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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. This is the deal. It is like a prize fight here as Benz and BMW are the long time champs. You can beat the crap out of them but the media and many consumers are still impressed with them even if they have weakened over the years much like BMW has. Too often the media and public give them a pass that is not really earned. As for Cadillac if they want to win in this segment with no excuses and free passes to the other brands they much make a perfect car that is a clear cut winning car. Why do they need to do this. It is the fast track way to build an image and respect. Sure you can hit around the corners and such but you go for the knock out it attracts attention and interest. Then you market the hell out of it. GM has proven they can produce the numbers in performance. They have proven they can produce the numbers in handling. They now need to shoot for uncompromised quality. Mark Reuss fought like hell with GM over the door handles on the new CT6. While good they are still cheaper feeling than he wanted. He was wanting a design that was a few dollars more and was told no. This kind of thinking is why he has put Cadillac into a place where they can do their own thing now. While they have had good things they need to have better if they want to compete. A little less corporate and a lot more Cadillac is needed here. There is a knock out in any segment. Lets face it BMW has slipped up of late and is not on as tall of a pedestal as it once was. Benz also has shown signs of weakness too. All Cadillac needs to do it just step it up in a couple areas and they can prove they are the top vehicle in class with no subjective opinions involved.
  2. I agree that Tesla really has not provided any real advances in technology that anyone else has or could use. They did discover people would over pay for a large expensive sedan if you market the hell out of it. Musk has claimed so many things about the car that I think it can cure cancer too now. LOL! The resources of companies like Ford, VW, GM, Benz etc. are all more capable than just Tesla. But right now most are not willing to allocate that much resources to build an expensive car in a very limited segment. GM is and the others are working on cheaper cars and many other technologies as no one single technology is a fit all replacement for everyone. They are spreading the field out and giving us many choices and not betting all on one technology.
  3. No they should have used the Jeep styling with a more Chrysler like nose. Lets face it the Fiat family face is not selling.
  4. You already have people complaining about the prices. Add TT to each engine you add much more to the price tag. Also what would you use for the V sport then. Cadillac is offering a nice spread of V6 models that will hold a price that will give customers a choice. Most buyers will be happy with 335 HP as most people are fine at 300 HP in most cars. If they want more the 3.0 TT will be around 400 HP for the V sport when it arrives. You need to let them play the rest of the cards they hold and see the whole picture. A boosted six cylinder is the standard of this segment. Cadillac is trying to compete with less while having to try to overcome their inferior perception to buyers. That just won't cut it. They need to build a car that one ups the competition in every regard, not just one or two, and count on price to do the rest. They need more power, they need more luxury, and they need to be priced in line with their rivals. Bump the V Sport up to 470 hp, and put a 3.0 TT in the CTS below it with 375 hp. Most people being fine with 300 hp is irrelevant. By that logic, Cadillac shouldn't build the CTS-V . As always, it seems like they're just a few ingredients shy of the right recipe to show up the rest of the class. The performance of the present engines in these cars are very competitive to even better than the others. The real issue is refinement and exclusivity. GM has tried to make the 3.0 a Cadillac engine but it is too close to the corporate 3.6. This will soon change when they get their own engines on line. I expect smoother and more sophisticated engines that will better define Cadillac's independence. Also when you pay more you should get more than a corporate engine. The engines are an example of where Cadillac is. They are good but not good enough. Then must not be close but they must be clearly better to win image and respect here. Better track times alone and other good comments are not enough. If you want to win in this segment and beat the champs you must knock them out. That is what the next 5 years will bring us. To win it must be unanimous in any kind of comparison.
  5. It is better than what they have had but not better than anyone else for the most part. Jeep risks have paid off and the Renegade may be the next Soul. Odd little cars like this get a cult following and even the odd things about them endear them to the owners. In truth it is a shame it was not a Fiat model here as they really could use a car like this in their line up. The next 2-3 years will be critical and a lot of things need to go right. Also the things that are outside like Economy could really damage any comeback badly. I really wish Chrysler was free of Fiat. I really think then they would have a chance with another brand partnering with them. But as it is no one wants Fiat and their damaged or low volume brands.
