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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. I would expect their own engines fully new and not some rehash of some outdated still born design. Based on what the engineers are finding I would expect a 4.0 TT V8, 3.0 TT V6 and 2.0 Turbo. No V12 SMK you need to get a grip that it takes more than 2-3 years to build, design and build 3 engines not really due in cars set for 2020 and later. This is not just some rehash of a head gasket blowing N Star. The fact is for that they intend to do is amazing in todays market let alone for GM to be willing to do it. This will be something special as this kind of stuff just dose not get the full support in this kind of business climate. The fact is that GM going along with the fact that they admit even if they have good cars today that they are still not good enough and allocate $12 to make them even better is amazing. The key here is if GM can get these cars right they don't have to beat MB and BMW in sales but make high profits per unit to be successful. These cars if done right will generate profits in the area where trucks have been doing for years. It is not like a Malibu where you have to sell 150K units of each model as with low volumes only a third of that will generate profits 3-4 times a BU. This is how this segment is being looked at and why GM is willing to put money. Cars like the 300 and Lincoln are not doing this as they are cheaper and then get further discounted from there. That is why price point at Cadillac is a priority. If they can't get the higher price for what they have now they will fix the cars, marketing and dealers to attain that goal. I really have a gut feeling what we see in 2020 will be something we never though GM or Cadillac would ever do again. They will build a car that is a standard of the world in more than just slogan.
  2. This started before on the Alpha where they look at every piece of the car and look for ways to eliminate weight. This is the harder way to do it but it also retains cost for the customer and GM. Anyone can go out and build a carbon fiber body or all aluminum body but few people can afford it or afford to repair it. While this approach is not sexy or exciting it is a smart way to do it. Also you can always add more aluminum if you run out of other ways to eliminate weight if needed. I still expect GM to try to move as many half ton sales to the Colorado and those who need a full size to the 3/4 ton that will not have as tight regulations. This will make them less dependent on the half ton as it gets more expensive to make and less profitable because of content. GM will be ok with their trucks yet as they can still offer a rebate and still make a killing on price while Ford has less room to work now. No matter how their marketing spins it their trucks content price has risen much and they have hidden the prices in their options.
  3. This has been my beef for so long. You have legislators who don't drive or drive seldom making laws for cars that have no idea of the true technology available or the cost it will burden the industry in trying to meet the goals. This is a deal where both sides need to work together and not the one with no clue making rules for the other. The problem is the loop holes are closing fast and while the V8 and larger cars will remain they will be way out of the average buyers price range. The industry will let price regulate sales.
  4. After a certain point, there is no point to more gears beyond bragging rights. The hood on our 2015 is aluminum already if I am thinking right. My Father in law is out of state with it so I can not check it right now. The pound are taken off a little here and there so it adds up. As for GM trucks they are not all the much heavier than Ford already. GM has done it the hard way and engineered the weight out to keep the profits up and the price down. No matter what Ford claims repair will remain more expensive. I expect GM to use more aluminum but they will use it carefully as they will try to retain the cost. Ford will do fine with the new truck but they will not be as profitable per unit in the long run when they have to do rebates at some point. I think the GM is more a refresh as with the competitive segment the changes will come more often.
  5. The 130 was DOA when we saw the new Camaro was announced to be getting a Turbo 4. The original plan was to save the 4 to put in the 130 nut with the tanking of the other small RWD cars the project was shelved. If they could have adapted the Alpha we may have seen it but they just could not justify a small platform for such a low volume in todays market. The Sports car at Cadillac will come later on. Right now they want to get their car line up and SUV line up set as theses are the cars that pay the bills. You put the cart before the horse and you make it a greater risk. Also they will want their own V8 by them. Yes the N star is dead and gone and they will not speak of it again. I do expect in 10 years a super like sports car and a more simple 2 seat roadster. The Folks at Cadillac has spoken of this but stressed it is at the end of the new product not the start. The mid engine deal could be in the works much like Audi and Lambo with two different models on the same platform. Chevy is the first to get it out of the box and Cadillac will come later. There is a lot of work yet to do at GM and a lot of new product to come. The key will be to get product that are not misses and provide a solid income while providing a solid rebuilding of their reputation. The first model to do that I believe will be the Malibu. I have a feeling that this car will be the home run they need. With what we know on weight loss and styling it already is ahead of the game. The real key will be refinement and price. and right now it is looking like they have both. There was great effort to control the price in what they did but still they spent the money to finish this car unlike the short cutting they have done for a long time.
