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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. GM, Ford and Chrysler were the last compnies to try to make all their brands try to be all things to everyone. All three were the ones that have gotten into trouble because in being all to every one it weakened their product. Think of GM as not a Multi Tool but as each brand as Box of dedicated Snap On tools and each have a specific job. Now look at Mercury as a Multi Tool. Mercury is just doing the same job as Ford and trying to be all to everyone. If Ford had made Mercury more of a Lexus. Also if Ford had dedicated Lincoln to fight Benz and BMW like Caddy VS living off of cheap sales to fleet and old people with the Town Car There would be no need for a Wat Forward program. I am sorry there is change you don't like and just as in life things change where we all have to grow up get a job and die. In each fase you try to get to good and take the best but the bad also comes along. GM only needs Three brands at best. Chevy Saturn and Caddy. All the others are not a have to have brand and if they copy the others they only steal sales from them and benifit GM little. The only way to save these brands is to dedicate them to a specific job and make them do that job well. If not Buck and Pontiac would die a sad death. I much would rather see them give an attempt to save them with good product than a buch af half A$$ cars like they have today. Just let GM show us the product in the next few years and I think you will be suprised of the change and and comback Pontiac will make. Just look at Caddy and when they were tring to be something for all. We had Cavalier Caddies and other messes on the road. Now look today at Caddy tring to serve the high end and getting the respect for doing so. They don't sell in great volumes as they have but they are making more money per car and have benifited greatly with the changes. I am glad to see GM as a quality box of tools vs trying to wee them tune up a car brand with a multi tool. We have enough stripped bolts over the last 30 years.
  2. The truth is GM really only needs 2-3 divisions and Pontiac, Buick and GMC are not any of the three. To Give them a chance to make it they are now being operated like Hummer and service the specialty crowd. The days of selling 100K of any Pontiac are long over and not even expected. It is easier to turn BPG into s nich dealer vs killing it as they still have great name equity, dealers they have to still take care of etc. The new way of operation with 4-5 models each is going to give one dealer enough volume to make it with cars that will make more per unit if the public is offered something more than a warmed over Chevy. Pontiac has left the days of no running water, no electricity, childhoods of walking back and forth without boots in a snowstorm and selling at high volume. It is time to let Pontiac and Buick do what they do best and make more money on one car vs less on 3 others. It is he who make more money wins not who sells the most cars. The bottom line is profit not volume.
  3. Not even close. This is a crude idea of what is coming. Think more Liters, power, technology and more refinment.
  4. Just since this has been fun let see who really know about driving in the snow. I will start here. I have driven in 27 winters In the Great lakes Snow Belt Approx Average 120 plus inches of snow a winter. Only one year on Bias Snow tires 26 year on All Season radials. All were in RWD cars or 2 wheel drive trucks. Times stuck one. My own fault for driving too fast and sticking it nose first in the ditch under braking. A FWD would have ended up in the same place. Lets see what you have under your belt?
  5. Well said! Pontiac needs to be about Performance and Image. That is what sells in this classs. Pontiac need to be more than a car payment or just transportation. It should be a car for the enthusiast and become a car you want to be seen in. As for the Aztec, yes it is a good vehicle for transporation and and a low payment but it does little for one's image or soul. Drive up to a big meeting in a Aztec and tell the world your cheap sorry frugul or underpaid and lack self awareness but likes to carry a lot of cargo. Also if I become homeless I can live in it with the tent option. [just kidding!] Drive up in a 440 HP G8 GXP and they will see a person who enjoys the drive and has the means to afford it at a good price. Today the a large part of the public under 60 years old is very image driven. They have to wear a certin kind of Jeans, wear a specific brand shoe and eat at that one popular resturant. These are not the people who drive Impala's or Camry's so what better thqan to let Pontiac serve this group vs Chevy who plays to the transportation and price crowd.
