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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Last I checked Several meant two. I agree Chrysler was in the right direction but the Germans gutted them. They only wanted the larger cars and left them wanting for smaller cars. As for Compass and Patriot you may want to rethink using them as examples. Under Cerberus they languished as they really lacked money to do what was needed and the damage of the Germans was still hurting. I have sat across the table from the head of Direct Connection and got the story right from him. SO I know what really happened inside. As for FCA they need to increase volume and they need to have done it several yes that is two years ago not now. With little in China going their way it will have to mostly come in North America and it will have to come through Chrysler. Sergio has his back against the wall as the Alfa plan for volume failed not only in China but Globally. To really think they would compete with BMW in a couple years was a big mistake. The greatest hope now is Sergio is replaced by 2018 as he is now speaking retirement again. Case in point. The Viper could really have progressed with the help of Ferrari. But what did they do. A tepid remake and sales are not in the hundreds. Now Segio says it could be moved to another platform and come back? Why did he not do this in the first place? Now show the love to Chrysler after the Alfa house of cards fell in. The fact is Sergio should have gone to Chrysler as a whole like he has with Jeep and get them to where they need to be and use those profits to fix the Italian brands. They hold the key to profits and volume anyone with a clear mind can see this but his love for Alfa clouded the deal. It is not too late but they will have more work to do in less time now. Also the Hybrid stuff needs to expand much as well as a possible look more to China with Trucks and Jeeps in larger numbers. The Volume would really help. I am far from the only one stating this as I read it often in the financial web sites that deal with this all the time.
  2. And not as many people want the castrating Minivans anymore. People like them better when you sit them up higher and let them pretend they are trucks vs. family trucksters. The MiniVan is slowly going the way of the Station Wagon. Any of the tricks used here can be applied to any CUV and will be at some point. Just with the higher and larger profiles the EV range is still not what is could or should be for this kind of class and when range continues to improve we will see more of it in the others. Um, minivan sales say otherwise. 500k sales a year for them combined is still a lot for the segment and more than enough for this thing to make huge profits. Face it, you just don't like because it is Chrysler. If it was GM you would be singing it's praises. GM sold 3/4 that in just the Terrain and Nox that are old and outdated and even they should have done better. The only thing I have against Chrysler is Sergio and fan boys like you. Just so emotional! What is the fastest growing segment? Small SUV models. Mini vans has have dropped in volume. Nothing Anti Chrysler there as it is what it is. You just do not like the truth. Just look at the fastest growing sales at Chrysler. Where are they? Jeep! What are the two fast Cherokee and Renegade. The truth is the only company that could really push a mini van is Chrysler because of the previous fan base but it is not like it used to be. And yes many of the Chrysler 4 engines are know for burning oil. It is common and well know in the industry. Todays engines are much better but the past was a Smokey one. Hardly a fanboy, just give credit where it is due. You come in with negative remarks everytime there is anything about Chrysler or a Chrysler product posted, you sir, are the true fanboy. So blinded by wanting a company to fail you can't even give a compliment without a backhanded response. And yes, Jeep is the top player. Basically all 3 have top brands. Does GMC or Buick sell ANYWHERE close to Chevy? Nope, but they still bring in money. The 200 has been a hit and he T&C was still a top selling minivan.. Most of Dodges cars are seeing gains, and Ram has made huge gains also. All you want to see is negative about them so you miss what is actually happening. Son it is what it is. I can and have pointed out many of GM's failure just Chrysler is the one that has had a longer history of struggling with several bail outs and buy outs. GM has screwed up much but their existence was never as close to the edge as Chrysler has been over the last 40 years. Their place of the Detroit three has always been 3rd place for many years. They were raped by the Germans and now not maximized to their potential because of Sergio. At this point now he has had to turn back to Chrysler as his Alfa plan is stagnated and become a problem. You make one big mistake here. I hold no grudge to Chrysler and I hope for them to remain and grow stronger. I have told you many times Sergio needed to invest in Chrysler not Alfa to save FCA and this is now coming true as he has failed with Alfa. You want to label me a Sergio hater I am all for it but if you continue to label me a Chrysler hater then you are as wrong about that as how peachy good everything is you make believe Chrysler world. Reality suck but it is what it is. If they can like Drew says leverage this out over some CUV models they will make some good money. That is where they need to be right now in a market just begging for more CUV models. That is where the money is. Even GM is just now getting the models they needed several years ago. Like I said the Nox and Terrain are old and the only thing that saved them is the Public for some unknown reason has increase buying them as they aged. It bucked the normal trend and GM was lucky.
