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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. GM will have a home run once they get the BOLT right and into production. My wife has already told me she wants the Bolt. I have talked with others who want it also. I think we will see this become a big hit yet. I hope you are right. But right now a good solid double would be great for a EV. This is not a car that is going to bump the Cruze out of the top place at Chevy in sales anytime soon. This is a slow growth segment but it needs to be a well done car and one that will grow not only the model over time but the future of other models. The volume increase this car can lead to will help bring the needed changes for changed minds in the public as well as more chargers and more investment for even better batteries. The real hang up with the EV including the Tesla is the charging times. Even on a Supercharger you can still not match the time it takes to refuel a gas car. This is a life style charger for many owners as they will never wait 45 mins for a part charge or 12 hours for a full charge. Also the damage the fast charge does to the battery is not good either. But there is a growing segment interested and this car will be a key building block to increase sales, interest and infrastructure. While the Tesla proved there was a market for the expensive electric car GM will prove you can build one cheaper and still make a buck on it. While this will not be GM's highest volume or profit car it will prove to be a car that will grow the EV market much like the Prius did the Hybrid. Give me a good solid double or triple here and we will be sitting pretty. GM needs to hit a home run in the Malibu as it will bring in the money to help expand these other programs. If GM can turn 300,000 Malibu's and 300,000 Cruze a year this is where the money will come from to advance the EV even more. The Bolt will be a very big game changer but it is not going to win the game by itself. This is just part of the game not the winning run. This segment is too big for one car to carry the entire load.
  2. You could scale this up into a Cadillac like the CT6 as we will soon see. Also a cheaper version in the Malibu but that is where you really have to be careful. A CT6 has more meat on the bone profit wise to work and the Malibu has only so much. To install much more there the price can get so high no one will buy it pretty fast. We will see a decent hybrid system in the new BU that will work well but help keep the price to where someone would still buy it. That is why a Bolt is going to be the toughest car in the world to build. Making a car like this that people would want to buy and yet still the average owner will buyer will pay for. This is why Elon has still not tackled the Tesla 3 yet.
  3. The last Ranger could have come here per the project manager as he said the only thing that kept it from America was Fords will to bring it. He wanted it here. I suspect they were so deep in the F150 investment they were waiting till the second gen and the funding from the new F150 was here to pay for it. The next gen will be here and I expect it will be 2018-2019. As for the Dakota. I know they have some work done but FCA has really limited Chryslers rework by taking the money and putting it into things like Alfa. They be depending on the Jeep truck to pick up the slack.
  4. Drew the attacks on VW are for misleading the customers to those who have a proper perspective. But then you have elements out there that also have agendas and they smell blood in the water. This is their time to paint an automaker as evils. Same for the anti Capitalist as well some extreme environmental groups. Then I would never discount another automaker who may plant seeds to drive conversation to paint another MFG in a even poorer light then they are already in. Some have already done this in advertising but I suspect some also push the media to also drive the story. I would not call it political as the Government was also made to look the fool as they have in the last few regulation issues. But I would say that VW made a major gaff and many will use it to promote their agenda driven causes.
  5. What is sad is the Class Action Suits will only take money from VW and most of it will go to the Lawyers. The owners in the end will get some kind of a discount on an Oil Change or some other worthless perk. That is the sad joke of the Class Action as it is just legal corporate blackmail under the guise to help the consumer and in the end the consumer 99% of the time get squat. Every time I have been contacted I was part of a settlement I have never gotten anything of real value yet the lawyers walk away with millions. They really should limit the lawyers on their part of the take and dictate what is to go to the represented. I suspect the fix my be different due to the different years, where they are located and regulations. The Euro cars already have a lower standard so odds are they will need less to be addressed but say in California here they may need some major changes that will far exceed the $400 they saved.
  6. Proof who did what? Did it come from the top did it come from just the engineers originally? Who knew what when and at what point? We know VW did it and we know at the end many people knew but where did this start and who was behind it. Prove that. Bosch only made what they were told to supply. They said what it would do. I see them as no part of this. You can sell someone a pistol but if it was a legal sale they are not responsible for what the consumer does with it. To me the Bosch warning proves this was not a fool proof plan if they figured it out. Hence it was a very risky move that at come point was going to be found. It is like a kid who failed a test at School. He can come home as tell Mom and Dad I got an A. But at some point the report card will follow and flush out the lie. Also Bosch like many other suppliers is not going to go public because of non disclosure agreements and also you have to consider the risk of losing VW as a supplier too. They did nothing wrong just supplied a part to VW spec and what they did with it was their responsibility.