  6. Well I am born and raised in the Snow belt of Lake Erie We get more snow here than most parts of the country. I have driven RWD for years with All season tires with nary a problem for near 30 years. The only car I ever had much problem with was a Big Block 1972 GMC Sprint SP with an open rear. All I had to do is add some weight in the rear and it was fine. As for AWD cars here other than Subaru they are not a common sight here. for RWD cars and trucks they are everywhere. Mecedes and BMW must not be affraid to stay in the Cleveland Akron and Canton area as they have a very strong network and even have sold a few SLR Mclarens along the way. [DId not see that one in the snow]. Heck the Benz dealer in Akron is all new as is the BMW dealer and both well laid out new style dealers not old buildings. Most of all there cars here are RWD as AWD is rare for them. The only cars I see stuck in the snow or median are 4X4 people who flat lost it under braking as they stop no better than RWD or FWD and don't have enough sense to understand that. I get the feeling the problem lies with the dumbing down of the American driver. Let's face it people drove for 80's years in poor weather in RWD vehicles and did so on some of the poorest bias tires and with no elctronic controls. Just about everyone got where they were going and never complained. Todays driver are as unskill since the automobile was created. Even wagon drivers attained better control skills than many of todays drivers. Today you have cars and tires that do most of the work and driving skill has declined because of it. I fear stability control will rob future generations of the skill of correcting a slide. This is a skill that could save theirs or some one else life. I have Stability control on my one car. It is a benifit on FWD to get it to turn under acceleration. But it is not fool proof and one can over power Stablility control then the car will spin anyway. If it does would todays driver be able to save it? I do not believe so! I have no problem with GM selling FWD cars as they do have their place for the unskilled and non performance driver. But when you sell Pontiac you need to sell it to be different than Chevy. You need to sell Pontiac to it's strength as a performance car. Pontiac needs to be different to make it in the future and no longer has to make cars to cover the entire scope of buyers. I think Chevy and Saturn will cover the FWD market well for GM, do we really need three divisions selling the same car? Isn't that part of the problem that got us to this point in the first place? As for RWD in the snow, If you can drive one in the snow learn car control as it is not that hard. In truth it can be quite fun and make you a much better driver even in a FWD. How long till the day of the self guided car on the electronic highway comes? We already have a car that tries to park it's self if you have all day. If you can't park it then get out of it you should not be driving. Do not under estimate the snow states we have delt with this for years and we are not affraid of a little white stuff.
  7. I am a GM/Pontiac buyer and fan. I needed a $30K 4 door sedan. What other choice did I have. Add in the fact I drive a 2 wheel drive GMC pick up with a ZQ8 handling package daily and this was the wifes car. If I had been buying the car for myself it would have had a 2 door GTO. I only bought the best 4 door Pontiac had available [RWD was not an option in 04 in a Pontiac sedan]and besides the car stickered at near 33K and I bought it for 23K new. Must not be much profit in the FWD supercharged Comp GP if they mark em down that much. Yes it has every option including the 3 SPO options and five spoke GTP wheels. This is another case of offer what the people want and they come knocking and willing to spend more. If the G8 was out I would have been glad to spend more to get it but when I was buying all that was avail was CTS [wife hated it I like it, the Chrysler and Dodge [i would never buy from Chrysler], A crown Vic [Ya like I want an old car] and I do not buy 4N. Anyway my truck is up for replacment soon and I will replace it with either a new RWD truck or Car I have never owned a FWD car for myself. I have been looking at a 06 GTO or waiting for the 09 Camaro. People only put into their garage what they can afford or is available and there really are not many options with a RWD..... yet. GM lost money on my sales becase it was thew same old story we will discount the Yadda Yadda FWD cars because they are not selling like they should. They lost my extra money I was willing to spend on the car they did not offer what I want. I know the truth about RWD vs FWD, In the 80's they needed smaller lighter car fast and what other way to do it cheap. Then add a marketing blitz on winter driving and presto a new generation that has no clue to RWD. FWD is like Windows on my computer. It is user friendly but not really the best system. FWD is just point and shoot for the unskilled cell phone talking driver, not better traction or feel. Out of 3 cars in my Garage 2 are Pontiacs and one a GMC truck. Only one is FWD and not by choice I had no option at Pontiac. If you think Pontiac is floating you had better look at sales and profit per unit sold. it's not good. Right Wheel Drive RWD is the way to go.
