speed auto.
  7. This is just it all the prime major players are moving this way as they know they need to open the market to new ideas and new ways to generate performance. Now while I do not expect the Corvette to challenge the 918 anytime soon this technology will find its way into the cheaper performance models at some point and GM will be faced with dealing with it. While not soon they must face the V8 will not do it alone and there is a chance they may not have a V8 someday. Yes GM has considered that in the past and again at some point in the future. The Vette team has to be open minded as to where they may end up in 20 years if they are to survive. We may see some show cars with some tricks that may be tested for use in the future with the V8 and they may do some limited editions with some ideas.
  8. Even FWD? You are smarter than that and know what I mean. There's precedent... I don't give a damn about the President! LOL!
  9. Posting of this old new and nary a word on the first reviews of the CTS? Anyone with any real intent on bidding is well aware of this event with the coverage it already has had. Hyper there is still plenty of us that want to dream though we cannot afford to bid and buy. Dream all you like and that is fine but this was all over the place back in May or June. Most of us have dreamed it out long ago. Hell I had non car people e mail me this one back then as it was on every web news site My point is this place used to be cutting edge GM news and now it is mostly old press releases from GM which is ok but also old stories like this that should have been posted when even the non car sites posted it. The new CTS road test were coming out Monday and to this point nary a word here. Are we not going to see anything till Christmas for them here? Even Consumer Reports stated the CTS was better in every way but for CUE than the Germans, Not trying to bust anyone's balls here but this once was the place to get new info on new GM products before anywhere else and now the other sites are taking this web sites lunch and eating ! I hate to say this but those of you that were here years ago can see the change from back in the Flynbrian era to now. The old stories are fine but where is the up to date stuff. Posting that the story from June never got any attention. Well it did not here but it did on all sorts of web sites with the video the couple made of them pulling the cars out.
  10. It is not like they had not used the Z07 name lately.
  11. Posting of this old new and nary a word on the first reviews of the CTS? Anyone with any real intent on bidding is well aware of this event with the coverage it already has had.
  12. The Cascada is coming and will be here sooner than not. The real question is this. The Adam only did Four Stars on the Euro crash test. What I want to know is what areas it failed will not be affected by the US standards or will Buick have to do some extra work. From what I have been told by people at GM is anything less than 5 stars here is the kiss of death in the market and the smaller the car the worse the effect. I know the standard over there and here are different and I wonder if the car will do 5 stars here now or how much change will come to the car to bring it here. This may have part of the hesitation GM displayed on bringing it here to start with. I hope it gets here pretty much as is but GM NA really wants nothing less than 5 stars anymore as so many in the general public really pay attention to these stats and buy accordingly.
  13. I hope those who were crying Pontiac was not damages will look back at this with 20/20 vision. This is why even being s diehard Pontiac fan I really had little issue with them fading away. I know Lutz was trying but there was too little time and money to fix them in the time frame needed. Here we are this far down the road and they are just now getting Cadillac in place and starting work on Buick. You should always have car passion in your heart but you can not let it take over for reason of the mind.
  14. I do not expect the Cadillac to be radically different here. I do expect the radical changes will be in the Cadillac SUV of the future in the Omega based SUV. It will be more Porsche like is what I am guessing. Sporty but a SUV. Oh... I thought Cadillac was supposed to get a L2XX-based CUV, not an Omega-based product other than the LTS: http://www.autonews.com/assets/PDF/CA79578516.PDF The last I read they are getting three new CUV/SUV's other than the two they have now. One was stated to be on the Omega after the LTS appears and before any other LTS variants appear. With BMW and Benz doing so many different CUV and SUV models Cadillac is not going to leave any money on the table. As cars get smaller the CUV market is only going to get more and more buyers.
  15. I do not expect the Cadillac to be radically different here. I do expect the radical changes will be in the Cadillac SUV of the future in the Omega based SUV. It will be more Porsche like is what I am guessing. Sporty but a SUV.
  16. As for the male vs. female looks here you have to keep in mind half the owners and drivers of these vehicles are female. You go all the one way or the other you leave out half the market. As for the USB ports they have killed up with that on the media blitz on the trucks. I wish someone in the media would have the balls not to state it or to jest in saying it is not enough. LOL! Get ready as the media reviews on these will be much like the trucks and will out line much the same highlights and opinions. They will say they went too conservative but they have really improved them in many areas. Class leading vs. Ford for now.
