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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Exactly William! Here is the deal. The RWD Zeta has dropped in sales for how many years down under and the market is dominated by what? Trucks and Small FWD sedans.. Even the HSV models are far from a majority of the Holdens sold. Popular yes but not high in production as they once were. I too see a HSV with AWD and Audi like V6 Turbo. Based on Opel OPC products this could be a real performance car. Also I suspect that a updated Camaro will reach their shores with RHD also. As of now for anyone to dismiss this is like a blind man complaining about the color of a room. Lets see first what they do and if it fails on it's own before we condemn it. A wise opinion is an informed opinion. The land down under is making the Mazda 3 their best seller not the Commodore or Falcon anymore. This must be considered greatly. Here read this. The story is before they anounced the death of the Holden Zeta by a few years. http://www.caradvice.com.au/265449/large-car-sales-2013-holden-commodore-ford-falcon-fall-record-lows/ Here is the real problem. Commodore sales have been one in three of all Holden sales. That is a big chunk but the model has been dropping sales yearly for the last how many year. Holden needs to sort out their other models including the more popular small FWD models that Toyota, Hyundai and Mazda dominate the market with. Same with the small truck market. The truth is Holden is not failing because they are killing the Commodore but because they have not connected with their FWD models yet as the Commodore sales continue to drop. The Fact is RWD is no longer the Bread and Butter or should I say Vegemite. If Holden fails it will be because of the small cars unable to compete with the other market leading small cars. To remain thinking the RWD car will lead them back to prosparity is a mistake. Again this is a car people want but it is not the car people are buying like they used to. When some of you look at GM you must consider they need to build car people will buy not just want. We all would want a SS here but how many of us really bought one? At the end of the day the smaller cars are what people can afford to buy and drive and that is what pays the bills. GM needs two cars to compete with the Camry and Mazda 3 down under and if they do it will be what saves Holden not another large sedan that would be just add on sales. There is also the fight of the old Korean Junk image they developed over the years that is no longer true. The move to Opel based products may here here but it is hard to shake. Ford handled the loss of the Falcon much slower as they started earlier and it has been less damaging. The bottom line is that Holden would in time fail even if they kept the RWD sedan as the segment there is dying. They need to address the rest of the cars and image to compete with those of the other imports Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai and Mazda to find cars people will connect to like the Mazda 3.
  2. Let me make this clear from the start I am not a fan of the start stop. I too wish for a delete button. Now let me get to the truth about the system. GM has one of if not the best system out there. It is smooth and is pretty much not noticeable unless you really are looking for it. [Even I have to admit my reluctance is petty] The cars today get up to temp in the matter of a mile or so and will get to temp even faster moving ahead. Fast warm up is key to lower emissions and that is a focus of all companies. The system has proven durable in the older cars and trucks with it. While rare they have not seen any major issues. Wear is a falsehood by those who really are not up on the system or systems out today. The delete button is much like the Skip shift. It has to be on full time to be considered by the EPA to get the MPG listed. Now with that said I would not be shocked if Jet or Hypertech may make a OBDII plug in that may defeat the shut down if you so choose. GM will not fight them on it in the aftermarket. The only real negative is if something does go out it could be a bit pricey to replace but on today's cars most things are pricey. But even then how often have you had to replace a starter lately. I have had going on 30 cars over the years and only had two go out on late 68 and 70 Chevy. It has gotten to the point where cars may run longer but when they do wear parts out their worth is less than the value of a change of a cam belt or other mechanical issue anymore. I suspect the used car market may be in for some changes with high mileage hybrids and higher tech cars in need of repair. Many will be parted out and may lead to even more salvage parts being sold by dismantlers. As for the stop start it is seen where most companies will have it on 75% or more of their cars from most MFG. The deal is you are going to get it no matter if you like it or not. At some point these will become the norm and we may notice more the cars that do not shut off than the ones that do.