  3. And not as many people want the castrating Minivans anymore. People like them better when you sit them up higher and let them pretend they are trucks vs. family trucksters. The MiniVan is slowly going the way of the Station Wagon. Any of the tricks used here can be applied to any CUV and will be at some point. Just with the higher and larger profiles the EV range is still not what is could or should be for this kind of class and when range continues to improve we will see more of it in the others. Um, minivan sales say otherwise. 500k sales a year for them combined is still a lot for the segment and more than enough for this thing to make huge profits. Face it, you just don't like because it is Chrysler. If it was GM you would be singing it's praises. GM sold 3/4 that in just the Terrain and Nox that are old and outdated and even they should have done better. The only thing I have against Chrysler is Sergio and fan boys like you. Just so emotional! What is the fastest growing segment? Small SUV models. Mini vans has have dropped in volume. Nothing Anti Chrysler there as it is what it is. You just do not like the truth. Just look at the fastest growing sales at Chrysler. Where are they? Jeep! What are the two fast Cherokee and Renegade. The truth is the only company that could really push a mini van is Chrysler because of the previous fan base but it is not like it used to be. And yes many of the Chrysler 4 engines are know for burning oil. It is common and well know in the industry. Todays engines are much better but the past was a Smokey one.
  4. this ^^^^^ thanks for saving me a bunch of typing which Buick style is this now, btw, is it the let's make our best Asian car the chinese will like, or the best knockoff Opel, or ???? Like what Buick was doing was saving GM? I anticipate the future of Buick will make your statement look a little silly in a few years. You really have to let go of the past. Those who do not learn from it tend to repeat it and fail. You may have liked a blanket as a small child and if you had not moved on you would look silly today. The same with automakers they have to mature.
  5. coupes don't sell (aside from pony cars) anymore, globalization or not, hard to make a case to sell it (with an ATS coupe out there at least) nice way to rile up the masses i guess No coupes are a tough sell but with the global out reach of this model it could be made competitive. Also it is not going to be cheap so the higher the price the easier it is to make a business case. by the time this car arrives the ATS could be very well on a updated platform and evolved to a different model. The ATS issue is it is a nice car but not a great car. It is in a tough segment and even the leadership of Cadillac is not satisfied with it. It was not their car and they plan to make it their car so lets just wait to see what they offer.
  6. At the time Cadillac started on the Alpha they really were just worried about North America and GM surviving. The Global outlook came later. Cadillac's outlook has changed almost every time someone took over. This is big picture stuff and you have to take all the info on what is and was going on to really understand not just what is in front of you.
  7. Well there is not a lot of competition in this segment but the ones there are tough. Now if all those who cried for a Hatch would step up and buy one GM would have it made. At least with the global platform here sales are not just dependent here on the NA market. What we don't sell here the cost will be covered elsewhere. This is a no lose situation. I just hope Buick still get a sporty Astra OPC hatch. We need a Golf Killer.
  8. It will be interesting to see if Honda has really figured this out yet or not. The last one was a great idea but a vast disappointment.
  9. And not as many people want the castrating Minivans anymore. People like them better when you sit them up higher and let them pretend they are trucks vs. family trucksters. The MiniVan is slowly going the way of the Station Wagon. Any of the tricks used here can be applied to any CUV and will be at some point. Just with the higher and larger profiles the EV range is still not what is could or should be for this kind of class and when range continues to improve we will see more of it in the others.
