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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Ok lets get a little reality and truth into this conversation. #1 the Pony car died a long time ago. Todays cars are fully equipped GT coupes. These are no longer reconfigured economy coupe reconfigured into a performance model at a cheaper rate than a Muscle car that too also does not exist anymore. Note it is not 1969 anymore. #2 The fact is cars are expensive. The average sale price of a new car is $35,000 and the average price of used cars I just posted at Autoblog was $18,000 now. The fact is $35,000 is just buying you an average car today. For a couple thousand more the SS is a very above average car for the money. Welcome to 2015. Time to stop living in the past in how we look at these cars for what they are and what they cost. Time to live in the present and Just remember the past as a good memory. It is like how many look back at the 60's. Some folks look back with fond memories but too often they forget some of the details. We today see many of these cars restored to a degree that these cars were never built to. If you spend time with a unrestored original you see things many of us forget like the bad paint and all the things that were lacking back in the day. I just spent time with a 69 GP with only 40,000 miles. It was in great shape but we stood there and looked at all the defects and flaws in the body and paint that were factory. The owner loved driving the car but said how floaty it was and the brakes just were not up to todays standard. To be honest we pay a lot but we are getting cars today that can not compare to anything in the past content and quality wise. The Camaro here in question could take to a track and in street form out run many race cars from the pony era. Lets face it too that V6 here would out run most model Camaros from the 60's also out stopping and turning too. The aspect here we all need to face is cars are expensive and they will remain such. Companies will try to add value with more option and features even in the lower forms of the cars. That is what we are seeing here. Like it or not you want a better car you will have to pay for it.
  2. Wings there will be more Mustangs and more power just as there will be at least two or three more powerful Camaro's. Too much money and notoriety in these variations even in low numbers. The thing is will the Shelby image still hold water now the old man is gone. When Ford did this I the 60's with the name and not the old man it failed. Now on the other hand Ferrari has done well without their old man but at that price point the car had an image of it's own old man or not. I suspect the Shelbys will still sell well new but the collectors may not hold as much interest as time goes on. Kind of like the Air Cooled 911 now vs. the used water cooled models.
  3. What you forget is how difficult it is to price a car today to where it will still sell and still make a profit. Many options are added as standard for many reasons. Some are added as it is cheaper to offer power windows in all cars vs. having a manual options. Same for tilt wheels. That example came from the F body manager himself in years past. Even on the Gen 5 the question was asked to focus groups of Camaro fans on many things to know what they want and what they would buy. One question was "Is the smell of leather seats important to you?" Yes they asked many detail questions including this one. Why? Because the smell to leather is not natural and it would be an added cost. Some people equate higher quality with the smell while others never even notice. The money they saved on leather scent would be used on other features packaged in to better appeal to the group. The bottom line on this $3-4K is it was not a decision taken lightly and not with out a lot of research with potential buyers in this segment. People have complained for how many years about cheap interiors and short cuts in many areas. Now today we finally have a car that they will introduce it where it is 99% right. Note no car is 100% right so we reserve that last 1%. The reality is a Spark or Sonic are purchased for economy and price most of the time. Cars like the Camaro are purchased for performance and features. They have taken the time to make a package that will offer great value for the money with most of the features that most people want. Will some be disappointed sure as you can never please everyone but the package they have will satisfy the vast majority and that is all they need to do. If you veto the car because of $3K in options at this price range you really were not all that serious about the car to start with. So saying most really does matter as this is not some willy nilly thing they came up with. The research and time taken to look at what customers buy and want was packaged into model packages that will take care of most buyers out there. This is not a cafeteria and packaging is important today. If Ford or someone else wants to address the entry level price segment more power to them but the added value is a win win for GM making more money and customers getting a better package with more value. You should really take the time to look into just what goes into pricing a car and putting packages together. I too thought it was much more simple but it is not. The formula here was used on the Cruze to good effect over the last few years and will be used in cars like the Malibu and other new models. Also the racers are already addressed with the Body in White as this is the most economical way to build a new car like this today. They make so many changes even a base model it too much. What would you rather have customers complaining that you are giving them too much or complaining you are not giving them not enough? Few will complain for the extra options and value.
