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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. This could prove good for a small Chevy coupe or even a Buick/Opel/Holden. I really don't think many really understand how much Cadillac is going to change in the next few years. The ATS and CTS will see major changes as will the XT5 and CT6 at some point. These are not products of the present management and they are wanting better style and quality so if you like what we have it should only get better.
  2. I was hoping this got tossed as I read up on this case and it stunk from the start. I wager the other cases are not any better but will GM has the dirt to prove it? I find it fascinating how on so many of these cased I have looked at that there was so much more than the media would tell you. As far as I am concerned GM should make this guy pay their legal fees. I wish more companies could fight back with out being trashed in the media when they have a legitimate case to fight back.
  3. Well the game changes with the VW story. While GM will contiue on in some markets I expect some plans may change and be adjusted in others depending on demand. Second factor is the lower gas prices. How long they last may also change plans here. Third this is never going to be a cheap engine in America. The cost to build and sell it due to regulations anymore make it a premium engine. You are not going to get it in a base model as few would buy a high priced base model. hence the loaded car. You also are not going to get low ball lease deals either unless there is a bunch sitting unsold on dealer lots. Finally Cadillac needs it for Europe. There will still be a need and market there for the Diesel but even regulations there could get to American standards and drive them out of the market there too. The flat fact is Americans do not understand the modern diesel, they have never driven one and they know they at this point will not save any money on one. So right now it is a answer to a question they are not asking. GM would love to sell a lot of these but with a disinterested public and a EPA that is wanting to pretty much drive the diesel market into the dust in this country it is a tough sell.
  4. It has to do more with cost and the fact Americans are not Diesel lovers in cars. But hey it really did not hurt to try as GM just brought here what they already sold else where. Gas Turbo engines are going to be the norm and GM is already well vested there too. Many think Ford invented it but GM has had them even longer as has VW/Audi. My 2.0 is a 08 and still running strong at 23 PSI. But I like what GM is doing. They are using all technologies Gas, Diesel, Electric, Hybrid, Propain and even Hydrogen. They are well vested and involved to a high degree in all of them. This is a safe way to go as it will give the most flexibility to react to a market that right now so many really are not sure where it will end up. As for the Gas Turbo DI. It is not gaining traction as many cases today you have no choice as it is a standard engine in many vehicles. I learned long ago how well the Turbo loves the DI and others will too find out about them. The one issue though is not all Turbo engines are the same. Some are trouble free and others have seen some issues. It will be a matter of investing in these engines to make them bullet proof. Some have and some have not. Note even VW will recover. Diesel have a strong base in Europe with VW and most owners were not put off as the media has tried to make it appear.
  5. Well you only have to look around right now and see what the conditions are in America. #1 Diesels are not a big engine in America even under the best conditions outside of trucks. Few people want to roll smoke in a Cruze. #2 The low price of gas right now is not going to entice people to pay more for an engine they are not in love with. #3 The cost as I mentioned above of Diesel engines anymore with the emission packages that are required are high and that only makes a car more expensive and not as likely to make it back with the low price of fuel. I am sure they will try this again but I think we will see a pause here as the market conditions are not really at their best for this. Even the fall out over the VW has made many people who have no clue wary of any diesel. GM will be ok as they will continue to sell them globally and really have had little to lose here in North America. Just one of those things where timing is important and this time it was all wrong. They will continue with the Colorado and we will see how it does. Most Diesel fans are large truck guys who like to tow big things or just play with the Diesel. Also companies like them for fleets in some cases. Hey give GM credit that they were willing to give it a try. But this is another case of the public on the web saying build it and the truth is the market and the conditions were not accepting of it. Now we will see if all those who said to build a hatch will now buy one or become no shows at the dealer. Hey GM is responding to the people but yet where are they. Keep this in mind when you see GM not build something and then people bash them for not doing it.
  6. Well here is the latest. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/judges-comments-could-abruptly-end-gm-ignition-switch-215601859.html The Judge appears to be unimpressed with the case the so called victim has. He is not buying this story and told them it may be in their best interest to reach a settlement vs, going up to a Jury. This is good for GM but the Judge really should have thrown this case out as it is pretty much fraud from what evidence that has been provided. Just another case of cooperate blackmail.
