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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. I will try to get some photo's. I have already experienced the Denali Effect as I have termed it. What is the Denali Effect? Well it is that deal where you tell someone you bought a truck and they respond oh you are making the big money or other status reference. It is much how it was like years ago when Cadillac used to stir the opinion of the owners status years ago. I find this interesting. To me Denali meant you payed too much unless it was discounted LOL! But now that I have experienced this and see it first hand it is exactly what Cadillac needs to earn for their image again. They need to bring value to the name in the status of the owner. While I just bought it because I liked the truck and got a good deal most Denali owners are people who like the image their vehicle projects on them. They will pay the extra money to get that image. As for GMC it was not a short path. Denali has been with us for 20 years and with bankruptcy and other issues it was slow growth. But the image has taken root with the public and over 25% of all GMC models are now sold as a Denali. This also has made GMC so very profitable. How much? Well I read the other day if GMC was independent and in the Fortune 500 they would rank 150 in income. For a premium non luxury brand that is good. In fact GMC is listed as the most profitable brand that is not a luxury brand. GM needs to do the same for Cadillac but doing so is like having a hit song and then say OK I am going to write another hit song. Easy to say not always as easy to do. Also I noted the time it took for GMC to cash in here. Much of this accelerated since the bankruptcy and it will take Cadillac time to do the same. I do not expect 120 years but 10 years is expected. There is a lot of value in the public domain when you say Denali anymore. I knew it held some value but in the last few days I really have seen how people react of all demographics. After reading up on this and how profitable GMC is I laugh at all those who said that it should have been killed with the others. Be careful for what you wish for.
  2. Thanks!
  3. Well I was looking at GMC and then I was all ready for a Colorado ZR2. Well I tried to order the Chevy and ran into many hurdles. Most were incompetent dealers with no clue, some were greedy dealers and then you had the honest dealers who already ordered in a color I did not want. i got tied of the lies at one and the incompetence at the others and started looking at GMC again. in a way Idid benefit by the grief. I changed from the extended cab to the crew. Then I went to look at the SLT package and found what may have been one of the few discounted Denali truck around and in Red as I wanted. i went to drive the Denali and it was much the same but still different than the others I drove. So far I have found the ride is a little better. The road noise more quiet and the interior just a little nicer. For the most the Denali package is not a bargain as they just give some chrome for a decent mark up. In my case they marked mine down and I got it for $4k less than sticker and about the same price as the SLT with similar options less the Denali only options. There are no incentives so a deal on the mid size trucks are rare and near impossible on the crew short beds. Long beds rot on the lot and tend to be the ones to get a GM program tag. I love the truck and really only have wanted for more bolster on the seats. The new V6 is much improved in refinement along with the 8 speed. i had considered the full size as it was close in price with massive discounts but I really did not want the larger truck. i will get some photos but what I bought was a Quartz Red tintcoat crew cab 4 wheel drive Denali.it only had one added option in the trailer package as the rest was standard. it has the Denali only options like heated wheel, vented seats and 20" wheels. Oh yes more chrome and leather. the GMC also has a little nicer interior is in most versions with padded dash and armrest with leather and some kind of fake wood. I told my wife this is like an ATS Awd with a bed. I have been shopping trucks here in Ohio and San Diego for a family member. Here in Ohio most dealers have a couple trucks but in San Deigo they have 25 or more. 80% are white for some reason? So far I feel I have made the right choice. I rejected the last gen Canyon as they were so cheap. I tried to like them but just could not buy one to replace my beloved Sonoma ZQ8. the new Canyon Denali is light years over any if my past trucks. i like how over time GMC is becoming more and more different. The Denali has transformed GMC's image since it arrived 20 years ago. GMC now make more money than any non luxury division. If they were put on the Fortune 500 list they would list at 150. I expect GM will continue their advance and it us the same Formula Cadillac needs to follow in building a new image.
  4. Moving technology fast takes a lot of capital. While private companies are spending a lot it is no where in relation to what the space program used to spend. The government used a lot of seed money to push the program and that is where our technology boom came from. China is trying this now along with stealing more tech info. Cost of development is just so high it is hard to do all they used to do even with today technology. The government also has little seed money today with the budgets out of hand. While many push for the Mars program to drive technology it is just so expensive no one can afford it easily.