  6. Here is the problem. Cadillac has been going along saying the CT6 was the flag ship and then they show several Show cars that were very well done and received yet the CT6 used little of the styling on any of them. People expected a major move by Cadillac and the fact was GM was not fully committed to it during the development of the CT6. Lets face it GM argued with Mark over the cost of the door handles so the old GM was still in play to a point here. Now just having good acceptance of the show cars and the new management coming in to GM telling them that they still have much to fix those at the new GM Finally committed $12 Billion to do it. This has relegated GM to state how the CT6 is going to be a very good car but it is now not our flagship. We can and will do better as we will also over haul the ATS and CTS again. This was stated as their new direction. As for Cadillac they are evolving the A&S at a more rapid pace than Benz or BMW has as they only did refinements over the last 50 years of the same theme. Cadillac will do it in half the time. Each model has it's trademark look. You could remove the emblems and most people could tell you what each is. Some are evolving well and some like Rolls just look like a Checker cab. Audi and Bentley are the new players here as Audi is the youngest and Bentley has had to remove it's self as the Rolls boxy twin. Cadillac has set the look but will evolve the body lines and shape to move forward. The hard lines made a statement but do not age well. They have given the new look a more even flow like on The Elmirage. I expect we will not see anything identical but we will see a move in this direction.
  7. The removal of the CD and the small shelf and the shift knob appear to be all I can see that has changed here other than colors. The whole change here is mostly the bumper covers and the addition of LED lights. The sheet metal is the same. This is a good refresh for them to meet fleet use after the new ones arrive. As for refresh at 5 years that has not been an issue as the Nox and Terrain both have bettered their sales each and every years since this one was introduced. People like these and they have done so very very well. The challenge for the new one will be to live up to the standards here with better MPG and better interior packaging. These are the two things that need fixed and a new platform should do that. Also they need to add AC vents in the back. My wife has loved hers. I was not a big fan when we bought it but I have really come to love it. Great ride and handling. Comfortable on trips and quiet. My only beef has been is the interior is not the best for cargo but you still can load it down. I just expect for the size it should haul more. Rear strut towers really intrude. The dash is very deep too. The other beef is the weight. It is just too damn heavy. if they can cut 300 pounds like the Bu it should be a big help. Most people will not miss the Cd if they have a smart phone. The Bluetooth works well and like Drew pointed out the Memory stick in the console can do a lot too.
  8. I suspect with the Omega the weight savings program has made the cars structure as a whole important for strength. Now you go cutting and lengthen it out it could lose it cage structure that helps save the weight and leave you with a very unstable car. Just look at some of the older limo's as it is and many sag with time as it is. I would not be surprised if GM may not recommend the Omega just for this reason.
  9. Unless Ford is willing to invest in Lincoln as GM is doing in Cadillac they will remain a low end Luxury car with smaller profits. At the least even if Cadillac stays at low volumes they will profit more with the higher price point in the long haul and make more money. In this segment being number one in volume as it is how much profit is reaped per model Luxury cars are not all that more expensive to design and build but if you can sell the car for twice the price you will make more profits than any other segment. This price range gives a company so many more options. Like sports cars it is easy to make a $500K sports car as but to make one for $30K is damn difficult and still turn a profit.
  10. You just don't get the big picture????? Note Audi, Acura and Infinity all right around Cadillac selling for much lower prices on two of the models but yet they are still making money,. Cadillac and Audi spend about the same to develop cars and sell them for much more and reap even more profits. I would wager that Cadillac and Audi make more profit than Lexus too. This is about making money. Cadillac may never sell 30K cars in a month but the profits will account for half of all sedan sales at GM and make them a good profit. The fact is to win in this segment you do not have to be first, second or even third to make a killer profit and count it as a win. Now on a volume brand where you have to sell so many cars to make much smaller profits then you have to make sure the numbers are big. The volume needs for profits for a Cruze and a ATS are not the same.
  11. Any light that is not seal beamed is expensive and the more advance the more it cost. Projection and HID units are expensive no matter what. While the companies do get volume discounts they still pay more. But even the cheap cars have expensive lights. I get so many people looking for the parts to HID because they are screws If they break one. Most people anymore can afford to pay for it and they don't want to put it on the insurance as they have a deductible that is half or almost all of the price. It scares me when I hear people tell of $25K on the credit cards and hear some out of school for years still with $75K in debt with an Art Degree?
