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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. With the ability of Ferrari engineering they really need to look to them for a new car. They really could have hit one out of the park but really did not get all the support that could or should have been given. I blame the Italy first thinking here as they treat Dodge as the red headed step child. The ACR is nice but they left a lot on the table with the standard car.
  2. The Sonic is mostly sedan sales as the Hatch is not a common sight here. It's key is price. The Cruze will fight with the Sonic hatch but mostly with the Nox and Trax for sales at the dealer. I expect the Trax and even the encore will take the bulk of the sales. Like the HHR. It was really a Cobalt wagon but make it look like a truck and people will chose it over the car. Also the added height of the CUV models are welcomed as making better use of the space. The Cruze hatch really only slightly betters the use of the Sedan by the opening size. Now the Cruze wagon has more cargo space if you really want to use it. Hatches tend to be like Coupes more about styling than function and in today's market people tend to go for the utility over style. I blame the mini van for that.
  3. You mean the post with all the Chevy engines or Cadillac engines that had issues? I can see putting in the Corvette engines would have really set it apart. I understand as the time GM could not have done a new true Cadillac engine as they killed the one they were building due to cost and money they did not have. But putting in a Chevy engine would not have saved the car as the Corvette was nearly as good and a lot cheaper. The truth is the money in this car should have been put into the sedans at the time as the DTS was living in the past and the STS was a disappointment. But with where GM was there was little they could do so I understand.
  4. True that. The Issue with the XLR is that it, like the ELR, existed with a new better version of itself under the skin over at CHEVY. WTF!!!??? The XLR was based on the C5, introed in 2003, while the C6 Corvette debuted in 2004. The deal should have been done where the C6 tech and platform debuted under the XLR.. then onward to the Chevy.. same as the ELR coming after the Volt. In that situation the XLR.. the now flagship of Cadillac and kinda GM, was behind the flagship of Chevy. The 320HP Northstar was smooooooooth.. smooth as butter.. and the VSeries version with 443HP was even better. Bit neither held a candle in HP to the LS2 (400HP), and certainly not the LS3 (436HP). Then what made it worse was the debut of the LS7 in 2005 as the new Z06. OK..OK.. How the XLR could have been made a winner: 1) Styling was, imo, perfect.. better than the C6, where it died for me was the fact that I hate HARD-TOP convertibles. Adding an optional soft-top convertible in contrasting colors would have been primo. A White XLR with a burgundy or tan top??? Ahhhhhhhhhh.. I just creamed 2) Interior. The interior of all Cadillacs at that time were comprised of some damn nice materials. The issue with the XLR was that it incorporated a lot of the CTS (Gen 1) and SRX (Gen 1) A&S Styling INSIDE the car. IF teh XLR had of had the Gen 2 A&S it would have been fine. COuld U imagine a revived GM.. .revived Cadillac ELR type interior in the XLR? How about the sweet supple look of the new CT6 or even XT5? 3) Engine. Eff my long windid-ness.. The XLR should have had the Small-Block. or at the very least the 443HP version of the SC NorthStar should have been the (detuned)base engine.. and the LS7, as an interim engine should have been the VSeries. As soon as the LSA debuted in the entry-level Cadillac (at the time) CTS-V it should have been in the XLR. The LS9 shoudl have been in an XLR Super-V or rather.. the VSport name should have been introed then and the line would have been: XLR 400HP 4.4L SC NS(2004-2007) 430HP 6.2L LS3(2008-2013) (Meaning it should still be avail) 430HP TT3.6L (2014+) XLR-VSport 443HP NStarSC (2004-2007) 500HP LS7 (2008-2013) 556HP LSA XLR-VSeried (2004-2007) 500HP LS7 (2008-2013) 635HP LS9 (2014+) 640HP SC LT4 Again you can not dumb up a Chevy to a Cadillac but you could take a Cadillac and dumb it to a Chevy. I think they finally are to a point they no longer have to do that. Even with the engines in the future. Like many things in life they all flow down from the top. You can not push things up from the bottom. Yes even the Corvette. Cadillac to be successful needs to be Cadillac not a Chevy reboot. Only the Escallade has over come that but nothing else. My buddy has a XLRV and like he said it is a great car but only a great used car for $30K. His stickered at $100K and there was no way this car was worth that. You could buy a Vette that was nearly as good and still have money in savings.