  7. The Green people and parties in Europe smell blood after VW and are ready to attack any and all diesel cars no matter how they fared. Just the nature of an activist to never let a good crisis go to waste. This is part of the training they get when they read Saul Alinskys rules for radicals. Even if it passes they can cast a shadow on any model with this kind of engine.
  8. #2 There are many still driving their TrailBlazer and Envoy because GM has nothing to offer Similar. Also not everyone loved the Lambda look size and weight. In the long run they could create two distinct groups of buyers because they were loosing people to the Grand Cherokee and other similar sized models. #3 you already have a terrain that is larger in size but very limited on cargo because of the poor interior space packaging. I know we own one. .Moving it down will not hurt it usable space wise much as I can carry nearly as much in my smaller HHR. I also hate the two tons of weight. As for CAFE it is not going to go away even if gas goes to 50 cents a gallon. Also the emissions will continue to get stricter. This will happen no matter who is elected anymore. Things will need to get lighter and smaller unless some wonder micro metal can take the place of what we have now at a reasonable price. GM will split some sales but it will create more as it will offer about every size out there with a very competitive product. The same was said about Ford being a bust with FWD Explorer but yet today it is at the top of its segment. As for most of the critics the biggest thing I find is that they have no clue to the future, Most have no clue on the true size, most have not seen the new model in person and few know about a similar size model coming to take the slot in the market to replace it. The only thing GM has done wrong is give the full story on what and why they are doing. Some folks like to complain and not have all the facts. As for the Camaro absence. The reason why it was gone. GM was going broke. Plain and simple GM did not have the money to continue it at the time. The old car could not pass crash standards and they has many other models selling in much greater volumes that just needed the money more. The fact was GM knew they were headed for bankruptcy. They did start the Zeta car but it paid the price for many issues of using the old platform. It also has to wait to be finished once they got more money. Same for the GTO as they did not wait as Lutz knew Pontiac was going down by the bow. GM was in such bad shape in 2004 they did not even have enough money for the duel exhaust and fake hood scoops till 2005. That was told to me by Fred Simmons of Pontiac Motorsports. Reg you have been around here long enough I know you know better than this. In the long run I think you will find the new layout not only will work as well but even better profit wise for GM. They in the long run are not losing anything and just adding to the plan with models that all will sell great. I believe the fact the Acadia looks more like a SUV will sell more than one that looks like a big old two and a half ton mini van. Many also said Buick would fail with the Encore too. The truth is GM knows and does CUV and SUV models better than anyone. They hold a lead now and will continue to hold a lead when it is much easier to cross shop models and have a product for every size and need here. I just love the Nox and Terrain web site. They all talk of how they would like to see things changed and all the flaws of their model yet they still love it. Imagine once they give them what they have been asking for or other choices to stay the same or more.
  9. I think you missed many of the points of what is really going on here. ​#1 GM is repostitioning models to better fit the compitition. #2 GM will add a model to take the place of the Acadia. Most likley based on a Canyon platoform in some way. #3 The new model may not be too far off in size as GM has repackaed it much more efficiently ​#4 the new model may have much more appeal even over the last one with more MPG and the fact it looks like a proper SUV and not an enlarged Mini Van. GMC is going to have 5 SUV and CUV models. ​The new small one yet to be anounced. ​The Terrain went down some in size but should have as much room as it did now. It was really poorly packaged. ​The Acadia will go down some in size but but will match up to models in class better. ​Then GMC will bring as will other GM divisions a new RWD/AWS based model that will fill the present Acadia slot. This will better go after the Grand Cherokee than the Acadia did. Then we have the Yukon and Yukon XT. The fact is they will have somehting for everyone. The present Acadia was nice but it was not really in what the market is following anymore. It was very heavy for what it was too. It was packaged better than the Terrain but I think the new model will satisfy 95% of most owner of the present Acadia. You would be shocked how seldom all the seats are used. Look around on the road. How often do you see heads in the back seat? Cargo room if anything could use some improving but that is any SUV or CUV with the seats up. The only real question here is price. Just how much for the Terrain and Acadia if they go down in size. Will we see them adjust the price to meet the class they are now in. I expect so but time will tell. None are cheap anymore. You have to look at this big picture and If you do you will find that GM is getting smart and going head to head and adding models to areas they do not address now. Profits should be good here. The one thing I have noted was that the new model appeals to many of the past Envoy owners. there were a hell of a lot of them so if we lose anyone we may real in two more to replace them.