  10. What is not to get? It takes 5 years to bring a car to market. The Cadillacs were not based on the omega and from what I had been told would not shrink down to the size of a Coupe. In the case of this car the Alpha is not RHD able as of this point. That tells us that for it to be come the Holden it may become that there is an updated or replacement platform for this car. Cadillac is working on a Alpha update or replacement depending on what they want to call it. Come on you have been around the number of people here that know how things work, something has had to rub off someplace.
  11. While this is an improvement it is facing a tougher non friendly Mini Van market. Of all the minivans left this one will find a home with the diehard fans but the CUV will really cut into sales and this will sell only a small percentage of models as the past models sold. I hope this one does not smoke like all the others I see daily. They must go through the oil but they do keep running.
  12. Well lets get one thing straight. THIS IS NOT A FIREBIRD! The fact is this is the kind of car Pontiac always wanted but was left wanting to have. For way too many years the Firebird was a Camaro with better styling but it was always a car for the show off in all of us. The Buick we have here is a car that is more upscale and refined from the Camaro. It is a car that will be able to better go head to head with an Audi A5 than a Mustang. This is a global GT for not just Buick but Opel, Vauxhall and Holden. As for Buick Resemblance there is a really good reason for that. You want people to think you have changed and you are a new and improved brand you have to let go of the past. Lets face it the Buick line has had few bright spots since the 60's. While not offensive they really have not stood out and shined much since the 65 Riv GS. The key here is to make a car sans the old thinking of waterfalls, Portholes and old names Grand Pa's car had. While many fans may wax sentimental too often the real target group that you want to consider the car gets old vibes that really have no hold of their heart. It is time to step out with new styling, New models and new names to take Buick into the future to be the company they can be and not what they have been. As for this car for production. The exterior is pretty close to production sans the lack of the B pillar. The Camaro has one for a reason so I would expect one added here. Hidden under glass but added. The interior is no where near production here. I would like to know what we don't know yet. This would be a 2018 at the earliest and if Holden is included would this be a Alpha II? We know Cadillac is working on one but we have yet to learn when it would be ready. I would assume the updated platform is where the RHD would appear. This is a really global car and a refined GT coupe. It will really give GM a car like they have not really have had outside the CTS coupe. So please treat this car as it's own deal and stop putting labels on it. Let it roll out and become it's own model and do the kind of work Buick needs to change minds. This is a White Space car that the globalization of Buick is permitting. A business case like this may not have passes with out the ability to sell this globally. While we must take in some Chinese SUV modes this car is one of the positive things that we will see and get because of the global reach of Buick. There is so much more of this to come if we just let them get the work done. We got delayed a bit but now that Opel is fully on board as well Holden joining in this three way may just be one of the best thing GM has put together in a long time.
  13. I like this car a lot. I just worry that with Buick for two years has hit Concept car home runs but we have of yet to see anything in production. People will tire of the tease unless they come through at some point. I would also caution too that the car would be difficult to build as a true hard top. It would add a lot of weight to do it that way other wise the Camaro would have been that way too. This is a true take on the Euro GT class and it would be a great car for Opel as well as Buick. To me it is a mid luxury version of a Bentley GT. Anyone really want a GN now? It is time to create new legends and not repeat the past.
  14. Yes it is everything but production. I will caution here as they stated clearly this is a styling exercise just as the Avenir was.
  15. Well the new Opel GT is to contain the look of the Monza. It is going to be based on the new D2XX platform. The new Insignia is to be the basis of the new Regal and it is to contain the new Monza look. The new Lacrosse carries some of the new Opel design in the front now too more than ever. With that said I would peg this car as a D2XX. Take a Camaro sized car but with the D2XX and make it all wheel drive. Get it to be a car similar to the Audi A5 like class coupe. Or even could this be a down sized Omega that takes a part Avenir and adapts it to a coupe? Either way I do not expect it to be an Alpha as we have it today. Being it is a styling concept and not a prototype for production it could be presenting a case for a new Coupe on the updated Alpha now being worked on. Don't forget Hong Kong. RHD.