  3. But that is not an option as the government will not permit this. This is a three way deal and it does not work that way. Also Mc Donald's service sucks at many outlets and the food is nothing to write home for anymore. Now the workers want $15 per hour and will only drive up cost for lousy food. As for the other franchises none of them were forced into it and don't have nearly 100 years of legacy to deal with. Please follow up on this as it represents the thinking and power the MFG are up against and with little support to fight it. http://gmauthority.com/blog/2016/05/new-york-court-ruling-puts-general-motors-dealer-sales-performance-metric-under-review/ This is the kind of BS they are dealing with now and if the MFG fight it they end up in court or with some government agency making it difficult to fight what they have a right to fight. If there was a simple affordable way out the MFG would have taken the path you wish for but that is just it there is no simple affordable path. Also stop comparing other franchises here as very little if anything applies. The lobbying efforts and power of the dealers is much more than nearly any other group out there. Ford GM and Chrysler has tried to bring in factory stores over the last several decades and each time they get shut down by the government or court ruling. On the other hand these dealers continue to get away with breaking franchise rules with no penalty. To be honest the automakers have made more progress with the UAW than the Dealer Association.
  4. See that argument falls apart as Tesla can do like everyone else was forced to do and sell dealer franchises like everyone else. Just because it is the old way of doing things doesn't mean it is the right way or fair way of doing things. Never said it was right or fair. What I am trying to get across is that this is a business situation that many people have a lot of money and power tied up in this and it will be a bloody financial mess to undo it. The Dealers and the well financed dealer associations are not going to go quietly. The automakers can not afford to buy out dealers but they can fight to keep the rules to where a new incoming MFG can not take advantage of a reform they can not share in. And the politicians are not going to want to be seen as aiding Import and Chinese MFG's come in and do damage to Auto MFG they just spent billions bailing out. You tell me how you undo this to where the automakers are not hurt, The dealers can not file lawsuits and politicians are not afraid to support and then you have it made. But at this point there is no way without some losing and losing big. Keep in mind this is not unlike the Nuclear Proliferations. This would be much better world if everyone got rid of them. But the truth is while they may agree to deals to limits they will never give up all of them or give up what they feel is an advantage. We have had them for 60 plus years now and once the Genie was out of the bottle there is no way to get it back in again. To change this to where everyone is in agreement money has to go to the dealers to buy them out but who has the money or is willing to do it? No one. The Automakers can not afford it and the government is not going to do it so you are left with them kicking the can down the road. Note the larger the national dealers become the more power they will hold. Hell even Penske considered buying Saturn at one point. They are not the local mom and pop dealers of old anymore.
  5. See that argument falls apart as Tesla can do like everyone else was forced to do and sell dealer franchises like everyone else. That horse left the barn over 100 years ago. It's time to update the rules. I fully agree it needs to change but how do you do it and not put any of the MFG that have been forced into this 100 years ago not be left at a disadvantage? How do you yank dealerships some good but low volume 80 year old family businesses away from them? To just open the door to new MFG would be unfair to the old ones you forced into this in the first place. It would be like going to Indy and telling the teams like Penske and Foyt that you started racing when wings were not legal and you are no longer permitted to use them. But any new team coming in can use all the wings they want to use. Now if you chose to run with wings we will take you to court and file a law suit you will not win. The fact is this is not just some simple knot you can cut out or untie easily. There are many sides to this and to roll this back to a level field to the satisfaction of all parties is very difficult to next to impossible with out someone losing big here. Then you factor in any car company not in the market now that would come in from China or India at much cheaper priced and even lower overhead with no dealers to share cost with. That would finish off most of the standing brands here that are not strong and weakening the strong brands we have left. Toss in on this that the media pounds the automakers as the evil empires taking on the poor mom and pop dealers they find to do a story on and no one in Washington will touch this to undo the knot they tied. Finally never underestimate the dealer associations. This group is very powerful much like the Teamsters but in their case very wealthy people who own large groups of dealers. Names like Penske, Hendrick Buffet, Spitzer and other large and powerful owners are involved here. They will not let their dealers lose any advantage easily. Note too if Elon dropped this tomorrow the fight would still go on till the government levels the field for the MFG. If they do that and let the MFG end all agreements they would take this deal as fast as they could shake on this. But the biggest issue is people think you can either just open the door to new MFG and not address the old dealer issues and they miss the repercussions of not addressing it. There is a lot of money at risk for the dealers and the MFG do not want to give new coming MFG any more advantages than they themselves can get. This is why when we change or make laws we really need to see if there are ways to undo them later if needed. Otherwise you get stuck with them and no easy way out. Now do you see DC giving new MFG from China an advantage over the companies they just spent billions on to bail out? As for now Tesla is making the noise but they are not the point of concern just their goal is.