  10. I never said it was a GT successor. ​But yet many on the web cry to name it that? It is not even a wildcat as it was a large boat and not known for grand touring. You want to convince Buick is not your grandfathers car then don't name the damn thing after your grandfathers car. Granted I am not keen on Alvista but god please save us from repeating the past to those who are looking for a future. The truth is Buick has never really made a car like the Alvista. The closest they have come is the 63-65 Riv and it was not a true Euro like GT like the Alvista is trying to be. ​Then the Riv went the wrong direction if it wanted to be a GT and only got bigger and heavier. I can see it now: "Buick ALvista Bundy Special Edition". SUHWEET. Ok?????
  11. I never said it was a GT successor. ​But yet many on the web cry to name it that? It is not even a wildcat as it was a large boat and not known for grand touring. You want to convince Buick is not your grandfathers car then don't name the damn thing after your grandfathers car. Granted I am not keen on Alvista but god please save us from repeating the past to those who are looking for a future. The truth is Buick has never really made a car like the Alvista. The closest they have come is the 63-65 Riv and it was not a true Euro like GT like the Alvista is trying to be. ​Then the Riv went the wrong direction if it wanted to be a GT and only got bigger and heavier.
  12. Usually I can agree with the majority of your thinking, but this time I have to disagree. The Syclone and Typhoon have performance heritage that is not tarnished and you could use the names on 21st century modern versions. Maybe these would have AWD with an Electric boost system that we have seen in other auto's. I believe you are right that not all legacy names should be reused, but some sure could be used over again on a 21st century version auto. The Syclone was a limited model that was cool but never made a ton of impact long term. The Typhoon is all but forgotten by most including some enthusiast.. To do both today they both would be very costly and the more content would reduce the profitability. On the other hand a sport model would give some flexibility to let people built what they want. Also I do see a place for a Raptor competitor if it could be done for the right price. No $70K models here Ford has kept the price down so GM would have to do the same. ​The sales of any performance model will be limited so you have to do it right and smart. As for reusing names there are times and places they work but too often they are the cheap and easy way out. Also many times they are used to fix products that were not right to start with. ​GM tried to wait and use the GTO name on the right model after using it on two FWD based show cars. That was the right thing to do but even when they did use it in the hail mary before the bail out trying to save Pontiac. ​I think Lutz knew it was too later but was willing to risk it all in a remote chance they could pull it off. The Stingray name was fine for the Vette. But while many say they should use the Grand National name or GNX again that is wrong. There is not much relation to a present day car to what the GN really was. Even the meaning behind the GN is no longer viable. It is one that needs left to the ages. Also for Buick they need to move on as if they want people to think they are no the same Buick of the past then stop using the old names. I was pleased the new cars are showing up sans portholes. If you want to be seen as different then be different. Chevy should move on from repeating the LT engine names. This just adds confusion. These new engines are good enough for their own names. The time right now is key for GM to convince they are not the same old GM. They have the best product they have had in decades. So in some key areas I would carry over some names that have not been damaged like Silverado and Malibu or Camaro. But in other areas like Buick I would rename them all. So few people care about the old names as it is the time is right to move on. I really would rather see GMC get more Hummer like and in place of doing a Trax rehash lets revisit the Hummer Jeep concept. Make something more like a Renegade but cooler and less of a box on wheels. In other words butch it up a little. But in the end luxury sells much better than Performance in the SUV segment anymore. Same for the SUV segment. Unless you get real expensive. Now do a car/SUV like the Porsche the performance there or Audi appears a little more in line but the it gets expensive again and more of a Cadillac priced thing.