  16. Why so narcissistic? I never even read your post so it was not a response directed at you. As for GM not making a RHD Alpha it was a call made at the early time of rebuilding and they were more worried about fixing North America than the world at that point. Hind sight is 20/20 and it is what it is. Today Buick is part of the global plan with Holden, Opel And Vauxhall along with Buick of China. When we look at Buick today it must be in a global context not just North America. The game for Buick has changed in how they operate and how they will be used. The key here is they will need to reflect a global base and not old memories of 1985 here on a Saturday night. If Buick wants new people to buy they need to do new and different things. We have seen this with the Encore but we also will see it in many other products. As long as you do not want to get all sentimental and retro this could be the most compelling division GM has moving forward. I expect the most surprised from them vs. any other division. They will be what Pontiac could or should have been starting in the 60's. The division to take risk and make special cars for customers that want to be special. Not a division trying to relive the past on what few high marks they have had in the last 40 years. Which nations need RHD anyway? The UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, some Carribbean countries, and others... http://www.worldstandards.eu/cars/list-of-left-driving-countries/ Nice list. You may also want to list South Africa that Holden already makes cars for in RHD.
  17. Which nations need RHD anyway? England and Australia mostly. This is the kind of car from Opel that could play a big part in Holden's future. Holden, Vauxhall, Opel and Buick are all joined a the hip and will rely on each other to make up global volumes. Buick is being targeted more at lower volume models sold globally and not volume models sold in one market anymore. Duncan also has stressed White Space cars. These are shared models with the other brands that would be sold in lower volumes and be the kinds of cars you would never expect from Buick. This means a possible future wagon, Hatch and even a coupe like this. Much of what we see will be shared and this I would expect would be one of them with coupe sales at the volumes they are outside the Camaro and Mustang.
  18. Well here are things to ponder. #1 Buick is a global division. You know Opel, Holden and Vauxhall. #2 two of these divisions are RHD. Guess what the Alpha does not support RHD. #3 The new D2XX is very flexible and can support a coupe and could support AWD. Look for a Buick like coupe based on the Monza we saw from Opel. There is no GN as you know it. While it could be names that the concept of the original is too dated today. The car was based on a NASCAR stock car in the Grand National Series. Well Buick is not in NASCAR and NASCAR changed the name on the Grand National Series do it is way out of date. Buick is trying to change minds today of just who and what they are. To do that they need a new name and this car will be a car that will go, turn and stop unlike the GN that just has go. While we enthusiast all look back with fond memories on the GN you have to consider many look back and just see a car like their grandfathers Regal in black. Also if stock it is not as fast as some 4 cylinder cars today. The GN was a legend and time to leave it as that. I would on and create a coupe much like a Audi A5 with a Turbo engine and call it something new or if you were going to use an old name use Riviera. Finally this is not a production car as of yet so keep an open mind.
  19. Well not sure it is an Alpha. A Lacrosse based Coupe would be a similar size. I would wager it is either a Buick version of Monza in Coupe form or possibly a Buick version of the GT? Just do not expect a GN as that would not fit the market. I would expect more of a A5 or A4 AWD coupe. Remember this car may represent a possible Buick but also Opel, Vauxhall and Holden.
  20. GM has been in central America and South America for decades and they have targeted those markets even with product we never see. Toyota wants to do better in China but Japan killed too many Chinese in the war to make it a difficult reception for a company from Japan. OZ is on the map but not till the next Alpha. It is not that far out but the present model does not support RHD as GM was still rebuilding when they did the Alpha and at the time they did not think it was needed as money was put into other product for North America. The Corvette may be down under with a C8 not far off. The Camaro will wait a bit. But even with the RHD the prices will be high and the volumes low. GM is trying to fix India as it is a growing economy and they were already there but poorly managed. This is where much grow in the next 5-10 years may come from. The growth in China is still large and if they can manage their economy it will still continue to grow even with the ebb a flow. You have way too many people there that for the first time have some money to spend and now they want to spend it on something. These are the average families as China is really creating a Middle class today. They are in what we saw as the 1910's and still have a long way to go. The Chinese love American and western products. They can not get enough of them and want more. They also want the real thing not knock offs. Give these people a taste of the good life and it may hurt their government in ways our government could never leverage. They have a taste of the good life and now they will want more.
