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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. How would you love to drive a rental car daily and be stuck owning it? this is a crazy idea if some one in a Utopia mind set with not touch of reality. this is one step past a public bathroom.
  2. That is the problem the standard is evolving yet at a time it needs to really zone in on one size fits all. There is already too many different ones out there and companies lobbying for their version.
  3. Well Mercedes will have 72 EV cars over 80 miles by 2075. Just had to get that out before someone else had to post it, I think this is telling of Honda and how far behind they are on the EV program. They had invest much into Fuel Cell but the infrastructure is just not there to support it. I think that is why they joined GM to help get more filling stations in place that both brands could use. I have driven the Fuel Cell GM CUV and I can say it is not a joke. Infrastructure is a mess for Electric and even more so for the Fuel Cell. Until there is more demand of either and agreed systems no one wants to invest into these refueling as if they miss the chosen system they could stand to loose their investment in the private sector. This is the old Chicken and the Egg deal one can not exist without the other but getting enough of one before the other will incur some risk if you chose wrong. The SAE needs to standardize the plugs on the EV cars now before we get a real mess out there. Imagine if everyone used a different size non standard nuts and bolts on our cars?
  4. The thing is you can not put a time line on development and discovery. We still lack a real battery to make the transition. The key is to charge in the time you can fill a tank of gas and we are not there. Also the range could still use more work too. We could be one week from a major discovery or we could be 10 years but the key it to invest in this so there is a discovery and improvement in the product as with no investment and no building of the market it will never exist. I do not see Electric replacing ICE entirely unless some wacko Euro government would make it a law. There are just some applications that it will never replace soon. But to ignore the market would be a total failure of a company at some point as they all will need an alternative just do to pending regulations. Right now the key is to get the price down and provide a product that will make a profit even when sold to the common buyer. We get closer with each gen but we are not there yet. Also key is the acceptance by the average customer. They generally do not want a vehicle they have to altered their life style over and that is what we have now. Recharge times and range are key and we have made progress but not everyone wants to take an Hour a Half piss break to make it home on a trip. Then you have the charging issue. Not everyone has a place they can put in a charger or recharge at home. Then the cost of the charging station on top of that. I built my new garage with 220 outlets and the box near the normal parking spots. I did it mostly for a welder but also if I ever have to have a charger I have a spot for it. Not that I am in a hurry to get a EV car. I really am looking for the ZR2 in the next six months.
  5. Again you refuse to see past the end of your nose. Come back when you get the big picture.
  6. The formula is different for every company so tossing numbers out means little. Even then the real numbers to tell the tail are not out for us in the public sector so stop trying to make a point that you can not prove. As for EV cars Benz and Tessa could make 100 EV cars but till someone can make one that can be sold in the $20k-$30k range that most buyers can afford with out goverment kick backs and give it range and shorter charging times to where it does not alter you life style it means nothing. Anyone could make and sell a limited numbers of $100k EV cars for the wealthy to play with but to this point only a GM has even come close to offering one and even the profits may not be seen yet. You either chose to ignore the complexity of things are just do not grasp the big picture.
  7. You tend to just think profits alone are the key..... sorry that is any part of it. The other issues are controlling cost and that takes volume and sharing cost if you lack volume. to do development moving forward you need to reduce the cost of it either by selling a ton of new cars over many brands like VW. Or you can do limited partnerships on components or systems. Or you can merge with other makes but too often the other brands are damaged. Benz could sell components and systems but the odds are they will partner in a limited degree with someone to provide volume to reduce future cost. Smk you need to look ahead here not just what you did this year. The cost of new technologies is going to continue to increase but they are limited on how much more they can charge for a car. Just look at what EV cars cost and how important it is to drive down cost. This is why a car like the Bolt is a very important stepping stone to get cost down. i was in a Bolt today and I was shocked how nice and roomy it was. Now if they can only find a way to make it nicer looking on the out side.
  8. There are no French cars that interest me or most others here. Suspect quality, odd styling and features and no real lower prices will result in another failure. Even if they imported Opel I see no real gains. Their sales would not be enough. I expect failure unless they get some real help.
  9. Another idea is a naturally aspirated DOHC V8 that is coming for a high rev engine. Oppenhieser has stated the Z/28 was a Natural Asperated car and a high rev engine may be a nice fit.
