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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. 1 Gold Plymouth Duster at least on the shows I saw. 2 Olds Hurst 442, AMC Hurst Scrambler, Chrysler 300 Hurst in the early 70's and one extra Pontiac with the Hurst Grand Prix 3 Springfield Massachusetts was where the chassis were built. Some were bodied in New York by Brewster others were sent to custom shops of the era. 4 1950 Bel Air 5 Dodge Daytona, Studebaker Daytona and one extra the Shelby Daytona Coupe Note no google needed on these.
  2. 1 Bundy had a Gold Plymouth Duster on the shows I saw. 2 Hurst Olds [442], AMC Hurst Scrambler, Hurst Chrysler 300, Hurst Pontiac GP for extra credit 3 Springfield Massachusetts was where the chassis and engines were built the bodies at Brewster in NY and other custom shop as done in the era. 4 Trick question as many will say 1955 but it was the 1950 Chevy with the new body style that was the first Bel Air 5 Dodge Daytona, Studebaker Daytona and hmmm. Will you accept the limited edition Shelby Daytona Coupe?
  3. This car is intended for the Omega and on one web site they posted GM info on the use of Aluminum in the construction and that is would share its construction with the CT6. The only unanswered questions was would it also carry the aluminum exterior panels as the CT6. If you note the body on this car is very producible and even the nose incorporates the needed height to meet the engine to hood crush space. If this were only as show car that would have never been put in. I expect this car with in two years with only the major changes coming to the interior . No 12" Video screens in the seats etc. Z GM has always had the talent just not the system that enabled them. Lutz opened that door when he was her and today Mark and Mary both are continuing to keep those doors open and opening more. Now if they can just finish off the infighting of those who remain that want to return to the old ways. That faction is getting smaller and weaker as GM has been succeeding with new product. The fight over Cadillac's path has been the most difficult but with their move to set them apart this will remove the fight in the other side. This is what NYC is all about for Cadillac. It keeps the enemies from within farther away. The Buick here and new Lacrosse will not replace the XTS. These cars will suppress anything the XTS would have ever accomplished. The real need right now is a good solid Marketing Plan for all the division. They have some great product out there and coming that people need to know about. Right now Cadillac Marketing is piss poor and Buick is only a little better but needs to be built on to move them forward. Also I had an Aussie say they are getting word of an Holden RWD V8 coupe any one have news on this. I am not surprise to hear this but would like detail.
  4. @ZL-1 That is just it Cadillac is on a mission that it can no be let to fail. Hence the investment and complete buy in by GM to give them what ever it takes to build the cars and engines of their own they need to make it. Buick will do fine in its segment and fill in very nice for where Cadillac has been. But they will not get their own engines and options as Cadillac will get. The full buy in by GM will bring things we could not imagine a year ago. Hell did you ever think they would get their own powertrains again? That is only a hint at what is coming. Hell few people saw this coming to Buick and wondered whey they were saved in the first place. Yet GM hid this car in plain site in the Holden add last year and Mark spoke openly about it. The bottom line is this is not the old GM and for once the people who are not the problem within are winning control.
  5. This should play well in the EV market. It is practical and yet does not look like a slave to Aero drag. IF they can keep the price at $30k and not balloon to $40k wit normal options it should play well in CA and coastal states.
  6. As for the name this car deserves better than an old name. Also if you want people to know you have changed you better not rehash the past. Do not count Cadillac out as they are not to where they are going. The Buick will fill the gap left by Cadillac. You need to let GM finish the whole picture before you get too judgmental.
  7. Now that is a Buick. This car is headed for production and what you see is about 90% from what I can see. Note it has the crush space with the high nose for over the engine and other little details not normally put into a show car. This is also the car Mark Reuss spoke of about being a more dramatic Panamera. Also if you look back at the Holden ad that spoke of Holdens future they had a Holden version of this on the screen on the designers desk. I see this car as a Buick, Opel and Holden it will replace the Zeta so this may be a 2018 or mid year 2017. What I see here is a Bentley and Panamera. I have asked for an automaker to take on the Bentley scalped styling and it looks like Buick has stepped up. Whole the A & S Cadillac is not bad this styling could age it fast. I expect the greatest changes to take place to the interior as it is the most show car like as there are things that will need to be added but other than that. Wow! Hell I was never a big fan of the big Waterfall but they have made me love this one with the Opel V in it.