  21. The wealth is China is the fastest and largest growing single market in the world. It has been a savior to this point for many but they still can not only relay on it only hence investment in other markets. In the case of GM it gave them money when they really needed it. Africa is not much of a bargain. Little money, little growth and so many countries as well as so many unstable countries. Auto makers have examined this market and tried to sort out a cheap car that would fit but it has been difficult at best. The Chinese market is one that can not be ignored but it also is not a basket to put all your eggs. This is where the globalization has helped as it leverages it out over several markets. Think of it as a gold mine that is in a earthquake zone. There are some risks but the rewards are easy and anything you get is a bonus. Just make sure to shore up the roof and get out when the if time comes where you need to escape.
  22. Yes but even with out NA it would still be small compared to sedan sales in general here. Hatches generally account for 1/3 of sales with most models that offer both sedan and Hatch models globally and in America some drop below that. Ford for sure has the best sales but if you look around not many others offer much anymore and with as few that are sold it is easy to be a best seller in the segment. Don't get me wrong I do not hate hatch cars as I know many over the years I love but the market has shifted. The Minivan killed a dying wagon market and the CUV is working hard on the hatch and also has knocked the mini van market to a point we never thought it would drop to. The Automakers like it as they found a model that people will buy that they can still make roomy and useful yet look much like all the others and still sell. The Two box design is tough to style but yet they are getting away with it. MPG is pretty good compared to cars and night and day better than most full size SUV models. I hope this car sells like crazy as it would bring more variety to a stagnate market of choices. I just tire of the people who cry out for models without really thinking it though and then never do buy them even if they are offered. I look at these things and judge the sales and volume of similar models. I look at trends and then I consider price and that is what they look at in a business case along with other metrics like plant cost and so on. This is why we did not get the Opel OPC Insignia. While it was a cool car many never really looked at what it cost in Europe. It was a damn expensive car there right at $60,000 Now how many people would have paid $60,000 for a Regal even with a TT V6? You can't just combine all sedans for comparison, because it is segment specific. Nobody wants large or mid sedan hatches, because they are proportioned like wagons, which America hates. Not so with a small compact. Ford has seen great success with the hatch and obviously GM noticed, which is why they are bringing it here. And aside from looking better, IMO, the hatch is very functional too. I agree only the smaller cars hold much appeal in hatch configurations. But even then cars like the Sonic it sells more in sedan than hatch. A car like the spark it has to be a hatch or you would never get anything in it. No way in hell I would want to see a Malibu hatch or Fusion hatch here in the states. Lexus has tried hatches that are more expensive and they have not proven to be much in sales. So you also need to keep the price down. Even Audi who has has some sweet hatch models really have not moved much product at the higher price. It is a tough segment and unless you can rob sales from someone else I see little growth.
  23. For instance, the best selling car in the world......Focus. And may the fleas of a thousand Greek goats infest your jockey shorts. The key word here is world not US market. The real challenge here is that this car has to sell in the US market a market not really big on Hatchbacks. In todays market most people if given a choice of a car like this or say an Encore of Trax optioned similar at the same price the American will take the CUV. The CUV rules in this market as the higher roofs and higher sitting vehicle appeal to people here. If they can't have it bigger they want it taller. The Focus sales are global and that is why it does well. Opel also does well with the hatch but it is in Europe. That is why I think a OPC based Buick would be a better move here than a 4 door hatch Chevy. The lower volume can be leveraged over several markets. Just look at the price of the top performance Ford Hatch and the volume of the performance version here. The numbers are low enough that with out the help of global sales they may not have had a business case for it. The Buick Opel would enjoy the similar volumes global. The new Civic will also enjoy the same volumes as it is also global. But here in the states they will be not a car you will see daily. Then factor in the Camaro and Mustang. The cheaper cars with smaller engines are good buys and as fast as the V8 cars of just a couple years ago. Makes even a hatch SS or even the Focus a hard choice when you can get the power in RWD and a sporty coupe. You don't even have to remove the interior to make it faster. This is why GMC needs to squeeze the Twin Turbo into the Terrain and have a New Typhoon AWD! Sorry as a owner of a Terrain I would rather wait to see what the Blazer and All Terrain is before I would even think of putting that engine in a high centered over weight old platform. The Terrain as much as I like it is just a tall mini van as most CUV models are. Wait to see if they build a Colorado based model that could really take the power and do it right. I really never understood the people taking Terrains and trying to make them into off road vehicles or performance vehicles as it really is not a good basis for one. Great vehicle but not a performance vehicle even on a good day. Keep in mind My HHR SS even lowered is high centered. I have seen many roll overs with the model because of the high center of gravity. By the way would you pay the over $50K it would cost to build a Turbo Terrain by the time you added the engine and re engineered the driveline so it would not shred? With the Denali at already over $42,000 I could see that one going at the least $50K or even more. The present rear axle and transaxle I could not see it holding up.