  8. Never a more true statment! It is time to leave the past in the past and join the new century with new competitive products and not some warmed over Chevy base product. Since Holden has a world quality product and is not like anything GM offers in the states, they would be good place to start a new look for Pontiac. Like the styling or not it's as good as many and better than many out there now. If you don't think it is exciting enough there are many other cars less exciting and selling very well. The general public as a whole do not want or care for the much extroverted Pontiacs of the 70's and 80's. GM has realized time has moved on and wants Pontiac to move on too. If there are those who don't think Pontiac can be taken seriously as a competitor of cars in the low end Luxury Performance group you had better not under estimate them. The same people starting this change are the same people over seeing Caddy and Saturns make over into cars the press and public are now taking seriously. I think the change at GM came when they woke up and found they were no longer fighting with Ford and Chrysler. When Caddy was aimed and given cars to compete with BMW and Benz they are now being taken seriously. Saturn is now getting great Opel products and are now seen as real competior to Toyota. Given some quality product that we have not even seen yet and make it competitive with someone morte than Ford or Chrysler Pontiac can grow and be taken as a real world competitor. As we have seen with Caddy and Saturn this is not going to happen over night. It will happen model by model with each being a step foward to respectibility. Respect has to be earned with good product and time. Toyota and Benz did not just find their way to where they are one morning. One thing for sure while the G6 and GP are not bad cars they are not the cars to earn this respect, Pontiac needs better. I being an owner of a new GP can say it is a good car but not a great car. Pontiac needs great cars. I also agree the FWD cars are the best they have been but still do not have that firm solid feeling of a REW. It is just had to give good feeling with wheels that steer and turn. Your asking it to do more then they can provide. If FWD was that good then we would have seen it on the Vette by now? Don't under estimate the G8 as it is only the first step. Next will be a GXP G8 and more cars we will be very please with. If the G8 is a car that will sell well in Austrailia, Europe and China it should do well here. We need to quit thinking just as GM NA but we should think GM Global as that is where we finally heading. It will be cool again in the near future to own a Pontiac.
  9. It is bad enough my companies head quarters is sperated by a Warehouse and in several buildings. If you want GM to work together keep them together. Lets face it the average buyer does not know or care where the headquarters are.
  10. Do you realize how expensive it is to move to Califorinia? Taxes alone are not worth the price of admission. Do you really think the Govenator will really do more to help them over Michigan? Do you think the greenies from the San Fran area will be glad they have a shorter drive to protest? Moving will solve little or nothing and if your moving make it some where other than California. Honda is in Ohio and Indiana. The company I work for has a west coast facillitiy and we are Reno as we can cover the west coast but the taxes were less and the goverment in Nevada was more willing to help. If you have to promote a west coast office for publicity just do a better job of promoting the design studio already there. That is about as much image your going to get anyway.
  11. Pontiac is not in the same boat as they were in 1997. Today they are part Buick, Pontiac and GMC and do not need to sell car is a high volume in each brand as all three brands now equal on division. Today they not competing with Chevy and need to focus on what Chevy does not sell. They are more like Acura or a Lexus dealer now. Lower volume higher quality cars that are not the same as the entry level cars. I am not going to say to have one FWD is wrong but it should not be the main focus car. It should be the entry level car for the dealer at best. Teamed with GMC and Buick the idea is profit per car not profit per volume sold as it takes with a small FWD car. If BPG sells 400,000 cars a year and makes a profit on them it would be better than selling 400,000 small FWD cars with little or no profit. Leve the low profit high volume cars to Chevy as that is what they do best as a value leader. BPG is for the owner who wants to seperate himself from the entry level crowd as say I can do better. The guy who was a quality car but can't spring for the 60K STS. Lexus may be bases on the entry levels divisions cvars but they offer what the entry level does not offer.
  12. With all this what is a Pontiac and whats not can you imagine how pissed the Oakland fans are! By my Standards if it has a Pontiac emblem it is a Pontiac. Yes I will even accept the Aztec just not the Vibe. I do love the old Pontiacs engines but I do not miss the broken ring lands on the cast pistons and the leaking rear main seals. Rule of thumb if it has cast pistons keep the timing down as you will break 1-2 pistons. This is how My buddy and myself learned how to rebuild engines. We got to the point we could pull a 428 tri power out of a 65 GTO in 30 min. Not bad for 16 year olds. We did one run it with the two bad pistons and a 3:08 gear on street tires and still pulled a 14:01. Also for the Fiero V6. It was a Chevy based 2.8 but had a Pontiac only intake, stainless exhaust manifolds and closed loop computer. But because of the 2.8 Chevy base I only included the 4 cylinder as the last Pontiac.
  13. No nut jobs. Just because some may have not been Camaro owners does not mean they are not people who are not intrested or informed on the car. I assume they were picked because the insite and vision in there written statments that showed they had a clue of what is going on.