  6. You do realize all the tactics that GM employs to try to force and leverage dealers to obey the agreement. The surveys they send out they do not expect good or above average as they want perfect reviews. If a dealer fails these numbers they are cut from dealer hold back programs and discounts. Also saturation programs on what cars go where get directed to high scoring dealers and poor performers get cut back on hot models. They have tied to force poor dealers out many other ways too. I have a co worker who worked sales for 25 years at a top performing dealer and he has told so many stories on what GM tries but the dealers tend to know how to counter and often fight back with legal and political threats. It is a constant tug of war. Even in the bail out just look a what happened there. They tried to kill so many under producing dealers and poor dealers but yet the dealers cried to DC and made GM a villain for trying to close these bad dealers down. Now for the better dealers GM will even pay for the updates to help them. I have a GMC used to be Pontiac dealer locally. They are near a very bad Chevy, Buick dealer. GM would love the GMC dealer to take control of the bad dealer but as of yet not been able to force them out. The GMC dealer is so good that they are making money hand over fist just selling GMC trucks. I have never worked with a dealer that was so good to work with. yes the dealer in my hometown here was slated for closure and they contested it with all their might, and ended up keeping it. Even with another dealer 5 miles away. And they have not changed their dealings one bit. Facility still sucks. Yes GM tried and is trying to cut the number of stores but they are stopped with legal actions and government intervention. I have a local dealer here that should have been killed years ago. Not only are they small and very low volume but they are the classic rip off dealer with the old bait and switch tactics and other games, Ford has had similar issues here as one dealer here was making deals to discount cars more if the buyer signed an agreement to take all the dealer work else where. Ford tried to shut them down but could not. Ford even tried to have a dealer here that they owned to sell all their lease turn in cars. It was a loop hole till it was challenged and now it is gone. The fact is Detroit automakers have no love for the dealer system but they also want all automakers on a level playing ground So if they are forced to sell cars with one arm tied behind their backs they want all new comers to have to play by the same rules to if they can not be permitted to close down dealers. The only way GM and the others can lose dealers is to buy them out and can you imagine what that would cost. That would take money they just don't have or is needed to be spent on something else.
  7. Here is more evidence that GM has no love for some dealers and that they are more of a pain for GM the more they try to enforce the franchise agreement. http://gmauthority.com/blog/2016/05/new-york-court-ruling-puts-general-motors-dealer-sales-performance-metric-under-review/
  8. Actually NC is really one of the best places in this country to live.
  9. You do realize all the tactics that GM employs to try to force and leverage dealers to obey the agreement. The surveys they send out they do not expect good or above average as they want perfect reviews. If a dealer fails these numbers they are cut from dealer hold back programs and discounts. Also saturation programs on what cars go where get directed to high scoring dealers and poor performers get cut back on hot models. They have tied to force poor dealers out many other ways too. I have a co worker who worked sales for 25 years at a top performing dealer and he has told so many stories on what GM tries but the dealers tend to know how to counter and often fight back with legal and political threats. It is a constant tug of war. Even in the bail out just look a what happened there. They tried to kill so many under producing dealers and poor dealers but yet the dealers cried to DC and made GM a villain for trying to close these bad dealers down. Now for the better dealers GM will even pay for the updates to help them. I have a GMC used to be Pontiac dealer locally. They are near a very bad Chevy, Buick dealer. GM would love the GMC dealer to take control of the bad dealer but as of yet not been able to force them out. The GMC dealer is so good that they are making money hand over fist just selling GMC trucks. I have never worked with a dealer that was so good to work with.
  10. See that argument falls apart as Tesla can do like everyone else was forced to do and sell dealer franchises like everyone else.
