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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Yes there are even web sites for Hypermilers. Some of these folks just drive to see how far they can get the numbers. ​Performance takes on many faces.
  2. Elon is one major issue away from failure just do to being s small MFG. So far they have faired well but say the X is a reliability nightmare and the media falls out of love he will not get a second chance as he has little options to fall back on. Just the nature of a smaller company with limited product options.
  3. Elon is the best thing and worst thing for Tesla. He can deflect and promote on the web as well as anyone I have seen. But his ego can also get him into trouble at times too. It remains to be seen if they bit off too much with the X model. I expect it will sell well but how many issues will happen because of the doors. Windshields and other technical things that run a high risk that really were not needed. As for performance Hybrid's it is not just added performance but the fact you can get the benefits of a EV to a point but not have to deal with all the other things needed for a plug in. It is not a life style changer. You drive it and own it like a normal car. EV's are lifestyle changers if you use them as a normal car. Many people are ok with that but most are not. Either way the things learned today and invested in now will pay off when much of this will be required to meet the future regulations. The goal of any new technology be it Hybrid, EV, Hydrogen or any other is to provide a customer experience that is the same as the ICE or better. If it is slower, takes a long time to charge, Shorter ranges etc. these are unacceptable to many buyers and much be over come by each means. This whole deal is ever evolving.
  4. If you believe that can I interest you in a Bridge in NYC? They say it is popular and I can give you a real good deal. ​Blu we are just one major middle east conflict away from prices spiking over night. The Saud get bombed and their oil gets cut off or invaded by Iran the price on globally traded oil commodities would go crazy. ​I hope you are joking on the BU. I know you are smarter than that. Actually, I think that was a joke intended to be salient towards your standpoint. Well I removed one from Ignore and add one. I try to never have more than 2 lead paint eaters ignored at one time. ​
  5. Chevy isn't the first to do that. The Camry hybrid and Accord Hybrid (now defunct) run 0-60 in the low 7s. But I'll never understand the hyprocrisy of quoting a hybrid for brisk acceleration that only degrades it's true metric of performance of intended function - efficiency. a hybrid with good performance, though, helps justify the higher sticker. If you price the hybrid like they are and its as slow as the base car or even slower, then for sure its gonna sit on lots. Well I would not say it justifies the price but it does make it more attractive to more customers. For too long a lot of Hybrids were not always the fastest or offers performance equal to other cars. Today they can offer more performance and not handicap the gains made in efficiency. As for cars like the Ferrari and Porsche Hybrids they are using these systems to not only make the cars more efficient but to boost performance to levels not able to be achieved easily before. As I saw one story on these cars it stated clearly that these systems will save the super car as with out it they would die in the future. ​Ferrari did not make a La Ferrari just to be fashionable but they did it to help meet future regs that would have killed these kinds of cars. In the future you will see on all V8 and larger and most V6 cars some hybrid system. Odds are good even most 4 cylinders too. You can only cut so much size, weight and cylinders so you have to get the added range some how. The first of all these systems will not be cheap but as in the Malibu the prices will start to fall. In places like Europe Green is a major thing. Not only are they a force in Politics with their own party but even as consumers. I can remember Michelin gave us their prototype of the Green tire back in the late 80's. It was intended at first for Europe and to get more MPG and be environmentally friendly. It was first targeted at Germany. Now even in America there is a larger consumer base that buy to be green even at an added cost to themselves. Most are based near salt water on a coast like the west coast and the north east.
