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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Balth is correct as Cadillac is not longer a high volume car line and is not expected to be a high volume brand any longer. Porsche in the 80's went high volume with lower value cars like the 924-944 and paid a big price as these cars were being crossed shopped with a Z/28 and while good for Chevy it lowered the image of Porsche. They went back to higher priced models with lower volumes and took about 10 years and regained their image back. If you look back now the only car of value in the 80's from Porsche with collectors and fans are the 911. The 944 if you can find a decent one sells for about the price of a good Fiero. The CLA has two jobs. One it was to expand the MB market here in NA and also to pioneer the FWD concept for MB who cursed it for years and now realize they will need a few into the future in some markets. The fact is many Accord and Camry owners are now getting older and the kids are gone. While they may not be able to afford the higher series cars they can step up to a CLA. The other factor is most od these owners never owned let alone drove a RWD car. They hold all sorts of fear of death and destruction with RWD in the winter because they have no clue. They also like the fact they can say they have a MB. Now MB may make more money now but will these cars fair as have the cheaper Porsche's in the future. Will the image of owning a CLA become one that being seen in one means you could not afford the good car as we saw at Porsche. GM needs to stick to their game as their marketing is going to be different and targeting of models will be selective. Though into the future they will have to produce some smaller cars to meet the demands of some markets as that is where it is going. As for sales now even in month to month drops even a 16% drop is a couple hundred cars not thousands. This is not a time of panic and with only better cars an Much Better Marketing we should see improvement. Right now we have gotten the best marketing plan they have had in years so far. I am waiting to see where this goes and if it continues. No more dancing robots and no more where waldo in the ATS ad. This is the first dignified marketing and I hope that it can make a change. I just hope they feature much more product and features moving forward as MB does. MB can in one min sell technology, sex, image, safety and luxury. They are very effective with one min.
  2. We all must remember when looking at Cadillac today that it is the path being traveled to the full new destination. Todays products even the CT6 are cars Cadillac was trying to do the right things without full support of Cadillac. There are some mistakes and things they just could not have now because these cars are stepping stones to the future. We may lack a 8 speed at this moment but not for much longer. We may not have Cadillac only engines with advanced technology yet but we will. Note the real all in GM Cadillac's will not arrive till 2020 but in the mean time we have vastly improved models that can compete. So to argue over things now is kind of pointless and to monitor the advancement of each model and measure the metric of their improvement is what we need to look at. I was in the new CTS the other night and while not the perfect car it is competitive. Also it is one of best cars in decades the company has made. This is not an over night thing and even once we get to the final destination we still many not be number one in the market but as long as we are competitive and making massive profits from the brand it will be a win. In this segment a division like Cadillac will not have to dominate the market but can still bring in 50% of the auto segment profits just on 12-15% share of total sales. This segment is not about volume though it never hurts it is about profits from lower volumes and prestige. You have to understand the segment and what is at stake here to really measure the performance of what they are doing. GM has a chance to dominate America if they continue to do the right things but they may never dominate Europe. But if they can compete head to head and make money there that will only help them here in their task. We are just in the first inning of this game and we have 8 more to go. Baseball was never a high paced fast game and neither is rebuilding Cadillac.
  3. The way I see it no matter if you side with names or numbers neither really matter. I do agree even mixed it does not matter. What it comes down to is what the car looks like, Drives, Rides and what it has to offer in technology in this segment. The bottom line is if you build a car right people will buy It regardless of what you call it. Hell Ferrari called their new car the La Ferrari. That has to be one of the worst names in the world for this car but yet it will be on posters and production will sell out even at a Million plus per unit. So why are we arguing names as we should turn our attention to the things that really matter. Was in a ATS coupe today. Lovely car but the back seat is more useless than the 04 GTO. The CTS V has presence. It is dark and sinister looking. I also noted the Cadillac interiors are about as good as MB. I do like the satin nickel trim in the Benz better but their muted wood looks like someone sanded it.
  4. The Escalade is really only an American Icon just as the G wagon is more a Euro Icon. Both are no where near as popular in each others market. The only other market the Escalade is really popular in is the Middle East as the Suburban for decades has been a vehicle of choice there. It is popular as it provides the luxury and the ability to transport a number of people at one time unlike most luxury cars. Also there size and gas prices matter little. One factor over looked too is the larger Suburban's, Yukon's and Escalades play a big part in the travels to Mecca. these are some of the most popular forms of travel for their pilgrimage.