  12. Stop being foolish. Yes people know the name CTS but they do not know how good the 3rd gen is. The first two were better but this time they got it about 90% right and few people have paid attention since Cadillac lacked any real kind of marking plan or staff till recently. Also in this segment the profits are so much higher on each model low volume are much less an issue. Cadillac is not a volume brand anymore and does not have to sell 200K of each model to make money anymore. Almost all the cars in this segment are low volume and bring in the highest per model profits of any segment less the trucks. The official number is 50% of sedan profits but with only 10-12% of the volume. As for the S and headlamps. Just about any upscale headlamp is $1200 or more anymore even on a Sonata. Cars are not cheap but the fact is all the luxury cars make money from the ATS to the S class. It really does not cost all the more to build and design a luxury car vs. a volume priced brand. They all work about the same way and the major difference is content with more up scale options and trim being used. Even with that there is still a big mark up on these cars as these options do not cost that much more that $80K will not cover it over a $40K car with similar options. The fact is MFG can not live on half ton trucks for ever and they are investing in Luxury cars and SUV's as the volumes may be low but the profits are oh so high. GM would not have posted up $12 Billion if they did not think they would get a return on it. They will and they don't even have to dominate the segment. To lose in this segment the only real way is to make a really cheap Luxury Model and let it wither on the vine like Chrysler is doing with the 300 right now. They are taking discounts on this car like crazy and losing out on a lot of profits. Yet I am sure they are still making money. Even Lincoln with the half baked made over Taurus is making money but they too are leaving a lot on the table. The key here is Cadillac can remain in 4th place in sales and still make a killing with profits on these models. This takes the pressure off and lets them work to make the cars right and earn a reputation that is more fitting. Cars like the XTS were there just for profits as while Cadillac still had a lot of work to do the XTS while not perfect still made money. In this segment the only way you don't make money is to not have product in the show room. At this point Johann has is ass on the line and has a ton of money. Lets just see what they can do to fix the marketing and dealers in preparation of the cars that will be deemed good enough to be a flagship. The only wild card in this deck is the Koreans. If they can make headway and do it at a cheaper price undercutting the others with high public support that could be a problem for all. But to this point the Koreans really have no icon status or heritage that most people in this segment seek. They may be an issue for Lincoln and the 300 but not the others. The bottom line is we need to let the marketing that we finally have work and grow. When was the last time Cadillac had a really good marketing campaign? The only time in the last 20 years they got much attention is when Tiger Woods hit the tree,
  13. That is a real good number to expect. If they need to they can build more. The key is this is not a car that was expected to be seen in every Walmart parking lot. It will advance things nicely and with the new marketing help rebuild an image for Cadillac they sorely have been missing. The fact is people really still do not know much about the CTS and ATS other than the folks who read Car and Driver. The marketing has been so poor they have failed to get the message out on these cars. We are now just in one Month on the new marketing. It should expand and explain more about the cars just as Benz does in their spot on the C class. They cover everything from engineering, Performance and sexapeal in one min. For once Cadillac is sending a message that is not giving you the bargain lease rates with dancing robots. These new spots are seeds and it takes time to grow a good program and they will with time. If you are looking for volume and more profits these will come with the coming CUV and SUV models. This is the high growth and volume segments. These will help also grow the sedan segments once people understand Cadillac can build decent cars again. As we approach 2020 we will see more real Cadillac and less corporate GM injected in each model over time. As for the Lincoln it will do well as it is aiming low buy Fords own admissions. They are targeting the likes of Buick and I hope this spurs GM to get a Sedan out like the Detroit show car as I think it can take on and dominate Lincoln with the right investment. Buick still lacks the new product they need as they have yet to get a real post Chapter 11 car that is fully funded and developed. They have used the Opel cars and the fixed up older platforms well but I expect we will see better soon. We are just now seeing the investment In new platforms and models post Chapter 11 and we should see some of the first GM cars where they did not have to cut corners or stop short because of funding. I have had to marketing managers in the past tell me how they would run out of money before the new model was done even cutting corners. The interior often took the hit.