  6. All these systems are stepping stones as each generation makes gains. These are technologies that have had to be put in play to make it so companies outside GM would invest to make better systems and more advances. Kind of like LG and batteries. If GM did not make the Volt there was a snowballs chance anyone would have invested in the battery for a car that was not going to market. This is kind of like the space program where the goal was to make it to the moon but the real mission was to simulate the companies into making and building technology for it that could be transferred to other things. This is a slow grow and low profit deal now but as time and technology grows it will make thing better, cheaper and profitable. Most new technologies are like that. Even the first home computers really did not make money and did not really work all that great. Yet still you're avoiding my main point. So you mean people should be willfully blind and buy a vehicle even though it doesn't actually save money over competitors when that's the main purpose - to keep operational costs to an absolute minimum? I'm a ruthless consumer and I expect the very best. There would be no problems with the value equation if this Malibu was priced the same as a Fusion or Camry hybrid. Same as the Accord Hybrid and its dubious value. And how will the future of this vehicle get to the moon? The best markets for hybrids in the U.S. have already set 2050 as the year to ban any vehicle with an ICE. I understand this decision was made long after the development of this vehicle was done. But it's just another problem for hybrids - like gas cars, their days are also numbered. If this there was an electric Malibu, that'd be a real breakthrough - a clean sedan, not some plump toaster that is the industry standard for the affordable electric car. Not evading ignoring you in general.
  7. If you believe that can I interest you in a Bridge in NYC? They say it is popular and I can give you a real good deal. ​Blu we are just one major middle east conflict away from prices spiking over night. The Saud get bombed and their oil gets cut off or invaded by Iran the price on globally traded oil commodities would go crazy. ​I hope you are joking on the BU. I know you are smarter than that.
  8. All these systems are stepping stones as each generation makes gains. These are technologies that have had to be put in play to make it so companies outside GM would invest to make better systems and more advances. Kind of like LG and batteries. If GM did not make the Volt there was a snowballs chance anyone would have invested in the battery for a car that was not going to market. This is kind of like the space program where the goal was to make it to the moon but the real mission was to simulate the companies into making and building technology for it that could be transferred to other things. This is a slow grow and low profit deal now but as time and technology grows it will make thing better, cheaper and profitable. Most new technologies are like that. Even the first home computers really did not make money and did not really work all that great.
  9. Good lord, do you remember that one Volt that caught fire? The headlines from that one... yes it caught fire..... after it was test crashed, the batteries left connected, and then parked it for three weeks.... THEN it caught fire. But there was much hay being made over that one as well. Yes but even you have to admit Tesla has been given a pretty good margin of error over the other companies in the past and present. Not as much fun beating an upstart before the masses as vs. the large cooperate entities. I just think fewer people care at this point because so few people actually own a Tesla. No the media has been all over Musk like he was the second coming. Problems happen he deflects with transporting people in tubes or with some kind of Rocket test he will point out. He is a master of marketing and many in the media have given freedom to get away with it. ​Some Tesla fans are ok but some have gone to the level akin to a religious experience. Tesla has sold few cars but has many fans. The media could have easily buried them as they have others if they has wanted too. I tend to feel many are addicted to Musks headlines as often it is good click bait.
  10. When you have built in the tens of thousands vs. millions there are more options for customer satisfaction. Also with only one model you can make a mistake as what you fall back on? Lets face it the X is still on the way and the 3 may be a while off yet. I believe both models will not go as smoothly as the s model. The X models tech features and windshield may go as well as the landing rocket has for Musk. He really needed to keep it simple for his own sake. People would have still bought it. Tesla could survive easily but the road ahead only gets tougher.
  11. Good lord, do you remember that one Volt that caught fire? The headlines from that one... yes it caught fire..... after it was test crashed, the batteries left connected, and then parked it for three weeks.... THEN it caught fire. But there was much hay being made over that one as well. Yes but even you have to admit Tesla has been given a pretty good margin of error over the other companies in the past and present. Not as much fun beating an upstart before the masses as vs. the large cooperate entities.