  5. Well we will see. How often have I seen GM offer something all cry for on the web only to watch no one come to the dealer and put up their money. At least with this model it is based overseas and if works good if not the bills will be paid overseas. I would be shocked if it is 35% here.
  6. Well Drew the problem is it was a good car not a great car. It was another perfect example of where you can take a Cadillac and dumb it down to a Chevy like the Camaro but you can not take a Chevy and beef it up to be a Cadillac so well. The car just was not to the level of a Cadillac or what a Cadillac should have been. It was not leading in technology as it was the same thing Chevy had been selling for several years at a lower price. It had a great design but like the SSR and even the last Camaro it has compromises because it catered to design more than ergonomics. Yes it will be a great buy on the used car market and may even be a great car to collect as it truly is a low production car. I would love to see someone take one dump the battery and put in a LNF Turbo Eco. That would be an interesting engine swap. The ELR as for being a waste of time? Well that is a glass half full or a glass half empty deal. To some they may consider it a waste of time. Well Cadillac really did not lose much as the car did not take much time or money to finish since it used off the shelf parts and a design that was pretty much done. As for did it accomplish much with that time not really. I call it a draw. Other than some negative press from the critics they did not lose or gain much here. To be honest it at least got people talking Cadillac when the XTS was all we had to talk about. This work in progress takes time and patients. The way I see Cadillac is I relate them to the Cleveland Browns. For years they were mismanaged and really un-cared for properly. GM put people in charge that really should not have been in charge as they were insiders that just took orders and did not fix much. Now like the Cleveland Browns they have a new Coach. This time it is not a first time coach. He is well liked and respected. This in turn has attracted some real talent for his staff for once. We have three guys now that have been a head coach at one point and they were not bad where they were. As for the NFL it is much like the auto industry and pretty mediocre. To go from the bottom to the top does not really take much anymore as the top teams are not untouchable anymore. The perenials like Dallas, Washington, SF and others are not like they once were a given to be there at the end. Teams like Charlotte can go from no where to the Super Bowl in a couple years. Even the worst team can go from last to the play offs in one year. I see the same for Cadillac. They finally have leaders that know a bit about the industry no first time insiders. They have the money needed to pay for the needed changes. They only need the time to get the product out. Unlike the NFL where you can put a new product on the field any year cars take a little longer. Now Cleveland may still never get to the Super Bowl but at least they appear to be competent and headed in the right direction. I expect in 2 years to make the play offs. They are getting rid of past sins like first time coaches and Johnny Football. I see Cadillac as the same. Not a bad team but they needed to fix some things and they will be at least competitive and profitable. The ELR was just a car that was not really handled right and was at a time that Cadillac may have not made some good choices. They did not lose much in the deal but did not get much either. I expect to see a true Tesla like plug in at some point. Possibly in the Omega and it will be done right. While it may share some GM tech with Chevy it will never be confused with the Chevy or even sharing. Now if it does share it will be passed down to Chevy not up to Cadillac. I am ok they did this car the only thing I regret is it did not help Cadillac as much as it was hoped. I can't say I was surprised as I expected so much. It was just not different from the Volt enough to make it matter. GM and Cadillac has moved on and I expect those in side that did not know better do now.
