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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. No what you are going to see is more of the products being made for Cadillac and then trickled down to Chevy and Buick. Cadillac got it ass backwards for too many years where a share platform was made a Caprice then dumbed up to be a Cadillac. Today it is a Cadillac first and then trickled down to a Chevy and they all benefit. Cadillac for once not just has the money but the independence to do things unthinkable 5 years ago. I think you may find that there may not be a need to use an Alpha or Omega as there may just be another platform lurking out there yet to be seen. With the profits in the Crossover segment there is no need to go the cheap route out and base a RWD car platform for a CUV that could base 3-4 different models. The benefits of doing it right and making a new RWD/AWD platform for a CUV is that there would be less compromise better weight reduction and more ability to adapt it to different models. there is enough of a business case to do this and I think you may just see it. Note on other sights they are reporting Chevy has registered the Blazer name again for use and GM also added a AT4 name that I suspect may be a GMC name for All Terrain 4 wheel drive. These could be the trickled down models of the Cadillac bases CUV model. Not fully clear yet but bears watching. When I mean this segment is making them money that is clearly an understatement. Look for even more serious investment in these models in all division and see things you did not expect happen. Last year the CUV finally out sold the sedan and this is a trend that will last as long as the mini van or longer. It is a model that appeals to many because of the utility that they provide the truck like height to see and it is something a man will feel better being seen in. Automakers love it because they make money they sell in great numbers the Nox and Terrain alone sold over 350,000 units with the old models last year. Also they get better MPG numbers than most larger SUV models that will have to be trimmed back in the future.
  2. But Wait There's More! Uwe Ellinghaus, Cadillac CMO, on the brand and the industry’s crossover craze. Ellinghaus confirmed what we already knew, saying the 2017 Cadillac XT5 will be flanked by a larger crossover vehicle, to bridge the gap between XT5 and Escalade, and a compact crossover to do battle with the BMW X3 and the like. Adding to the report of four new crossovers coming by 2020, which includes the likelihood of a subcompact Cadillac crossover, are Ellinghaus’ words of what he envisions could make for five crossovers. “We can envisage an even more compact [model] but we can also envisage something between a three-row SUV/crossover-derived car and the Escalade,” he said. Yes, that would bring the lineup to a subcompact crossover, a compact crossover, XT5, a large crossover, this envisioned SUV/crossover and, finally, the Escalade. Though, Ellinghaus is quick to point out the Escalade is treated much differently, seeing as it is derived from a truck, rather than a car. “The Escalade is so huge, and it’s different because it’s truck-based, that if the growth of the SUV segment continues, I really think there is space for maybe even two smaller cars than the XT5 and maybe even two larger ones.” Read more: http://gmauthority.com/blog/2015/11/uwe-ellinghaus-talks-cadillac-and-the-crossover-craze/#ixzz3sMaNigDU
  3. Knowing out Troll for the past 10 years, I can tell U that he, despite being raised on GM's dime, will do anything to pump-up Ford product no matter what it is. He is the same person that once tried to convince me that the Escalade.. was in danger.. of being discontinued ..after the debut of that ugly Lincoln MKT. Yes.. I said MKT. The one that most will only be caught DEAD in.. literally Complete lie. Never said anything close to this, and you keep repeating this again and again and I keep debunking it. And speaking of brand bias........ Note when I said Troll I did not have you in mind.
  4. Knowing out Troll for the past 10 years, I can tell U that he, despite being raised on GM's dime, will do anything to pump-up Ford product no matter what it is. He is the same person that once tried to convince me that the Escalade.. was in danger.. of being discontinued ..after the debut of that ugly Lincoln MKT. Yes.. I said MKT. The one that most will only be caught DEAD in.. literally Come on he will tell us that is just the Taurus sorry I mean the new Lincoln Shooting Brake that would sell zillions If they would build it.
  5. You do understand how much they would cost over an already high price. Also you do understand too that they have not gone through the weight reduction the cars are seeing now. You also understand that the Aero numbers for a high profile vehicle is not all that great for using electric energy yet. The cost is high the net gains are very small and until the improvement in battery design is increased the results for larger vehicles like this are limited at best for now. They are not like a Tesla where you can just jack the price up for a larger battery and get away with selling 90K units over 5 years. Get real and get a better understanding of the big picture here. I think you would have learned something by now.... Well We had hope.
