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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. I can rebuild anything Detroit has ever built. Be it a 4 banger to V10. I under stand what is in these engines and how they make their power. I just find the V6 vs as narrow as the BBC vs SBC. I was at the track when I had this guy with a 69 396 that was sweet. He wanted told me my 68 SS Chevellle sweet but too bad I did not have a BBC. [Note my 396 was long gone by a previous owner that did not adjust the solid lifter cam and it wiped the cam out.] I told him my 350 was no modified too much but it ran pretty well. He managed to line up with we and wanted to run my car. Well we ran and even with out power shifting mine I beat him by a full second in the 1/4 mile. He would not speak to me after that as he was bested by an smaller engine he felt would have no change of beating him. To under estimate the new smaller engines today is the same mistake this man made with the small block vs big block Chevy. I was lucky that John Linginfelter Famed Racer and Engine builder raced for the company I work for. I was able to spend time with him before he passed away. He was working on Ecotec engines and the new High feature V6 for import racing in a Cavalier. He was seeing numbers of over 2000 HP with few peoblems and was seeing times in the & second range. He said there was a lot more poer to find just before his crash that led to his death. John was one of the best V8 Chevy builders ever. He had done things with the SBC and BBC that few ever did. Even Chevy would go to him with their problems or projects. He never gave up on the SBC but he also was wise enough to understand what the V6 and 4 Cylinders were able to do and was proving it by winning. I guess what we need to learn here is not to forget and give up on all V8 engines but the fact we all need to be open minded enougth to understand the abilities of the modern V6. Changes is never easy to accept but when we lost the Big block or big displacment engines many claimed they would never give them up or that they sound and feel of the smaller engines just would not work. Well the did and today we have engines half their size doing it much better and easier. The same goes for under estimating Cadillac. Who would have ever though the CTS would be compared as a equil of better than many vehicles from Japan or Germany with only 6 cylinders.
  2. Well they may have to as the Unibody Truck is coming in one form or another.
  3. I know you and I don't want take this wrong. But you need to let go of the mental block thought that it has to be a V8. The V6 with todays technology is not the 3.8 or 2.8 of 1980. Future V6's will be as powerful or even more so than your FireHawk ever dreamed of being. Most people driving the nerw CTS with the DI engine would never know they only had 6 cylinders. Some of the best engines in history only had 6 cylinders. We had them from Offy, Benz, BMW, Ferrari, Porsche and more that all were great engines and performed very well compared to V8 engines of their time. Just look at how many years the Indy 500s Was won by a 4 or 6 cylinder engine when the rules were open. Even the Buick V6 was fast. I too was once where I would not give up my V8 till my hands were cold. But I have sampled some great engines from many MFG and I have learned that many of them can easily provide the power and performance I need to enjoy the drive. My 3.8 SC would dust my BBC Sprint and get 2 and a half times the milage. I am not a big Porsche fan but I have a few thousand miles on a 911 Carrera and can say that is a 6 cylinder that ranks with the best engines ever. Jag and Ferrari even with their V12 engines most were small in size. Even todays V10 F1 engines are small but provide great power and for what they do decent milage. I think you will still get some smaller displacement V8 engines but you need to believe that a V6 is not the end of the world anymore. As for sound most cars are so quiet now you can't get the sound like you used to in a 64 GTO. Drive by noise sounds even kill off the better tires we want because the tread makes too much noise. Power was not going to get much higher than it was anyway as the safety groups and Insurance companies I am sure were going to crack down on it anyway. The only thing I can not go for is FWD. It may be improved and is better than it has ever been. But there is just no way it will ever be better or feel better than a RWD. I just hate it if you get wheel spin in a turn you lose your steering. I should not have to rely on electronic aids to make my car drive correctly. I know how you feel as I once was there but I have learned there are more than one acceptable way to make enjoyable power.
  4. No banning unless they are doing harm to others or the web site. We have had worse ego's here in the past. At least the imature ones are easier to ignore. If someone has something proper to state read it. If it is something stupid or not relivent, ignore it as it will go away. No response to stupid or provoking statments speak louder than anything you could post as a reply. Attention only feeds the areas in their life were they lack something. If you ignore a fool he is neutralized effectively. The lack of attention is like Kryptonite. Live Smart as Life to Short to Play Up to Fools.