  6. the only poblem is, he is not being nearly truthful hear. Most of the GM platforms are older than he lets on. The Impala for example, just hit a platform Buick has been using for a few years and before that was running a NINE year old design based on a platform more than 20 years. The Regal, 11-15 Cruze, were both based on platforms sold and designs sold in the rest of world for YEARS before they hit our shores. The Malibu, 13-15 was based on that older Regal platform. Alpha really is the only new car platform seen before 16. But look at what GM is pumping out NOW. They have a brand new Colorado/Canyon, '16 Cruze, '16 Malibu, Their half tons were done in '13..updated again for '16, '16 Camaro, CT6, XT5, Bolt, Volt.. What has Chrysler, Dodge, Ram, Jeep done in comparison? I mean I understand when you say those were on older platforms but everything I listed is no longer on those dated platforms and the Chrsler products still are and will be for some years yet. GM is no longer living under their bailout timeline and Chrysler is with too many of their products. A platform generally lasts a minimum of 10 years. 2 completely new designs and generally 2 refreshes. CUSW was new in 13. Dart was new in 13, Cherokee in 14, Renegade in 15, Town and Country next year, Rm is from 09 with a major refresh in 13, Durango and Grand Cherokee were brand new for 11 with Major refreshes in 14 that went way further than skin deep. There is a basically new Pentastar appearing next year in the Grand Cherokee and probably others for 16. The upgrades to the LX platform were pretty major for 15 and there no longer a single component left from the original Benz platform. And the platform works. The LX cars have actually gotten quite a few accolades for the 15s in the handling department. Worry less about the age of a platform and more on how it works and it does. I can attest from m 15 Challenger drive compared to than many earlier ones I have driven, it feels like a new platform. Anyways, to continue, a replacement for the Patriot and Compass are VERY close. We are seeing these vehicles being tested now, at least the ones closest to launch including the Wrangler (thank goodness this keeps it's JK platform!), Compat replacement, and te new minivan. Their whole lineup has actually been redesigned in the least 4 years and MANY have already received major refreshes and their sales are soaring. I do thing the GM merger crap is ridiculous, but otherwise there is nowhere near the doom and gloom out there as Hyper spouts. Stew the Theta and Lambda platforms are the only two old platforms left at GM. Both will be replaced starting this year and next year. The rest of the line up is on new platforms and at least one to two generations of new models offered since the chapter 11. While the 13 Malibu was offered on the older platform it was one new model not just a simple refresh and now we have a new platform and second all new model this year. GM plowed what money they had left into product before the chapter 11 and this permitted them to bring some new product out till the new platforms arrived. While not the best product it was something vs. the simple refresh that the Chrysler cars were. The Dart is re regenerated Fiat corporation product living on discounts already. The LX models are living also on major incentives. How else can you get a 300 for $30K the price of a simple mid size car. The 200 while a nice looking car is a back marker in the segment even with incentives. Nearly every review says it is a better car than the last but far from segment leading. Transmission issues also have been an issue. The Challanger may feel new but it is older than dirt. If it had not been a decent car to start with it would have been a fatal move to just refresh it. But Chrysler can not live just on LX and Hellcat sales alone. The Fiat models have all under performed and many dealers are wanting to bail on the line. Chrysler lacks good small and mid sized cars where the volume and profits are right now and that is what Sergio needs to fix but as of now he can not even afford to pay attention. He lacks major work in Hybrids and EV cars that will hurt them in the future too. This is not just my view but also most every market watcher out there. You really have to get a grip on reality and learn this Italian idiot is killing your company to try to save his own countries brands. If you the fan does not wake up you will lose more models than just Plymouth. The people who watch the markets have put Chrysler at risk and Mitsubishi. Both have low cash reserves and volumes lower than what can sustain spending to improve the brands as needed. Again do you really think Alfa by 2017 will make the 400,000 goal Sergio predicts? Their sales this year are even down from the 168,000 of last year. If the Euro economic conditions remain as they are or worsen it will make things even more difficult than it already is. The trump card here is Chrysler but they still are not getting the money they need to do what they can do. If the world of the Hemi demise is true in 2019 that will damage them even more. This has been the calling card of Chrysler and you remove that for some imported TT V6 and many will turn away. The money also from Ferrari is not going to do much either. A billion today will fix one platform or at least a part of one major platform. I hope you like Jeep and Ram as that is all that may be left it Sergio is not removed soon. With the VW troubles they may make them a better dance partner for Chrysler and the Germans will remove Sergio in a heart beat.