  5. You are missing what is at hand. The Escalade has built up equity at this point on an established model. No real need to change it on an established model at this point. In the future I do see it going away as the model as it is today will go away in the future. Now to take a old name and slap it on a new car really holds no equity it only holds name recognition of a model from the past. Now that name recognition hold some positive for some customers and holds memories of some pretty shoddy cars. Take a 67 Eldorado vs. 89 Eldorado. If you are old enough to remember the 67 you may have some good memories some even better than they really were. But for those of us who lived through 89 it really just does not have the same luster. To rebuild a reputation you really have to leave much of the past behind and work from a new foundation. Your old customers are not going to come back as most that had a good image in their head are dead and the ones who lived the past 30 years of your product are not coming back because of a name. It is time to build new cars with new names and new images. Johann will stand by his system as it was his choice not someone else's and his ass is on the line here. The fact is that this is all about the product not the name. The reality is none of the present Cadillac's have much name equity other than the Escalade. To be honest the Escalade sells more because of the image it has in different circles. You see everyone from CEO's to Actors and sports figure drive these. It is seen in the hands of many people in the music business. The people of image and means hold these cars and that is what many buyers of these vehicles want to hold over them too. Are names important. Yes but only after the product is established and holds a image or reputation that defines it. It comes down to this on all newer or non established products. Does the name make the product or does the product establish the name equity. In nearly all cases it is the latter.
  6. If anyone is confused of the differences they are too stupid to be behind the wheel. I get the nostalgia of the names for some folks holding on to the past. But the truth is a great car makes itself know no matter the name or number. The product sells the car no the name. When was the last time you heard someone say I have to buy this car because it has a cool name? Oh that car is called Lemans I have to buy it because I just love the name? The fact is the product itself sells the car. Here is what sells a car in this segment not necessarily in this order. Visual impact. Technology Comfort Handling Image Power Options ETC There are more but the fact is no matter how you name it or number it as long as you build it right it will sell. BMW, Audi and Benz have proven that over years that if no matter if they name it, number it or letter it the car sells if they get it right. If they screw up the product it does not sell. No more name was iconic in Germany than Maybach but yet the car tanked as they just tried to fool people with a Mercedes sedan with more options. The car was never right for the segment and even a iconic name in Germany could not even save it in Germany. A great car can make itself know and should make itself relevant and known even if it had no name or number on it. The fact is too much is made by many about names. If you are down to relying on a name to sell a car then you really have a bad car. People buy Escalades for what it is, how it looks and what it represents not what it is called. The Escalade has cultivated an image that connects with people. The folks who buy these could get by just as well with a Chevy or GMC but the fact it is the top end model and only those with the means to afford one have one is what sells this vehicle. This is what sells so many BMW and Benz as it is how the car hangs an image on the owner or at least they perceives it hangs on the owner. The bottom line is the car makes the name iconic not the name making the car an icon. Look back to Cadillac's history they have many iconic cars and all were numbered models. If you look at those cars and see the attributes of the models are what they presented to the owner and what made their owners special and today an Icon. Name became more or less a marketing tool in the 50's that tried to conjure up images of far away places in the face of higher volumes and mass marketing. It made for some cool advertising but most owners had no idea if the car was named for Seville Spain or Seville Ohio. Don't laugh I once heard the claim of Seville Ohio by a Cadillac owner.
  7. Thanks I feel better now I looked it up. around 100 made and 10 still around not an easy one to know. I will get to the other questions when I have time.
  8. I really expect at some point the base of the CT6 to be used in some kind of a Tesla competitor. Not sure if it will be a Voltec like drive line or go all out like the Bolt and do just plug in.. With the light weight of the Omega it is prime to do this kind of a car. GM has the electric drive systems already and the car is large enough to hold a big battery pack and Tesla proved people will pay for a car like this already. It will not be a big volume car like the gas but it would be a segment with slow but steady growth. What ever GM has it will appear like the Bolt did at Detroit and you won't see it coming.
  9. Yes I do not expect it here. But never say never. If they go to Europe to it could be a player there.
  10. Sorry the roof it too high. Unless you can hit your head on the door frame getting in the back and it touching the rear window it does not count. LOL! It's not my fault Oldsmobile did it better than Mercedes. Sorry if you don't hit your head getting in the back seat it is not a 4 door coupe. Been there done that in both cars and there was no issue getting into the Olds so it is just a regular sedan styling. The car has to have a ergonomic flaw to have 4 door coupe styling. Just part of the deal as you have to sacrifice something for the styling. That is what Coupe means anymore. It could be defined as what ergonomic did you give up?