  7. Easy for you to say. Now Back it up with proof! Even the best investigators out there will be hard pressed to prove this unless some smoking gun documents come to light or someone talks. I expect neither will be found. The truth is this was done but it was never something that would remain a secret for ever. If some collage kids could find it someone else would have at some point. It was clever but not fool proof. As for cheating to save money there is just no logic as worst case it would end up costing them more than they would ever make in more ways then one. It would have to take a really major fool CEO to do this and while I was not a fan of their CEO I do not believe he was that stupid. In business even when you break the rules you factor in the gains and the losses. Even in racing. You see team skirt the rules by a little because they know the penalty is small. But you seldom see them cheat big time anymore because they know the gain is not worth the risk of the penalty. Case in point Traction Control. NASCAR teams were playing with it a while back against the rules. Teams were cheating up the MDS box chips and some even were using remote systems to gain an edge. NASCAR came out and told them that they would not fine a team if caught but they would toss them out of the series. As of now they have not had any issue with traction control since. They still get the minor infraction here or there but that is it. In a case with so much money on the line a boot from the series was more loss than the money won. Same with VW here as they will in the end pay out more than they would have ever saved. That $400 they saved has turned into $2000 per car if you factor in the $400 fix the labor, fines civil suits and loss of sales. That $400 could have been saved much easier many other ways with much less risk and no EPA violations. Hell I am sure GM saved more than $400 over VW on interiors in the 80's-08 in their cars and risked no legal infringement. To take a risk this large you had to have someone desperate to keep their job for the time being and someone who had little to lose. If they pin this on a mid level engineer what are they going to do to him? Fire him if he even still works there? As for the deposed CEO his fear is how long did he know and how long did it go on before they were caught that he knew. He has much more to lose here. He is the one who could face fraud charges for accepting the government funding under fraudulent circumstances. That is what puts people in jail. Kill someone probation, cheat the government go to jail.
  8. It's not if you get caught. Do you think anyone a head of VW would have taken that much risk. Granted the money save in the near term was much but by the time they get out of this and lost sales the savings will have vanished. There is no way anyone who created this scam expected it to never be found. It really was an old hot rodders trick that the Feds stopped a few years back. Casper used to make a O2 Simulator. You replaced your O2 sensors with this simulator and it would read perfect on the computer for emissions no matter what you did to the engine. It was intended to keep the light on the dash off but it also would trick emissions testing. What VW did here was on the OE level but much the same. I can not see anyone at the head of VW approving this from the start as they knew the cost of getting caught were going to be much more damaging than the money saved. Now that is not to say they may have learned later and may have had to go along as it was too late to stop. I still think some mid level engineers did it to save their hides when they could not get results. They could take a risk like this as what would happen to them they lose their job? That was going to happen anyways. If the company gets caught they are either gone to another company or just lose the job they saved 10 years before. Now that is real incentive with little risk. The truth is like at GM so much time has passed and if there is no paper trail the truth may never be found. The damage done here to the VW diesel will be akin to the Old Diesel. Look at how long GM paid for that as even today it is difficult for them to sell a Diesel outside a full size truck. Think about the income lost because they saved some money by doing the Old Diesel the cheap way. You have to look big picture here. What is obvious is not always the truth or motive. I expect the fines from all the countries will be at lest 50-100 billion. I expect the lawsuits to be in the billions. The repair cost will be every penny they saved and more. The lost revenue for the death of their diesel market for the year it will take to regain trust will be in the hundreds of billions. Then factor in the PR, marketing and advertising you will need over a decade to rebuild the segment. the cost over savings would be insane. In the end the net gain will be in the negatives. One would be hard pressed to find a CEO willing to take that kind of risk Knowingly. The odds of getting caught and the losses are just too great to take this kind of risk.