  6. Well now that this topic has been through the spectrum here is the main focus here. The future will be hybrid not V12 engines and 700 HP sedans. While we may have a couple the future regulations are going to change how cars are build made and driven. Cadillac had made a good package here to start with that give a lighter car, full size car with more than enough HP for the road and crazy MPG. It is about the entire package not just some pick and choose categories like one person here like to focus on. This is where they all will be going no matter if you like it or not as this is the only way they can make cars like this to survive into the future. Sure the rare V12 Hybrid may be there but it will much more expensive than this car and most others only sold the .001%. To many in this group right now these hybrid cars are a novelty of technology. The buyers in this segment were the first to embrace DOHC cams back in the 20's and 30's. They also were the first to embrace Supercharging and other technologies over the years. This is not much different. Because hybrids are not for everyone yet we will still see TT V6 engines as well as a TT V8 later on that will be offered by Cadillac along with more power from even smaller engines. Again this is a whole package deal and we have to look at it this way. Our one troll here can not comprehend where this is all going and is so focused on one point he is blind to everything else happening. We will see very similar moves from the Germans and even different takes on the same ideas.
  7. Well it is a no brainer but they still will need to match volume product to specific markets. Some model would play globally even in limited numbers but others would not pay much at all. Case in point. while we got the Regal GS at $42,000 the US market may not have accepted the Opel OPC version too well at the price they were charging for it in Europe. It was right at $60K with the TT V6. But with that said there are still many limited models that could really help Buick here as well Opel and Holden in smaller numbers to really set these divisions apart. Also you still have safety and emissions issues to all markets. This is part of why GM drivetrain is pushing hard for global emissions regulations. In light of the VW deal people may actually listen. The only hang up will be the radical green people who just do not want to work with much of anyone.
  8. Well I would not go as far as calling it a sports car but it for sure is good looking and will not be mistaken for anything but a Chevy based on it and the other Chevy models with similar styling traits.
  9. To a limited degree but not to the degree it will be. The white noise is coming globally or so I am hearing. I am surprised that story is not here yet as it could spark some real debate on some real new models and the same old GNX, GN tired wishes. Sorry I misspoke I meant to say White Space. Here is what I was referring to. I find it quite exciting as this could lead to some really interesting models Buick and GM would have never approved for a business case. Now think outside the box and not the same old GN GNX kind of thinking. Think interesting models that Opel, Holden and Buick could do in limited numbers that would appeal in all their markets sold at lower volume or even just models outside the norm for them. Things like a OPC hatch that could compete with the GTI. A Regal that could compete with the CC, a sports car that could compete with a Audi TT. Think global and significant in image. Could the coming Monza based Opel be a white space car? Here is the story. One could say Buick’s current strategy has been quite the gamble. Products like the Buick Encore and Buick Cascada have been born from an idea of “white space“, the idea of filling niches as seen fit by parent company General Motors. We recently had the chance to ask Duncan Aldred, Buick Vice President of Sales and Marketing, a few questions about Buick’s current attitude towards the market and its image. Frankly, it’s an intriguing strategy. Aldred quickly gave us a history lesson, noting how the strategy has been extremely successful with intelligent marketing research to see what truly fits into a new, redefined Buick lineup. Products filling Buick’s white space include the incredibly successful Encore, Verano and the upcoming 2016 Buick Cascada. But, Aldred was kind enough to let it slip there is more coming in terms of white space to the Buick brand. He discussed whatever product is on the horizon will follow the 2017 Buick LaCrosse. Aldred spoke highly of the 2017 LaCrosse, calling it “very much so a flagship sedan.” But, he also noted it’s not white space. Instead, it’s meant to be a volume play, and a well executed one at that. We didn’t receive any specifics on this upcoming product but, if we had to take an educated guess, we feel the 2016 Opel Astra would fit right in to the Buick lineup as a Buick Verano hatchback. Read more: http://gmauthority.com/blog/2015/11/we-hear-more-white-space-coming-soon-from-buick/#ixzz3rwEZcmcZ
  10. To a limited degree but not to the degree it will be. The white noise is coming globally or so I am hearing. I am surprised that story is not here yet as it could spark some real debate on some real new models and the same old GNX, GN tired wishes.