  14. If you go by the way some define a Pontiac the last one was....... Nothing past 1972 1979 10th ann TA with the 400 The last 301 in the 80's The last 1988 Fiero with the Tech 4 engine....note just for fun it was the last Pontiac engined Pontiacr, It was the last Pontiac Michigan built Pontiac and last Pontiac only Platform. There still building them today. It all seem a litttle petty to claim anything but the last that they are still building them today. My reply when I get comment about My Fiero not being a Pontiac is You have a nice Chevelle there to the GTO owner. What other than the V6 on my car is not Pontiac? All in all most Pontiac people at shows are very good to my club but you get a old timer who is stuck in the 60's and just can't accept anything other than his narrow veiw. My feeling is there have been many good Pontiacs in a time there were many bad cars in the 80's and 90's so I am glad to accept them as Pontiac's badge engineered or not. The G8 is more Pontiac than any other car sold in this country and I don't expect to see Holden coming anytime soon. It is just time for people to quite reliving the past and accept change. Many car shows are ruined by folks who hate the post 1970 cars. Not every one can afford an old car like the youth of today and if you want them in the hobby the old cranks need to accept them or the hobby of collector car and drive in's on saturday night will fade away. As hard as it is to accept today really is the good old day so enjoy it before it is gone and you regrette it. I can see a day when the low volume GTO may be the Hemi Cuda of the decade when Hybrid cars become the norm. Remeber they had to give away Superbirds in 71 to get them off the lots.
  15. Sorry I fixed it! Happy? Next time I will wait till I am awake. Any way the people they picked came from a GM based independent web site [GMINSIDER.COM]. They were asked to write in 250 words or less what they thought the Camaro should be. The twelve that were picked were base on their Ideas. Some were not your normal Camaro owners. They are auto enthusiast but were not required to be Camaro owners. Lets face it it is a no brainer to sell to the captive crowd but Chevy needs to get the people who are not your normal F body owner to buy. They already know what most F body people want. I think they went about it in a good way and at least have people with an interest in the car. I know several people involved with the Camaro program and they are car people not just stuffed shirts so this whole deal is in good hands. As for the rest of the car from what I hear everyone should be happy. Things are looking as good or better than what we are expcting. Do not underestimate anything we have heard.
  16. A Focus group is being formed and they will meet in May. 12 people were picked from a enthusiast web site and will help with feedback on option packages and other items on the new car. They will also be taken to the Milford proving grounds so this shows we have some Camaro's prototypes in country so our Detroit phone photog's might want to keep an eye out for any odd cars what could be a rebodied Camaro. I have someone I know that is one of the 12 and is a great informed Camaro fan. So this group is not a lot of people that really have no clue so you can rest easy that the fee back will be from pople that really car and understand. It would have been fun to have been one of the 12 Disciples. I always wanted to be a focus group but to be in one for a car like this would be killer.
  17. Think agian as these Eviro"mental" people will see that all old cars and truck Will be forced off the road including Classic and show cars. Next they will try to force the end of other gas powered engines. They will not care what is powering it as it is seen as a threat to there vision of the future. Keeping your old car most likley will not be an option to keep or even drive no matter the fuel. In some countries the tax goes up the longer you keep your car till it becomes cheaper to buy a new car. The want to change so much in your life. The way you drive, the place you work, they way you eat, etc. This is the real 1984 and it is just late. I know much of it will not come to pass right away but if only they get 25% of what they want thing will be effected in a very negitive way for all that love and depend on cars. Ever notice the eviro"mental" people are the same one who support gun laws? At least we know they are affraid of the mainstream pmce they wake up These are the same people that will not let you drive your modified car in California if you have changed parts on it. This is even if the tail pipe levels are lower than factory and improved milage? So even if you improve your emissions you still can't drive the car because you tampered with it! That is what your dealing with. This is going on today with CARB in California.