  5. Most cars will be V6 and 4 cylinders. The V6 engines will see two turbos in larger applications. Turbos' for everyone but base cars. Trucks, 1/2 tons will see Turbo V6 engines offered and Larger trucks will see V8 and even V8 Turbos in pulling packages. THe V8 for sure will be seen in some Cadillacs and the Vette. Prices will climb as Lutz already has stated this. Tech and lighter weight materials will drive the cost. Car will grow smaller but not as small as many expect. We will all not be in Aveo sized cars. I would not be suprised to see 2 and 3 cylinder turbo engines for the smallest cars. Hybrid technology will be cramped where ever it will fit and do any good. If the Volt works out it also can change what will happen as it will help off set much of the other cars if it's tech nology can be applied to more vehicles. But we should do as GM is wait till they get all the ground rules set as by the time they are done it could be a lot different. If the oil market bottom falls out and priced get back to $70 as some are expecting it will no longer be a hot button with the public at large. I think this is just going to we a roller coaster ride for a while on prices unless Iran decides to shoot a few missles at Jeruselm.
  6. First off when did someone in politics kept a promise.... The 3 cats we have running now are going to go 360 on 90% of what they are saying. We already had one for 2 days say he was not in a Church service and now he says he was. They will do what is in the best interest of them to stablize the economy or what ever lobbiest is paying. So the truth is no one know what they are going to do as everything changes after the oath. Your Boss seems to think it will be in favore of the auto companies if the economy is still down. As for the V8. It is not going to disappear. It may be more limited in availablility and size but as long as they are in trucks they will be in some cars. Even if we do lose them in cars like the Camaro it is not a big issue as the new 3.6 V6 I have stated was going to be the SBC of the future long before the CAFE was passed. The companied have been investing into the V6 as they knew this is where they were going before any laws were passed. As for the V6. Most cars are just fine with 230-350 HP for the average diver there is no need for more. As for the enthusiast they can hop them up as we have since the 40's. THis is the end of the world part III. We will get through this just as we have with many other sky is falling deals. If we have to we can put stronger motors in our Volts!
  7. The bottom line is what Pontiac had been using has not worked in a long time. If you target just Pontiac Enthusiast your not going to gain or iincrease sales as many of the original Pontiac fans have moved on or are six feet under. Pontiac needs a rehash they have not seen since Bunkies day. If he had just targeted the Pontiac fans in 1957 Pontiac would have not ever seen the GTO and a new wave of younger buyers. You need to give the people under 40 some reason to look as of now they no longer we build excitment after the last 20 years. The new cars like the G8 deserve bettter than a con line for a FWD Grand Am.
  8. The ST is aimed at the people who bought El Camino's that were replaced with the S10. GM then went to the Colorado that many S10 buyer refuse to buy as they are crap. The ST offers to many what the Colorado fails to offer. A good solid vehicle for light hauling with car like qualites and a better dam interior. The Colorado is outfitted like a 82 Camaro. That would be ok if it was 1982. Many S10 buyers have had to go to the HHR and other brands to get what they want or something like it. The bottom line is for all GM has invested this will do them well. Now if they had to do this from the ground up for only the US market it would have been a poor move. I know GM will make some moves with the light pick up market we have not seen before. The Denali LT and the ST could really evolve into a market not seen before. Others have been looking at it too with the Ridge line and BAT. If anyone can pull it off is GM or another US truck maker as people will make the change due to high gas prices as over $3 is finally making them look.
  9. This is the most non news there has been on the Camaro. Chevy from the start has been ready to make the V6 the prime car that was going to account for 70%+ of the market. Mileage is only one part but they wanted a very affordable V6 that would appeal to most buyers and suit their daily driving needs. Settlmire pointed out to me back in September that most people want and like the Camaro but not everyone wants a V8. The Mustang can bew proof of his statment. Besides V8 sell with no promotion but if you have a quality V6 you need to teach people that a good 6 cylinder coupe is not a sin. I wish people would drop the Muscle car tag as they have not built a real Muscle car for 38 year. To day they are perfromance cars as they are quick, they stop and turn ease. Muscle cars go fast in a straight line and hate turning and stopping. Besides most Muscle cars are not as fast as my V6 FWD V6 is today. Today folks if it is a 4 cylinder, V6 or V8 theses are the good old days so look around, take it in and enjoy them. Also Remember the 1988 Fiero GT was classed as a commuter car. Tags are all they are tags. As for prices the average price of cars today is over $25K so this car even over 30K with a V8 is a bargin. As for the CAFE, per Settlemire the rules are not fully set for CAFE yet only the 35 MPG standard. GM and the others are waiting for the full list of reg to be written. The MFG are not hjappy with the delay and this is why we have holds on several programs. I am sure they will cave in some areas as that are what they pay people to lobby for. Also after the elections it will be save to cave as not to lose the green vote. Even Rick W has stated that even though the 3 canidates all think states should be able to set their own standard e felt they would pass that as with the economy being weak it would be a poor move to not only hurt our auto industry but also hurt the recover of the economy. Yes there will be changes in the future but the sky is not going to fall. We may have to do a few things differently but we will adapt as we have in the past. The V8 will be around just not as big in a lighter car. Heck for year the Ferrari V12 was only around 5 Liters or less and the V8 was only 3.0-3.4 liters.