  5. I was impressed by the Bolt I was in. The room is great and even with cheap interior it felt decent. I liked the designs in the light color trim. The first thing Chevy needs to do is stop any comparisons to either Tesla as neither are comparible. The S is a total different class car in price and size. The 3 is going to be much more expensive than the Bolt by the time you get the option you want. Even Musk said the base price of $36k was going to go up. I am sure it will be a fine car but it will slot in over the Bolt and under S and still be more than the average buyer will pay. Autoweek has a very good story on the Bolt this week.
  6. They have it on the new 3.6 and the numbers remained the same. It also has the 8 speed and yet the same numbers in mpg an HP. though the drivability is much better and low end performance is much stronger. It picked up about 8 tenths in the quarter mile. i see the aluminum/steel mix coming to the next gen. If nothing changes the half ton could go away as a full size and makers may just default to the 3/4 ton as the base full size. They have much less numbers to meet. i think this was one reason GM went back to the mid size and why Ford has been waiting.
  7. The balancing of meeting crash and emissions standards vs. keeping product to where people want it and can afford while still making money it is about as easy as curing Cancer. they could meet the standard very easily but no one would buy the small package or be able to afford it at this point in the technology. It is a real problem when you have people passing laws that many of which do not even drive anymore or even know enough about cars to know how to check their own oil. Many say just put on hybrid systems but the added cost would drive people away. Any new system and vehicle needs to be affordable and one that ones life style will not have to adapt to for most people to accept them.
  8. I am working to order a ZR2 right now and it has been a challenge. Dealers have been pretty clueless and GM keeps changing the options available. some dealers want MSRP but often I have been the first and only one to enquire. I am not paying MSRP for a RPO truck. They are a little giddy over it being called a limited allocation. i have considered a Canyon SLT or Denali as I found one at a goo price. i did look at a $50k full size Z71 but I do not want a big truck. But at $40k it was a thought. I did find a loaded All Terrain GMC Canyon for $29k but it was missing the Bose and I want to avoid the 16 models as I want the new engine and 8 speed as it drives much more refined and has more bottom end. i hope to know the first of the week if I am buying the Z I am looking to order. Carb will I'll for sure not go away but I do see them challenged more and I do see California being limited or excluded from some products. in the performance market there are a ton of items we can not sell there we sell everywhere else. in the past cars like the Turbo TA were never sold there and once they were the home of the 305 Corvette. In the end I see the consumers will be the loser as they will be kept from buying products others can get else where. The auto makers just want some more time as they are not going to make the present timeline. To be honest I feel they had hoped EV would have advanced and been accepted much better by now but the advances in technology and lower prices have been slow. The Bolt is the first real landmark car in price and range but there is still work to do also not all customers will be happy with a car like this. Its hard to sell a steak to a Vegan.
  9. Not at the moment as I have seen low end full size all star package V6 models with 4x4 for $30k. hard to get much of either under $28k.
  10. Drew it may be size but not price. I am am right now dealing on a Colorado and Canyon and I can get a Loaded Z71 for what they want for my want on the two trucks I am looking at. i agree on MPG at the moment. To be honest I have great pause at time and often consider the larger truck just due to the better value. I have had many Aldo tell me I am nuts to pay the same for a smaller truck.
  11. This is what it comes down to Half Ton Trucks the MFGs are going to make the cars global and mostly turbo charged 4 cylinder. But in this country they still need to move trucks in the half ton class and the law is killing that. This is why we have the mid size and a push to get people in the 3/4 ton class. They are not going to toss everything out and make major changes to their plans but they want and need more room on the light trucks. as for California they don't care as that is not their biggest truck market. They can work around them and the mid size is growing sales there anyways. this comes down to profits and they all will take a hit in fines and consumers in price if the go as it is now. The Obama EPA has over stepped and over expected at the expense of jobs and the cost of new cars to the consumer. this still needs to be managed in a balanced way. As for California many companies in the after market are getting more and more to the point of walking away from the state. Many have moved out and many no longer sell product there as ther is no profit in being there anymore. CARB is just not worth dealing with anymore.