  11. If the 3.6 goes away, I much rather see the Colorado and Canyon go to the 4.3. I don't see an Impala getting a 3.0TT in any trim outside of an SS variant. Twin-turbo V6 engines, as fun as they are, are not going to be the standard mainstream family car engine any time soon. I doubt even the LaCrosse would see it. If we're going to accept the premise that a 4-door fastback is a 4-door coupe, then yes, Oldsmobile did beat Mercedes there by 10 years. The 4.3 is not going into the mid size trucks or they would have already done it. You will see a term with the 3.6 as it is and then the revamped one but in time I see them going smaller with a turbo and non turbo versions of a 3.0. I expect the power to be the same as we have now with more torque and a little more MPG. Turbo engines will be in or offered in just about ever model out there at some point as the market is going to smaller size and turbo engines to gain MPG. We are just about there now. Who would have ever expected the Malibu Regal and other models to be only 4 cylinder with turbo options. Unless GM can learn to sell a lot more mini cars the larger ones will have to find MPG somewhere as they are not even close to the future regulations. the fact is Turbo chargers will be very common going into the future and not just on performance models or up scale models. I don't doubt that turbo charged engines are going to be more and more prevalent. I'm just saying that a 3.0TT is not going to be the engine to replace the current 3.6. I think we'd see a Turbo-4 take up that role. Probably something like a 2.3T similar to what Ford is doing. A turbo 4 might at some point but I am thinking more of a non Turbo 3.0 that has better economy but as much power as the present 3.0. I do not expect more power just more economy with vehicles like this. As for the Turbo 4 I would have to see a weight reduction before I would recommend that one. I have a 300 HP Turbo in a 3200 pound vehicle and it is fine economy wise and power wise but in a vehicle as heavy as the Colorado I could see no real advantage to MPG here. Lets put it this way. I love my 2.0 Turbo but I would not love it near as much in my GMC Terrain. I would wager while it has more power and torque the MPG would not be much better than the V6 is now and the performance would be similar. Mass is a killer in truck MPG and Ford just proved it with their new truck. They just got their weight to just below the others and lost a ton of weight but they still have not gained much in MPG. That is why I expect the half ton class to fundamentally change in the future. Now this is what I am expecting to see and this is my own wild ass theory so keep that in mind. But much of this is bases on things I have heard people say and rumors about future production in different segments and present moves being made today. To me it is just something to think about and keep in mind when you see some of this stuff going on. I have a feeling the smaller trucks like the Colorado and Canyon will be what many makers will go in trying to get people to move in one of two ways from the Half Ton Truck. They will try to get many to move to this smaller class that is nearly capable, easier to drive and will do about anything they need with smaller engines and less weight. Now for those who still need a full size truck or a V8 the 3/4 ton will still be available and will serve as the full size truck to those who really have to have one or need one. The Half Ton has hard CAFE coming up and it may even get worse by the time it arrives. The automakers have hinted that by 2018 they may try a move to ask the government to back off but it is getting harder to even get conservatives to back these plans anymore. So with that said the only way to get more MPG is size and mass hence the smaller trucks ands smaller engines. Now the 3/4 ton trucks are not subjected to the same regulations at this point so we may still have a good chance to keep the larger trucks in play but the problem will be at a price. These trucks will be offered but the prices will continue to go up if they have a V8 as they will not sell in the volume as the half tons have sold. You may note of late how much GM has been putting into the 3/4 ton trucks of late as for so long these were the forgotten work trucks. Today High Country and Denali editions flourish and we are seeing options on them that we would never have seen even 5 years ago. I also think we may see a smaller truck yet under the Colorado. I hope and pray they do not do a FWD but that may be part of the deal? I just have the feeling a smaller econo like hauler may reappear at some point as there is a segment that still longs for a S10 like truck. GM has learned with the SUV segment that the CUV is just as popular and very profitable as it is sold along side the larger brothers. The Truck segment could easily be broken down in class as it no longer is one size fit all anymore and they really need it to be that way to preserve the segment going forward. At one time I saw where a GM engineer spoke on the large half ton SUV and speculated the day was not far off it could be laid to rest just because of the growth of the CUV and the coming regulations. He said it was not the plan but it was a consideration that could come about if need be. That was a coupe years ago and would not happen till after 2018 at some point. That is just my WAG and to be honest the companies may not have it all sorted out internally either at this point so a lot could happen that they do not even plan on yet in 10 years. They do know their most profitable segment is under the gun and they need to find a way to displace it with products that will fill the needs or get the MPG they need going forward.