  18. It is important that all here read and learn as much on Global warming as possible. The best defense is a good offense. There is a big power play here in the world and this really is WWIII only it is being fought with money. If you read up on this some of the GW folks are even preaching against cattle farming and would like to take you 16 oz T bone away just as much as your Corvette. The fact is many of these people are not presenting all the fact and giveing correct information. It inportant not to be some boob that just does not pay attention on this topic. Most of the people can't name their state congressman but they can tell you who got kicked off American Idol last night. The general public as a whole has become so ignorent that the old Gobbles saying that if you say it long enough and loud enough people will think it is true. As of now the RWD programs are not canceled and very well will not be cancled so untill you hear any different don't get to bent out of shape. On the other hand it is time to learn as much as you can on all sides of this GW debate and once informed you and corperate America will be better off dealing with this power/money grab. If anything we all had better get a handle on this before the unlearned mass votes in the people into office that could change things that could cancel the RWD plans. The first question to ask any of our GW supporters is what is normal weather. They will try to sell you on data that is not long reaching as the earth has been in flux for many many years and there really is no norm. They want you to believe in evolution but they don't want you to believe the earth itself evolves. Most reashearch being done is not on equal terms and everyones ruler does not have 12 inches for every foot. This whole debate goes back to there are lies, damn lies and there are statistics. You can make number mean anything you want if you tweek them enough. So please fight back and learn as much on this as you can as it is the only way to defeat this GW power grab. How many remember the world was going into the ice age in the 80's on the last theory?
  19. Ok everyone take a deep breath and say it will all work out in the end. Right now the hot button is Global Warming with many in the public and with lobbiest. Many have the public in a Chicken Little mode with the sky is falling when they can not prove 100% there is Global Warming. The earths weather is always in flux and can change at anytime. The plain fact what is normal weather as ther is nothing normal about it. The bottom line is there is a lot of money behind Global Warming and both political parties are in a fight over who gets the money. These turkeys could care less if the ice caps melt ot not. It is only greed and who controls the money. As you can see Mr Gore does not practic as he preaches as do many of the Hollywood trash. [i will give Ed Begley a nood, even though I disagree with him he does practis what he preaches and I respect that]. You may not like Mr Bush but but he is as good a friend as Detroit is going to get so they need to start fighting for themselves and that is what Uncle Bob is doing. The best defense is a good offense. GM is making their play and letting DC know what is at stake. This whole Global Warming deal I feel is other countries and the world money people working to bring the America down. They know we can not be defeated militarily but we can be taken out monitarily. Hell we already saw the once mighty USSR go bankrupt so there is no reason it can't happen here too. The greed in this country is at it's highest and the same thing took out Rome many years ago. People need to wake up as we have some hard times ahead. As for the cars we have had the end of the world how many times? The auto industry always finds a way to fight back and they will again. We now have V6 engines that will out perform most V8's of the last 30 years and they will get 30 plus MPG highway. We have 4 cylinders that have almost twice the power of the 70's Vette's. We are in a much better place to still have great cars and not have to worry about being left with nothing. Ypu don't need 500 HP to have a great fun car. I think you will see GM is making a statment and also waiting to see where they need to go with the Zeta's and make them competitive and still meet what the Goverment forces. No sense getting them finished and have to redo a lot of the work a second time. I think this is no different than when the Camaro was on hold and once the problems were worked out they went ahead with a better car. The Camaro was never canceled just on hold and that is where we are today. We are a few years away from a real hybrid that is more than a publicity gimick so don't even worry about it. Once you see we have new batteries the time will come but it stillis not time to even go that way yet. The bottom line let let some of this play out before we lower the life boats. No one has passed any laws or made and new rules yet so let see what happens first. There is going to be some change but I am sure it will be watered down from the tough talk. When was the last time DC did not water anything down. What bothers me more is tha fact we have people passing laws that do not even know how to check their own oil. How are they to understand how these laws will effect the indutry or eviroment. All they know is what group telling them how to vote funded their re election.
  20. Like I have asked before to all that complained that the GTO did not look like a GTO, So what does a GTO look like. And don't give me a buch of retro styling cue's. Heavy retro is a crutch for lack of originality of a good new design. Thank God they did not cry retro in 1964 or we would have had wide chrome bands down both sides of the hood. If the GTO was avaible at the dealer in 2005 for 28K I would have considered one. I just looked at a new 2006 the other day for 28K and thought about it but would now rather wait for the Camaro vs buying a car no longer in production. Either way I will never pay over sticker for anycar! I have no interest in buying a car that is on it's way out or already gone.