  12. Drew it is fully about the EPA and how for 8 years it was run by agenda people that were appointed as is in most cases but this time the tried to change the laws of this country with out going through proper channels. I guess the truth hurts. i guess it ok to just make petty complaints about what some drives as that really pertains to the EPA. It is ok Drew I am done. You can remove the words but you will never edit the truth that is out there. Funny how those who want tollorance often are the least tallorant. The bottom line is the needs to balance all needs here with the EPA as not to do anymore damage to the economy or the environment. To do so both sides need to work together for the good of all. Where is this wrong? We could use a bit more of that in many other places. i am done!
  13. Drew this not personal just at you but a general rant to the programmed progressive left that is getting their lunch stolen by the very people they support and have no clue they are eating right in front of them. Trust me the far right are not saints either. God knows I would love to stuff a dirty sock in McCain's mouth. While you spew the petty bickering petty MSNBC programmed hate this is what has been going on at the EPA. During the Obama administration the EPA was run by far left political appointee's with a pure agenda of change outside the laws of this country and constitution. This is what I have been involved in being a part of the performance aftermarket and racing industry targeted by these people. The EPA and the Appointed people by Obama took it upon themselves to read the laws on the books passed by the House and Senate and reinterpret them to fit their needs and far left progressive ideas. What did they do? Well they took the laws that said you could not tamper with emissions or disable emission on a new car. Well the law was written and intended to represent all road going vehicles and was passed by the House and Senate to become law. They took the law and decided to take it upon themselves to claim it means all vehicles even off road and racing vehicles. That was never a part of the intent of the law and they basically took it upon themselves to dictate law by passing our system in the house and senate. The While House was fully behind this as they appointed the people doing this. So what did I do. Did i go out with petty bickering and pure hate on the web with pre programmed Obama hate quotes from Sean Hannity....No. I took to the system and along with my co workers gathered several letter writing campaigns to our house ans senate representation pointing out that this would Kill grass roots racing of all kinds. It would destroy a multi billion dollar industry of racing and performance parts. It also would put hundreds of thousands out of work not only in our industry but also the race tracks, hotels, the RV industry, food service and more. We also pointed out that the EPA appointees were by passing the way our country was formed by going though the proper channels to get the house and senate to pass the laws that the EPA just enforce. This was all done in a way that no one was supposed to have notice but SEMA was there and caught it in time. Out letters and others were able to get the RPM act in action and now with a more bi partisan conservative group it should be passed in the near future to prevent this from happening again. When I say Bi Partisan I mean to the point I have even got a visit by Rep Tim Ryan [D] of the 13th district at my desk. This was a big deal that never hit the news and is only one of many things deployed during the Obama administration. Sure I could sit here and piss and moan about how his failed foreign policy has made this an even more dangerous world than even after Bush. Don't believe me just ask one of my middle east customers. Or a laundry list that could be read. I acted in this case and I voted. While I have never found my true pure leader I had to pick the best of what was given. We are not given much but at least it is not someone who at least did something on his own vs. just working the political circuit to the top. Lets face it and I mean this in no racial way but Obama would never have been elected or supported by the Democrats if he was white. The same with Hilary as they ran her for two reasons one she was a woman and two the Clintons had owned the progressive Democratic Party. If they wanted to win the office they need to look to a Tim Ryan or a Senator Joe Manchin of WV that could bridge the gap between the left and right and may just get something done. Yet now they turn even farther left. Now the right is not any better off so I give them no pass but they tend to support the true cores of our past a little better for people to be more self reliant and more to accept responsibility for their lives while the left is more worried about playing or making everyone a victim yet while many in DC that they are supporting steal their lunch and eat it. Drew as I said this is not a personal shot at you. You and many like you have very good intent and mean well but yet you are taken advantage of by the very people you support and often do not even see it happening. We should be wary of every one and we should stick to the laws we have and use the system to change them if we want change. But appointing activist to change laws is wrong as is putting in judges that want to legislate law and not interpret it like the 9th circuit. We really need to get back to the basics and people need to stop worrying about being the victim. The reality is life is not always going to be fair. Stand up for your rights is one thing but to cry every time you feel slighted will leave you nothing but a petty bickering person that is never happy with anything. In life you win some and you lose some and you come back to try to win again. Bitching about someone because they own a Rolls is not going to change the world. In fact that car is as much a prop for Trump as anything as what attracts investors success and the symbol of success is Rolls Royce. Hard to get people to invest if you drive a Pacer. When California defaults due to all the social programs and liberal causes they spend on they will turn to the Feds asking for money and that is when pay back is a J$$&&$. The people on the coast have had their brains corroded by the salt air. The people that live and work in the valley despise them.