  9. If they spent that kind of money last year odds are good it is to fix the sucky cars and we have yet to see the fruit of this investment. To me it is like giving Cadillac the 12 Billion last year. I was not expecting to see much for 2-5 years after the investment. Just being fair here. VW has been working out of an already well known image problem for quality and has been looking to spark the line up with new products and more SUV and maybe a truck. I expect much of this money was for this and could all be delayed till they get a final price tag on the recall, penalties and lawsuits. I expect this will set them behind 2-4 years. At least they will still have good income from their other brands that are nearly all ultra high profit models. Keep in mind too that they had issues on the 911 engines just a year ago too. German engineering is showing some weakness of late.
  10. But what have they done lately? Now it is fixed. They lost their Mojo after Socrates died so it has been a while since they have contributed much.
  11. The Gas Colorado took it to the new Tacoma in the new Car and Driver. Been years since I have seen that.
  12. They are trying to get to who started this and why. As time went on I am sure a larger group was involved. But normally ideas like this start with one of just a couple people and grows from there. That is what they are looking at. Hell at the end here most of engineering at VW, Audi and Porsche knew.
  13. Good story. This fit my speculation that pressure was put on the engineers to make this work hell or high water. A mid level engineer can make a move like this as all they generally lose is their job and that was what they may have faced anyways if they failed to make a clean diesel to start with. The real question will be when did Winklehorn know and how long did he let it go on. Was he in from the star or just the last few years? I just never bought the cooperate greed theory as this was too much to risk for a CEO on just saving a few hundred dollars a car. While it is not easy to cut money from a car at VW they could as they are generally not bare bones on most of their models and they have a little more meat on the bone. Drew I have heard up to 40% over the limit in some stories. I really don't think anyone has the real numbers yet. Once we do get them it will be important to put them into perspective. We have to keep in mind even with these cars failing they are still cleaner than 25 years ago and when compared to many of the things damaging the environment these cars play a relative small part in all of this. Again that is not an excuse for VW just some perspective as to how great the damage. The media loves to play up the deaths that they can not show and that really distorts the whole deal here. We all saw how GM was not always treated fair in their stories and I expect the same will be done here. At this rate I am not sure I want GM to be number one. Every time a company makes the top it get caught at something. #2 may not be a bad Goal anymore. LOL!
  14. Here is the deal. The regulations present a great challenge to increased cost of Diesels in the US. Lutz struggled with this when he was at GM for years. In Europe the standards are less and it helps on the cost. The regulations was the seed to cheat. As for the self testing that is the open door to make it easier to try something like this. The EPA and DOT have proven they can not regulate for many reasons. One they are a bloated government agency and also to be fair we have added so many regulations anymore they can not keep up with it all either. The fact is government is not going to be able to keep up with it all anymore. When that happened people exploit cracks in the system. The desperate times ahead with crazy high regulations will make more tempted to beat the honor system. Just look at the Automakers in Europe today they have gone to the regulators in Europe and told them they can not meet the new coming standards. This is where the Government and Industry need to work closer together to set standards and time lines that are realistic. As it is now we have people passing laws that are driven to work daily. Some do not even own cars. Drew I expect some changes in the performance with the VW changes. With a Diesel more fuel is more power and more emissions. Odds are they will cut back on fuel with the programing and the addition of the Blu Fluid tanks will clean them up. As for MPG it is possible with the loss of torque MPG could be effected. One of The keys for MPG in a Diesel is the massive torque. We are seeing this with the turbo DI engines as the torque gets them rolling more efficiently and you get off the gas sooner. Nest result will be a little less HP and MPG. How much only VW knows at this point.
  15. I believe the results of the diesels all depend on where you live as to how bad it really is in relation to the effect. Take for instance if you live in Shanghai the direct results are negligible due to the effect of their own emissions from so many other things. Now in Paris it may be greater on some days depending on weather because they have little industry and a lot of Diesels. As for deaths as some want to state they can not produce a body. I am sure someone has had an issue but the thing is often there were other conditions they suffered that also were the main contributor to their death as Emphysema or other related lung ailment. But one just needs to step back and look at the many Diesels we have from Cars, Trucks, Ships, Busses, Tractors, Generators. Trains etc. Just how much more did VW contribute over the many other sources compared to what they increased with their trick. I am not sure how you could represent this but it would be interesting to see these numbers. Most places these other non automotive models are not tested and many are not even under emission rules so it would be interesting to see just how much VW's contribution really was compared to these other model. What Balth presented is just the start and there is much more dated to be found and presented to put this into perspective. Even then it may be difficult to show as so many of these models are non regulated in many countries or non regulated type of model. They say dozens of deaths were the result but it will be interesting to see if there are thousands of lawsuits. The fact is in many areas where there are no emissions testing there are millions of cars out of spec with emissions. Now if there was any major damage being done it is in these areas but yet no one says a word there as the locations still passes EPA standards. Often it has to do with population density of more so with weather and land formations. LA is in a bowl with little air movement. Lincoln Nebraska is flat and more air movement. This is a complex deal and will not be easily answered though most of us know the truth. . Statements and opinions will be hard to prove one way or the other due to the lack of the info in the over all picture. The car standards are the easy one but when it comes to everything else Diesel it get murky in most areas as it is not tracked.