  11. Well what I do not want to see is the loss of any more American Automakers more so than what we have now. Yes I know FCA is Italian but at least it could carry these brands as American. Also I fear the move to let China in making a shambles of out auto industry or what is left. As it is now it is hard to find affordable good solid products as so much has been replaced with lower cheaper items that people are willing to buy based on price only. I know China can make things as well as anyone but they know Americans want to buy cheap and that is why Sears is closing down their hardware stores with Craftsman and Harbor Freight is building more stores. Also if they let these automakers in and Elon gets his way with no dealers franchises. China will have a major advantage with selling direct. This is why GM apposed to not killing dealers. They do not fear Tesla but they do fear China with no requirement to have a dealer network the government will never let GM kill. It is all about a balances playing field and we have already tipped on so many now the Auto industry would be damaging if we lost it. We are becoming more like England in out industrial sector all the time. The fact is even Ford and GM could kill everything and live on the trucks alone. Not good for the future or when gas prices spike but that is where the money is.
  12. What the issue is here is this. GM is not so much against Tesla selling direct as they are opening the door for anyone to sell direct. This is what gets lost in this argument. It is not the cause they are against the effect. I wish i could find it again but it was laid out well in a story a while back. Automakers are not against Tesla but they are against selling direct if they are not able to shed the dealers they have now. GM is a good example. First they generally now have way to many dealers as it is. During Chapter 11 they were not permitted to close the dealers they wanted to close. So while they lost some closing divisions they still have way too many Chevy. Cadillac and Buick dealers. Now if you open the door to any new MFG coming into our market and letting them sell direct in a limited number of locations they would be at a distinct advantage over any existing dealer network. Well if it is not China that is scaring them who is? The Chinese MFG's that are just wanting to come into to this county with cut rate prices already and the ability to leverage even more profit selling direct. It is not Tesla's 50K-100K cars when ever they get there but the Cars Chinese MFG can bring in and sell in the millions. Think the Chinese can't do that then look at Hyundai and were they were 20 years ago in this country and look now. Now if the government would give the ability to let automakers end their franchise deals with the dealers with no penalties and protect them from lawsuits then they would be all in on the selling direct. The problem is there is a snow balls chance the government will permit this so the MFG are willing to force the issue and keep a level playing field with the new incoming MFGs. You can call it out dated and past its time but it also is a Pandora's box that was opened decades ago that was much easier to open than close. I would love to see selling direct or even on Amazon or what ever but I do not want to see any American Automaker put at a disadvantage to a maker that could come in with the unfair advantage. On top of this you have the dealer associations fighting this as they know they are dead meat if the government gives any automaker the ability to sell direct. There is a lot of money in some of these dealer networks anymore as they are national chains not just some mom and pop store. People like Penske and Hendricks have invested billions and do not plan to lose their cut. I just wish more people would look beyond the Elon cheer leading and learn what all is going on here and just what all is at stake for each party and you can better understand why they are fighting this. To think it is all about Tesla is foolish. It is the 8000 pound gorilla on the other side of the Pacific they are more concerned about not Bonzo in California. People are tired of high car prices and the market is ripe for cheap models from China that people will buy because it is all they can afford. Their entrance to our market would be devastating if they could retail from Walmart or even Amazon if all MFG could not participate. This is a deal it has to be everyone or no one and there is no in between.
  13. Weight is the new HP War and GM has about the best handle on it now of any MFG. They will lose the weight and employ the aluminum steel construction along with just good old engineering the weight out. GM really had done well with this part alone. These models will do fine and only get better. The $100M is not cheap but it could have been much worse financially and also been much worse PR wise. As it is this has gone under the radar of most media outlets and will be forgotten soon. In fact I suspect few owners ever complained as it was something never much of an issue on the web forums over other issues.
  14. That is just it many under estimate China. Too many still think it is all slave labor and that they make nothing but junk. Well the truth is they are very capable and sure they make some junk but they also make MFG some of the most advanced products in the world. Their biggest issue has been perception just as Cadillac but they have been working and now appear to be fixing that with the caliber of products they are building. their biggest lacking was development and now that appears also being repaired by the companies they buy and yet some of the technology they still steal. It is time for many to wake up and realize China is as able or more able to take out lunch and eat it too. the problem is no one here wants to be competitive with them. It means working and making products cheaper and that is a tough pill to swallow. The way we could gain an advantage is to continue to make better technology and protect it better but that is also tough. It is like Walmart. Everyone hates the imported items at Walmart and complains about it but no one wants to pay for them if they are made here. You just can't have both anymore. Fiat would give a Chinese MFG a global name and full set up of dealers globally They then will flood the markets and people will buy because they are cheap and not as much junk as they used to be. People will say they hate China made products but yet when it comes to price they will often look the other way.