  14. That what you percieve You can sub in a car but the biases are still there. What we really were talking about is the EPA and how to help the environment but also not killing the economy while doing it. The cars people drive mean little. The truth is the Rolls is a prop for business. Many business people used high end product to show their success and draw investors. Not many investor look positive to Pinto drivers.
  15. Truth is there are two houses of Democratic and Republican Hypocrites in Washington that make Trump look like a Rookie like he is in politics. Both are filled with millionaires most made on the backs of the tax payers not private business. Funny how the Democrats or those who claim to be Democrats that have hijacked the party claim to be for the common man yet they have the most millionaires of the two parties. It is just a sad deal when you look at the whole mess. Today you have the far right, the far left and then the independents that got left behind by those who high jacked each party for their own needs and greed. Some call it a swap but to me it is a septic tank and it needs pumped and replace with more moderates in the middle. I expect that will never happen. Too much power and money at stake. They want to blame Russia and Putin for everything but we are destroying ourselves. I suspect Putin did nothing but poke a few holes and let the rest of it to unravel on our own.
  16. The problem is the ATS and CTS did not age well. Also the styling is so close on all the Cadillac cars they really lack a true personality of their own. I am all for a family face but you have to still make them different enough to draw people in. The CTS V sport also got lost in the shuffle too. I hope JDN can make these cars all look like a Cadillac but give each its own personality. I have always hated BMW for not really doing much in styling. At least Benz will take a swing at it now and then.
  17. Consumers want to flap their arms and fly too but that is not going to happen. Here is the deal. Yes everyone wants more MPG but the reality of technology and physic are creating cars people really don't want or like. The demise of the large RWD sedan just increased sales of large trucks and suv models. If asked or given the choice of more MPG in a Smart car or a vehicle like a truck most buyers would chose the truck or suv. Automaker are just to the point where they are struggling to sell cars and larger CUV and Suv models are ruling. Many people want power but you have to temper it with for MPG. They want MPG but to make it lighter cost more money. The bottom line is there is no silver bullet here. Electric is still a life style changer or many to drive and also an even higher priced option. This is a situation that needs to be reviewed every year and engineers not politicians need to access just what the market can or can not do. Also some marketing people need to be involved to gauge what people will put up with. I do not know anyone who wants dirty air or lower MPG but just how much are they willing to pay and just how much are they willing to give up in vehicle size. This needs to be balanced and accessed each year to gain the most MPG we can but not at a risk of jobs and or economic damage to the automakers. Too often the laws like from the last administration had little to no consideration for the Automaker health. They hate Co operations and if they die they are happy. What they forget are the millions that work for them or depend on them to make a living and feed their families. This is something both sides need to work on together and not get any far out wacko ideas. Keep it real and advance it yearly but realistically. 54 MPG just was not obtainable unless more advances are made to make electric cars cheaper and faster to charge. We will get there but there is still so much work to do.
  18. FYI has anyone noticed what I have found. Hummer may be making a comeback at Chevy. Why do I say this. Well I have been working to buy a ZR2 Extended Cab Truck. {That is an ordeal in its self right now with poor GM marketing of models and colors not yet available even if they are shown in the brochure} The Z had ex Hummer engineers involved to create it. They used a H3 Truck as the bench mark for abilities as the ZR2 will do a 60% grade and can travel the class 4 Moab trail as the Hummer could. I suspect that GM may do the same with the full size and even a SUV. This may be their way to create a real Jeep competitor without the expense of special platforms and other high cost things. It will be added income and if they need to change things it is easy to change a model vs. a whole division. As got GMC they are not getting a ZR2 of their own per the lead of the Colorado platform. She was asked if GM would consider a new Blaze since she watches over the Holden version. She would only say that would be interesting and smiled. Up to that point she was pure yes and no. That is what I call GM talk as I know many people in GM and to get a hint you have to listen how they answer things or say things. When there is a possible thing they remain silent and often with a smile. If it is a now they just say no. So while we may have less models we may see more variation of these models to off set the lack of diversity in fewer products. The ZR has caused me grief as I went to order it this week First off the Red Hot one that has been at the shows and in the brochure is not available. Second I went to order the Extended cab as I want the larger bed. Well you can't order one. From what I can learn on my own since the dealers have so little clue is that all the trucks from now till June are 2017 models and will only be Crew Cabs. Makes sense as it will be the most popular. They are going to build around one per dealer. I have confirmed the production of the 2018 will be early July as the norm. I suspect the Extended Cab will go on line then but I can not get this confirmed. I will have to check the order guide when it comes out in May as so little info is out. As for ordering I had one dealer salesman lie to me he ordered my truck. I asked for a build workbench sheet and he never returned my e mail. I had another get mad as I said I wanted to make a deal on one and he told me it was MSRP only and I said Ok I will remember that. He then went into a tirade about being permitted to make $1300 on the deal. Well if that is all he will make then he needs to find another dealer to work for as invoice is more than that not counting Hold back and other bonuses. I think some of these sales people think this is a limited edition but it is just going to be a regular production vehicle that GM has said next year they will build as many as the public wants like a Z71. So for now I wait to see when they get the Extend Cab out. Or if I get tired of waiting I will opt for a loaded Canyon SLT Extended cab. As for the Red Hot color no one can say if it will be there next year? You would think the trucks shown in the brochure would be the ones they would sell. Hell the Extended Cab is on the cover but yet you can not buy it.