  11. I was going to say you were going Patton on me but Air Force? You were then going Lemay on Me LOL! The trouble at Cadillac has been it has been transforming from the bail out. They have changed leadership several times and each time they have set their goals for future product higher. The truth is the XTS at one time around the bail out was the flagship. It was replaced and then the CT6 was the flagship. Then finally Johann and his crew came in and now the CT7-8 and it's better funding has become the flagship. The XTS went from flagship to bridge and now it amount to less Audi and more future Buick. That has been the biggest issue for Cadillac as while these changes will help it has sent a mixed message to customers who have no clue what has been going on internally. All they see are ever changing goals and higher prices with no idea where this is going. At this point it is too soon to say much as they have nothing to really present and they also have to not over shadow what product they have now to carry them forward to the coming product. Growing pains!!! Painful but at least progress will be made.
  12. Yawn! I can already hear the cries from those who were expecting the show car.
  13. Actually there is a few things that the Super Epsilon II has that the Lacrosse on Epsilon II does not.. then there are the active suspension augmentation and technologies that went into making the XTS.. a Cadillac. The XTS is a MAGNIFICENT car. Perspective of course, but from the point of view of a person wanting a well handling, comfortable, balanced luxury vehicle. From an Enthusiast point of view.. the XTS is basically a POS. The Epsilon based XTS is a magnificent car for where we have been but not where we are going. It is a case where for an older platform it was taken where it was never expected to go. The replacement we will find as used in the new Lacrosse will be better from the get go just based on the fact GM has the money now to take it to where it can be. It is not just perspective but a generational thing of platforms and the money that can be afforded to make it right from the get go. I think the lacrosse will shock many on just how much it will changed and we should see it soon. As for the Cadillac they are moving away from this as it is not where their segment is anymore in that price range. The XTS was a bridge from the past to the future. At t he price they are charging people expect and normally get more. Now keep in mind I never said it was a bad car but I hesitate to call it magnificent but I would call it the best of that platforms types era.
  14. Well in the XTS Cadillac had to take a Buick Chevy platform to make it good enough to be a Cadillac and then it trickled back. I expect to see more investment by Cadillac and it trickle down accept for the Trucks and Larger SUV models. As for the XTS being Magnificent that is a bit of a stretch. It was made into a much better platform than it was but it is no Alpha or even close to what the Omega are. Just look at the details of the underside of the CTS and you can see they did not just fix this one up as it was engineered from the day the pen hit the paper to develop it. That is what we will see more of. I see Chevy getting more Opel Trickle down in their FWD cars into the future. They will like the new BU have a more Euro feel about them. They will still handle but they will ride and remain much more composed on the real roads of America.
  15. In truth Buick may become the first real global brand from GM. It will be Designed, engineered, built and sold globally and in the end may be one of the most profitable cars GM sells. The I will not buy GM again people are often people who have not bought a car recently or were going to by this model anyways. Just looking around FCA is going major off shore with their products and Ford as of next year I believe will only build the Mustang and Conti here. All other car models will be built overseas or in Mexico and Canada. Only trucks and SUVs. Yet few know or care. moving to the future with cars becoming too expensive for many affordability will be key and controlling cost. With many gains here there will be losses in other areas. Consolidation of products to one plant will be seen more often and shipped globally, Some will be here some will be else where. This is a new global world and if you want it all here you will have to pay for it if not it will go to where ever it is cheaper to build.
  16. This cars platform makes it very compelling. While it may not have the BMW image for the image chasers the Chassis shines in ways the more expensive car is no longer shinning. The real treat is we have not even seen this taken to the next level yet. This was the first Camaro in history that got things handed down and not up. That makes a big difference. A Cadillac derived platform makes for a better Chevy vs. a Chevy derived platform handed up makes for a Cadillac. Like water and economics it all goes down hill not up. Also the Camaro is not the car it used to be but then again BMW 3 is not what it used to be either.
  17. I expect the Nox and Terrain to be a step up from what they are now. Being oldest in the segment they are showing what was prime years ago.