  16. Hurst if you are replying to any of my post save your effort. I have blocked them as they are taking up too much space. I just don't have time for your multi post rants like many others here. I normally skip them but they are taking up way too much space. You really need to learn to collect and condense your thoughts. On large post is fine but come on consecutive over and over? That is just annoying even if I agreed with what you said. You can keep doing them but I will not be replying comrade.
  17. As in many other cases prove it! The difference here than many other cases is they did this intentionally and that is where it gets ugly. GM did their issue out of negligence and in competence. They had plan to make a defective part it was how they dealt with it after the fact. VW intentionally planned this but the trouble is who and when. Good luck on finding this out unless they find the person and toss them to the lions. Also the other issue will be the money they took from the different government agencies. This was fraud. Now that is something they can really sink their teeth in. VW will pay fines and recover but they will have to walk to hell and back to get there. This one will not be as easy as the past cases we have seen. The one good thing is VW is large enough to ride this out but it will be at least 2-5 years of digging and the rest will depends on what is found. I have nothing against VW either. To be honest when I heard what they did I had a grin on my face with how clever it was. I tire of the government over regulation and I like it when the companies get cleaver but in this case they pissed on the governments Wheaties. The worst part will be the Class action suits as they will bleed VW more than anyone and the sad part only the lawyers will get anything. Deals like this bring out the worst in our legal system and government. It will be interesting to see how our EPA and Germany differ in how they react to this. To me I think it's not a big deal but it will not be treated as such. I would be ok if they just fined them fixed the cars and go on their way. In this case the intent will be what makes this worse.
  18. Not saying that what VW did was not wrong in any ways I still don't buy this deaths with our clarifications. We all die a little bit every day just from the chemicals we ingest in many ways. On the other hand many other chemicals have gotten us to the point we are living longer now than ever. These death numbers are just green people pushing an agenda in the media. I bet even if they did point out a direct death other things were involved like Cigarette smoke or some other pre existing condition. Odds are many of these people would have had the same live expectancy even if VW did not cheap. What VW contributed amounts to about the same as 50 people pissing in the ocean. We have much greater contributors out there to the nasty's in the air. Just look to the heavy equipment operators on unregulated equipment or even farmers and see they are not dropping over with any major lung issues related to just the exhaust of a Diesel. Again not saying what VW did was ok but please use care when reading things in the media. It is not unbiased much either way anymore. Too many people making money off the Environmental issues anymore. Yes they cheat too.
  19. But you are not taking into account the risk as odds are good you will get caught and the price will be high and the penalty great once caught. The calculation here is very poor you would pull this one off forever. Of anyone the Germans are smart enough to know high up that this was a means to an end not profit. Like I said you may be right but the odds are great that this was not a pure profit motive just based on the odds and the risk involved. Even us internet CEO's would not take this kind of risk. I really do not see VW as this desperate or arrogant to think they could get away with this one forever. It is something so simple that even a tuner shop could have stumbled over in time. Yes this was a billions of dollars savings here but it will be an even greater Billions of Dollars lost once caught. Not just the fines and repairs but also the last sales and reputation hold an even greater value that would exceed anything that the savings brought. This is not taking into account taking government money that would really lead to jail time if tied to anyone specific. Defrauding the government for nearly $75 Million dollars at this point is real jail time if a name id put to it. Capone killed many people but cheating on his taxes was what sent him to jail. I can't believe this was sanctioned at the top if it was an intentional act. I still suspect that the goals were set for the engineers and they got desperate to save their own jobs. Failure is not taken lightly by the Germans. With the kind of money the top people are making they could much easier walk away vs. killing off the happy ending to their lives.