  19. The problem with Alfa is their reputation is much worse than Cadillac. They were always seen as the odd sedan with the grill like a Vagina. They were driven by the odd neighbor who used a fake Italian accent. They had rust problem, they has major repair cost and they have many catastrophic engine failures. When they were here they were little noticed and when they left no one notices. They are best know as a trivia question as to what car did Dustin Hoffman drive in the Graduate. On the other hand Cadillac has major work to do in getting the public to appreciate and trust them again. This is with a brand that once was the car of millionaires and the car that was a symbol of success. It too was damaged by many bad things over the last few decades but yet they still have a treasured past for most Americans while Alfa still remains the odd ball. Alfa globally has a better rep of their history due to racing. But yet little love for the modern models. But the pressure Sergio has placed on them has set them up to fail from the start. Sergio stated by next year they are to sell 140,000 units in N America and 400,000 units globally. That is not going to happen and odds are good that it will not happen in even 5-10 years even with the CUV. So Alfa here needs to create a love that never really existed from a fairly unknown history for a car in one of the toughest segments to break into. Then the VW question. If VW buys in what do they do with them. Take them and slip a Audi platform under the body? Do they sell them off since all they want are Jeep and Ram? This is a car for people who march to the beat of a different drum and are willing to accept the baggage that comes with the car like low resale and high repair cost. They can not use American pride like Cadillac or a history here that anyone recalls.
  20. I don't see the Impala going away but for sure the Epsilon. I just have a gut feeling the Impala and SS will merge on a Alpha based sedan platform using many Camaro parts under the body. This way they could sell lower volumes but also help the Camaro and Cadillac Alpha cars spread out the cost. GM also needs a new NASCAR Sedan. This platform could underpin a new Buick Lacrosse with RWD and AWD to replace the XTS. Just think back to the Buick Show car sedan that we saw and think of it as a replacement for the XTS in this segment. With consolidation of model that also means platforms. The Alpha can and will be used more in the future with the 2nd gen coming. Will this Chevy and Buick happen. I can not say for sure but there is enough there to present a business case and with today's shrinking car market merging it with the Alpha would make benefit GM and the Alpha program. This also fits the global narrative with models of both Buick and Chevy being sold globally in small numbers in each market but many numbers collectively. The consolidation of the number of models does hurt the consumer choice but look around most MFG offer even less models and even less choices in options as they ship them overseas in three levels and 6 colors. Order one you have to be kidding is all you will hear. The whole future is about efficiency in running the business. Controlling cost and getting the most out of every investment. Case in point. Why do some really cool models never make it to production even if they would make money? Because there are other maybe more mundane models that can sell three times as many and return three times the investment. Folks running a car company is only so much passion. Today it is the heartless mind set of maximizing profits that keep them alive. Sad but true, Making money in the Auto industry is tough and only going to get tougher. Hell I am looking at buying a mid size truck and the sticker is over $40K. The cost of making cars will not get cheaper and our incomes are not going to keep pace. The automakers are looking at this and trying to find ways to buy time to get to where people will be able to afford cars in the future. Controlling cost is only one part of it but it is a big part. Getting stock prices up to where they need to be with higher profits is another. We can piss and moan that they did not build this really cool coupe or sports car but when you look at how much it would make vs. another program they have to do the responsible thing and make the most of the investment. It is not that they don't want to do it but in this age it is hard to do anything but. This again is big picture stuff.