  18. #1 Who says it looks like this. Chevy has made major changes for their cars sold in Asia vs. here. What you see here may not be what you totally get. Lets just see what we get before we throw in the towel. #2 This one is not bad looking in the photo's and if you look around at the others GM could do much worse. #3 GM was not caught flat footed like Chrysler has been. They did store up many models before the chapter 11 to buy them some time after the dust had settled. While some of the models ages till they got them out they at least did have something and are not trying to sell mild refreshed old models as new. GM has a lot on their plate and there are few companies that could have done as much product and new platforms as fast they have. Sometimes you just have to make do with what you have and they have done well. Buick in the US market is not as important as it is in China and as Opel will be in Europe and Australia. #4 My real interest is how they will add new SUV models at Buick dealers and not damage sales of the GMC line or even not compete with them. Lets face it 90% of the Buick dealers have GMC in the same showroom. How do you make a similar product Work at the same dealer. The two larger SUV models have not competed as the Enclave is a clear step up. But with this model the Denali Terrain and the XT5 are in similar price range of this vehicle. That should be more of a concern. How to keep them from hurting each other. I expect GM has a plan but I am curious.
  19. Thanks Hyper, that was the gist of what I was getting at but with more detail. Sorry back on topic. No problem. I have been reading post all over the web on this and too few can see the big picture. Too many micro analyze things like this and do not get the whole thing of timing, volume and that one product often is tied to another product. GM could hold up a year or two an just build this in Canada but then they get trashed for taking too long and some saying why did China get it and not us. Eve a few here have no idea of the big picture as either they do not consider it or just don't know how things work internally. I got what you said and was happy to see it. I just thought some needed the rest filled it to get it.
  20. It is not so much that. Everyone thinks if we stop buying Walmart they will be enriched. That is still a dead end just as if we continue to pay lower prices. The key to getting ahead is to improve your life and not rely on just the cost of items or hand out from governments. The path of improvement is shown by many who come to this country with nothing and have nothing given to them. To do this you must educate yourself or attain a solid needed skill few have and work hard. The problem today many in this country grew up with everything and have had many things handed to them. Then they get out of school and expect to have it all handed to them and live like their parents who worked 50 years to get what they had. Lets face it so many younger people today want the fancy car and the big house at 24 years and still not show up everyday at work because the new Call of Duty game just came out. I see it often at very good paying jobs. I worked near a Cambodian community years ago. They were in a bad neighborhood and most came here with nothing after the war in the 70's. They took nothing from the government but were a tight family based community that worked hard. They got their kids educated and started business. That group today is one of the most successful groups of people for miles around. They should be used as an example of what can be done. Yet we have so many people going around wanting things given to them just look at the latest round of mess at the universities. The bottom line here is the path of prosperity is not from stop shopping at Walmart, the government giving you free collage or the union that demands more and more wages for the same amount of output. That is just all parts of the viscous circle that continues to repeat and repeat. If people want to advance they must break out. While I did do all the Cambodians did here I did work my way through collage and I worked some crappy jobs to get where I am at today. I may not live in Malibu but I do have it well and earned what I have as no man gave it to me. While the depression did a lot of damage it taught a lot of people how to survive and thrive on their own. We have lost that today. I can not get people to show up to work daily and they lose their job. I had one woman who got drunk and ran over of all things a cop. It is just getting hard to find people with what it takes anymore. Sorry for the rant but when I see the full on attacks on Walmart I am not defending them but just pointing out they are just a symptom of what greater is wrong here. Too few know about it and even many who do they don't want to hear that it is on them not Walmart or the government to enrich their own lives. Sorry for the off topic but I was painting some rooms tonight and listening to the TV and Paris and I really worry about my family and my teen. What will he contribute and what kind of a world will he face. I will prepare him but it is up to him if he makes it or not. I had some expectations too but I learned I had to do it myself and did. I hope he does too.
  21. Labor and shipping is not as cheap as you thing. Now in a case of lower volumes as this will be in the first year it is cheaper but expand volume it will be moving here. As for hard to sell the majority of the public have no idea they no longer put a spare in most cars let alone where it is made. Hell they can't even name who is Vice President. The UAW will squawk a little but it will die down. Have you seen an out cry for the Tesla 3 moving to China for production. Has anyone really noticed the Jeep Renegade is from Italy? Not really. It is a different market today. GM would build everything here but then people won't buy if the price is too high too. Everyone wants to make a million dollars but they all want to shop at Walmart. Think about it. The Viscous Cycle.