  10. Let's put this into perspective. The standard ZL was a tick faster than the Mclaren spider lap wise in Motor Trend. This will be even more. I expect a non supercharged model as the Z/28. Think Grand Sport to the ZO6.
  11. Even in good market with two healthy companies like Ford and GM they are working together on transmissions. This is really telling of the high cost of development today and how much damage or limitation can be placed on an automaker. With the even higher cost of technology will drive it even higher while making It more difficult in keeping vehicles affordable. This is why companies are hedging their bets on ride sharing. It is ether find a partner, merge or die for about all but VW.
  12. Yet they remain on unstable ground with far too little volume for the future. Who ever joined Mitsubishi was a sign of desperation. Nissan-Renault just may belong to the dead name crowd. Again what have they done lately that really mattered? Just showing a profit is only part of the equation here. High cost of labor and overhead, lack of future investment in new technology. over capacity of plants, and the lack of a strong partner to help with future rising production and development cost. At a time GM partners with Honda and Ford on cost savings measures and BMW with Toyota we have Nissan buying Mitsubishi.. Even the WRX is not what it once was. You can put up a front but the overall fincaial picture is not all that great if you take in to consideration all the issues ahead.. Everyone is going to either need a dance partner or a ton of volume to control future cost in labor, development and technology. It is going to be a majorly different auto market ahead and only a few will survive it well. Even Benz will feel the burn if they do not increase volumes. That is not easy to do if you do not have many low cost models and then once you have them it cheapens the image. They too will need a dance partner on systems development and cost savings. Only VW can go it alone as they have so many brands. But even then with the cost of the Diesel deal it has put a crunch in their cash flow for now. VW means Volume Motors and they are trying to go it alone. GM. Ford, Honda, Toyota, BMW and a couple others are trying some volume but selected partnerships even with cross town rivals. FCA, Suzuki, Isuzu, Nissan/Renault/Mitisubishi, Mazda and a couple others need to find a partner or they will be at risk in the future. The wild card is getting bought by China like Lotus is on the verge of now. We have yet to see the last brand die,
  13. And they are doing so well now. Nissan is not more than an afterthought. Mitsubishi should have been shut down a while ago and when was the last time you could say damn I could have had a Renault. He may have saved them but has he done other than that?
  14. I never saw the value of this man as some have. I was never a fan.
  15. The problem with a Cadillac truck is it would get a lot more expensive and there is a limit people will pay for chrome alone. Now you could take the chassis and rebody it ala Hummer to get a better price and toss in a bunch of features not at Chevy and GMC. It is not that you could not sell a Cadillac truck but you need to take it to a next level from GMC. But in doing that you increase cost too. Lincoln has tried twice and failed twice. Note even the Denali is mostly sold as a SUV, CUV and of late a 3/4 ton.
  16. I think the bigger picture here is that this shows GM has tapped into an Emotional aspect of the customer. We have gone for many years where so many models have been sold on Quality, MPG, Utility and Price. With the Denali it is like the old days where if you want the best then you pay more for the best and the customer gets satisfaction in owning the top models that appear a little better. Now for us here we know all the RPO codes and options and we know that for what you pay more for here you really are getting shafted in many of these models. But most buyers are buying on emotion and satisfaction of how the vehicle reflects on them. This is a seriously hard thing to do as BMW and others have done it for year. No one needs a BMW and few ever drive one in anger but to have one give that self reflection that makes them feel better about their vehicle and how it reflects on them. This is what the main line of Cadillac needs to accomplish again. It used to be just owning a Cadillac meant you were a real mover and shaker in town. It meant success and you had it made. As time went buy they went more mass market and that led to you just had a good paying job and were not the company owner. The owners then started to look for products that their employees could not own to have what not everyone could have, I would love to see GM get Cadillac not just in V form gain this edge again. In their case it is not just a special version of a model but a special model and not something everyone can own or have. Make it so it defines the owner emotionally and image wise to where it is a statement of being conceptional. You can still let the CUV models carry the volume as they appear to be accepted in larger numbers but the cars need to be special. But really study the Denali and the average buyer of it and you will see the key to profits with any model. This is like selling coffee. You can sell a cup like MC Donald's for less than a buck and sell a lot of it. Or you can take that same coffee add a little spice and whip cream and then foam it up and get $5 bucks for it. The Coffee is not really any better and your additions are just more dressing of the same old product. but yet people like it and are willing