  7. Stew i am well aware of the plans but as most market observers have noted it has greater odds of failing. You fail to understand that volume is a major issue here and they need it now not 5 years from now. The Alfa should have been a LX first. minivan is dead with he growing CUV segment. I could easily go on. This is not hate as you like to claim but I do not wear the rose colored glasses. I have no worries as time will prove what I am saying unless FCA wises up and dumps Sergio. It is not GM that is after a forced merger with FCA but the converse. That is very telling of who has it and who needs it. I want Chrysler to survive but as long as Sergio is there they will fall farther and farther into danger of failure.
  8. Stew i am well aware of the plans but as most market observers have noted it has greater odds of failing. You fail to understand that volume is a major issue here and they need it now not 5 years from now. The Alfa should have been a LX first. minivan is dead with he growing CUV segment. I could easily go on. This is not hate as you like to claim but I do not wear the rose colored glasses. I have no worries as time will prove what I am saying unless FCA wises up and dumps Sergio. It is not GM that is after a forced merger with FCA but the converse. That is very telling of who has it and who needs it. I want Chrysler to survive but as long as Sergio is there they will fall farther and farther into danger of failure.
  9. you act as if they are not coming out with new product and not putting money into new product which is completely false considering that within just a few years the entire Dodge, Chrysler, and Jeep lineup will be either all-new or heavily updated. I know you hate FCA, but get off of it. Besides, the Jeep truck makes MUCH more sense as the last Dakota bombed and people have been drooling for a Jeep truck since, well, forever...... Stew this is the deal. Chrysler has two new cars based on older Fiat platforms. They have only done some refreshes to the RWD cars and are selling them at large discounts other than the Hellcat. I know my In laws just bought a 300 for dirt cheap. Jeep and the Truck really have gotten the bulk of the investment but what money they are making is being dumped into Alfa and Maserati when it should be going to Dodge and Chrysler. Sorry but I am not blind to the fact Sergio is expecting Alfa to increase sales from 160,000 to over 400,000 by 2017. Well that is not going to happen and he is pissing away money that should have gone into Chrysler 5 years ago. Look at GM and Chrysler post bail out and GM is already to the point they have replaced most of their platforms with new platforms and are already into the second gen of refresh on some of theses models in the next one to two years. They even created a new Omega platform. Yet Chrysler is left with older and borrowed models. Even the RWD replacements were pushed back. Sergio is bleeding them of money that should go to them as he needs volume and they are the brands to do it not Alfa. Even you are wise enough to understand that for post bail out we have seen little done and much of what money Jeep has made went to Italy not Detroit where it should go. Sergio is looking for a dance partner because he needs one. The man is desperate and is off his rocker. The sad part other than the trucks, Jeep and Ferrari no one is really interested in the rest of the line up. They offer nothing another company already does not have or need. Sergio has turned FCA into a parasite and it is looking for a main body to suck onto and drain blood from. The car line up is far behind and not looking to be improving soon. The LX is a refresh and that is all. Improved yes but while the others have replaced or moved on with new platforms. If you are happy with re bodied Fiats that is fine but if I were a Chrysler fan I would not be happy at all. Jeep should be paying for all new Chrysler products ones imported from Italy.