  7. But with such a large frontal area would the range take a big hit? Aero has been a big part of the range of the Volt so how much would it kille the range? also if you load one with cargo how much would it vary the range and make it more difficult to give an expected range. This is why i do not think we have seen a Chevy CUV version of the Volt yet. If they do a cross over I expect it will come only after more work is done with the batteries. Lets face it the Tesla X is pretty much a S model just slightly taller. It is far from the frontal area of most CUV models
  8. I will respect your opinion but I will not just call what I said opinion when most of what I said is a known fact. Having a dad work for one of those dinosaur companies and knowing what they own and what they have blocked when there was no money to be made for them gives me a least a little more insight on this. There is plenty of evidence to back this up. Just saying. These beliefs are not very helpful if you are only going to acknowledge part of the problem and part of the facts. Again, we will agree to disagree though. No worries on my end. The problem is you are only looking at one side. There is a lot of lies, blocking and lobbing on both sides and it all comes down to who is going to make the money, The think is your green agenda people are not all in for just saving the world. Most are in to make a buck and they will lie and cheat their way just as the old school people do. This is big picture stuff and you have to account for all of it. I can see you miss some of it as how you think that if we isolate ourselves from middle east oil we are safe. We could be all solar and wind yet the dollar could drop like a rock due to oil that we do not even use. That is one key for us even if we stop using it we still need to produce it as not to kill out economy. Production as the Saudi's prove can control the value of many things and not just oil. You really also should read up as to just how little Middle East oil we do use. All this as people now are making billions on carbon trading a commodity that is really made up and is doing more damage to our economy than anything. Again read up on Maurice Strong. He has recently died but his legacy lives on.
  9. Unfotunately mazda doesn't have the sales channels they need to really get those great cars moving though. this is another place a merger would greatly help Mazda. they would still be making the same vehicles and have the added bonus of making additional models for Chrysler, dodge etc to ammortize their own and maximize the use of their available production capacity. Same is true the other way around too. Could you Imagine what mazda could do with the Guilla's (or however yo spell it) new platform? Zoom Zoom indeed. Well my thought is you do not keep them apart. First you get Segio out and put the company in able hands. Second you merge the FCA dealers and Mazda dealers to cover the needed areas. Let the mazda cars be the car lines with FWD, Then you give Chrysler/Dodge the RWD, mini vans and the larger SUV models along with Ram and Truck. Also you sell the Fiat line in the same dealers and not force the dealers to have a separate place. This would take the pressure off Fiat trying to be so many different cars. Just let them be a Fiat 500 with a couple variations and let it be. Let Mazda take over the engineering of them too. The better dealers in each state could do Maserati and Alfa. They are less needed as they are low volume so one per so many large cities in each state. The key it to fix the FCA management and get them all on one page for all divisions and not so focused on the Italian brands to the point it kills the company. The Italian brands are supplemental not primary and it will always be that way in North America.
  10. And that is your opinion. Hey I am not trying to change your view I am ok if that is how you feel just respect that I have my own view and it is not the same vision. While I am not a Tea Party guy I do agree you can not and should not executive order or legislate everything on the American people. That is not we were built on and we should not adopt it now. I do believe government and companies should work together better with realistic plans that bring improvement but do not impact the consumer near as much. They call it the Squeeze and people are tired of it. That is why we are seeing people like Trump do as well as he has been even when he shoots himself in the foot. Fact is none of the people running are deserving of the office. But that is another argument for another day. The bottom line is I am not trying to change your mind. As for my beliefs they are not going to change either.