  4. This deal is like an Election. The one car is not going to overwhelm the other car in a devastating blow. Both camps are like die hard Republicans and Democrats that even if they have the lesser car offered they will still show brand loyalty and buy in most cases. The middle independent ground is the limited number of new customers to the segment and people who just want the best car period. Add in a number of independent customers for the V6 and new turbo and that is where you get the numbers to take the segment lead or not. As for swaying young people generally they are not buying many of these cars and if they do they either have the income that makes 3K no difference or mom and dad are paying anyways. Few young people can afford a new car or insurance on these cars let alone most new cars today. So that is not a legitimate consideration. The insurance on a V8 for someone under 25 is just off the charts in a Camaro or Mustang that is new. The GT 350 is a bargain but it is in the face of everything that made the Shelby what a Shelby was. for many years. It will become what the Z/28 for Ford of the 80's and 90's a mass produced car that really holds no connection to the original. I had wondered what would happen with the Shelby line now that the old man is gone. This car had none of his input and nothing to do with his company so it will just be a mass production car much like the 5.0 GT we have had for years. This should make the people who own a real Shelby even the new ones made at the Shelby facility very happy as it should help their values. The GT 350 will be a great car and make a lot of money but I really wish they had kept it the GT and let Shelby company make the real Shelby. In the end I expect GM to get back the edge they held for the last few years but it still will be a tight race and in the end we both win with two great cars. Now over at Chrysler. I really am worried now. The new LX is delayed again and now there is talk on the Chrysler sites that the V8 Hemi will be gone in 2019 replaced with a Turbo 6. It may be a very powerful engine but how will the public react? Right now with the old school people I think it may really impact sales and they will have to look to new customers to keep in the segment. I just wonder how long till Ford goes to a TTV6 and kills the V8 in the Mustang. Don't say it won't happen as the Ford GT now is going TTV as well as the Raptor. I personally do not look down on this but many others do as they want a V8 and nothing else in this segment.
  5. What we have to consider here is Chevy for the first time and I mean the first time built a Camaro correctly. They finally got a platform at was intended to be a Camaro from the start and funded it to the point there is no compromises. As Scott Settlemire the past F body manager said they would get money for the suspension and engine but never anything for the inside. He said this is why your window lifts failed. This car will be the most refined and developed Camaro ever. This one is not compromised by coming from a Chevy II or Holden that was never intended for the Camaro. Or even being short changed in funding for development to complete the car. The driving dynamic and the added features and materials will play into a car that like the Cruze was just a little more money but delivered much more car for that money. Chevy has played that cheapest car in the segment for so many years. They were forever advertising the Cavaliers and S10 for $9,999 but where did that get them. The imports that sold for a little more gave better value and at times better products because of the extra money in the vehicle. Bob Lutz introduced this when he was at GM and it is now a part of the new culture. We will see this in the new Malibu and again in the new Cruze. Also it will play out in the Nox and most other future Chevys. While being the cheapest may draw attention in the advertising it s the long term satisfaction that sells more cars and a better car will do that and enhance customer loyalty. Granted the Camaro already has good loyalty but they finally took the lead with the 5 gen car and I expect will only increase things with this car. Lets face it $3k is not going to scare anyone away once they commit to buy a $30K or more car. The reviews and test drives will be very telling to just how far this car has gone in being just a better car and not just in performance. The Mustang is still a good car but I expect the difference between these two car in refinement will see a greater gap going to the Camaro being the better car overall. GM and their new culture gets it and we are seeing the results with the new product.
  6. 1970 for sure. The original was just a much smarter and better looking design. The thickness of the LX platform hurts the styling I understand it was needed for todays crash standards and they had to work with what they had but the proportions do not measure up to the original. Anyone else see on the Chryslers Forums that word is the Hemi dies in 2019 and will be replaced with a Turbo V6. Not a good thing for Chrysler if true. And before anyone says it can't be true consider how Ford is down to one car with the V8 and even their Supercar is now a TT V6. There is a change acoming! GM may be the last company standing with a V8 car of the big three. Though it will be limited and expensive.