  21. It is not what the Alfa does now that is the concern but how will it hold up long term and just how expensive will it be to maintain. Ferrari's are great cars but become money pits and price out many owners that can afford the car but not to maintain it. Then you have the quality issues long term to consider. This is not just an Alfa issue but many cars in this segment. Some prove to be fairly maintenance free while others call for service plans that can be expensive and if ignored can lead to major failures.
  22. Thanks my pad auto incorrect. Because that does not represent the kind of product Cadillac wants or needs to improve their image. Also you have the Lacrosse sitting there ready to take that segment as it is already in that price and segment. Just because it is selling does not mean it is really repairing the image of Cadillac. While it may appear counter productive to do in the short term it will fix the long term problem of perceived image and also help funnel customers to Buick for this kind of car.
  23. The future is going to be all about being efficient and cost effective. The keys will be to do more with less and make it so you can make changes even faster. I fear companies like PSA and VW will at some point collapse under their own weight. Note we already saw GM, Chrysler and even Ford do this already. A large economic down turn will kill the largest company. while it is cool to have a zillion models and address every segment this path is no longer sustainable. Development cast are too high as are operating cost.
  24. I hate to tell you it already has been for years. I have heard old time Firestone banbury operators dumping all sorts of items from their lunch into the rubber mixers. chicken bones, cigerettes, candy wrappers, pop cans etc. these were the guys mixing rubber for the Firestone 500's.
  25. Stew the MR2 was a low $20's car back then in the first gen loaded and the first gen was around $17K. The cars died early as while they sold in limited numbers the cost to redesign and retool them for a limited market was difficult. The third attempt was to do it as a convertible and try to make it cheaper like a Miata. That did not work either. Even if the Fiero had gone right it would not have lived on too much longer. The RX7 did better but still died. The Z cars all did not last. Most two seat cars all have limited lives outside the Corvette and Miata. The Miata has wide appeal and great global markets and limited sales in each with special models to keep buyers coming back. The Corvette was built into an Icon like a Harley. It has also skirted with death more than once but Chevy has always found a way to keep it profitable and to bring buyers back. Hence their need to make a $79K model in the C8. The cost of development is so much anymore it is nearly impossible to make a car that sells only 18K units at a price below $35K. The Kappa cars were build and marketed globally and it was damn hard getting the base to $19,999 even using parts from an Envoy, Grand Prix and CTS. As it was even if Pontiac had lived the Kappa was well on the way to death as they just sold too few to really make a case for a new model. It may have lingered on a couple more years. Most two seat sports cars are expensive because they sell in small numbers and to make money you have to jack the price. The Corvette saves money suing and sharing parts with Cadillac, trucks and the Camaro. If not for these model sit would be even higher. But because of the price it does add exclusivity to the image and that is how they market it. If you could build and sell 150,000 458 Ferrari's with engines from a IVCO truck you could price them to $75k too but Ferrari wants to keep numbers low for image as they already have secured the high price. You can play your dollars this year and back then game but the trick is the cost of development today. Today's cars take billions to develop and that is not just inflation but the many things they need to design and they have to test anymore along with the man hours it cost. The days of the cheap sports car are at an end as even the general passenger cars are now $35K as an average and trucks are even more. It is possible unless Mazda does not leverage more sales for the Miata of sister cars or raise the price more they could be in the last gen. Stew this is big picture stuff and you have to take all aspects into this. You just can't cherry pick what ever you think you have to look at all the metric the automakers use to make a business case. Things many fail to consider is Yes GM can make a cheap small sports coupe or car. Yes it would be cool and all that sh*t. But they also could build a small CUV that would cost as much to develop and it would sell in numbers of 150,000 units vs. 12,000 units the sports car would sell. Also you would get repeat customer daily because that CUV is going to be driven and worn out. If the customer liked it he will buy the new one. The sports car will see limited third car duty on weekends and remain in low miles even after 10 years. Repeat buyers will be limited and people who really want one will buy it in the first 5 years. Hence the short life of many sports cars.
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