  12. Wow! Well regaurdless of the numbers this is not a good thing for a company that has only made 90,000 sedans in how many years. Negitive media hurts more when you low production and only one model. Companies like GM, VW and Toyota can absorb this much easier. Regaurdless of the total people see this on the web and seldom do they dig deep enough to get the full story or facts. ​I was just reading in one of the magazines and they are worried the X model will present a lot of warranty issues Tesla will not be able to absorb. Issues much more than jus the doors. While the platform is much like the S they made changes in the new model that even Toyota would have had trouble putting into production. Many of these things could lead to negitive press and create issue that really are not needed. I think the bigger story here is if Telsla gers a major issue issues how well they deal with it as they really have been given a free pass on some things already and also have not had a lot of cars to deal with yet. As they grow so does the mine field they walk or in this case drive. One thing to consider here is imagine if GM had Volt replacements like this. How would the media treat that one. I suspect it would have been handled much harsher.
  13. The key to many of these new technologies is to make them work as well as the original ICE engine or in some areas better. For too long EV cars were life style changing cars where you had to plan your life around the range and or recharging. Most people do not have the time or patients to deal with that. They want refuel times to match a tank of gas and keep going. Lets face it if it were up to most men on a long trip they would piss in a bottle and keep going if not for the need for fuel. Same for performance some may be ok with some compromise but many will welcome an additions boost of power or performance over a smaller engine with no additional support. The first company that makes a car with great performance numbers. The range of a tank of fuel 450-500 miles, and the ability to refuel in less than 10 min, while returning ungodly MPG numbers in a attractive package will win this game. Most have hit on some of this but not all. and then price also is a big consideration. There still a lot of work to be done but unlike the past at least there is now investment in this segment where there was little before.
  14. The one consideration you left out are the tree huggers who buy based on carbon footprint. I used to write these people off but anymore they are becoming a bigger and bigger factor in marketing products. Most are regional. on the coast but they have been growing in number and have accounted for many of the Toyota Prius and Hybrid sales. ​It is not a factor most of use enthusiast really dwell on but it is in play. Even the investment automakers are doing in solar and wind additions to their plants are being marketed to these people to promote a positive image for their consideration. Kids have been getting hit with this for years at School and many are now just becoming new car buyers. ​They may be green but so is their money. Today no potential customer can be over looked in this very completive auto market today.
  15. Look you are just wanting to pick a fight and I am not bitting. The issue I pointed out is clear that this is a big picture deal and you only want to see what is in front of you. Hard to debate with someone who only wants to consider the narrow perspective when much more is in play. ​I posted the big picture and why this car should do well for GM and help keep them in the game. You disagree while leaving out most considerations in play. The folks here can decide for themselves and I am sure the sales will determine who is on the right path. The path to the future will hold many options as there is at this point not one thing that will get us to 53 MPG by 2025 and higher later on. GM and most other MFG's are following many options to fit most needs. I even forgot the Hydrogen push with GM and Honda working together now. Having driven these technologies and followed them they all have positives and negatives as to peoples lifestyle. The one that fits the person will be the one that fits their life style the best. Some have no issue charging 8 hours some do. Some want extenders some don't. Some just was gas or Diesel and some don't. This is not just a single minded solution to a no longer single minded market. ​My post is there and if you want to argue find narrow mind. I know we have one or two others here for you to play with on your own terms.