  10. I still don't buy this is a SSR like Vehicle. It is not a roadster. It is $15-20K Cheaper. It will have a V6 option if GM holds to what was said a month ago. You don't have to open the door to adjust the seats. The bed can haul dirt vs the SSR bed just being a big carpeted trunk. The SSR was a truck trying to be a car when this is a car with truck like qualities but it is still a car. I would buy the coparo if the SSR had been under $30K, had a fixed roof, could be used as a truck. The SSR is just not something you would want to drive to work everyday vs the ST is a car you could live with year round daily. I would consider a ST but I never would want a SSR even when I could buy low milage ones under $30K for a daily driver.
  11. Only a an idiot would compare the SSR to the G8 ST. The ST is something you can really drive and afford as a daily driver. The SSR was a halo show piece that was way over priced. If the SSR had only cost $28K and has a bed that you could haul more than luggage more of them would have sold. But at the price of a low end Vette what you buy. The ST will not sell in great numbers but GM is not expecting it too. It will take care of those of us who want a car but still need to haul something from time to time. Hauling engines and other car parts in my last one was never an issue. I had a Big Block in the front and A tri powered 428 Pontiac in the bed. There are many who have owned ZQ8 GMC and Chevy trucks that will go for this car in heart beat. I am one of them. If I keep my truck it may be a Solstice or Camaro. Or dump my truck and just get a G8 ST and it will serve all my needs. But to say it will damage the G8 is just so far out of line... People will buy what they like but they will not avoid it because one of the models has a bed. This is not a truck but a car that hauls things. It is no more than a top less wagon.
  12. I am sorry!!!! I did know this and just drew a blank on this one for some reason. To many hours at the office, over 40 or too little sleep? I think I just associate them with the SS the most as 2 of my buddys had 396 SSRS Camaros in the past. Anyway I just messed up on this one. You would think after judging at a Camaro show the last 6 years and over 150 Camaros a year I would not make a mistake that bad please forgive me. I will write z/28 RS 100 times on a black board. I too love the split bumper cars of 70-73.
  13. This movie was so over after the second one. It declined from silly to a long CHIPS feature.
  14. This one looked like a bad Speed Racer competitior crossed with a Aztec. I would have been happy with the Woodward Ave GTO concept. Either way I have driven almost every year GTO and the 04-06 was the best of all and held the concept of looking like a regular car with a killer engine. No add on body crap needed. The only complaint I really could give is the gas tank in the trunck but I understand fully why it was there.
  15. I am not wrong, Just reporting what GM quoted in an artical I read. Tell them. Also at the last couple SEMA shows GM has touted up to 320 HP with just their bolt on parts. I am sure the launch control in the Cobalt will be adapted to the Solstice and other cars to protect the trannys. For the most part I don't care as I will not be buying a Camaro 4 cylinder.
  16. The hold is nothing. Since CAFE change they are just taking a look at what they want to do since they are early in the program. They don't want to get alot of work done that would have to be changed by later desisions. The smaller lighter car with a smaller V8 is what Tom Wallace said they are looking at right now. The car may change but performance will be the same or in some cases like handling and braking may be better.
  17. One thing to remember is the Eco is going to be offered at 300 HP in the near future. Also the engine can be pushed to 320 with no changes to block, heads, pistons, rods, etc. GM also has better castings already being used in the SAAB.