  12. If the 3.6 goes away, I much rather see the Colorado and Canyon go to the 4.3. I don't see an Impala getting a 3.0TT in any trim outside of an SS variant. Twin-turbo V6 engines, as fun as they are, are not going to be the standard mainstream family car engine any time soon. I doubt even the LaCrosse would see it. If we're going to accept the premise that a 4-door fastback is a 4-door coupe, then yes, Oldsmobile did beat Mercedes there by 10 years. The 4.3 is not going into the mid size trucks or they would have already done it. You will see a term with the 3.6 as it is and then the revamped one but in time I see them going smaller with a turbo and non turbo versions of a 3.0. I expect the power to be the same as we have now with more torque and a little more MPG. Turbo engines will be in or offered in just about ever model out there at some point as the market is going to smaller size and turbo engines to gain MPG. We are just about there now. Who would have ever expected the Malibu Regal and other models to be only 4 cylinder with turbo options. Unless GM can learn to sell a lot more mini cars the larger ones will have to find MPG somewhere as they are not even close to the future regulations. the fact is Turbo chargers will be very common going into the future and not just on performance models or up scale models.
  13. Sorry the roof it too high. Unless you can hit your head on the door frame getting in the back and it touching the rear window it does not count. LOL! The truth is it is all about the lower roof line and styling. Just look at the green house and you will see what it takes to use the term 4 door coupe. It is just a styling trend and some people buy in and some stick to the traditional car because they do not want to lose the head room.
  14. I know there is a new version but I do not expect it to have a super long life as more focus will be placed on the 3.0 liter. If you take note most MFG have taken to specific size engines as they give the best in performance, economy and refinement. The 3.0 TT is that engine just as so many have taken to the 4.0 TT and the 2.0 T. these are the engines I expect that will be in place once GM goes to Cadillac specific engines. GM will continue the 3.6 for more than anything the Colorado and Canyon and will add more refinement as they are not really close to class leading anymore and are very old engines. Not bad engines but not what they need to be any longer. As for the 4 door coupes it is a styling tend and that is what they call them. The contradiction of terms is there but it really is all about the coupe like styling of the roof line and not the door count. Hence the 4 door coupe. You can argue the point all you like but that is what the MFG call it. All they are trying to do is give the coupe like styling that people love with the versatility of the sedan people expect. It will never fully replace the normal sedan as many do not like the low roof line. So the term 4 door coupe is really a hybrid of styling that has a name for marketing. Nothing more and nothing less. Just a way to try to get people into cars they normally would not buy as they have poor rear seat access while giving them a styling look they like.
  15. The new car will have the new 3.0 TT and a V8 TT. Not sure if the 3.6 will be the base engine or not yet. The 3.6 is on the way out and will be around a few more years but the end is coming. The new V6 family is lighter and more refined. They will also get a little better MPG and the TT version will have better economy and the same of better power.