  22. This is the deal. The Buick will be here before the Nox. That being the case there is no plant yet set up to build this model. I read Buick the first year expects only 30-40K to be imported. This sounds to be the same deal as the Regal when the first year was imported from Germany and them moved to Canada. Quality is not an issue as these products are made to a standard and it matters little where the plant is. The bottom line is if they plan to expand production over the small number they have stated they will need to move it here and by then the Nox and Terrain line should be up and the Buick could easily joint them. Also this sends a signal to the UAW that they have options so negotiate in good faith
  23. Here is where the undoing for Tesla will be. They are now having trouble just getting a second and third model out. The second model will sell well as a SUV but it will be limited with odd things like the Doors etc. The third model may be built in China and I expect it to be late and be more difficult to be profitable. Finally the elephant in the room. The Model S is getting old already. It is still the same car with only some hardware and software updates that just make it more expensive. They will need to change the car to a second gen soon but I do not see them making the money or having the time to do it. Lets fact it they are struggling to make the second two models so revamping an older original sedan may be a challenge at this point. Even a mild refresh will not be enough in this segment with the coming cars from others like Porsche and the like. It only gets tougher for them as the competitors all have larger R&D and also live on many other non electric models to make money and make profits to pay for new development. I just saw a story the other day that Morgan Stanley is recommending that Tesla get out of the car business and sell systems and parts to the others. That to me sounds as if it would be smarter mover if they really have anything to sell that the others could not do as easily or better themselves. Like in the California Gold Rush the Miners were not the ones who made money. Those who make money did so selling supplies to the miners. Even the tone of Fremont where Tesla is built is names for one of these money makers in the rush.
  24. Brand, reputation, and lease deals, I presume. Plenty of consumers won't consider Cadillac or the Germans (poor Consumer Reports scores) but anything Toyota gets their attention... Well as we all know and some will not admit the CR scores are not consistent. A car and model can get a top score one year and nothing can change and it can drop like a rock. We have seen it happen often. They like to report only owners who drive the car that subscribe to their magazine and that is not a very good way to qualify a cars quality no matter the brand. Many are loyal sheep that will vote as they deem no matter the issues involved. This is why Toyota gets good scores as they vote for the home team. Toyota builds a decent car but it is no better or worse than anything else. These folks just vote for the home team. I expect based on the people already buying they will rob sales from the Denali Terrain, Ford and most other FWD/RWD brands. Not much else out there that is of this level of finish and technology.
  25. Here is what pisses me off about Tesla. Tesla is the equivalent of the computer makers back in the day. Bolt together a bunch of parts developed by others and market them. By that in this case here, yes Tesla is investing heavily in the electric propulsion, but they are basically buying / stealing all the other technological development of the rest of the car from vendors and all the R&D done by the big automakers for decades. As an example, it's not like Tesla has to develop an airbag on their own. Or a brake disc. Or a wiper motor. Or a power steering system. Just buy whatever from Bosch, etc. They haven't done the work, so i don't want them to claim the prize. I'd love for GM to be the game changer in electrics but as previously mentioned the wiser and more practical solution is all the automakers getting together to standardize bits and pieces. uh... all manufacturers do that. Why do you think the Takata recall is such a big deal and why nearly all steering wheels have the same basic spoke shape? When the Toyota accelerator scandal broke out, it cascaded throughout the industry. And what Sergio is suggesting is even more of it. And really, does a manufacturer need to design a new wiper motor every time they redesign a car? Just take one off the shelf, fabricate a mounting bracket, and bolt it down. Why waste resources on reinventing a whole bunch of perfectly good wheels? Drew this shows how much he does not know how things work. So many parts are build and supplied to the MFG with their parts and built into units that are supplied to GM. Case in point GM had issues on the Delta steering columns and they went after the supplier that built them and delivered them complete to the plants as a unit. I remember the many things I saw that came into Lordstown as units sold to GM. It is not just computer companies but many industries do this anymore as one company can no longer go it alone anymore and have not for a long time. Even in Aviation companies like BFG sell tire, wheel, brake and landing gear as a unit to the airplane companies and even the Space Shuttle. I even know one man I got to spend a lot of time with that supplies almost all the shifter interlocks to the auto industry. He also had a company that turned all the LS cams for GM and owns a radiator company that makes one of the best. He did pretty well for a local Detroit Racer.
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