  7. Anyone here ever buy a base SS? Hands? Anyone here know anyone who ever bought a base SS? Hands?? Just as I thought. GM just made a package that encompasses pretty much what the average buyer gets anyways and cut out the base model that you seldom see and never buy. Besides for a couple thousand more than a 4 cylinder FWD Malibu you get a decent package with RWD, Corvette Engine and Magnetic Suspension. Also get used to this as the V8 cars will be more and more limited and more and more expensive as time goes on. This is the only way companies will be able to sell them and limit their volumes as 2025 nears. The hand writing is already on the wall as Ford is going to sell a 400K super car with a TT V6? Word came out this week the Hemi will vanish in 2019 to be replaced with Alfa Turbo V6 and 4 cylinders. GM may be the only one in the group with a V8 going forward in a few years and I bet they will charge for it. Time to stop the whining and accept the fact that for once GM finally finished a Camaro that will be the best performing and best refined Camaro ever and possibly the best refined Chevy ever. You want a better car it will add to the price but in the end you will get not only a better car but a better value in the end. We have yet to see all about this car yet as the track time was limited and only on the V6 so far. The embargo will be off soon and you will be surprised just what you get for that price. GM did this with the Cruze where they added things to the standard package that most people got anyways. They also added a better interior than the others at the time it was released. Lutz had to fight the old GM culture on this that wanted to gut the car. Well the Cruze turn into a very successful car, it made a lot of money and really helped Chevys rep at a time the ignition deal could have provided a death blow. The way I see this Chevy pretty much eliminated what is equal to the 2.5 ATS model. You know the one they sell just to make a cheap offering price in the ads but so very few ever buy. Most SS sold will be in the $40K range just as it already has been and it will carry feature the old car never had standard let alone even optional like diff coolers and magnetic suspension. Most that will complain were never going to buy one anyways.
  8. It is only logical to do so. GM has had more capacity here in NA and has leveraged it for better bids from the UAW. It has proven a win win for them and the unions who make the deals. The CAW has not been as cooperative and I feel this may be leverage on them in Canada. First off people read the headlines and assume it is all going to China. Well No! As for outside USA that could easily be Canada where the Nox is already built as well the present Terrain. Also it could mean Mexico or even Germany where GM has lots of capacity and Opel could use some help in filling. China will if anything build much for Australia and Holden. Opel could help supply some Buicks as well all the Vauxhalls. The truth is Buick will be the real global world car they offer for now as it will reach many areas even South Africa and the middle east under various names but mostly the same cars. While many Buicks may be built all around I would be surprised if we get even one from China. Hell with the market dropping on the fear of Chinas economy even if there was a plan this could stop it dead before it was even started.
  9. I would say that this for the most part is leverage for the deals with the UAW and CAW. If they move anything anywhere odds are on Europe as they have so much open capacity with Opel that needs to be used. We already have had the Regal from Germany before it moved to Canada. I would not over react here too much as most will remain in NA and I expect a couple from Europe and Canada. GM is expanding Oshawa's line for the Nox and what ever else they put there. That is a big line and needs product if the CAW is willing to put in a good bid.
  10. First you need to consider that GM is going into talks with UAW and CAW. What better leverage for Ingersoll or Oshawa than a Buick SUV. Word is the Terrain is moving to Springhill last I heard so that would open a slot. As for the other Buicks like the Regal I would not be surprised if it is used as leverage or even moved to Germany as it originally was produced there. Opel could use the plant volume and the price point would permit it to be done. I believe there is much more to this than what we are being told. All the Automakers are holding their cards to make deals here soon and new products are the Trump cards. {not the Don} If they bring a SUV in from China like this the volume would be very small. I also do not think the profits from there would be all that great either. Lets face it GM does not own all the company in China and would have to share revenue. In Korea they own it all but not China. What is it 46%?
  11. The vehicle is entry level at best. While junk may be a little harsh it just never lived up to the level it could have been. The Daimler, Chrysler Mitsubishi GS never really was as good as it could have been mostly due to the lack of money put into development. The Compass was a total mess and they at least fixed the looks so it really looked like a Jeep product. To me it is kind of like the Chevy Trax is today Not a bad car but not up to the level of the others in segment right now. Sorry you do not measure the value of a product with 130,000 miles. I can show you some really crap cars with 250,000 miles and mean nothing. What we are talking here is potential and leadership in segment. The GS platforms never were leaders in any form. Having owned one you should be the first to realize that if Chrysler had more money they really could have had a segment leader with more investment. GM vehicles of the same era suffered the same things. The Germans really never understood Jeep and it showed. At least Fiat appears to understand to a point and also have gotten lucky on some of the styling changes. They were major risk that have paid off. The traditional buyer really do not care for them but they have found new customers who are just as important as long as you can get them to return. If it were not for the basement price it would never have sold as well as it has. It also because of this has left a ton of money on the table Chrysler could have reaped. Volume is great but you also need to balance it out with profits.