  15. Also would not be surprised if these companies all come together and buy FCA outright. Just getting the huge chain of dealerships to sell their cars would make it worth it the chinese car companies...tech center, tracks and factories. Short of Jeep-all FCAs brands and models could pretty much just disappear. It's the foot hole needed to get into the USA market....and with Fiat, even the Euro market... Can see it happening....not too long in the future either. Wife would like a Patroit on our driveway before they're gone- and if it happens I'm sure it would be the last FCA product ever owned.... That is what I mean. China would get FCA accept Jeep, Ram and Ferrari with maybe some associated brands like Maserati and Alfa. Fiat and Lancia and all the Chrysler brands would go and they would share the dealers as outlets. Jeep and Ram still could go as part of the deal seeing Sergio is making the Move to Ferrari too.
  16. You have to play to your strengths and instant Torque is it for Tesla. You have to give what you have as so many people consider about the things you don't have like the ability to refuel in a couple mins on the fly etc. EV cars have to be marketed differently no matter the brand because they are different. I think people are learning that performance is no longer golf cart like so they will have to come up with other ways to show advantages till they come with improved batteries and even faster charging. GM will market the Bolt unlike any other car they have had even the Volt.
  17. Well it sound like China may be buying the car business from FCA or at least parts of it. FCA needs money and here is a ready made dealer network for the Chinese to make a move into this country as well improve the products of their own brands. Yes even a FCA car is better than some of theirs. Might be interesting to watch to see what happens and if this is the past that is taken.
  18. Need to nail some lawyers over the head with tort reform that is fair to both sides and end corporate blackmail. I see it everywhere and even at work where it is cheaper to settle a lawsuit than to fight it to win. You lose in cost even with a good case and so many lawyers take it just to win a settlement. In class actions they take millions in fees to represent people with no clue and then reward the brainless with a free air freshener or discount on a cruise they will never take anyways.
  19. Class action is BS. All Class Action does is make lawyers rich for their claimed legal fees and leave those foolish enough to think they are going to get anything with a future discount on a GM car or a free Oil change at best. In the end we all end up paying for the results in higher car prices. There are no free rides in life. You can be given something free but at some point a company or the government is going to take from you to pay for it.
  20. a 220 HP engine as an option would be nice but in this segment performance is now defined by 275 and more with even more torque than HP. If they were to do a real performance model it would need more power. I would just add the 200 Plus HP engine as a regular option. But because of the coming CAFE and the fact this segment is more based on cost of the car and operating cost I suspect we may not see it. If I were to do a hatch with performance I would re badge the Opel OPC model as a Buick and target a GTI and Mini. At least then you could help justify the price and lower volume with global sales with Opel and Holden just as Ford does with the RS global sales.
  21. The new Cruze is all about pricing and trying to keep it affordable while making it a better car. People in this class generally buy what they can afford and is the best value. Offering quiet and decent feel at a good price is important. I do wish they had tuned the steering better as it is numb and fixing it would not hurt sales or add to cost. Things like leather wheels etc I understand but at least make it an option so it could be added by those who want it. The Malibu has more income to play with as the folks in this segment generally may not be able to afford a Benz but they can afford more and in this segment the competition is the toughest. Also they are fighting the Utility aspect of the CUV segment that is claiming more and more sales at the same price. If they can keep pricing right this car should do well. The styling is not my favorite but the public is buying asian cars with no issue so it should not hurt. The Diesel will be offered and again not sell in great numbers but at least they are trying. One thing for sure oil prices will go back up at some point and even today stories of it happening are out. While it may not have the importance today of what it may have in a couple years automakers need to continue to grow this segment. The Engine stop may be an issue for some folks and could be a problem for sales. It works fine and all but some folks just do not like change like this and that could be a deal breaker with no shut off switch. In a few years more cars will have it and it will be accepted by no other choice but for now it will suffer the pain of adaption. GM should do well here and it will help grow the brand. I expect the improvements to continue to come as they finally have the money to finish cars finally and will have more time to work on them since they will not be coming out of chapter 11 with many models needed to be updated.