  11. well here in Ohio the hang up is few people want them, They are ok with them if they do not have to look at them or are close enough to hear them, Several farms in north west Ohio have been delayed or possibly by now eliminated due to locals fighting them. Renewable energy is fine for places like Japan. But for countries like us and other places we are not to the point where we are going to run out soon. The only reason some options are off the table are because of government regulation. Much of this is due to global warming that is often pressed by people making large amounts of money in the green sector. As for if global warming is proven or not either side has not proven a thing beyond a doubt. I know everyone has opinions and their own proof but to this point neither side has conclusive proof. But that is an argument for an other day. The fact is lobbyist are what have driven the EPA regulations more than anything and many are driven not by being just good citizens but to make money. Maurice Strong stated this and has made billions then hiding away from the public in of all places China. At this point we have beat this into the ground. There will be a lot of changes both ways on this topic as I see it far from settles. The not in my back yard thinking is yet to really be tested on wind and the Solar Panels are not something many will invest in very soon for their homes. Hell just look at the roofs in the winter of the folks who just do not insulate like they should. The Fight for the Nexus gas pipe line here in Ohio is just a hint as the wind mills.. People are ok with it till they find it is going by their house. Most have no clue about them and yet still fight them. You may be able to plant them in the middle of Ely NV but in most other areas where many people live they are not going to want them or see them daily. Just look at the fight over cell towers. We have one city here that wants them disguised as large trees. I am sure will see more but it is far from a slam dunk. There are only one large one along lake Erie. It is at a Science center and is only one. There was one other and it was a prototype and was at one time the worlds largest blade at NASA in Sandusky. I believe it has been torn down. I have not heard much in the way of plans to build more here in the near future. I do not understand your "well, we are fine now so why bother" attitude. While I agree that the "global warming" or climate change nonsense can be just that, nonsense, you can't NOT be pro-active with expanding our sources of energy, especially when they can be far more plentiful, less dangerous to acquire (looking at you coal and oil) and are not so financially tied to outside forces like the Middle East that can dictate what we pay for fuel that there is supposedly plenty of, according to you. Sorry, but most of the objections to energy sources like wind and solar are bore out of pure ignorance and a smear campaign by the old guard like Duke Energy. For the record, my dad worked for them for over thirty years and knew first hand how much campaigning they did against renewable energy that they were not involved in. This is the time to be pro-active with alternative sources of energy so that we are not literally bent over an oil barrel during the next Middle East crisis or world economic downturn. Here is the deal. #1 I am not totally against looking to other practical means to make power. #2 We are not out of oil or natural gas anything in our life time so we have time to really sort things out. Also I am all for working to make coal cleaner at a lower cost. Coal is cheap and plentiful but the regulations make it expensive. #3 We are tied to the middle east no matter what. The dollar is based on Oil not the gold standard. The market globally effects prices. The US and Canada produce the vast majority of what we use and only the east coast near the water uses middle east oil. #4 There are so many lies and distortions that have convinced we are free of the middle east if we go all in on all these other deals. Well getting oil free is going to take much more time and a lot more technology. Like the EV car it is a slow growth market and a half million wind mills are not going to do it even in combination with a lot of other things easily or cheap. #5 look at the loans the department of energy is giving. So many are going to companies that get the money and vanish. The green initiative to many is a way to get a government loan and be set for life. Even follow what Elon Musk is doing and he is making most of his money on government loans and government contracts with all his firms. Shewed yes but costing tax payers billions. I agree with you to be proactive but don't kill the coal plants till they have been replaced with a cost effective alternative. Don't down nuke plants that are viable yet till you have a replacement ready. Even our government has stated we are growing usage faster than we are bring new sources on line. The panels and wind mills are not going to do it. If not for natural gas we would be screwed right now with the coal shut downs. Mine and everyone in my area got a bump in electricity cost when they make these changes and I am not happy. So yes I am all with you on being proactive. No I am not sold on Solar and Wind. We have a deep lime stone mine here they have talked Hydro for many years by dropping water through turbines and in the shaft. It has been a great idea but no one moves on it. It is all underground and already dug out. It is a matter of pumps and turbines for the most part but yet no one moves on it. Why because there are no big money people behind it. Today in my paper they are questioning the financial strength of my power company now. Also their systems are all in need of repair on top of all this other crap being forced on them. My point is work on this perfect it then remove what we have. So not start removing things and then say lets figure this out and charge the tax payers to cover it. Yes we have time to do it and do it right. Everything that you say alternative power needs to do is being blocked by old school power. Not sure why that is so hard to understand here. The pieces are there but industries like coal don't want them in place for obvious reasons. Old school power has sucked up far more of our tax dollars than solar or wind could ever hope to, so I am not even sure why you think it is relevant, just because of a couple of crappy loans to companies like Solyndra. Newsflash, Oil and Coal have been pissing away our money for years (mostly fighting alternative power) and no one has said a word. You have your opinion and I have mine. FYI it was more than a couple crappy loans. These are just the ones that made the headlines. It is just one way of pissing money but many have turned it into an industry with this. I just like to have a real plan before I walk down a blind alley. Here is the deal. If you have a better way then people should flock to it. As of now it is cleaner but not cheaper or better. Do the latter and you should have no problem attracting customers. Forcing crap on people is no way to bring in new technology. I would rather see them use the space program like they did in the 60's and 70's to develop new technology. NASA is trying to bring the Mars program to do this but they have so little support. Much of the technology you want to use now was from the moon program. The space programs are not about where you are going but about the technology getting there. More would be gained from this and applied to our daily lives more than anything else and help drive up the technology and drive down cost. It is what it is. Don't cut off your gangrene foot till you have a real way to stop the bleeding or it matter little how infected it is. Move with a measured and balanced approach not force. Work smarter not harder.