  16. Why it is in the most popular highest volume segment getting MPG greater than just about anything else and it is not priced over $30K when the average price of a car let alone hybrid is over $35K. ​Well the sun may be shinning on the low gas prices now but that could change in the matter of day if not hours once OPEC stops flooding the market to drive the new oil out and bring back their oil at their prices. ​The regulation are there and even the Republicans now say they will not back them off into the future. So do you really think GM can average 53 MPG with out the use of just small cars alone? If you want anything of greater size and not limited in price or of higher cost you will need to find different ways to gain MPG. As for better I would expect it to be better than any of the older models. The weight savings alone of 300 pounds is amazing in this segment as no one else has done it to this point. Weight savings is tought to do and not add to the price or compromise strength, stiffness and safety. It adds more performance, better handling and better stopping. Cutting mass does more than adding any kind of HP Lotus taught us that years ago but they never got the reliability part down. The whole point here is to offer a car that get good MPG, Safe, looks good, has good utility features and room for 5 comfortably All at a price that most families can afford at least the ones not buying CUV models now. This is not a sport sedan nor is it intended to compete with any other upscale brand. It has a main job to target Toyota, Honda and Ford. It has the tools to do that. It may not be the class leader in sales but if marketed and priced right it should be in the top three. With the better transaction prices GM should make good money here and sell a lot of cars. Also cutting of the fleet sales has helped resale values on many models and this one is already targeted to continue to avoid large fleet sales. The old car will carry that on for a while longer and eat the resale hit. If you want to not like this car that is fine. But to dis this car with false statements is just a difficult way to present opposition. You know you are not speaking to an average group of auto observers here and most of us know better. So if you want to play that card save it for the novice. The funniest thing is, that you believe I don't like this car. You can go check in the recent C/D test thread, where I did do say I like the new Malibu. I like it. But it's not spectacular. It's no Mazda 6. It's toe-to-toe with Accord and fresher and maybe a nibble better than a Fusion. All I'm saying is that there's a large price premium over other hybrids, and you could probably haggle of even more on those too. That's pretty significant. You're paying more for less value unless you have a very long ownership in mind. If it's weight savings really panned out the light Malibu, would crush the Accord V6 in 0-60 and Chevy's 2.0T with 8 Speeds wouldn't suck gas just like any other turbo engine hounded by the press. Again, do the math. Someone find out how long it would actually take for the price premium to be paid off. Are you really telling me people buy hybrids because of intagibles like marketing? Fair point, Toyota has cornered the most, but for those who discriminate, wouldn't they do the math? And I'm going by MT's logic. Whenever they did a diesel vs gas engine car comparo they quote the recent monthly average or so of national prices. But they aren't novices. You can call me what you like, because I don't bite. Anyways It's a good car, but in a sea of goodness, it's hard to look exceptional. Your words and my words are there and other can judge for themselves.
  17. Why it is in the most popular highest volume segment getting MPG greater than just about anything else and it is not priced over $30K when the average price of a car let alone hybrid is over $35K. ​Well the sun may be shinning on the low gas prices now but that could change in the matter of day if not hours once OPEC stops flooding the market to drive the new oil out and bring back their oil at their prices. ​The regulation are there and even the Republicans now say they will not back them off into the future. So do you really think GM can average 53 MPG with out the use of just small cars alone? If you want anything of greater size and not limited in price or of higher cost you will need to find different ways to gain MPG. As for better I would expect it to be better than any of the older models. The weight savings alone of 300 pounds is amazing in this segment as no one else has done it to this point. Weight savings is tought to do and not add to the price or compromise strength, stiffness and safety. It adds more performance, better handling and better stopping. Cutting mass does more than adding any kind of HP Lotus taught us that years ago but they never got the reliability part down. The whole point here is to offer a car that get good MPG, Safe, looks good, has good utility features and room for 5 comfortably All at a price that most families can afford at least the ones not buying CUV models now. This is not a sport sedan nor is it intended to compete with any other upscale brand. It has a main job to target Toyota, Honda and Ford. It has the tools to do that. It may not be the class leader in sales but if marketed and priced right it should be in the top three. With the better transaction prices GM should make good money here and sell a lot of cars. Also cutting of the fleet sales has helped resale values on many models and this one is already targeted to continue to avoid large fleet sales. The old car will carry that on for a while longer and eat the resale hit. If you want to not like this car that is fine. But to dis this car with false statements is just a difficult way to present opposition. You know you are not speaking to an average group of auto observers here and most of us know better. So if you want to play that card save it for the novice.
  18. Just maybe it's not all about you???? Just because you state Zealots does not mean they are posting on the thread! Now for your statement here prove it..... It is a slow growth segment and more are offered now than ever and a variation of them will have to be employed unless you want to live with a 2 cylinder Spark to meet government regulations. These people are not going to back off CAFE. You have been around here long enough to know that.
  19. 5% of 200,000 is 10,000 that would be a good chunk of the mazda6 production Consider this one may sell even better because it is a much better car.