  12. Never said Sergio was responsible for the Compass or Patriot. Just said they were junk. Dart was better but they needed better. The car like the present Malibu would have been a good car 5 years ago but this segment is much more tougher than that and too little came to market. Chrysler is in need of more high MPG models and they needed to have them yesterday. Right now they Fiat is the best they have for a small car and it has under performed to their expectations. The new Alfa program should have been at Chrysler first where they would sell 3 times as many vs. dragging it out over years to replace the LX. The LX sells because they have them so discounted for the most part as most are V6 base cars people are buying for $30K or even less in come cases. Good value for the buyer but not much meat on the bone for Chrysler. They need more money and more investment and right now was Ford and GM are plowing billions into new product Chrysler is falling farther and farther behind. GM sold a hell of a lot of cars on their way to chapter 11 too. They made money but not enough to support the corporation. Most financial people and even I agree this is a mixed bag here. The fact is the path to salvation for FCM is through Chrysler not Alfa. Sergio will do more damage till 2018 unless they let him go. Mussolini won a lot of battles too but the Allies in the end won the ones that counted. That is much how this is going. You can starve to death even if you eat daily. The key is the amounts. FCA is just not making the volume levels they need and the income they need to sustain growths and future profits. I believe they can be saved but first Sergio needs removed. If not the odds of turning things around may get bleaker by 2018. This is bases on his goals that will not be met.
  13. Well wrapped up the Dart experience this week. Not the worst car but far from class leading. The good. Decent power Handling is good with out a sport package Large trunk Good brakes The Bad Average to below average interior Engine noise Missing small details in the car like a simple Compass that would have helped in Orlando Gas MPG was nothing to write home about. The Dart while it is a major step up from a Caliber or Neon it is still not a competitive car in the class unless it is majorly discounted. Even now the old Cruze is a much better value. As for the Patriot and Compass both were train wrecks from the start. The Germans and the investment company never understood Jeep and really made some major mistakes here. The ironic thing about the compass was it had non too unless you upgraded LOL I just found that ironic. The new Renegade may or may not work. It mechanically appears to be ok but will the styling catch on. It will rely on people who liked the Scion, Element and the Soul. Generally older people appear to be the ones who take up for it. To be the styling looks like a car Springfield at a light next to Homer Simpson. The tail lamps look like a dead cartoon character. they really need to remove the X from the lamps. I wish Fiat would just take the money from Jeep and replace the Dart with a product of their own making. Also upgrade the 200 as it is a decent start but it too needs a little more to make it a segment leader. Both of these cars are key as they should not be discounting the Dart as they are or offering the 200 at $199 for a lease. Now for the LX RWD they really need to enter into a program to get these cars lighter. Not just to make the better but to lead into the future and protect their sales. Adding Big HP was good for marketing but added nothing to the future of these models. They really need an Omega like platform here now not in 3 years. As for the 300 they are trying to main stream it much. They are wanting to take it and compete with the Taurus and Impala. They would be best off shooting for the middle ground with a new car. They had a good start with the present car but it has withered do to the lack of investment before Fiat arrived and all they did was refresh it and discount it. Other than the warranty issues my in-laws car as a bargain in the low $30K range but this is a car that should never sell this cheap. These are profits left on the table. I truly thing Chrysler can make it but I do feel Sergio could really lead them to their demise. Making Alfa and Maserati priorities over Chrysler is one of the greatest automotive miscalculations we have ever seen. I do not want to see them fail and have no ill will here. While they are no longer American owned they are still American based and we can not afford to lose anymore products like this. I understand why some left like Mercury ands such but to lose Chrysler as a whole would be devastating. .
  14. Stew let's make this clear as your opinion may be humble but terriblied flawed. #1 I do not hate Chysler as we have already lost too many American branded cars. I do believe Fiat and Sergio are doing the Chysler cars more harm than good. When a company comes out with a new model like this it shoul be in the top few cars in class not mid pack or down. This is a time where a company needs to shine not just be better than their previous last place model. The Dart I am driving does ride well and handles ok. Nothing bad but nothing that makes it stand out. The engine power is ok but buzzy. Interior is between a Cobalt and old Cruze. Better than a Neon but that says little. For sure it is the best small Chrysler of all time but it is still not as good as most of the cars in segment. Yes the wind noise on the side mirrors is horrible. What I say here is constructive criticism not hate. Too many like you out of blind love do not always see things with out rose color glasses. I today would be worried if GM had not had a new Cruze on the way. This is a tough segment and just good is no longer good enough. Same on the 200 as it is too new to live on 199 a month leases. That is a troubling sign. I feel that if Sergio was out and some one else Incharge putting Chrysler first thing would be much different.