  13. Well you have to take the full case into perspective here. ​GM has pointed out ​#1 the guy took pills that are of the nature that you do not drive or operate machinery with. #2 The driver claims he did not lose power steering. This means the key did not go off. #3 The driver claims to have been knocked cold for 3 hours but yet made several phone calls while as he claims he was knocked cold and not seen by other drivers. ​#4 The car as you can see did not take a major hit. Many times they can take a hit like this and off to the side and not set the bags off. ​#5 GM could not be given the car to check as it was done away with fast so there is no way to check the original ignition. It is just assumed and alleged that the key went to accessory. #6 This guy already claimed back issues before the accident. I would be interested to see if he has already gone after the Postal Service on that. #7 where is this car that ran him off the road? What kind of car and is there any proof it even existed. There are just a lot of holes here and the thing is you can take about any of these cases and find many holes. Some to provide that GM may not have even been a factor or they were just part of the factor. I would love to see it that if someone was fully in control not under any influence. That they were belted in and not speeding. These folks be considered for full comp. But for those who very well made many mistakes that made the difference of an accident going from minor to death share in the reason they died. Just because people drink and Take drugs or belted in and die GM should not be fully held for their death. They should share in this and the amounts should be reduced and if in a case like this one very circumstantial with really no real evidence be tossed out. Wings the problem here is if you let cases like this go through then you can see people going back on automakers for not having side air bags in older cars knowing it would save lives. Some of these cases have already been heard and some have already gotten settlements just to save the cost of a long trial. ​The reality is yes companies do bad things and should be held responsible for their part. But lawyers also do things self serving and are out to milk the system that is stacked against the companies. Just look at all the commercials that the first words are you may already be a victim. This is wrong and should not be. ​If you have a legitimate case it should be heard. You go to court you win you get the money. If you have a poor case you should not be let to settle and take the money. You should lose and you should pay the court cost involved and in some cases damages done to the company if you lied. I just want to see a fair system where both sides are treated equal. Now as it is many cases are false or poor and they are just looking to black mail the companies into a settlement as it is cheaper to settle than to win. The lawyers are just laughing all the way to the bank. ​Tort reform may never happen as most elected officials are getting many donations from legal firms and organizations. In fact they are some of the leading lobbyist and so few people know it. In fact most of your elected officials are lawyers. Some are not even legal to practice anymore due to their past.
  14. I would build a Raptor competitor but I would not go as far as trying to relive the past. GMC has moved on and needs to create new legends not try to rehash a past that was cool but pails compared to today. The AWD and extra power I see is not so much a performance package like the old Syclone. It is more a point of just giving more to the customer for the extra money. Case in point the standard 6.0 and AWD that has been offered on the Denali Sierra. GMC does need a performance model or two but not on everything. The Denali name is enough. I own a Terrain and trust me it is not my desire for a performance model. I hauls well. Rides great and is comfortable. Luxury is more the point. ​Now to take a Sierra or Canyon and make a Raptor competitor would be fine and I would love a Sport version of both trucks in 2 wheel drive too. Lowered suspension larger tires and a variety of engine options. Much like the ZQ8. People could tailor the package to their wallet and taste. Many ZQ8 models were 4 cylinders even with the V6 option. I would love a 2.0 Turbo option in the Canyon. Offer It with a tune package that could easily see 300+ HP and 340 FT#. But in no way can you rehash the Syclone much like the GN. It was what it was for the time and there are new ideas and opportunities that should be created. The fact is when you have no ideas and no money living in the past is a quick, cheap and easy way out. GM does not have to live that way anymore.