  20. But at great risk with large penalty. There were easier ways with little to no risk to do the same result. Too many fall for the media induced evil capitalist corporation stories. Just look at what the media did to GM and other automakers. The web has given us much positive but one thing is it has lead to agenda driven media and groups to push things with some truth and a lot of manipulated well crafted info. Just look at the global warming issue. Both sides present the truth but polar opposites of each. Both have money at stake in the deal and neither one will admit the truth that neither can prove 100% their side. Sure people have opinions but there is no 100% proof either way. While mankind has gotten smarter we still do not know all about this earth and when we think we do we get a curve ball tosses at us. Just look at the scare the media put into us with the dieses from Africa last year. They had us all dying in less than 5 years in droves. Today not a word about it. Agenda driven media at work. As for the VW thing you may be right someone got stupid and though saving $387 at high risk was a good idea. But from what I know of people in places like that they are not against saving money but they are not going to risk it all on what will amount so be a small sum in savings in the greater picture. Lets face it we here on the web could easily remove $387 of content from a car with no risk of EPA wrath. Now do you really think VW at the top did this at risk of many billions more than saved stepping on the EPA? There is no logic. Now like I said you may be right but you have to really look at this in all aspects. Odds are someone took a short cut under pressure and kept this up over the long term to cover their ass is my thinking. Until they dig we will not know. Heck we may never know. By the way I do have some experience with CARB and Diesels. We sold parts in California for Diesels that we thought were ok but turned out not. It cost us millions of dollars. We could not appeal it and it was a true error. We had to go back and recheck everything. We were not the only one hit and we go the light fine. This is one area I know we and most MFG will not step on because it is like a sidewinder and will strike if you are even close. There are places you can play it close but EPA or CARB no way.
  21. In business people of large cooperation's normally will take risk but only calculated. This was not even calculated as they had to know you could not cover this up forever. It would only take one person testing a car outside the on board computer. We all take calculated risk all the time. Many of us at work will put off something but we calculate we will get back to it before anyone notices. A risk yes but we attend to another need first with the expectation of having time to delay the deadline. On the other hand you could say cheat on your wife and if she has any kind of common senses she will catch on that you are not home every night and not out with the boys. You may get away with it short term but the day of reckoning is going to come and you will pay dearly. That is what I see here. Also you have to put this into perspective too. Even with the billions VW may have saved in the big picture of their corporation this is a small term gain over all with risk to lose a lot more than they made. Not arguing with you just my view that this was not something done directly at the top and I am figuring it was someone in engineering that buckled under pressure and hid it from everyone but those involved. Now at what point did the leaders know and did they look away that is another story but I think the intent here started low and was to meet goals out of desperation. Lets face it you have to ask yourself how many other ways VW could have saved %387 per car with little to no risk? There were many ways to have saved that money and few people would have taken such a risk here knowing the truth would come out someday as a leader. Not defending them but just considering what people at this level have to consider and that $387 per unit is just not worth the risk and penalties. they could have cut so many other things that did not matter to save that kind of money.
  22. There are times for the nuanced approach you describe and there are times when it is corporate greed. VW has been hell bent on dominating the automotive market for years now. This was corporate greed. You are not going to dominate the world with saving $387 per diesel car with a high risk you are going to get caught at some point. Now there are many other ways you can do it but not with what VW tried. In the global perspective this was not going to do it. I really believe Management pressured engineers to make the cars better and cleaner on less money. Not possible may not have even been permitted to be an option. Often lower ranking people will take a risk like this as they really have little to lose. You lose your job not doing the impossible and if you get caught you lose a job that you were going to lose anyways. Lets face it any top level leader would know the risk at getting caught as well as the odds and knew that it would do much more damage to the company than the gain. You may be right but I just don't buy the greed angle. When it comes to greed it is done in many other non risky ways. You make cheaper interiors and thinner metal or cheaper oil when you ship the cars even cheaper Korean tire, you move production to a third world country in essence you do low risk high return deals not high risk and high penalty and damaging choices. Also too many mistake cooperate greed for profits. Too many anymore forget companies are in business to make money plain and simple. They are not there to employee people that is just a pleasant side effect. To do something like they did it was someone desperate and someone with less to lose lower on the scale. At least that is my perspective. If a VW leader wanted to save $387 per car they had many more safer options to take than this one if you really sit back and look at this. This is proof GM is far from the only one with damaged inner culture. Most large companies suffer from poor communication and poor reliance on talented workers anymore. Even where I work I can see how growing larger has been good but also bad in many areas.