  12. I am looking forward to seeing it outside. It just seems like they look better in the real world.
  13. Well we pulled back from the Middle East now and you can see what has happened. At this point I am not sure peace will return and it is a matter of time before we have WW III. The fact is stability was because of our ability to help in force it in one of the most unstable parts of the world. We had to in protecting the economy. Even if we are not there to protect the oil the volatility of oil prices because of the middle east could crash our dollar. Like it or not what happened there with or with out us effects thing here at home. that is the problem the global economy is based on oil. This is part of the power play to go to non oil energy as they can change the balance of power in the world. A slow change from oil can be sustained by the dollar but a fast change could really kill the value of our currency. Just look at the value of or dollar when we were producing oil. Now the price is down buy Saudis flooding the market it has killed the value of the dollar and our oil. Now keep in mind the Saudi's do it to keep the family in control of their country. Now that Iran has Iraq and money are no longer cut off form exporting oil they can do more damage to our economy. Thanks present admin. I just love now how Kerry said yes some of the money we gave back will go to terror groups. There is just a lot more involved with this vs. what many people understand. The mess started under Nixon and the change in our currency. Since then it has empowered oil to contol our economy. How better to bring harm to our economy. Drive up the price of oil and kill production and transportation in this country. There is still a lot more to this and few people know or understand. And do not expect the government to explain it either.
  14. well here in Ohio the hang up is few people want them, They are ok with them if they do not have to look at them or are close enough to hear them, Several farms in north west Ohio have been delayed or possibly by now eliminated due to locals fighting them. Renewable energy is fine for places like Japan. But for countries like us and other places we are not to the point where we are going to run out soon. The only reason some options are off the table are because of government regulation. Much of this is due to global warming that is often pressed by people making large amounts of money in the green sector. As for if global warming is proven or not either side has not proven a thing beyond a doubt. I know everyone has opinions and their own proof but to this point neither side has conclusive proof. But that is an argument for an other day. The fact is lobbyist are what have driven the EPA regulations more than anything and many are driven not by being just good citizens but to make money. Maurice Strong stated this and has made billions then hiding away from the public in of all places China. At this point we have beat this into the ground. There will be a lot of changes both ways on this topic as I see it far from settles. The not in my back yard thinking is yet to really be tested on wind and the Solar Panels are not something many will invest in very soon for their homes. Hell just look at the roofs in the winter of the folks who just do not insulate like they should. The Fight for the Nexus gas pipe line here in Ohio is just a hint as the wind mills.. People are ok with it till they find it is going by their house. Most have no clue about them and yet still fight them. You may be able to plant them in the middle of Ely NV but in most other areas where many people live they are not going to want them or see them daily. Just look at the fight over cell towers. We have one city here that wants them disguised as large trees. I am sure will see more but it is far from a slam dunk. There are only one large one along lake Erie. It is at a Science center and is only one. There was one other and it was a prototype and was at one time the worlds largest blade at NASA in Sandusky. I believe it has been torn down. I have not heard much in the way of plans to build more here in the near future. I do not understand your "well, we are fine now so why bother" attitude. While I agree that the "global warming" or climate change nonsense can be just that, nonsense, you can't NOT be pro-active with expanding our sources of energy, especially when they can be far more plentiful, less dangerous to acquire (looking at you coal and oil) and are not so financially tied to outside forces like the Middle East that can dictate what we pay for fuel that there is supposedly plenty of, according to you. Sorry, but most of the objections to energy sources like wind and solar are bore out of pure ignorance and a smear campaign by the old guard like