  16. Or if you want a TT V8, you could buy a 5-series, 6-series, 7-series, E-class, CLS, S-class, S7, S8, or Panamera right now. I "dare" Cadillac to keep this Dare campaign going until 2019 when the CT7 or CT8 arrives. By then there will be a new slogan, and they will have some new plan. Eventually one of these plans has to work, Cadillac doesn't really have infinite tries here. I get that Rome wasn't built in a day, and I don't think Cadillac will even end up as poor off as Lincoln, but how long will GM pour money in to a brand that doesn't get sales. Eventually the bean counters may force a Lincoln strategy where they just gloss up Chevy's and sell stuff like the Escalade and a Cadillac Equinox because those are easy and high margin. You have to realize that the key here is not total sales but profits.Cadillac is no longer a volume K mart luxury brand and does not need high volumes to survive. What they need to do is build cars that have high enough profit margins that will make money. How many years did Cadillac out sold volume wise in this country Benz and BMW but it did not run them off and they continued to build and make money in this market. The is only one future for Cadillac as there is little money in a cheap luxury car unless you move a lot of cars and that is difficult. Lincoln did it with Fleet sales of the Town Car and once those sales dropped they and floundered since with near death. This is a plan you just have to give them the time to do what needs done and even if they are still number three in sales you need to look at the bottom line and if they are making a profit. I think you will find they will be. This is not one of those races where you have to have the biggest volume to still win in this segment. I expect these to be the most profitable cars at GM for years to come and they will not get axed as if they are bringing more dollars per unit they will get what they need. As for marketing the Dare is only the start. Their plan is like a play and this is act one. This is to challenge people to look at Cadillac and understand what their new mission is. In the past their message was just a mottled mix of a geek in a ATS, Dancing Robots and out running a mass of Arrows. Not really any true message or coherent image being displayed. Now that they have Dared the public watch for them to focus on what they are doing with their models. We will see like with Benz and BMW a focus on not just performance but safety, luxury, technology, styling, image and sex. The building of an image of the product and what it will do for the customer takers work to build and you have to earn the trust of the public. This is why we have seen resistance to discounting the present cars as do you want to show up at the club in the car that is Discount Luxury? That would be like buying your suit at K mart. While some see you as thrifty other will see it as a sign of failure if you do not live large. There is a lot of work to do and lots of things to accomplish yet. No matter where Cadillac ranks in sales by 2020-2025 the real goal is profits and if they are making money that is all that should be expected. This is the most profitable segment in the auto class and it gives you the option of just making money as a priority and if you take a sales lead all the better. On the other hand high volume low profit segments like Chevy have to move product to make the profit and they have no options here. They have to sell to make any money. Also you do not want to over sell true luxury anyways as if you do you will end up with your product in places that will damage it's image. In this class you want to be seen at Ruth Chis not White Castle or Habit.
  17. It is not the number of chargers. I read a story the other day laying out the dealer network Tesla has and it is very weak over there. They have a small number of dealers and the greater issue is the dealers are not in the areas with the most money where people who can afford these cars live. Added to this that Tesla is not working in the normal networks over there like most deals are. These groups are the ones who hold influence with the government to get things done. If Musk hates our system he surely will find this one even more difficult. Right now there has been little signs that they are correcting the low staff and limited number of dealers so things may not improve much over there soon. As for the chargers the kind of people over there that can afford this car can afford to put chargers any where they will need one. This car will be for he affluent only over there and most are wealthy enough to do about what ever they like. China is just a whole different ball game and while it is a shame all other MFGs have had to join in with local MFG it also has saved them the trouble and mistakes that they would have made on their own. China is a very corrupt government and they are learning greed like the rest of the world. So far they have been able to control things there and as long as they do you have to play by their rules. The real key is Tesla has been getting away with a lot here for a long time with Wall Street. People are now starting to get restless with them and at some point they will make demands of them that they may or may not be able to deliver on. They have been willing to wait on profits but there will be a day they will make a call and they may not be able to answer. Musk for so long has played a game of zig zag as one Wall Street broker stated. He deflects and darts from one topic to another. His defections have been too many of late and are becoming noticeable. I think this will be an interesting year for Tesla and will be a great test of the investors. This game is only going to get more and more difficult for them as they get other makers in the segments they want to be in. Also some wonder how the X if and when it comes out will effect S sales. If it cuts into them it could be an issue. They need a lot of volume to use the batteries the Reno plant will make. Most other makers will not go to them unless they hold some real improvement over what most are using now. I do not expect that. Also storage for home is not something that is going to take many batteries anytime soon. That is a very slow growth segment and will take a lot of time. I have cheered Tesla to make it as their failure will damage the segment if the others are not in it yet. But I really question the goals the predicted grow from Elon. At least he is the one with the most to lose but I hope most people do no lose their investment if things go south.