  23. I am tired of the word cooperate greed. This too often leads to people thinking it is only just about the money which is only part true when there are so many other factors involved. Too often it is the pressures with in a company from investors, The pressures from the government regulations to meet, the expectations of the customers while meeting the other issues from the government and investors. Running a company is tough and making products in this climate is even more difficult. I expect we will see even more desperate moves as the gas vehicles take a MPG hit in 2025-and later. Also these companies are so large that those in the middle get squeezed and pressured and often do things they should not do. too often we never hear the full story. Case in point. While this one was not anything illegal it shows the thinking of people in the middle at GM under the old culture. In Lutz one book he had a new Impala coming and he was meeting with the designer. The car had no chrome around the windows. He asked the designer that would it not look better with the chrome and the designer said yes. Then he ask was asked why he did not put it on. Well the reply was I would get in major trouble for going over budget. Well Lutz asked would it not sell better with the chrome and the designer said yes. Lutz said what would you rather get in trouble for selling a car a little over budget that had great sales or a car the failed in the market and had remained in budget? The logic inside some of these companies is very damaged and some very simple things do not get done because of some people making some very poor choices. While I am not going to say profit was not the motive but too often if a program is failing or has a major problem sometimes people will try to cover it over to make it go away for now hoping no one is the wiser. Corporate policy too often can get results they never intended. While $387 sounds like a lot of money over millions of cars anyone with a clear mind generally could not think this would go forever unnoticed. The Germans are not that dumb. I just believe like in the GM case there is much more to this than we will ever know and the most obvious things are not always the reasons they happened. The media and the far and I mean the Bernie Sanders left want to push the corporate greed thing and while it may be true in some cases just corrupt culture of blame and expectations make people to things just to keep their job. The redistribution people are now even pushing that poor people die in car crashed more often. While true you really need to dig into the details to understand. Sad to say but we may never hear the truth to this and if we did we would never fully understand why someone would be so stupid thinking it would go unnoticed for ever.
  24. http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/ehs/newscience/2013/11/diesel-lung-cancer-deaths/ This was the link I was refering to. I believe my prior post's assesment of it wasn't very accurate..sloppy memory.. Never questioned your number I just question that someone is out there claiming that many deaths from Diesels but do not post that many of these people also suffer from other things that let the Diesels contribute to their deaths. Of these deaths how many also have issues from Smoking, Work related damage, Birth Respiratory issues Drug history related issues. I used to work for a medical company and we dealt with many respiratory patients and generally many of the people did not just have one issues and often times it was a combination and often self inflicted. I would like to see the medical evidence that can directly tie the deaths of 11K people just to diesel exhaust only. I wager no one can prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt or we would have every diesel maker in court now being sued for all they can be had for. Like many things today Some people think the Truth is the Truth is you can get enough fools to believe it. The tactic is often to make your case with numbers that could be right or wrong but now way to prove 100% they are spot on. Then you defend it and if you are being accused of not fully disclosing the truth you attack the people who say you are full of it. We see this in the global warming debate all the time. If the facts are there clear and indisputable then prove it but most times the numbers are not beyond a shadow of a doubt. This is true for both sides. Science has been wrong countless ways in our history and we all need to remain open minded to anything not just because someone tells you it is true. I fine it odd if you have the absolute proof in something why do they have to be so defensive? There are folks out there who want to vilify the Diesel and they will do and say what ever they need to do in getting their way. People Lie Plain and Simple. Like most things today everyone lies and the truth is somewhere in between. Since the web has come along so many folks take so many things out of context anymore too. I just do not buy that many people die because of Diesel unless they have been run over. Now I do believe that it could contribute under the right circumstances but things all have to be just right or the right conditions. The first fact is people Lie. The second fact of Life is people die. I am sure there are a couple folks who died from a defective computer mouse if you did deep enough. Hell we could say Kool Aid kills thousands but we can leave out that they were diabetics that should not be drinking the sugar. The real problem is the larger the crowd the lower the collective IQ. Anymore we as a society have lost our common Knowledge and common Sense to make rational and informed opinions and thoughts. Hell so many people today could not tell you who the VP is but they can tell you what Bruce Jenners new name is. Sad.
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