  15. Not trying to get in the middle of the pissing match but FCA has a lot of issues to deal with and Sergio is not really much help here. Even if they buy back 200,000 trucks and resell them they will not be for profit and if anything will only hurt new truck sales. If they are luck it will reduce the losses at best. Sergio is taking what ever profits from Jeep and Ram and taking them elsewhere in the company. In his eyes Alfa is their savior and at this point he is not putting money back into Chrysler he real savior. Their programs have been delayed and we are put off. Chrysler is no longer considered by him as a Luxury brand and is more a main line volume brand. While Ford and GM as well as most Asian brands are upgrading to new platforms and new engines the Chrysler lines are just doing mild updates. Needed up dates but they really need new and more advanced platforms. They are doing with the LX what GM did with the W body. While not a total crash and burn it is also not the way to turn a company around fast. Sergio in his own plan says they need to grow Alfa from 68K last year to 400K in 2018. There is no one in the industry outside Sergio that really believes this will happen. If he wants volume you pump up Dodge and Chrysler with new products and take the money you are getting from Jeep and replace all the platforms ASAP with new modern product. You then work to make a 200 Dart and a model under the Dart to be segment competitive. You can not make it on reviews of well they are better than what they replaced and on leases at $199 on a 200. Also the repeat buyers are hurting. as FCA has had the second lowest repeat buyers in the industry last year. Only Mitsubishi was worse. Alfa and Maserati are additional income in a range of limited models and should be treated as such. Sergio wants Volume you to Dodge and Chrysler and do it there. They desperately need a wider range of smaller CUV models that are not only high volume but higher profits. Jeep is doing it but they are leaving money on the table at the other divisions. I do not want to see Chrysler fail but I fear as long as Sergio is there they are in jeopardy. He has no real love for them and will only bleed them dry for his own Euro operations that are limited as to how they will help him. Chrysler was in much worst shape than most realize after the last two owners. they had so much less money than GM even had going in to the chapter 11. Also the previous Owners really did little to help advance the product along. They had things but were not given the go ahead to do them. The fact is Alfa and the Hellcat alone will not save Chrysler. A world class 200 and a Line of CUV model competing for the lead in their segment would do it. I worry that Ferrari will go higher volumes and it will damage their image much like Porsche did in the 80's with the higher volume models they did. Ferrari is a product that needs to remain limited and if people want it they should be made to wait for 2 years. They are more than profitable at these levels and the image and demand are what few companies could ever command. It really adds meaning to being a Ferrari owner. It is not a car for everyone even if you have the money.
  16. FYI my numbers were from Autoweek since they are now released. If you want a wagon you only need to find about 8,000 more people willing to buy one. I expect when they go back to Europe we will some kind of wagon again.
  17. The numbers are legit as I was able to get a early lead copy of a well known publication. They loved the car and it appears to be the whole package. The weight was criticized. and the down shifts they wish were just a little faster but they were termed fast enough. It shifted up faster than they could and the car was as stable as could be expected. I expect in an comparison the car will be right there and will take the normal small hits for Cue and a few other tidbit issues. No question it will be in the mix. Now Johan can fix the nitpicks and move the car from one in the mix to one in the lead. Cadillac is in the game for sure.
  18. 0-60 3.7 seconds 1/4 mile 11.7 seconds 201.8 MPH Top Speed 1G $84.995 base price 4145 pounds. 14 city 21 highway Better performance numbers and dynamics than M and AMG. I am sure we will hear about the dash and cue but the rest of the car is dialed in. Johan now has the money to fix the details and I expect to see that by 2017. Aug 3 the media will release these numbers.