  20. Indeed. There are only two Buicks without AWD... Cacada and Verano.... and Verano may get it next model. In the end I expect it on most of their models unless they so some odd sports model or hatch that Opel does not offer it on.
  21. Let me cut through the collective bulls $h! here and get this back to reality. Haters are just going to hate. The Malibu is a bigger deal than most people realize. This is a well build excellect perfroming Hybrid. It has looks that are as good as any normal car and better than most. It also is priced to sell. This car if marketed well should make a major splash in the segment. ​You then look at Chevy that will be offering a Bolt. Malibu Hybrid and Volt it will have something to match or beat most other brands in price and performance. These cars will reach out to many who would never consider Chevy before because they had nothing to offer in their price range. Now watch as this technology will advance and grow as it is added to models at Buick and Cadillac where their price points can offer even more range and better performance. ​Moving forward the auto industry is not going to be all electric like some Tesla Zealots like to profess. The future will be made up of a combination of ICE, Diesel, Hybrid and EV vehicles. There is no one silver bullet barring any unforeseen developments at this point and it will take a combination of these to satisfy the public as a whole. GM has it going right now and if they can advance these technologies they will be a major player for a long time to come. ​I really see these new technology vehicles bringing in new customers who what more than what a Prius offers. Many buy it because it was the best one and at for a while really the only option out there. The offering of more room and non bad science experiment styling will go a long way to lure customers into giving this car a try. GM really just needs to get the word out and people into the show room. GM also needs to do as they are now with the Volt and focus this on the markets that buy these kinds of cars first. If you can make this popular in California it will grow and expand to other markets.
  22. This will be a good solid foundation to build on but they will surround it with cars that will take risk and help change what Buick is in the minds of many. Audi has cars like the new Lacrosse but they have a wider variety of other models too. I expect to see similar mix. I see Cadillac being more true to the American styling but with a global performance metric. With Buick I see them going a more Euro like route with hints of America. Smaller engines, AWD and a mix of sedans, a coupe/convertible, hatch, wagon and for America the SUV/CUV lines. ​Kind of look to Audi's line up but with Buick styling less the R8. I wish they would promote their AWD line like Audi did the Quattro. That changed a lot of minds about Audi.
  23. As for the 3800 the oil leaks are coming back to bite GM. I know all of mine ran fine but I had ail leak and manifold leak issues on all threee. It was not a big deal for me but for the average owner it was a anoyance. It is good they have many on the roads yet but it also is going to create more that will be recalled.
  24. In a way it the new Lacrosse does look like it could be the next generation Lucerne rather than the next generation Lacrosse... And let us not forget that the 2nd gen Lacrosse replaced both the Lucerne and the W-Body Lacrosse/Century/Regal... Wow...Buick has come a loooong way since 2008/2009....full circle... The circle is now complete ( OK OK...Ill spare you folk with the needless Star Wars plugs) I me some re-imagined Buick Lucerne. Holy $h!. I have a sudden craving to get the new Lacrosse, and just change the badge on the back to Lucerne because the feels. Again, I think I've mentioned it before...I really like Buick and just the stealth wealth that it used to be. I like stealth. Lacrosse GNX FTW!!! Well my Expectations for the future are a little more than a Lacrosse GNX. To be honest I think the new car is just a small conservative beginning to where this is all going. I will repeat watch for more on Buicks White Noise Approach. This is something I think will shock many including long time GM fans. With Opel, Holden and Vauxhall in the mix I expect to see some very dramatic and different more market driven cars come to Buick. You know the why can't we get that here kind of cars. I would forget any coupe all in black with a GN name though. What we will see will be more in tune to take on an Audi than a Mustang. ​The Lucerne was a nice car but a lot of years and a lot of much better cars have come and gone since then. The market is not so much willing to accept just that kind of car anymore. Expect more handling and performance.
  25. Kind of what I thought I thought the GP last has one in 2008 too.
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