  24. Yes but even with out NA it would still be small compared to sedan sales in general here. Hatches generally account for 1/3 of sales with most models that offer both sedan and Hatch models globally and in America some drop below that. Ford for sure has the best sales but if you look around not many others offer much anymore and with as few that are sold it is easy to be a best seller in the segment. Don't get me wrong I do not hate hatch cars as I know many over the years I love but the market has shifted. The Minivan killed a dying wagon market and the CUV is working hard on the hatch and also has knocked the mini van market to a point we never thought it would drop to. The Automakers like it as they found a model that people will buy that they can still make roomy and useful yet look much like all the others and still sell. The Two box design is tough to style but yet they are getting away with it. MPG is pretty good compared to cars and night and day better than most full size SUV models. I hope this car sells like crazy as it would bring more variety to a stagnate market of choices. I just tire of the people who cry out for models without really thinking it though and then never do buy them even if they are offered. I look at these things and judge the sales and volume of similar models. I look at trends and then I consider price and that is what they look at in a business case along with other metrics like plant cost and so on. This is why we did not get the Opel OPC Insignia. While it was a cool car many never really looked at what it cost in Europe. It was a damn expensive car there right at $60,000 Now how many people would have paid $60,000 for a Regal even with a TT V6?
  25. For instance, the best selling car in the world......Focus. And may the fleas of a thousand Greek goats infest your jockey shorts. The key word here is world not US market. The real challenge here is that this car has to sell in the US market a market not really big on Hatchbacks. In todays market most people if given a choice of a car like this or say an Encore of Trax optioned similar at the same price the American will take the CUV. The CUV rules in this market as the higher roofs and higher sitting vehicle appeal to people here. If they can't have it bigger they want it taller. The Focus sales are global and that is why it does well. Opel also does well with the hatch but it is in Europe. That is why I think a OPC based Buick would be a better move here than a 4 door hatch Chevy. The lower volume can be leveraged over several markets. Just look at the price of the top performance Ford Hatch and the volume of the performance version here. The numbers are low enough that with out the help of global sales they may not have had a business case for it. The Buick Opel would enjoy the similar volumes global. The new Civic will also enjoy the same volumes as it is also global. But here in the states they will be not a car you will see daily. Then factor in the Camaro and Mustang. The cheaper cars with smaller engines are good buys and as fast as the V8 cars of just a couple years ago. Makes even a hatch SS or even the Focus a hard choice when you can get the power in RWD and a sporty coupe. You don't even have to remove the interior to make it faster. This is why GMC needs to squeeze the Twin Turbo into the Terrain and have a New Typhoon AWD! Sorry as a owner of a Terrain I would rather wait to see what the Blazer and All Terrain is before I would even think of putting that engine in a high centered over weight old platform. The Terrain as much as I like it is just a tall mini van as most CUV models are. Wait to see if they build a Colorado based model that could really take the power and do it right. I really never understood the people taking Terrains and trying to make them into off road vehicles or performance vehicles as it really is not a good basis for one. Great vehicle but not a performance vehicle even on a good day. Keep in mind My HHR SS even lowered is high centered. I have seen many roll overs with the model because of the high center of gravity.
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