  10. You can shape them to help but you still need to keep them low and as close to the center of the car and balance as possible. Put the weight in the wrong spots and you will have a evil handling car with that much weight.
  11. You already have people complaining about the prices. Add TT to each engine you add much more to the price tag. Also what would you use for the V sport then. Cadillac is offering a nice spread of V6 models that will hold a price that will give customers a choice. Most buyers will be happy with 335 HP as most people are fine at 300 HP in most cars. If they want more the 3.0 TT will be around 400 HP for the V sport when it arrives. You need to let them play the rest of the cards they hold and see the whole picture.
  12. Well the have little choice but to bail on Diesel for a while. They will offer them but they will lose sales and will have to take the focus off the Diesel and put it else where. Right now they need to save as much loyalty and trust as they can. Most VW owners I know have surprised me as they have really turned sour in their views of VW. Once one of the most loyal groups they now have turned hostile. VW needs to focus on Electric and more new and advanced models like Gas GTI like models, Phaeton models with Hybrid electric and even some kind of a truck model.
  13. I have driven the fuel cell GM cars and I love them. The real issues are going to be where to refuel them and how long they take to fill. The one I drove had limited placed to refuel and when you did it was a half hour process. I have past experience working with Liquid Nitrogen and Oxygen and it is something that needs to be used with care as not only could the fumes from a spill be an issue but the cold that is around -300 degrees could be an issue. I am sure these things will be worked out but it will take time to get them done as companies will not invest in filling stations and improvements till there are cars and until there are filling stations it will be hard to sell cars. As for your claim Elon has no passion for using petro. Well if you were a farmers growing and selling only vegetables and not beef you would more than likely espouse that you are a Vegan. Elon is more a marketing and salesman than anything else. This has gotten him where he is at today. Some of the most successful people in history have been damn good salesman. In this case he may have over reached in the long run. While he has done well to progress the EV in the eye of the public my fear has been that if this thing goes the way of the Delorean it could do more damage than good. So far my fears have been unfounded but if Tesla does go down and takes a lot of other peoples money with it the damage could be great in the eye of the public too. I hope he survives as I don't want to see people lose their investment but also I do not want to see a black mark on the industry either. As for Elon he will land on his feet no matter what. I get the feeling with what GM is doing they will hold cards in each segment and will be very competitive or a leader in most of them. This is a good sign for GM's future. The Bolt in my eyes is only the second step in this process that will continue with other new models. If they can make a Prius sized hit here this would drive them to a position that will gain trust with the other alt fuel products all the while they still sell the Gas powered cars that will pay the bills with even more profitable new products and platforms. As for Elon he has more competition coming in a limited segment and if he does not advance his present model soon it will get old fast. Also the X model is going to be exciting at first but it has a compromised platform with the doors that will prove to be less popular in places with snow and rain outside California. Just wait for the large chunk of snow to fall in the rear car seat of a child and see how happy the parent is when they have to clean it out in the cold.
  14. The new CT models I expect will be mostly highly upgraded Alpha cars. To do the Volt driveline right you really need to design the platform around it. I am not sure the Alpha got that. You can see the massive improvement with the new Cruze based platform that was designed for it vs. the one that was adapted to it. Also you have to account for sales of this model. How many will you make vs. profits. Also factor in is the Voltec Drive line to where they are comfortable with it going in a heavier larger car? It may get 54 miles electric now in a small car but a CTS like car may only see 30 Miles, is that enough or do they need to do more work?