  18. With Cafe changes GM looks to be crambling the engine line up since last year and here is what Luts said. By RICHARD TRUETT, AUTOMOTIVE NEWS NEW YORK -- General Motors is considering a four-cylinder engine for the new Chevrolet Camaro as a response to rising fuel prices. Speaking on the sidelines of the New York auto show, GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz said the drivetrain under consideration for the Camaro is the same high-performance one used in the Pontiac Solstice and Saturn Sky roadsters. It’s a 2.0-liter turbocharged, direct-injected four-cylinder rated at 260 hp. Lutz said that if fuel prices continue to climb, the four-cylinder Camaro could see production. GM has said it plans V8 and V6 versions of the Camaro but otherwise has been secretive. Lutz confirmed to Automotive News that the V6 version of the Camaro will be powered by the same high-tech V6 used in the Cadillac CTS. It’s a direct-injected, 3.6-liter four-cam V6. In the CTS, the engine is rated at 304 hp. Low-priced version dropped In the Camaro, the 3.6 liter’s horsepower should be around 260, Lutz said, Fuel economy, he said, will be around 17 mpg city and 25 highway. That would place the V6 Camaro among best in class for a performance car. Lutz said GM has dropped plans to offer a low-priced, entry-level Camaro with one of GM’s low-tech V6s. GM will position both the V6 and V8 versions of the Camaro as premium cars compared to the Camaro’s chief rival, the Ford Mustang. The base model Mustang uses a 4.0-liter overhead-cam V6 rated at 210 hp. The base model Dodge Challenger, due in the fall, will use a 250-hp, 3.5-liter V6. Most enthusiast attention has focused on the Camaro’s V8 engine, which is likely to be a 6.0-liter with about 400 hp. Lutz said the V8 will have a cylinder cutoff system that shuts down half the engine when the car reaches cruising speed. That will help it get better fuel economy. But Lutz said he thinks most buyers will opt for the V6 because the performance will be strong, especially when the engine is combined with a manual transmission. “Back in the old days, if you wanted a muscle car, to get a decent one, you had to buy the V8,” Lutz said. “And if you bought the V6, you got a fairly rough, unrefined pushrod engine with low horsepower and weasely performance. “This time, the V6 is 260-odd horsepower, four overhead cams, very smooth and decent 0-to-60-mph times. And now the V6 is in its own right a very fast, very legitimate car.” 'We are going to be above Mustang' Lutz said that with the V6, the Camaro achieves a nearly perfect 50-50 weight distribution: “With the V6, it is not a heavy car. The Camaro will be a very lively and engaging car,” he said. Lutz would not talk specifically about the Camaro’s pricing. The car is scheduled to go on sale next February as a 2009 model, but Lutz did say GM views the Camaro as better equipped than the Mustang, and the price will be higher. The Mustang V6 coupe has a base price of $20,235. The V8 GT coupe begins at $26,825. Both prices include shipping. “We are going to be above Mustang,” Lutz said. “We have a very sophisticated suspension system and, frankly, a much nicer interior. We are not going to try and match the Mustang on price. We are going to be premium-priced compared to the Mustang.”
  19. I won't say it never happened but I have never seen the Hideaway lights on a Z/28. If I recall the headlight doors were part of the RS package. I always thought it was available on any Camaro but the Z/28. The SS RS was a very common car and package.
  20. It is a Native name so that would not be an issue but the fact Chrysler may own it would be a tougher issue.
  21. If you are just over 6 foot you will fit in this car. The only thing you will need to do is take care getting in or out just as in a Lotus.
  22. Good name but I would bet Chrysler has it registered since they built the Viper powered Bike. That is the hard part of this as the name either has to be registered presently or can be regiseted to Pontiac. I did submit Travois. The term is a Native American term for the two poles they drug on the back of a horse to transport their goods back in the day. I Really liike Trans Sport but I figured it was already submited and I wanted to avoid old Pontiac names. I just don't think Pontiac is ready to rehash any old names while trying to creat a new image.
  23. They way I was told the Z will be top gun. As in a SS can be any Chevy but a Z/28 con only be a Camaro. It was the special limited edition back when it first came out and that is what it is going back to. The V8 SS is the bread and butter Mustang GT fighter. Now here is where things are going to change. From what I was told there will be 2 V6 models one standard issue and one performance 300 HP 3.6 DI non Turbo. Now I was quoted last summer that they may be looking at around 320 HP at that time. I know the info is good and that the number was real. Now the question is has that changed since last year? What they want and what we get are two different things. The V6 is the money car and it has to sell better than any 6 cylinder Camaro in history. Look for a big push on this carI expect it will account for 70% of sales.
  24. Don't get too carried away as this is just a picture of a mule sporting some different stipe packages Chevy is looking at. They have yet to decide what to do factory yet and may be offered as a dealer option. Info from Scott Settlmire Fbodfather. As for the Z28 it will be supercharged and will be a cheaper version than the LS9. Look for at least 550 HP to compete with the Shelby. GM will not just match the standard Shelby but beat it in HP.
  25. I already posted Trans Sport but we should be able to do better as it has too much baggage with the plastic minivans. Catalina just does not fit a truck and Custom S was a poor simple name name even back in the day. Even back in the 60's it was just as bad as the G numbers today. But few today remember that car is one positive. Another cop out name was the T-37. Lets face it when Pontiac has had a good name they have picked well like Trans Am. But when they failed they had some very poor names over the years. I know GM could not use Royal Bobcat but they could go with Bobcat is is not registered as a car elsewhere. A little old and never an offical Pontiac model. Better yet buy the rights if they don't over price it.
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