  14. Ford did borrow much from other brands here. It is not the first time another brand stole from others as it has gone on for years. Even Harley Earl borrowed styling from the best of Europe, air planes and trends. He also borrowed internally inside GM from on studio to another on ideas. A good designer if he chooses to borrow only takes the best. It is clear Ford used a little of their and a little of others out there for this car. Hell Ford even tried to make the Granada look like a Benz in the 70's if you squint real hard. The Aero pillars on the first Taurus were also similar to a Benz. Cadillac, Impreial and Lincoln tired to do the hump back of the English cars too in the 80's. They have a very nice car but it is not original by any means. Give Cadillac credit for trying to do their own thing. I expect we will see this style evolve to a more advanced version of some of the past show cars of the last couple years. They will have to advance them some so they remain fresh and new. But there is no mistaking a Cadillac for anything but a Cadillac. Remove the emblems from the Lincoln and you will get 5 people telling you it is 5 different cars and not one would say Lincoln for better or worse.
  15. I just considered this and 3 of the 4 cars in the garage here now are aged out far short of the 100,000 miles. I also looked at our past cars and all of them but one aged out well before 100,000 miles. We here average at about 12,000 on the wife's car as it get most the work but even my daily driver only sees 9,000 miles a year. it can take me 10-12 years to hit 100,000 miles.
  16. I the refresh or new bumpers are ok but not enough to make me pine for it over my 2012. But I understand the new model is coming and it will be vastly improved. Based on the Malibu weight loss I expect it will show similar improvements. Mass is a killer in this vehicle as well as interior packaging. I love my wife's Terrain but it has so much room for improvement. As for AWD Typhoon? No way would I want that in the present one. I is much too heavy and much too tall even lowered. The center of gravity is just too much. Now if they can lower the next one's CG and lose 300 pounds we may be talking with a Turbo 2.0 with 300HP. The truth is the Terrain is just not a performance vehicle and to make it one would still leave you with many compromises. Better to use something else or build a different SUV for that use. I am thinking an Alpha made into a CUV. 40% front and 60% rear drive.
  17. Nice design but I am afraid it will be wasted on a FWD/AWD Ford platform. You would think they would have learned from GM in the 90's. If they would do a proper REW/AWD and appoint it properly they could really get a much higher price and much more profit. They will do ok with what they have but they will leave a lot on the table. I know there are two groups in Ford. One that wants to kill Lincoln and one that wants to save it. I hope the savers get enough support to keep it alive. We do not need to lose anymore name plates. At the rate Fiat is going I worry about Chrysler. Some Wall ST people say Chrysler is at risk in the next ten years. If they go down all that I could see saved would be Jeep and Ram. The profits in the Luxury market are worth the risk Cadillac have approved and Ford should do the same. Profits from the new F 150 are not going to be as good as the old steel truck so they need to exploit this segment for more profits.
  18. The 8 speed is there's. GM will not farm out what they do best In automatics. The real key to this car is the loss of 300 pounds. I think people really do not understand how much weight in a car like this that is. Hell even in the Camaro that would be a lot of weight loss in one year. The 2015 Malibu LS is 3393 and the LT is 3439 The LTZ is 3660 So at worst case we are looking at just over 3300 pounds for the premier model and the base car will be 3000-3100. Just to put that into perspective the my HHR Turbo is 3200 loaded. That is some killer weights. What many fail to understand is losing this much mass helps a car in so many ways. Not just MPG but handling, acceleration and stopping are improved much. 300 Pounds in this class is a major crazy reduction. We should see some decent numbers in all areas on this car. To me the weight reduction here is the most amazing news and should really be something the other MFG really check out.
  19. They get there in August and we have yet to see anything of their work other than the Dare Greatly marketing that just started and it is all their fault? I do not know if they will succeed or fail at this point but I am willing to let them at least try. They got GM to commit to more than anyone else has for years. Lets now see what they do with it. We first should see how they change Cadillac to make it function better. Lets watch to see how their engineering and marketing improves. Then the new product that these folks are doing will be here in 4-5 years. Then you can pass judgment on them., You are like these folks that condemn a car while still in camo. Oh wait you do that too. Better to wait and have a informed opinion based on facts vs. voicing a clueless one and be found a fool.
  20. 300 lbs lighter + new 8 speed fwd transmission. They are saying that performance of the new powertrain will be equal or better than the 2.5 and with better fuel economy. That's why. The 2.0 is a torque machine not a horsepower machine. It will likely feel faster than V6es that have to wind up first. As a owner of a 3.6 V6 Bu and a owner of a 2.0 turbo I can tell you the Turbo is a much more satisfying car to drive. With the 8 speed even more so. The torque curve is flat and long. Torque feels like a old Pontiac like torque just the torque curve is wider. I will say this the car in person will look much different than in photo's. This is a very dimensional car as the body lines need to be seen in 3D to get the full effect. The way I see it this car if priced right and marketed right it will be at the top of the sales in this segment. I see It easily in the top three and could even go to the top if they do all things right. Price will be key to compete with the Korean cars.