  15. I agree with you on most points and believe GM needs to get the VOLT powertrain out on multiple lines of auto's, every car line for sure should have a version of the VOLT powertrain. Tesla hates petro so much sadly they will lose due to not embracing some kind of VOLT type power train. Imagine a generator on an auto with a 200 mile range of battery and with generator 600 miles is capable. This becomes a real road trip capable auto. Tesla and Musk do not hate gasoline he just believes he can do this all on a couple models and all electric and fully committed to it. the real trick is for GM is they have to continue to perfect the Volt system to the point it is cheaper and more capable. Then each platform much be designed to be used with it. We have seen a marked difference in the Cruze based Volt with the new platform vs. the converted old one. I feel GM's plan is to make all platforms able to support this and even all electric along with the gas powered drivetrains as this would open the door to about anything even Fuel Cell. The truth is with the coming regulations they need to be prepared for about anything. Must could really offset the losses with a gas powered version of his car but I really don't thing it is possible with the way it is. Also he really now does not have the money for it unless he takes it out of his own pocket. That is what prevents this not that he hates gas. For Gods sake the man used to own a McLaren F1 and may still own it. Musk in a entapenure not a tree hugger when you really learn about him. He may poses himself as saving the world but he feels he can do it by paying people to make things the can make money with. He also wants to make an image of himself as a Henry Ford and Edison while paying others to do the inventing.
  16. [ Actually the numbers are up. The ATS if I recall was up 44% in sales. The truth is the profit per car is also up much too. Cadillac is not longer a volume brand and will not need to relay on larger volumes to survive. They can survive on small volumes but GM will expect increases to the volume to make sure they take advantage of the mega profits per unit in this segment. Ford will do the same but they are 10 years behind. This is what Saved Lincoln as they were set for death with many inside Ford and enough support rallied to save them. Sales are up? Somebody should tell the source. And i have to put a stop to this 10 year lagging remark people keep perpetuating. Lincoln sedans are behind, but nowhere near that much. Kind of a subjective opinion here, but with new Conti next year, I would say they made up a lot of ground. All new platform Lincolns are 3 years out, which will have them caught up. Lincoln SUV is about one year out, which will either put them on par with Caddy at worst, or above them at best. Somewhere in between. I will call it at about 2 years. Lincoln CUV's have the upper hand and do not trail Cadillac. Bud nothing subjective here just plain and simple real observations and track able metrics. http://gmauthority.com/blog/2015/10/global-cadillac-sales-up-10-percent-to-24593-units-in-september-2015/ It is not bragging if you can back it up. The truth is your ex Boeing head of Ford wanted Lincoln dead. He killed Mercury and was on is way to making Ford a single global brand that covered the segments he felt needed covered. This is why you have premium Fords that are mostly pointless as they are nearing Lincoln pricing. Now that he is gone and others have taken control they are working to gain ground. Yes it is true Lincoln as it is now is where Cadillac was 10 years ago. Now that is not to say it will take them 10 years to gain ground but they need to show the commitment to Lincoln as GM has shown Cadillac with real money ands real independence. Just making a fancier version with the same Ford engines is not going to cut it. Once Cadillac starts their own engines this will be a game changer. Ford can compete here but they need to be committed to it not just keep passing off what they have or they will just compete with Buick. I for one am glad they saved Lincoln as we have already lost too many brands. But I am not going to sit here and be delusional that Lincoln is in a good place now. I did that with Cadillac and finally woke up and realize that even as good as their cars are now it is not good enough. To gain ground in this segment you need to lead not just bench mark or dumb up lower models as being the standard others are judged by, Case in point you can not make a Taurus and dumb it up to a Lincoln and convince anyone you did the right thing. Now you have a better shot at taking a Cadillac and dumbing it down to a Chevy or Buick. This is a one way path in the luxury segment and you can move product down convincingly but never move it from the bottom up. You move it down the lower car will benefit like the Camaro. You move it up like the Taurus and you the Lincoln will suffer. The new Conti will be a good car with no question but it will be like the present CTS not good enough. I know you are smart enough to follow what I am saying here. I am in no way trying to dis your brand and only speak from watching Cadillac so the same thing. You should even be able to admit that if you are honest. This is the big league segment and you either go big or you compete with Lexus, Hyundai and Buick leaving a large chunk of money on the table.
  17. By the way start to watch for work with Honda. Mark let it slip that GM and Honda are working together on technology for a new driveline. I suspect it is Fuel Cells as both are well vested in it and Honda could use a dance partner here to share cost and help advance the program. GM could do both very easily. Add this to the expanding lineup of electric and more fuel efficient gas and diesel GM will have a strong line up with all they will have to offer.