  21. The plain facts that hurt the car were as follows. The MUSTANG at a much lower price. Styling while not bad was old and not fresh to the eyes in the NA market. Dealer mark up! If the stickers were at $33k and the cars were sold at 28K with dealers coming off stickers it may have had a chance. But dealers marking up the car to over $40k and not coming off price when the Mustange was still being sold for less sealed the deal. I blame the Mustang as a whole for the problems than anything else. If the new Stang had not arrived whne it did it may have had a chance without the dealer mark up. It was a 30K car not a 40K car.
  22. As I stated before this was posted a while back by myself and at that time it was a proposal. This is a Production concept that will go into productions and is expected late summer. The news it is going into production is not old news. That is good news for Wilmington and sould be more work for them. Better yet it may help build a even larger case for a Alpha Car that wouls also be used to be the second Gen Kappa replacment. I also expect a Holden somewhere down the line. If that happens how long till England get's one too? Info is posted on GM Daewoo. Here is what is posted on Autoblog.com from the Korean site. The premiere of the unique G2X roadster a few months ahead of its domestic sales, which start in late summer, is a true highlight of this year's Seoul Motor Show. Its longitudinally front-installed 2.0-liter 260-hp engine with turbocharger and gasoline direct injection accelerates the roadster to 100 km/h from a standing start in just 5.5 seconds, and to a top speed of about 227 km/h. "The G2X is a classic roadster with abundant power and breathtaking acceleration. Hence, it will offer true sports car performance and an exhilarating driving experience," said Grimaldi. "To further strengthen the GM Daewoo brand, we will offer Korean consumers something no other Korean manufacturer has in its showroom." The G2X brings with it a lot of personality thanks to its exciting shape, which contrasts sharp edges with curved surfaces to create a dynamic look. With a wide stance, sleek silhouette, long front-hinged hood and short overhangs, the proportions are typical of its class. High-tech features such as gasoline direct injection, a twin-scroll turbocharger with intercooler, double camshaft phasing and twin counter-rotating balance shafts provide the basis for the 1,998-cm 3 four-cylinder engine's impressive performance data. Maximum output of 194 kW/260 hp at 5,300 rpm and high torque plateau of 353 Nm (35.9 kh.m) between 2,500 and 5,000 rpm ensure plenty of power in all situations. For the G2X, engineers designed a classic sporty configuration based on a rigid chassis, wide track (front/rear: 1,543/1,561 mm) and long wheelbase of 2,415 mm. All four wheels are suspended from twin A-arms made from forged aluminum, the center of gravity is low, and the weight distribution of 51:49 percent (front/rear) is well balanced. An automatic five-speed transmission with limited slip differential efficiently provides propulsion power to the rear wheels. A torque beam between the transmission and rear axle suppresses reactions to acceleration/deceleration effects. All wheels are fitted with large disk brakes, while ABS and ESP (which, like Traction Control, can be switched off) monitor safety.
  23. From what I have been hearing and what I have been seeing I get the feeling we are about to see power from GM drivetains that we never dreamed about in the past. I know a while back it was reported that GM drivetrain was told by Bob Lutz he had their back and to work their magic. The numbers we have been hearing on many many engines are on the low side of what we are about to see. I 4 engines of at least 300 HP, V6 engines of 300 + and V8 engines of 420-700+ HP are in our future from all indications. With a new Northstar and LS3 coming these are all wee really know but indications are we can expect some suprises with engines and in HP in the next Few years up till 2010. I think we all should start watching the engines that are coming and look for some suprises in some new models.
  24. When I posted this news a while back but it was just offically was just anounced in Soul. The Saturn Sky/Opel GT is now a Daewoo GX2. Other than some grill bar changes and emblems the Sky will be marketed as a Daewood in Korea It will feature the same Turbo 2.0 and other options. No info yet when it will be in show rooms and I assume it will be imported from Willmington. I wonder how many of these will find their way to Japan?
  25. I need a new small truck now and will not buy what they offer. Drivetrain is not an issue with me as the I5 has more guts than my 4.3. As for the syling it is not the best but I could live with it if I had to. The interior is the worst I have ever seen in a GM vehicle. It is as bad as a earliy 80's Chevette. This truck could live with out an V8 but it could use a good V6 or better yet the OHC I6. These are not trucks that see heavy use and good power and good torque is all they need. They do need to be sound and trouble free to compete. As of now I would not give up my used Sonoma for a Colorado or Caynon for anything. If they can not give me a good truck I will settle for a 300 HP Camaro V6 for my daily driver.
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