  22. Here is the problem by the time you make a performance version of this car it would cost as much or more than a Camaro Turbo. Then if you add more performance and AWD then it climbs to SS pricing at $35k - $42K like the Ford AWD Turbo Focus RS. Making a small AWD Turbo performance car is not easy to make cheap and if you have a Camaro Gen 6 in the same show room even harder to sell. I would love to see it but the numbers would be small and expensive. I speculate the RS will have a short run in the states unless Ford is ok with low volumes.
  23. I see even a bigger shift. The Half Ton Trucks will be impacted even more with the coming CAFE. vs. the 3/4 and one tone. I expect at some point the mid size trucks which more are coming to take the half ton slot at the last possible moment and the 3/4 ton ratings take the full size slot from the half ton. Think about it, The Three tons would just be like a heavy half used to be where it can be classed as a 3/4 ton but generally appear as a half ton and the fuel requirements will decline. Then the mid size will carry on as a listed half ton with a smaller package to meet the CAFE. Just slapping a 2.0 Turbo into a Silverado will just not do it. The whole way trucks are offered will fundamentally change as it just can't continue this way. This is why GM did what they did, The Ranger is coming and Ram is now looking to move into the mid size segments.
  24. Tesla has done like Trump and exceeded expectations and to this point no one knows for sure if it will continue. In the case of Tesla it is like going faster in a car. Going to 100 MPH is tough but the forces on going 200 MPH is even more difficult and then going to 300 is not just triple the effort of the first 100 MPH but 6 times the effort to overcome the forces faces. Tesla is much like this today a they have done well but to grow as Musk claims they will need to increase models, volume and production at a rate tough for even normal companies to increase. Then do it with much less income coming in. Like the presale of the 3. They did that because they needed the money. The cost of the X model was high and with no real income outside carbon credits and with the need to start production on a 3 model as well revamping the S and working on additional future models it going to be a squeeze on them and their cash reserves. Musk has made some major mistakes like over complication of the X model. No need to get too crazy with it as it would have sold as well less the doors and windshield over the roof. Just make it a taller longer S model and leave off the show boating. The Three is not going to be on time nor as cheap as they claim buy the time it reaches market. It will sell well but will it make money at the lower price? They already are not making money on the S as it is. While others can live on their ICE models Tesla can't. Imagine if they has offered a Gas model along with the Electric the volume they could have had. The problem is we do not have a answer to all the energy issues. Solar is not going to do it all nor is wind alone. It is an issue that will take all forms and continued development for years to come. You can ban Coal but it will only drive up cost of energy for the average person and not fix the lack of energy we will face soon. Water is the most viable but we don't have enough dams and water to pull that off. Yes the DOD comes up with things but the Space program is your best return on the dollar. Just look at the Saturn program and what we got from it. This is why China is now going to space and why the Russians never left it. Their issues have been they had very little private industry to draw from like we did and today China has that and will also steal anything not tied down if needed. Either way I want Tesla to make it as a failure would set back the entire EV programs for many companies in the public eye. They can do as much or more damage failing than success if they make it to the entire segment. The next 5- 10 years will be telling in the industry on who is making the right moves as the looming CAFE is coming and will not go away. Those making the right moves will be ok but other will struggle, Development cost today are as high as ever and will only get worse. We will see more failure and more partnering for survival.
  25. While we have made much progress there is so much more to do. There is not way yet to say that electric will fully take over yet and if it does when as we still have things to discover that will be needed to make Electric cars not life style changing cars. Range, Size, Weight and Charging time will still need to be improved. They are working hard on all but there is no way to put a time table on it and the last one is very important to many customers yet in the majority. If traveling few people will want to have to find a charging station and then wait for it for a partial charge longer than it takes to fill a tank. Also people procrastinate and will not plug in like they should. Just look at how many people just toss in $5 just to get where they are going because they do not want to spend the time filling as it is. I know for sure we ill continue to see improvements but when that discovery of a batter that can charge in 8 min fully and not be damaged in the long term is still out there. the thing I think will help the most is the space program at NASA once they get back to going to space. This is where most advanced systems come from and the cuts have hurt us. The NASA Glen center in Cleveland has really worked hard on power systems but has been slowed but the present administration. That could change next year? That is even hard to call right now with who we have running. As for poweglides they are still the transmission of choice for most racers. We still sell a lot of race units yet today. I laugh how many people buy conversion kits to put them in Mustangs.
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