  15. Here is the latest trial. http://www.law360.com/articles/729954/accident-victim-looks-to-keep-pain-meds-out-of-gm-mdl-trial The Trial of Robert Scheuer is going on. Robert contends his air bags failed but also is trying to block that he was on a Narcotic [you know the kind that say not to drive] in an accident that another car forced him off the road into a tree at 60 MPH. I am trying to find out if he had a belt on too. The Engineer Raymond DeGiorgio stated he made the mistake and make the order to remake the part and not change the part number. He was asked if he felt he was a scapegoat and at the time he was fired yes but now no. This is appearing more as a mistake in the mid ranks that was covered up. The key in the trial is when the part failure was discovered by the leaders and I have a feeling it was late in the game. GM was guilty of having poor internal communication as they seldom listened from the bottom up. This is a common sin of most larger companies. Here is another key http://www.wsj.com/articles/plaintiff-in-gm-civil-trial-takes-stand-1452814167 However, Mr. Scheuer did testify that to the best of his knowledge his car did have power steering and power brakes when it left the road. GM contends that if the car had these two functions, then the air bag didn’t deploy because it wasn’t supposed to and the ignition switch hadn’t slipped out of the drive position. Here is a description of the trial so far. http://www.newyorklawjournal.com/id=1202746901197/Jury-Hears-Two-Vastly-Different-Portrayals-of-GM-Plaintiff?mcode=1202617075062&curindex=0&curpage=2 Here is another story and photo of the car. http://www.newyorklawjournal.com/home/id=1202747152689/Plaintiff-in-GM-Case-Says-He-Cant-Recall-Phone-Calls?mcode=1202617075062&curindex=0 He claims he was in the car 3 hours unconscious but they show a record of phone calls. General Motors defense lawyer Mike Brock, a partner with Kirkland & Ellis, showed Scheuer AT&T phone records of two phone calls Scheuer made to his voicemail while in the badly damaged car, allegedly reeling from injuries he said were caused by a shutdown of the ignition switch that rendered his air bags unable to deploy. After Scheuer reviewed the records, Brock asked "Did you satisfy yourself you had made calls to your voicemail at 2:19 and 3:15?" "I understood what happened, yes," Scheuer said, but he denied any memory of doing so. ​I have walked away from crashes worst than this even with out a belt. {I have since learned better]. My take on this is that they are looking for a settlement from GM. But what really catches me is the lawyers would want to lead with their best case to spur more like this. If this is all they have they do not have much to work with. This was my point that there is so much more to these than you you read in the Yahoo stories on the web or papers in many cases. The little details can really change things here. From the photos I have seen he hit a tree on the right side of the car and it did some damage but keep in mind this car had a plastic nose and fender. Also thw windshield here is removed from when they worked on him. Might also notice they did not cut the roof off as they normally do if there is a back or neck injury. ​I just find it funny that I have followed up with many of the high profile cases in this issue and in most cases there were so many things left unreported and contributing to the cause of the crash or the reality of the crash. ​this really shows how bad our legal system can be at just getting to who was at fault for what. Like I said before I would not totally absolve GM of the problem but I would weight it with the responsibility and the circumstances of the person involved too. Everyone should bear their own responsibility for their contribution here. ​We really should read up on what is going on as it make the point many of us have been stating and shows how flawed the legal system is to companies. This is another case of guilty till proven innocent.
  16. I believe the AWD is not in all for some of the reasons you give but also the fact people are paying more for a Denali just for the extra plastic chrome. lighted rockers and wood trim on the wheel and not expecting a much more expensice drive system. Just look at the Terrain Denali vs. the SLT2. It is not worth the money when your really look at what all you get for the price difference. But yet is sells and makes a lot of money. Standard AWD would add to the cost and not really add an equal amount of money. I still wish the Denali was like an SS package with some real mechanical hardare on all model that make it special. Be it a larger or more powerful engine a better suspsnesion or the like to go with the trim. Denali on some models today are like what the SS became when it was added ot the old Malibu 10 years ago. I understand but but it is a wish.
  17. More needs to be learned. ​If both cases get tossed then odds are there is nothign to this. If the cases get settled then the goverment may move in to investigate and it will be based on that. I just hope this proved false.
  18. The full size GMC Denali truck is offered in 1/2 as a AWD that is not available on the Chevy. Or at least that was the way it was. I drove one a couple years ago and it had the bigger engine and AWD standard along with a Power sun roof. But for $70K it should have had that. The Canyon at this point is just regular shift on the fly 4 wheel drive. At least that is all I have seen and I did not see AWD on the Denali Canyon. The Full size Serra is what I was referring too. To be honest GMC should make AWD standard on all Denali models but it is what it is.