Duke Energy. For the record, my dad worked for them for over thirty years and knew first hand how much campaigning they did against renewable energy that they were not involved in. This is the time to be pro-active with alternative sources of energy so that we are not literally bent over an oil barrel during the next Middle East crisis or world economic downturn. Here is the deal. #1 I am not totally against looking to other practical means to make power. #2 We are not out of oil or natural gas anything in our life time so we have time to really sort things out. Also I am all for working to make coal cleaner at a lower cost. Coal is cheap and plentiful but the regulations make it expensive. #3 We are tied to the middle east no matter what. The dollar is based on Oil not the gold standard. The market globally effects prices. The US and Canada produce the vast majority of what we use and only the east coast near the water uses middle east oil. #4 There are so many lies and distortions that have convinced we are free of the middle east if we go all in on all these other deals. Well getting oil free is going to take much more time and a lot more technology. Like the EV car it is a slow growth market and a half million wind mills are not going to do it even in combination with a lot of other things easily or cheap. #5 look at the loans the department of energy is giving. So many are going to companies that get the money and vanish. The green initiative to many is a way to get a government loan and be set for life. Even follow what Elon Musk is doing and he is making most of his money on government loans and government contracts with all his firms. Shewed yes but costing tax payers billions. I agree with you to be proactive but don't kill the coal plants till they have been replaced with a cost effective alternative. Don't down nuke plants that are viable yet till you have a replacement ready. Even our government has stated we are growing usage faster than we are bring new sources on line. The panels and wind mills are not going to do it. If not for natural gas we would be screwed right now with the coal shut downs. Mine and everyone in my area got a bump in electricity cost when they make these changes and I am not happy. So yes I am all with you on being proactive. No I am not sold on Solar and Wind. We have a deep lime stone mine here they have talked Hydro for many years by dropping water through turbines and in the shaft. It has been a great idea but no one moves on it. It is all underground and already dug out. It is a matter of pumps and turbines for the most part but yet no one moves on it. Why because there are no big money people behind it. Today in my paper they are questioning the financial strength of my power company now. Also their systems are all in need of repair on top of all this other crap being forced on them. My point is work on this perfect it then remove what we have. So not start removing things and then say lets figure this out and charge the tax payers to cover it. Yes we have time to do it and do it right.
  15. I would like to see them offer a good choice of wood in the car so people could tailor their own look. Not everyone likes the same wood trim. Also other options like a Carbon etc would be nice. I hope on the CT8 they make it to where you can get some custome colors and materials done like on some of the higher end cars. Make it an extra cost options and offer it to those who want it. Kind of a variation of the Build your own Z06 engine only you choose your trim and color. Rolls, Bentley, Ferrari and some others offer this. Cadillac already offers alternate wood or CF trim kits that can be installed when you buy the car. It's been in the build and price tool since the ATS and CTS came out, or maybe I'm misunderstanding you. I agree the flagship Caddy should offer "boutique" style ordering. I believe that's the term for it, where you pick the materials and finishes individually. "boutique" that is the word I was trying to think of. Yes and at GM I would call it the Art and Color program like the old Harley Earl terms that fit with the Arts and Science of Cadillac.
  16. If a deal is stuck it would be with out old Serg. He is retiring soon and I do not expect he will be part of the play.
  17. I would like to see them offer a good choice of wood in the car so people could tailor their own look. Not everyone likes the same wood trim. Also other options like a Carbon etc would be nice. I hope on the CT8 they make it to where you can get some custome colors and materials done like on some of the higher end cars. Make it an extra cost options and offer it to those who want it. Kind of a variation of the Build your own Z06 engine only you choose your trim and color. Rolls, Bentley, Ferrari and some others offer this.