  19. Lincoln and Fords issue is the platforms are not as flexible or as new as the GM platforms. Ford has tried to do it all with one major large platform. This is why the Lincolns really look like a Ford tall and boxy. Also the same platform was used for the SUV/CUV models and again they hold a similar look. Their engines are good for Ford but they need to offer more HP some kind of special tune for Lincoln. They should hold more power and more refinement. Materials I expect will improve with their new effort. The issues at Lincoln are similar to what Cadillac experienced in the past with their platform sharing. Same with the engines as while they did have a N star with their own tune it still was shared. You can get away with this in low end luxury but not if you want to move up. GM finally got the message from Johan and have responded. I would have loved to have been in that meeting as he must have really laid into them. Ford if they want to maximize Lincoln they really need to go all in as Cadillac. No more shared engines. Platforms must be more flexible and must not even hint of a similar Ford model. They need to take materials especially the interior to where the CT6 is now. The SUV models must be more than a upgraded Explorer or Edge. If Ford does not do this they will be leaving money on the table and not much better off than they are now. The internal fighting over cutting them will come back and be very distracting to the point it could make them fail. This is an easy money segment as it is not relied on volume as much as profits. This is a needed area as the value segment is thought to make money in and with the new trucks and added cost to make them the profits will be thinner and the rebates will really hurt when and not if they come. GM committed to Cadillac as they feel it will help support the profits that they may nor realize from the trucks moving forward. They know they can not rely on trucks for ever. The CUV models have come into play and will help as they are more profitable than sedans but they too will have their limits as regulations get tougher. I believe GM is in a good place now as things are just now starting to come together with much more yet to come. With the recent investment in technology and R&D this should pay off in the coming ten years. A company that invest in its futureis wise and a company that does not invest in their future is doomed. This is why I see lots of issues at Chrysler and Dodge as the investment is slow and not very well executed. Refreshes when they really need to invest in new platforms today not for 2-4 years from now. What money they are making is not coming back to them and going to the Euro operations. Chrysler and Dodge is Sergio's greatest assets to making the company live yet he treats them as a secondary priority. Alfa get the attention but yet has no real established market and unlikely to make it's needed goal of 400,000 units by 2018. Yet he has set the 300's future from Lincoln to challenging the Impala.
  20. The fact is the chassis are not like the old day where they just take a frame and put different springs in it. Today they take the platform and widen it. Lengthen it use totally different suspension parts and tailor it to each model. The Camaro will be a great example as while it get the benefit of the Cadillac refinement it also will be much different than a CTS. Audi and Bentley already share many parts with VW and no one complains or even notices. The W body engine can be had in everything from a VW to a Bugatti. While it is a different engine the fact is it is still bases on the same design and share the same architecture. The reality is things to day are more shared than ever with all MFG and while they are shared more care is put in to make them different as in the Camaro and CTS. On the other hand if not enough care is made then you end up with a Taurus and Lincoln. Even the mighty Benz shares a lot more than you think or give credit
  21. I was thinking 2019 for the change. This is what I am looking at. The SS is going away. The Caprice is going away and the Impala will be around a couple more years. I suspect the last couple as a fleet car as the normal practice. This means we could see a replacement as early as 2018. The RWD on an Omega would be an option to replace the RWD cars and an Impala as the Malibu has grown. The lighter weight and cost savings of not being all aluminum has give this a chance to be a Chevy should they choose. Now there is nothing yet to point this way yet but it is a case where it could be plausible and not yet completely written off. The key here is Police Fleet sales as they are profitable and GM really needs a new model in country to take advantage of it. Right now they are giving fleet sale away in the police segment. Also the new mid size SUV would also come into play as the Ford is very popular with police. Also they say the new car going to Australia is not a Camaro or an Alpha. I have yet to see anyone say no Omega. We have a lot of dots here and just need to watch to see what we need to do to connect them. GM has had many surprises of late and I expect more. SMK I can see why you are so often disappointed. The CTS coupe will never be $40K when the ATS is not that cheap. The rest of all that well I can see you will again be disappointed
  22. I have no issue with the car you describe but to call that a Riviera would be like taking a Grand Am from the 80's and calling it a GTO. Even the damaged culture at GM knew better than that and never went farther than a show car. Coupes are hard sells and to do it right you really have to expect to sell lower volumes and to do that at a profit you need to sell at a higher price. The blessing of higher prices is that you can sell so many fewer cars and still make the same profit of a lower priced high volume This is where Cadillac is at today. While they are selling fewer cars the higher price point has kept profits where they were as they transition to a new line of product and also try to build a more elusive image that is not found in the Wal Mart Parking lot. The reason GM killed the business case for the Code 130 coupe is there is just no volume right now. Toyota/Subaru is struggling and even the Hyundai coupe has not faired as well as they would have liked. The Camaro and Mustang are still very popular due to their long heritage but new up starts have a limited appeal. So to be honest I do not think there is anyone here that does not understand Coupes are hard sells. GM knows it and nearly everyone else playing with reality knows it. The bottom line is If you want a $40K coupe make it a GN or GSX or what every you like and make it a more GT like car that is no where like the Camaro. TTV6 and AWD but if you go there and you want it to be right you are back to $50K. The reality is $50,000 is not really an expensive car anymore and is really just a little above average. Hell most half ton trucks are $45K-55K anymore. As it is now there is no Eldo planned, No SUV planned unless that has changed recently and that leaves only the CT8 and CT6. We know the Omega is much more flexible so I would expect that one of the other divisions to get it being Buick and I would not be shocked if they would do a Impala/Caprice/SS all on one platform.The low weight would really make this more possible. Not sure if they will go that way but the way the car was constructed it is not a majorly expensive platform so a lower volume Chevy large sedan could be done. To make a Riv anything less than the top line model in a Coupe from is a disaster in the making. And to sell it at a lower price it is a total failure as you will not have a chance to make any money. To make this work you need to expect lower volumes, higher prices and features that will draw people to this over a Similar priced Camaro. Hell if you are going to pay $40K for a V6 Buick you may as well opt for a Camaro SS.