  21. Ok I am home now. Here are the key points of the story. Yes you can nit pick subjective things here but the facts remain the same on the important topics. #1 Cadillac has not been given the full support they really needed to take it to the top till last August. #2 GM brass has interfered much to much in making Cadillac right. Just look at the fight Mark Ruess had over the GT6 door handles. These are the same people show wanted to cheapen the Cruze when it was on top as they felt they made it too good. #3 Cadillac with their own engines? Did anyone ever think that was possible to happen again? Well it is. #4 Cadillac with their own dedicated engineers in much larger numbers? Music to my ears. #5 Cadillac with $12 Billions dollars to fix and build cars even better than what we have now!!!!! #6 Distance from Detroit to keep the people who do not need to be involved out. #7 Marketing. Real Marketing with a message, vision and purpose. No more dancing robots or shooting arrows etc. #8 The guys in charge now it is all on them. This deal is either going to make them or break them regardless of what they have done in the past. They have taken full control and if it works it will be all to the credit of them and their staff and if they fail it will be all on them and they may never find work anywhere else again. Will they make Cadillac all we hope. I think they have a good shot. Could they fail? Certainly but we will not know till they try. The way things have been run it was not a total Lincoln like failure but it was not a full effort either. We have better cars but no one knows about them. While the cars are better they still have room for improvement. We still have gaps in markets that can and should be making money. As of now they are going to address these and I am willing to let them give it a try as at this point so much is being left on the table. The key point now that I can see is the CT6 was going to be the Flagship till the S African arrived now it is not good enough. That is a sign that some one is finally willing to admit they can do and should do better. The key to the future of Cadillac is not to be as good but to be better. At this point it appears that is their goal and I am willing to give them a chance. They have been given all they have asked for and not it is their ass on the line. If they are willing to take that responsibility then give em a chance. I am tired of the years of people who are not the problem being restrained by those who are the problem at GM. This is what has killed GM through the years. Johann kind of reminds me of a Delorean in a way. Willing to push those at GM that were not always willing to be pushed. John was arrogant and broke rules. It worked well as long as he was in his element. Once moved to Chevy he was doomed as he was saddled with so many of Ed Coles projects that were half baked like the Vega and Wankel as he moved in to some tough early 70's years. They ate him alive once he show weakness. Johann will be in the same boat. He will own GM as long as he succeeds but if he begins to fail they will cut him off at the knees and he knows it. At this point I see no one else what has gotten GM to buy in like this since Harley Earl. We can give them a chance or we can just keep things the same and just slap a small block in the CT6 and say that is as good as we can do then get some robots to advertise our fall rebates.
  22. they did well and we will see more things yet to come. This is only the intro of a new platform and we have more things yet that will be added. The key here is this car is made to look better and improve many details which it has. As for the engines it will be lightest in class but will still perform with the others easily but it will get better MPG for it. Note the Turbo engine like most will beat the EPA numbers in the real world. Each one I have driven did a little better city. Many wanted a little Impala do you got it. Other that are sniping are just going to snipe no matter what. The market will prove this car. Also a darker color really makes it look great. White is hard to do on most cars. They all look like they are from the Gas Company if they are mid size. .
  23. Put up or shut up. If you have proof then present it vs. sniping. Post storied and or links that tell a different story that would account for the failings at Cadillac. Also be fair nothing based on Opinion. What they have to say her is legitimate and logical enough to let them do what they have to do. How long have we see Cadillac go with so little focus, little true identity of their own, funding and even when they get it right no marketing. The problems they found here are similar to what Lutz found all over GM. His book points out case after case of a culture that just did not work internally. And some of the things they eliminated were shocking in the 90's let alone since those who were not the problems have taken charge.
  24. Serious question: Aside from us (automotive enthusiasts), do you really think people care about where the power goes to? Or do they care about luxuries? Old people at the bingo hall that buy cars in the lower luxury segment no. Those who buy the higher end stuff yes. More importantly China Yes. They like their High End Luxury cars with RWD and a big back seat. Only Buick has been given the free pass there.
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