  18. Actually the numbers are up. The ATS if I recall was up 44% in sales. The truth is the profit per car is also up much too. Cadillac is not longer a volume brand and will not need to relay on larger volumes to survive. They can survive on small volumes but GM will expect increases to the volume to make sure they take advantage of the mega profits per unit in this segment. Ford will do the same but they are 10 years behind. This is what Saved Lincoln as they were set for death with many inside Ford and enough support rallied to save them.
  19. The ELR was just a deal where some of the old GM people thought it was a good idea to take a show car never really intended for production and put a Volt Drivetrain in it. Once they were gone you can notice that the new Cadillac people have no interest in it. The fact is Tesla really did not do anything different than to offer a very expensive large sedan that no one in the industry though anyone would buy. Well they did mostly due to over the top marketing as Musk rivals PT Barnum in generating excitement. The fact is the rest now know it can be done and they all will enter this market sooner than later. GM can do it very easy and I expect with the coming platforms they will enter a Tesla fighter in due time. The Truth is Cadillac is more focused on a Benz and BMW fighter than Tesla right now as the volume is so very low in this segment. I expect a due use car where it may be offered in Gas and Electric models. This way they can spread the cost out. Tesla could use a gas version of their car right now as it would really increase the volume to where they need it. You can only go on losing money per unit for so long. Lutz addressed this in his column in Road and Track this month. There is no doubt that GM and Ford could build a Tesla killer but why? Tesla is not making money yet and the segment is small. To do this right they need to make a platform designed to be used correctly with the electric platform. This is expensive and at this point they would never recover the cost short term. These models will come in time and now is not the time. How many other things does Cadillac and Lincoln need to address first. Many!
  20. Tesla did it. They've open-sourced everything needed and provided the necessary leadership for standardized infrastructure. Yes Tesla offered what they had but the truth is no one is interested in their system. Again they all are looking to be the one who sets the standard. If everyone came to GM, Toyota and or any other MFG and asked to use their connectors they would get it for free too. You have to understand Musk is the master of PR and only did his offer in public for image nothing more. He offered nothing that most others would also serve up. The real problem is no one even Tesla is selling enough cars to claim the right to set the standards. Who ever sells the most cars or make the most charging stations will gain an advantage but even there the Tesla charging stations are still too few to take the right to set the standard. Again this really needs to be settled with all makers in a SAE standard. We had this problem back in the early days of the automobile where everyone made nuts and bolts to what ever standard they wanted. In time they got together and settled on the SAE standard and that solved many issues going into the future.
  21. Electric motors have been abler to do this for years. In fact they would have been much easier to use in larger vehicles as it was more difficult and expensive to make them smaller and lighter in the new smaller cars. Large elective motors have run large pit mine dumps for years You know the Terex kind of dumps that are the size of a building. The real issue is how much battery do you need to move a vehicle the size of a Tahoe? Will you tow far? How expensive will it be? How bad will the aero kill miles? Also how much pay load would be compromised with larger batteries. The truth is the SUV would make the most sense as or making something more efficient But you also have to consider the SUV and Truck segment are mostly the people who say they can have my V8 when they pry it from my cold hands. It really is not a segment where many are all that eco minded to pay that much more for something they feel does not need fixed in the first place. Now with the CUV you have a better shot but Aero again is going to be an issue with taller vehicle.