  19. I am no fan of this truck but I would pay attention to it. This is the kind of vehicle that could start a new movment easy. The past model even with FWD and a crappy interior did well enought to continue here. This one is closer to where it needs to be. There are many in rhe CUV maket that this truck appeals to and it does all they like with a litlte better MPG and they like it. It is more of a more useful UTE than than a truck and they are ok with it. This is not a VW pick up as this one will carrly larger items with more ease. It will carry the bulky items better than a CUV. As for AWD GMC has offered it on the Denalu trucks as in full time AWD in the past and I think it is still offered but I would have to check. To be honest this truck may do better for what it's not than what it is. This is the Anti truck and some like that. ​Also you have the blind Honda buying factor. I think Honda may do better than Nissan and Toyota would with a full size here. ​Now I would be affraid of the coming Hyundai truck. Styling alone will sell it as it is sharp looking I hate to say. Word is in the artical I read that it is a matter of when not if that it is built. That one if it has any real capacity it could make an impact on the future of trucks. It has that look GM played with in show trucks but just never had the nerve to pull off.
  20. Sergio isn't going anywhere til retirement. What I really wanna kno is what exactly were FCA's numbers then. That 7% Increase might not be exactly what we heard it was at end of the year 2015 It would be interesting to see the real numbers if the books were cooked. I know jeep sales are doing well but what numbers did they falsify? Sergio had better hope that their books are fully in order. You know the family will let him hang in the wind on this no matter what if it proves to be true.
  21. I was just thinking. Sergio made a big deal on how he was no longer wanting to go after a hostle take over with investors. ​I am betting he backed off when they saw this coming as it would not look good to be claiming the hostle take over with new investors while getting sued for lying about sales and volume. Even if he did not know about it this would be enough to bring charges.
  22. Yes that is what I mean. This one would include the S&E as well as justice department and others as this breaks laws under several areas. This could be bad enough they will wish they lied and cheated on Diesel emissions.
  23. If this is true it could really be major trouble. Stock was stopped when it dropped at 9.8% in Europe if I heard correctly before being suspended. The lawsuit is not as bad as it could get if the federal government gets involved. This is the kind of stuff people go to jail over if they can identify who made the call to do this. Even if they do not pin it on anyone the stock will take a hit anyways. No Stu this is not an attack just what the media and Wall St people are saying. I hope this is proven false as this could really be as bad.
  24. Just the word was chosen as another of his attacks, he wanted to sound like more than it was, he probably thought it was more than 2, for that I give it a pass. Stu the fact is none of my post are attacks. They are just facts and opinions you disagree with. I am good if you disagree but if you disagree at least come up with a real argument or comment to counter. You knew damn well what I meant with I said several if your best counter is semantics then you have nothing to work with. Where am I wrong. I stated clearly the future for FCA is through Chrysler as they need volume and profits and that Sergio should have taken the money he has poured into Alfa and Maserati the last couple years and put the money into Chrysler. Jeep proves my point where their profit center is and it is at Chrysler. While they have had some success how much better would they have been if they had a class leading car in the Dart and 200? What they have is better for sure but no where near class leading in sales or class product win. Just imagine if they had a Charger that had less weight and the hellcat in it with a all new platform that had the handling of the others in class. As of now the magazines do not even test it when they get the Camaro and Mustang together as it was in third with the old models they tested of the new cars they now have. It would not take much to really make things so much better and competitive but Sergio has really screwed them. The profits he stole from Jeep should have gone to them. There is nothing in this that is not true and even my MOPAR buddies fully agree. They are disappointed with Sergio and the way FCA has handled Chrysler. As a Mopar fan you should clearly see this too. I would be pissed if Sergio had done this to GM. Hell I was pissed when he said he wanted to merge them. If he had it would have put an end to most of their products outside Jeep and Ram. You really have to learn that Sergio has no love for Chrysler till now because it is his only move now Alfa has not made the progress he wanted. Many predicted the Alfa move was a poor one and now his latest moves confirmed what most industry watchers knew. I could care less about the Italian end of FCA and I want the American side to succeed. I dare you to find anyone here of a sound mind that would not agree with me that Sergio is the main problem for Chrysler not doing better than they are. Only Jeep and the trucks have seen his love and it was only for the money.
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