  18. well here in Ohio the hang up is few people want them, They are ok with them if they do not have to look at them or are close enough to hear them, Several farms in north west Ohio have been delayed or possibly by now eliminated due to locals fighting them. Renewable energy is fine for places like Japan. But for countries like us and other places we are not to the point where we are going to run out soon. The only reason some options are off the table are because of government regulation. Much of this is due to global warming that is often pressed by people making large amounts of money in the green sector. As for if global warming is proven or not either side has not proven a thing beyond a doubt. I know everyone has opinions and their own proof but to this point neither side has conclusive proof. But that is an argument for an other day. The fact is lobbyist are what have driven the EPA regulations more than anything and many are driven not by being just good citizens but to make money. Maurice Strong stated this and has made billions then hiding away from the public in of all places China. At this point we have beat this into the ground. There will be a lot of changes both ways on this topic as I see it far from settles. The not in my back yard thinking is yet to really be tested on wind and the Solar Panels are not something many will invest in very soon for their homes. Hell just look at the roofs in the winter of the folks who just do not insulate like they should. The Fight for the Nexus gas pipe line here in Ohio is just a hint as the wind mills.. People are ok with it till they find it is going by their house. Most have no clue about them and yet still fight them. You may be able to plant them in the middle of Ely NV but in most other areas where many people live they are not going to want them or see them daily. Just look at the fight over cell towers. We have one city here that wants them disguised as large trees. I am sure will see more but it is far from a slam dunk. There are only one large one along lake Erie. It is at a Science center and is only one. There was one other and it was a prototype and was at one time the worlds largest blade at NASA in Sandusky. I believe it has been torn down. I have not heard much in the way of plans to build more here in the near future.
  19. Well no matter how you want to present it even as supplementary power it will still take a lot of windmills and solar panels to make a dent in this problem. Just look at the number of windmills you gave for Germany. That is not a large areas and much of the southern end is mountains. Even then you state the needed growth. I saw a report a while ago stating how large wind farms would need to be in many areas and I just don't see it happening. I know they are making more every day as I see them pass on I76 daily and have friends that make bearings for them. But I just don't see it. We still have a lot of work to do and I really do not believe any options should be removed till we get there including coal. If you work in the energy field then you know how many panels and wind mills it will take to just even supplement what we are losing with regulations. It will make us wish for the time when all we had were cell towers littering the landscape. Again there is truth and lies on both sides here because of the money involved. Few are doing green energy because they want to feel good.
  20. Purely a regulatory thing rather than a technical one. Wind and solar are growing but the reality is they are no where near replacing conventional means. One has to remember the Green movement is also a big money making venture where some date is accurate but so many are also selling pipe dreams too. When you say blanket what you leave out that means wind farms that would look like a forest of wind generators. Not only is it not real cost effective to build but also becomes a ghastly sight and also in many areas impractical due to the cost of land that is taken up. It is not like a power plant with a bank of generators in one room and some flood gates to open. Also these things are not maintenance free. They take investment to keep them working and they also have issues like a run away blade that can shatter and do damage with the loss of the blade and if in a urban setting can become a killing object as some in Europe have suffered. Like many green plans they are ok for supplemental power but we are no where near ready to use them as a main supply. If that were true all the power companies would be investing in them now to a degree they would be dominate. As of now they have some support but not to the full degree some think. The Green industry is much like the hybrid cars. A compromise that may lead to a change at some point but just not ready for the big time now. A lot of people can also not be trusted in the Green markets. Many have made a killing and let their companies die and investors hanging for the cost. Many have made a ton off off government subsidies but only to fail soon after getting the money. You really have to watch as we have our true Green People like Ed Begley Jr who walks the walk but then you have so many others like Al Gore or Maurice Strong who have done nothing but enrich themselves and continue to fly their private jets and buy bigger houses. Hey if they want to get rich that is fine but don't tell me to sacrifice and then you go about life at the fullest. Be like Ed and get a Bike to ride. I tire of the Hippocrates in the green movement. I know there are some true to their word but so many fakes are there too. In the end like so many controversial social topics that try to claim to be for the good of the people like those in plan parenthood, Legal Gambling. the environmental people and Legal drugs at their root is making a profit as all and each a lot of money can be easily made. Too often these people are not noble in their purists and we are left paying the bills of the government for supporting it. It is like someone offering free collage. Sorry but it is not free and you will be paying for it the rest of your life if it is offered. Like Higher wages lead to higher prices, More social programs or government funding lead to more taxes. Another one is E85. That is just another scam on the tax payers in the name of the environment.