  23. My Quote has not worked for a while either. Smoke and at $40K it would not be any better than a Camaro so why have it? We do not need two Camaro's nor does the Camaro need Vent ports. To do the Riv Right as it will be a lower volume car you need to get a better price. Second you add many features that cars at $55K do not offer. At this price you can add a top notch AWD package not just for winter driving but one for better performance. In other words you will build an A6 Audi coupe at a better price with more advanced features and you can not do that for $40K very well. ZL-1 I expect more on the Alpha or the next version of it. We already have three models and variations on the ATS on it now. I expect more added but not sure if the Crossovers will be here soon on it. The Omega has one model now and I think they would need 3-4 on it to keep it viable. I would not be surprised to see a version replace the SS and Impala as one car at some point and a Buick AVENIR added. With the weight loss it opens the door to let them do more with this model. Might note how they talk about the Lacrosse replacement but not the Impala and the platform is going to go away before long. I expect a shift to the larger Omega for the Impala. Just call it a hunch.
  24. Lets put to truth and reality and not a lot of suppose and what ifs. The Buick would be $55-60K realistically. It would be priced just in and around the Equus. The V8 there is not going to live for ever and the TT V8 will have more than enough power to deal with the V8. You say 3,000 units and just what is that based on. It could easily 30,000 units too. What happens to the CT6? little as it will have so much more technology and at the price frame it is in the car will sell in lower volumes but yet remain profitable. The new Hybrid will be for once the real deal and the DOHC V8 should also set it apart. The CT6 will offer things Buick will have years from now after the Cadillac moves on. The Lacrosse is still going to be smaller and FWD.AWD based with only a Turbo 4 and we are not even sure it will have a V6 yet. If you want RWD and any real technology and luxury the only way you could do it for 40K is to make it a Coupe on the Verano. Get real here. You could do a Coupe Omega or even Alpha for 50-55. Make it any lower you will not really have a Riv. Look around and real luxury and entry luxury start at $40K for FWD and get higher up as you add AWD and RWD. Hell a AWD Fusion is $40,000 plus sticker now. Cadillac sale may be lower than expected but they are still making money at the higher price point. In the future it has been clearly explained they are not expected to be a volume brand anymore but a lower more exclusive brand that takes real means to buy. No more Faux Rich. You either have it or you are buying a Buick. The key here is you really will need money to buy one and not just pretend you are rich on a cheap lease deal. I have Johans e mail address and he answers it. May be he could explain it to you again. In this day and aged of $35K Malibu's $45K Camaros and Impalas Buick has to up their game with better cars and fill the segment Cadillac has been in. Cadillac is just now starting on the real effort to make cars that are suited for the price range they are targeting. Johan just took the job last July and we will not see the full results of his efforts for a little longer. When he stated the CT6 was not the flag ship but a new car would take that place that sent a real signal. He basically said the CT6 which will be a good car is not good enough and we will see better. We will get real Cadillac engines that are not compromised by low budgets and we will not see GM argue with them over the price of a Door handle as Mark Ruess had to do with the CT6. Yes GM jumped on mark because it was a few more buck than they wanted to spend on their flagship? This is why they are going to NYC.
  25. http://www.visitelginpark.com/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/24796741@N05/ These are amazing and only done with a point and shoot 6 pixel Sony.
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