  17. Wow this is about the most polarizing release in years. I have been looking around and it is either love or hate on the Chevy. The GMC they are less forgiving of. I am ok with both as they are about what I expected. They both are some what conservative like the trucks with better interiors and may unseen updates just as the trucks. The mules pretty much gave them away as it was clear they were not going to bring a radical change here. These models will have a great challenge as time goes on. there are so many smaller SUV and CUV models anymore that are taking many of the sales of the larger vehicles. Before people had these models that really did not need them and now it is moving back to those who really need them. As time passes the MPG regs, price of these models climbs and the price of gas will continue to drive many to smaller and more efficient vehicles. In the mean time GM will make hay while the sun is shinning and reap good profits here. Lets face it they own this segment as they are one of the few left with a decent model. For those not happy I would wait till you really see it in person as it will take on a much better profile as they normally do. In 6 months 80% of the haters will not be hating so much.
  18. GM was clear from the start this was going to be a low volume car. While they never would state a number it was clear with price and the number of options it was going to be lower than the already low G8 volume. Now again we need to look long term here based on what GM has said and is doing. #1 GM has stated they are already working on a replacement for this car and SS on the VF is expected to be around maybe 3 years. #2 The Camaro is coming to MI to be built in the near future. #3 With all that is going on they could move production to the Alpha and build this car here with the Camaro and even add a V6 to this line up and other models. There is a lot more going on here than meets the eye. Also you need to understand how GM is thinking and why they are doing some things they are doing. Here is a Video with Mark Reuss that covers some of the thinking at GM and why they are doing things and why they are not doing things. Mark is pretty straight forward on the things he can address. Things like why no Duel Clutch in the Vette and why no AWD. It is pretty much common sense stuff. Also some news and hints that have not been posted on this site yet. It is not a waste of 28 min. As for the SS it is what we were promised. It is a car in a tough spot as not everyone can easily afford one. It also takes just a little more to afford a CTS and many who can afford this can spend the extra for the CTSV too. Until they can build them here it will be a limited model at a very high price with limited options. There was never any intention to take out Chrysler SRT T cars here. I feel the SS is just establishing a segment that will grow and in time with the next model that is not all that far out. Besides this car is only frosting on the cake as Chevy is not going to live or die on this model. The best thing to do is limit sales to keep up demand vs. having these sit on dealer lots with $2,000K incentives. Pricing the car for less would only make it unprofitable.
  19. 10 years from now the 65 year olds will be ex Corvette owners and the 45 year old Prius owners will be looking for a more interesting toy. Besides it may be that if you want a Corvette or any other performance vehicle you will have to accept what Is offered or do without.
  20. I can remember these when it and the Olds came out and so many people were like what the hell are they thinking. There were so few Turbo's back then they were rare and after 35,000 miles most were blown up. The Turbo bearings were coked up and burned up. This was a pre water cooled turbo and before Syn oil was recommended. If you can find one of these with the original turbo and in good condition you would have a very rare find. I saw a Sunbird Turbo GT sedan the other day and was shocked as it had been years since I saw one even in a junk yard. Same for the Turbo Grand Am.
  21. The development cost will damage the bottom line on even the strongest and may eliminate or force the merger of the weak. If the government wants progress they need to work with the industry not dictate what they think can be done.
  22. To be honest, that mark has already been set by vehicles like the BMW i8, LaFerrari, McLaren P1, Porsche 918, etc. The Corvette would be quite late to the game if they debuted a hybrid Corvette for the C8. That being said, I don't care for the "this is what the government is forcing us to do!" argument. I am not a supporter of the CAFE regulations by any means, but if they government says we have to have an average of 54.5 MPG by 2025 and we can get the 20,000 Corvettes sold to 35 MPG (should be easy enough to do without getting rid of the V8), then we'll need the rest of the lineup to make up for the Corvette's inability to make 54.5 MPG. Therefore, each of the 4.5 million vehicles sold by Chevy (minus the Corvette and not including any trucks) would have to average 54.587 MPG (just 0.087 greater than the CAFE regulation). If they can't get the other cars they make in larger volumes to exceed that regulation, they've got bigger fish to fry than if the Corvette should have a V8 or not, IMHO. Even 35 is not going to be enough as the rest of the lines will struggle to get to this number themselves let alone pass it up in a size and style the average person will want. The fact is the government is push it the limit far past what the technology will permit. If they do not back off there will be issues for all in the auto industry that sell anything other than electric or micro cars.
  23. I as many other hate this message as luck should have nothing to do with Cadillac. A Cadillac V series in front of a Trailer of a lottery winner is luck. They could do so much better.
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