  21. Sure there are a lot of wind generators but no where enough to make a dent. I was reading how the Germans have abandon Wind for the most part as a primary source as they have found to make enough you would have to have so many generators that it is impractical.
  22. The real issue there is to get it to the people. Like us plug in's are not part of their infrastructure and it will take time to put them in. Also many of the people in metro areas live in apartments so where do you plug in? They have some things to work out just as we do. Now here our issue could be lack of power with the coal plants getting shut down and no Nukes being built along with increased demans. We already see brown outs in California in heat waves as it is now. The brown outs have nothing to do with coal generation capacity, it is hydro related. California is in severe drought can you can't generate electricity from water if there is no water. Natural gas is the biggest new generation capacity, however solar power in the US is growing fast. Solar was 32% of the growth in generation in 2014, and with the renewal of the tax credits from the budget deal, it's only going to grow faster. I never said it had to do with coal but it does have to do with capacity to make power vs demand. The source around the country varies but the fact is we are way behinds on building new plants to make power and we are taking some of what we have off line with no way to replace them fast. It is not just Hydro but even Nuke was taken out with San Luis Obisbo going off line with no real replacement in sight,. Our country is so hung up about killing coal and Nukes and not really gotten around to real replacements to keep up with future demands. Most people are oblivious about it but it will come a time unless we add some more plants of some kind we will be hurting. Even some Hydro plants were taken our due to damns in poor condition. It is great to worry about plant conditions and the environment but you need to have a real plan in place before you eliminate one before the other. With the shear numbers of vehicles out there and if you plan to make a significant number of them electric someone better have a plan for more demand. Even with out the cars we have a need for increased power. Natural gas can be effected if they take out fracking and pipe lines. Also Solar is not going to save the day everywhere. Even wind has been proven as only a supplement as to do it all you would have to have so may wind mills that is would prove impractical. If Solar was the answer every power company would have Solar farms everywhere as what would help their bottom line the most than to make power with something they do not have to buy. Same with wind.
  23. The real issue there is to get it to the people. Like us plug in's are not part of their infrastructure and it will take time to put them in. Also many of the people in metro areas live in apartments so where do you plug in? They have some things to work out just as we do. Now here our issue could be lack of power with the coal plants getting shut down and no Nukes being built along with increased demans. We already see brown outs in California in heat waves as it is now.
  24. Getting back to the CT6 Anyone catch why the CT6 Hybrid is coming from China. The incentives from China are much better than the USA for new energy cars as they call it. http://www.autoblog.com/2016/01/29/gm-import-Cadillac-ct6-china/ It appears to be a real no brainer as why along with the the lower number of sales here.
  25. Well if you had paid attention to what is going on Chrysler is mostly focusing on Trucks, Jeep and CUV/SUV models to max profits and killing the 200, Dart and any plans for any new small cars. This would set them up to mess well with a company like Mazda that could supply what they don't plan to make. The moves of the last 2-3 months are in readiness to make a move. No one on the outside is sure there is any definite move or just setting it up to make it more appealing. I think when Sergio gave up on GM in Dec there may have been a plan made but just not finalized yet for a merger but hard to say who yet. For sure there is something going on. I just pray it is Mazda as most other potential partners I see more as a liability due to their own poor lines or lack of cash. Another weak partner like Fiat and they will be in trouble. They do need an in with China too. Not sure how they will work it but too many car buyers not to be there. At least get Jeep in ASAP.
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