  22. Yes like Drew pointed out investments did not come till interest started to rise. Even before the Prius the EV1 drew a lot of attention but many failed to understand this was not a production car and never was intended to be production. It at best was like the old Chrysler Turbine and was more a demonstrator for the public for GM to learn from. Today we have many factors at play today. Emissions and stiffer regulations Environmental Consumers Higher and higher CAFE The increase of investment for Hybrids that can be carried over to the EV cars Increased improvement in smaller and better batteries that not only can be used here but also in cell phones and lap tops or any other electronic device. The fact is time was right to invest here as the things we have needed are now here. This has simulated investment as the one who comes up with a battery that is faster charging and longer lasting stands to make a lot of money. We can not say it can not be done as they used to say that about many things like going to the Moon or Transplanting a Heart. Automakers hope to help off set some of their emissions and CAFE here so it is in their best interest to invest. Also companies like GM if they can lead the pack can also help set the standard of where this goes vs. being forced into using someone else's system that may compromise what they have already invested in. The one reason the Volt has so many people against it on the web was many MFG could not afford to let it be a run away hit. Many already have billions invested and they fear a new model like the Volt could change the dynamic of the market that could render much of what they have invested useless. They Hybrid and EV segment may not sell a lot of cars but the companies here are more competitive than ever. They want to win this game and they will continue to invest and try to get that breakthrough that will put them on top.
  23. This is the problem. They should get together but as of now they are just in a pissing match to promote their system as the leader. We have seen it before with Electrical plugs globally where it is still unresolved but we have also seen it in thing like Video that had the Beta/VHS war that was resolved and now means little. What I think needs to be done is all MFG need to hold a conference and see if they can come to SAE standards with the electric car but with so much innovation going on it is hard to do this at this time. What we have now can be completely changed in 5-10 years. Just look at Cell Phones and how things have changed there. I see this also happening in the EV field.
  24. All my New GM cars since 2004 have either met the MPG or beat the MPG. GM has always been good on their HP numbers by either under estimating or being pretty spot on. As for the MPG I have never been disappointed. My Eco Turbo claims 19 City and 26 Highway and I see 25 City 32 Highway and I am not doing anything to try to save gas. The two 3.6 both hit the claimed numbers or they better them by 1-2 MPG in the summer. Ford and others have always cut MPG and HP numbers close and generally get caught once in a while. GM has been very good at being good on theirs.
  25. Here is the issue. We are making batteries smaller and more powerful but charging times remain pretty constant. Yes you can partial or fast charge but this leaves you short of a full load and even then the fast charge degrades a batter even if it is a power tool. People today who are on the go hate to stop for gas for 8 min let alone 45 min for a partial charge. Same with the Hydrogen cell cars as they take about 30 mins. to refuel. Solar and other means may be a small boost but cars like this can not get much out of such small panels. At this point anything over a the time of a simple gas fill is too long for most buyers plain and simple. Habits and life styles are hard to change. I have to make one stop driving to Charlotte and to be honest if I did not have to piss and get fuel I would drive on. That 10 Min is more than I want to waste as that is more than 10 miles I would be down the road. Also there is no place on 77 that I would want to spend 1 or more hours. As a commuter to work or the store these cars will really start to pick up. As a companion car they will expand but for the person with one car that drives a lot they will not do much for them. Also the market needs slow growth as if everyone pick up on these cars at once it would create issues with charging stations or the lack of. We have already seen abuses with the Tesla ones with a limited market. How many people will park at one and just leave the car there longer than needed while others wait. Also the power grid in many areas can be taxed at time just with hot weather what would they do with a large influx of cars when people refuse to charge at night like they hope. Not to mention the president has taken so many coal power plants out of the future with few being built to replace them. The Bolt will be a good solid building block moving the segment forward and put the car in to hands that could not even participate before. If they can do what the Prius has done in the EV segment it has done it's job well. Also the PR fall out for GM should help the rest of the cars and Hybrids moving forward. The idea some have of no gas engines in 20 years will be disappointed as if we are still here gas engines will still be here in some form. They will be smaller and more efficient but they will still be here. The key is now the investments being made where we had none to very little before. Also one wild card is the Mars Mission. I expect we will be moving forward on this in the near future and we will see a tech boom like we did in the 70's. This will drive for more break through in our every day life and this will help much in the area of energy and energy management. The worst thing Obama did was defund NASA. That is one area of stimulus that does more than anything.
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