  18. Well some will be happy and some will be disappointed with this car when it arrives. It is a next step evolution of the styling and technology but will not be a full revolution that some expect but will not get. This will be a very good car but we must remember this is not part of the new Cadillac since it was mostly done by the time GM decided to go all in and invest in Cadillac what it needs. This is why we have talk now that this is not the flagship and there will be a CT 7-8-9. What we will find here is a very capable car that will have refined styling on the same theme but will be much lighter than most expect. The suspension tuning will be first class and the interior will be unlike you have ever seen in a GM car. It will see advancements not seen in quality and technology. The real treat will be the TT V8 when it arrives later. Now this car will help hold the segment till GM gets to the cars that will be over it. These will see really big investment and we will get much greater return in the product that will be produced. That one will be the revolutionary car. But because work has just started it will be 2020 before we see it or the coupe. The key to this car needs to be refinement. They need to get the little things right. While Cue is not a bad system it is a difficult system to grasp for many people in less than 5 mins. If they work to make system interphase easier and other small details that needed addressed on the CTS and ATS they should have a car here that can go toe to toe. Now with that said the next cars to come not only need to go toe to toe but they need to clearly be the better car. GM has now gotten into the game and now they must dominate the segments. You do that and remove any question that you should be there to anyone critic or friend. This is not the Dare car yet. In the mean time the coming SUV's and CUV will make Cadillac even more profitable. This segment makes up 12% of car segment sales but makes 50% of the profit. That is why GM finally has gone in. These are the pick ups of the car segment but at a much lower volume. This is also why Ford saved Lincoln when it was on the block. Now their problem has been no one there has fully committed to make them more than a high volume discount luxury car. So far the CT6 is about what I expected a good solid step forward into the future to even better things yet to come.
  19. Ok here we go. #1 Crosley #2 Oldsmobile 455 was first used in 1968 in the full size cars and Hurst Olds. #3 Fireball 8 #4 As a percentage I would guess Olds from 5 HP in 1901 to 60 HP in 1910. It could be a number of models back then as they all had nothing for power to start and grew at a fast rate as a percentage. I picked Olds as this was a GM based web site. #5 1958 Biscayne first year Last year Bel Air was 75 in the states but I have seen later ones sold in Canada. We used to see them here in Ohio once in a while in the late 70's and early 80's #6 1955 Turbine powered Thunderbird. Raised hood intake and large exhaust looks like a Turbine engine.
  20. Yes I just caught where I got the two reversed. I will have to do some thinking on #2 That one is not coming to me yet. I will have to think about it more.
  21. #1 Crosley, Just read a book on this about 2 months ago. #2 Fireball 8 #3 I know you are thinking of something else but the Twin six 702 V12 GMC was the largest road gas engine GM offered but it was 1960-65 I believe. Not sure what you are looking for. The 455 SD Pontiac did not arrive till June 73. #4 As a percentage I would guess Olds from 5 HP in 1901 to 60 HP in 1910. It could be a number of models back then as they all had nothing for power to start and grew at a fast rate. I picked Olds as this was a GM based web site. #5 1958 Biscayne first year Last year Bel Air was 75 in the states but I have seen later ones sold in Canada. We used to see them here in Ohio once in a while in the late 70's and early 80's #6 1955 Turbine powered Thunderbird. Raised hood intake and large exhaust looks like a Turbine engine.
  22. That is part of it but also how much will the marker bear price wise for a GMC Terrain? You are not going to get many buyers over $50K as it is now. On the other hand the Sierra is offered in a AWD [Not 4WD] package with the 6.2 and then the other features but they can get away with the higher price on this model as there are so few other choices like it at this level. The King Ranch is trim and the High Country also is mostly just trim. It does come down to if you can make money with some chrome trim and stitching why try a harder but also this is not a top end line as to where you can charge just any price for every model in the line up. Maybe some day they may get there but right now it would be difficult. GMC only has so much cap room with the present models and it works. For the new K2xxx models, the Sierra Denali models lost AWD that the previous models used and now feature the regular 4WD system as on all other 4WD Sierras. Sad!
  23. Yes I saw this earlier. Not bad but not revolutionary but then again I was not expecting that either. This car predates GM's full commitment to giving Cadillac what it needs to compete. I am just looking for this car to advance the sticks a little more with ground breaking interiors and technology in a very competent. sedan. The car they started on last summer will be the one that really will be the beginning of the new era. This is the car Mark Ruess had to argue over using more expensive door handles on a couple years ago. This car is not the so over used term Flagship it right now is a line up filler to replace the XTS with a car closer to where they are going. Think of this as the next step. I will know more of how I feel on this once I see the real thing in person. Photos and film really have not done recent Cadillac's justice.
  24. That is part of it but also how much will the marker bear price wise for a GMC Terrain? You are not going to get many buyers over $50K as it is now. On the other hand the Sierra is offered in a AWD [Not 4WD] package with the 6.2 and then the other features but they can get away with the higher price on this model as there are so few other choices like it at this level. The King Ranch is trim and the High Country also is mostly just trim. It does come down to if you can make money with some chrome trim and stitching why try a harder but also this is not a top end line as to where you can charge just any price for every model in the line up. Maybe some day they may get there but right now it would be difficult. GMC only has so much cap room with the present models and it works.
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