  8. Lets get to the Buick Acenir. That is the real news at Detroit. I had a peak at a Holden version last year in a Holden commercial an it is so much more than I expected. This one will make the top five of the show for sure. Welcome to Buicks future.
  9. Lets get to the real news. Buick Avenir. Amazing and arrived sooner than I expected. This is the same car that was a Holden Concept in a Commercial last year. Mark also spoke of this car too. This is where Buick is going and the Convertible is just filling a line till the rest of the product is ready. Panamera meets Bentley.
  10. Drew thanks for the back up and confirm what I thought I saw. The A7 is a mesmerizing car and one of the better looking cars we have out there today. It has that coupe look and while it sacrifices some ergonomics for styling it really sets the car apart from the generic sedan out there like the Camry and Civic sedan shapes. From what I hear the Malibu will carry a little of this too in the styling they have chosen. It will be much more sleeker than the present car and less upright. It will have a little more Impala DNA.
  11. If done right the Turbo could be very potent. Head Studs and custom head gasket on my buddies modified GLHS would let run reliable 10 seconds in the 1/4 mile runs back in the early 90's. He was told it could not be done and he was able to do it and keep it very street able. It was still a crappy car but it could be made very fast and very reliable even with NOS. He sold the car and got back into Big Block and I am not sure where it is today.
  12. For what it is worth we have a 2015 LT Z71 and it looks just like the second one posted with the chrome grill with the black inserts. It also has the same wheels. We lack the lower chrome on the front bumper. The bigger difference is the leather on the inside and some detail items. Unless you know what to look for you can pass a LT off at a LTZ pretty easy on the outside.
  13. While painful to report GM has to do so and not be seen as hiding them. If they do not report them someone else will and point out GM's failure. The issue is with most of these claims there were so many extenuating circumstances that while GM may have played a part in this with a failed Airbag deploying the driver also often at fault or responsible for moving this from a injury to a death. I had done the home work on the original cases and things that were left out of the news often were of the first 12 deaths 7 had no seat belt on. 3 were drunk well over the limit one was twice the limit. One was impaired by drugs. One had a epileptic Seizer that lead to the accident. Speed often was involved including one case that also included drunk and no belt at 60 MPH plus into a 25 MPH cul-de-sac. I am sure there are some legitimate claims and GM should share responsibility where they were at fault. But also I do not think people should be paid for a death that could have been survived if the driver was belted in and not speeding as they flew off the road drunk and unbelted. One driver was well over 70 MPH and drunk and it a tree. He hit so hard his legs had to be removed as they were impaled trough the floor. Do you think a working air bag here would have saved him? At this point GM is just going to pay out and settle with the families. In the end the only ones who will come out a winner here is the lawyers. Now keep in mind that GM is looking at cases that to be honest may not be fully their fault so you can only figure what the other cases are like that get declined. I am sure there are many bogus claims that people are trying to just get a settlement. I do not expect GM to be absolved of this but I wish the media would portray this issue as it really is. So much of one side was reported and not given full disclosure. The reality is if a car stalls it is not instant death. You restart the car and keep going. Many people do this as they keep cars in such poor operating condition they do not run cold. The media failed to report the steering dose not lock as so many people think. They failed to report that the brakes keep vacuum and still have enough to give you a save power brake stop with the engine off. They failed to report you can put the car in neutral and restart it. They failed to report the conditions that the drivers provided that hindered their survival. All I would like to see is the truth on both sides reported not just ones side.
  14. Buick is not going all RWD and big power in all models. Look for them to go more Audi like where they will offer a full range and I get the feeling they will also offer AWD and FWD in most all lines. You have too keep in mind this is also Opel so they will take on a very Euro flair with some American hallmarks.They will also attend to the needs of Europe as well as America. Lest we also not forget China. Names and images like Riv, Wildcat and Gn mean little to them and even if they reuse the names the images will be much different in this age. I already see a lot of Audi 7 styling profile in the present Buick Mules going around.
  15. Well I understand why they are in this segment as Lexus proved the FWD AWD market is very profitable. Cadillac also learned this with the SRX. Fords first attempt at the Lincoln like this was weak as it still looked like the Ford. In this one they have expanded it a little more but I think they should have gone farther. I expect the new SRX to take it a step farther this time too and wonder if it is taking the GMC Terrain with it since both will be built in the same plant. Both may be LWB version of this platform as the SRX is now. In this segment it is best if you are going to share with Ford you hide it better. Ford also needs a smaller SUV that is sporty and more BMW like. I expect Cadillac to also offer this version too at some point. Again a lot of money in this segment already is being made and why leave it on the table. The CUV and small SUV market is going to dominate the entire market soon. The CUV market has already has passed up the Sedans last year.