to pay much more with so little investment. The Denali is just pure genius. Now with that said it will work at Buick too. Now as for Chevy it is limited as Chevy just is not seen as being exlusive or special. Same with Toyota or even Honda. They are value volume brands and while you can offer a better model like a LTZ anything higher is going to be limited. Ford has found that out with the Platinum line as sales have not been great and it was intended to replace Lincoln. I expect Cadillac to start to offer some really special things once the new product arrive. I expect more custom offerings too. I see JDN returning more to the Cadillac of old like in the 30's where they tailored their product to those willing to pay more. The SUV and CUV will see some but they will remain more main stream as they can get away with it like the volume. It is like Porsche. A 911 owner does not want to see one in every parking lot. But a Cayenne owner could care less if there are ten of these in the country clubs parking lot. If anything he will feel like he belongs to the group. I hope this makes sense. While I know we all like to see special engineering and even things like coupes and wagons added to the mix. They just do not return the profits like a little chrome and trim does. Even engine changes account for high EPA testing that is hard to make back and even in some cases fuel system changes that need crash tested. The Denali does not make sense either but it makes dollars. Do not try to rationalize emotions and image building of a customer. You never will make sense of it but you can make money from it. Avista will make a lot of money as it will be just like the Denali. For about $500 per unit additional content they can sell it for $4,000 more.
  17. I took no issue with what you said. We are good!
  18. People who by for prestige are not financially savey when it comes to vehicles as they are buying image savey is no part of image. Now if the have no care for image they just buy average Chevy.
  19. Not a big fan of all the chrome either. I am going to look at the ZR2 just because it is more truck for the money and no chrome than the Canyon Denali. The Denali is about $10K more and for what? At one time the only way to get it in a half was in the Denali it also came standard AWD. They kind of lost that formula as it moved on. I bought our Terrain a month before they showed the Denali version. I was not upset for what they offered vs. what more they charged. Heck the V6 is not even standard.
  20. Not in most versions of the Denali line. There are a couple perks here and there but not many. The magnetic suspension on the truck is one but the Canyon, Terrain, Acadia and others they will sock you for nearly $3.5K more and give you nothing but cheap plastic trim. In the case of the Canyon I would rather keep the money and get the SLT2 for much less and skip the heated steering wheel. I wish they would use a solid formula of a few extra HP in all version and standard AWD in all models. really give you something for the money. But then again if people keep buying them like this who can blame them for not adding the extra real hardware. It is less work and more profits.
  21. This has been a big deal for GM and GMC. They add some cheap chrome and some stitching and get a bigger price for it. The Denali has created an image that many must have with customers. This must have is something that is not easy to create at will and when you do it is a gold rush. I only hope Cadillac can only find a combo that works just as well. To me I would be just fine with a SLT2. I priced a Canyon Denali and while a nice truck it is not worth the extra cost to me. The only real hardware was the heated steering wheel and 20" wheels. The rest is chrome. While the Denali is not for me more power to GMC to sell them. I would like the Denali to add more hardware content and get an even higher price. That would really make them different from Chevy.
  22. Also we need to remember at Buick we are only looking at three vehicles that are tied to Opel. RegaL, Verano, and Cascada are all Opel based. One is dead and will be gone soon. The second one is a very limited model and has a limited future so the Regal is the only model that is in place for issues. Even then Buick could replace one model and move on with no harm at worst case. Dealers on keeping the doors open are not contingent on Regal sales. If they had been they would be gone by now as Regal sales while ok are not company sustaining.
  23. Does anyone realize what the total value of this deal really is? Opel is in a death spiral GM as an American firm in The Euro Union that can not be broken. Now we have listed here $2 billion which is good money for a Firm losing money. But the real value here is that GM cutting the traditional yearly losses and driving up GM stock by up to 35% as many on Wall St predict. How much money is this? Well GM is worth $35-38 billion so do the math of what 35% of $38 billion is. That is more value than GM would make with Opel in Decades. It also is enough money for orojrcts and technology that will make a real difference in the future. This is much more about bigger money than what they get for Opel alone.
  24. I saw the said GM stock could increase 35% selling Opel. That is telling of the drain. So if GM is doing this well losing money imagine the long term effects of no losses. As for Europe GM could work on a plan for Chevy but they don't need it next week. If they can find a way in and grow it it would add to the profits but the do not need Europe to survive.
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