  16. It will sell well to the folks who love Toyota but I do not see it breaking new ground. Styling is not a lot different and I just do not see it making the impact the two GM trucks will have on the segment. Not until a Ranger or smaller Ford arrives will there be much change to this segment since GM's entry. Brand loyalty is very strong in the truck segment no matter the size. The Toyota will be a better truck for sure but It will not change as many minds as the GM line.
  17. Nice car and it will not harm Buick in any way. But it also will have a small effect on Buick as a whole. in other words I am glad they have it but I do not expect this will change much with Buick. The coming new Lacrosse and Monza base sedans will change what people think of Buick.
  18. I think GM has done their job well as some of you are comparing this EV hybrid car to normal everyday gasoline cars. That is just what Chevy was targeting. GM has from the start wanted the Volt to be the EV car that many would consider a normal car in looks and driving. They do not want the Leaf, Prius Science fair look. To make a EV car look normal is no easy task as the Aero is so important just for range. I forget the exact number but the sharp edge on the rear bumper on the Volt is work several miles of Electric range. Yes just that one sharp edge. Other features also have to remain in play in the design to keep the range up. To make the car look more normal like a regular car can be damaging to the range so if they have succeeded protecting or increasing the range then they did their job based on the comments.
  19. Yawn! Ford really need to step up like Cadillac and really set Lincoln apart and make them much more different than the Ford line. But the infighting at Ford over Lincoln has been even worse than the infighting that GM has over Cadillac. They were to the point that many with in Ford wanted to shut the line down. Now that they have saved them they need to step it up and break them free of ford and the closer platform sharing they have been doing. While they have reimagined Fords pretty well from the same platform they will still need to do better even as Cadillac has found out. Lincoln needs its own identity.
  20. Well I have expected this but just did not know how soon. The Volt could easily be made into a full EV car if they wanted too and the new platform looks to have been the right time to do this. It will be interesting to see what all they present. The fact is anyone can build a $100K large EV sedan but Tesla showed that people would buy it. Now the hard part is selling a cheaper model that more people can buy and sell it in numbers where it will make money. Also how long to charge this. If it is less than 10-8 hours they will have a good chance at a very land mark car if prices as speculated. Having a Volt and Bolt will be an advantage to GM. EV cars just do not fit all and the Volt plays that middle ground that may attract those who resist the full EV for practical reasons. Now I just hope we do not end up with screw balls like some of the Tesla followers. They often take a good thing and scare people off with their Zealot actions.
  21. The coupes were limited period as there were not all that many made V or otherwise compared to the sedan. Coupes are a hard sell and add to it the fact the model is being discontinued that even more slows sales. Who wants an old new car? I loved the coupes but they really were a small slice of the pie as stated.
  22. It would be better than the Denali. I am not a big fan of the Denali grill even if many others are. It is just my own thing. As for TTV6 you would have to cut some weight and lower it if you can. It is too top heavy for any real performance and needs to drop down below 4000 pounds to make the best of it. Maybe the next gen. I love my Terrain but I am realistic. As it is now it is not a good performance platform and it is not an off road vehicle as some want to think it is. It is basically a SUV like Minivan that my wife likes and I am not ashamed to be seen in it. Now in the next gen if they could lower it properly to where it still handles and once they remove some weight it might make for an appealing package. The other considerations is How Much. The Denali now is over $41K loaded. How high can you go and people will still buy?
  23. I generally by GMC for the lack of the chrome. I just wish they had an option where you could opt for Chrome or painted bumpers and grills on what ever truck. I am not a big chrome guy. Also with a lot of the chrome plastic anymore it just get dinged up anyways. That is my only real complaint on our Terrain is the chrome over the grill. I plan to replace it next year as it is looking crappy while the rest of the nose is pretty clean.
  24. It is no secret that GM has been looking to do a hybrid system at some point with the Vette. They have hinted at a gas V8 and electric system that would be similar to the 918 but for a lot less money. This is part of the reason we have the C8 as it is. A system like this really is much easier to package into a Mid Engine layout as the C7 is tapped for space as it is. They already have to use a really cut down Supercharger and Dry Sump now to get the hood low. To add anything else in there of any size would be difficult at best. I am not sure we will see this system at the intro but they are working on one. I would not be surprised if this technology also shows up in a large Cadillac sedan at some point,
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