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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. PLEASE COME IN OFF THE LEDGE!!!!!! Here is the exact quote from Scott Settlemire on this topic. Scott Quote I posted this on another site -- and I'll post it here. I am not doubting that Jim got a telephone call from someone -- but I don't know who that is -- and rumors are running rampant here in the Motor City right now -- so --if it makes you feel better -- send a note as SuperChevy is asking you to do --- now -- that said: without further ado: "...........Articles like this really put me up the wall -- past the pictures -- and on to the ceiling. The Camaro (and Z28) is not Dead. (......in my opinion, there are some in the enthusiast community that hope it does die -- esp. on certain sites -- and that confounds me........not to mention giving a dangerous boost to my blood pressure......) I don't know how these things get life -- but let me assure EVERYONE -- that every car and truck program out there is on the table right now -- and I think I can safely say that this is the case at the other two American manufacturers -- all one has to do is to look at what's happening to new vehicle sales -- coupled with the housing meltdown -- the budget deficit -- the elections -- the Dow Jones Industrials down by a breathtaking amount -- and of course, high energy costs that are forcing the price of everything upward................ Let us take a quick walk down memory lane - shall we? The year is 1979 -- interest rates are double digit -- energy costs and inflation are spiraling out of control.......people are "upside down" on their loans for pickups and large cars................ .....................and yet Chevrolet somehow sold 282,000 Camaros -- TEN years into a lifecycle. Yes -- the times are different -- but I'm betting that when people see the production car -- they see the value that the car offers -- and they see the fuel economy -- we'll sell a lot of 'em. ........I said a long time ago "Have Faith" -- and that's what I'm saying once again. So at this point give it a couple weeks and we will have more info to work with. It is too soon to jump the gun yet on this. It is best to let this just play out.
  2. Do they have any other choice? Imagine the rath that the anti GM press will spew if they fail.
  3. .. Oh They have heard of Sta Bil but they have to not just fool proof these cars they have to idiot proof these cars. In other words how many gas cars are riding around today with empty washer fluid, Antifreeze tanks while a quart low on oil. We have tire inflation readings now because no one check even their air. I am sure many will not be checking their Sta Bil till the engine will not start. I can hear it now " I was to fill what?" One other think I have though of is GM has said the mules have supassed their goals. THe goal was 40 miles on a charge. I ponder have they made some real usable gains? If so I am sure they will not share that till later to prevent other companies working on pug ins any ideas. We know so little on this car I think even some of us will be suprised at what they end up with. Final styling will be the gratest impact. As Lutz has put a priority that it not be a Prius golf cart like car.
  4. What they had shown us in Detroit is a show car that no one can get. What they will show us now is a show car we will get. Just as the Camaro may have had a looooooong lead it has turned out to be 90%+ what the show car was. A promised kept. Also the fact that none of us have seen this car yet also is in play. This car was promised to not be another Pruis odd sort of car that looks like a extended golf cart. This is a car that styling wise should apeal to the masses. It will look like a car you would want ot own on styling let along drive train. This will impact the market as other than the Tesla who makes a electric car that is good looking. This car is also like the Apollo program. It in its self is a technology show case where a goal was set and technology was developed to make it work. We all did not travel to the moon but we all have had our lives deeply effected by technology developed by NASA for their programs. This car should also work this same way. As what was learned on the Volt is refined and spread out on other lines or rights sold to other companies it will make for more affordable technology on their own cars and possibly income to GM for the rights to use what they have developed. At this point in the game this car is a risk GM could not afford to take. It is only a shame they did not start 5 years ago. But if they had we would beat them for wasting money on a car that had not market. This car if it works is a game changer. What it does will not be the full impact but how it will effect future models will be felt for a long time. One thing too is they have said the car has already surpassed its goals. The goal of 40 miles on a charge sounds to have been met. Now that they also have shrunk the tank [i assume to prevent old gass] could they have made some practical gains over the 40 miles? If they have I could see this being a garded secret from the compitition. Either way while we think we know alot about this car we know very little. Also the press in greneral will we reporting everystep. This is the kind of car that will end up on the front page of the all the news networks, WSJ, NY Times, and every local paper in the country. THat is something that the ZR-1 and Camaro will not do. The key here is GM just has to make it work. Failure is not an option.
  5. Old gas was a stated problem by one of the engineers at GM they faced. They had yet decided how to deal with it a few months ago and now it looks like they found a solution. If I had one of these cars, one tank of gas would last me 3-6 months if I use it as I do my present truck. I seldom drive more than 40 miles in one day. My daily range is 25-35 miles.
  6. I really find this news Shocking!! :AH-HA_wink: The Volt will be a marketing tool to the Greenies as the Vette is to the Gear heads. If they can make this car work it will improve the image of the new Cobalt or what ever it is called and other hybrid technology. Unlike here Joe Q public has no clue of what most of this technology is but he wants it. If GM is precieved as a leader in this field it will sell many more Chevys that people can afford. Lets face it the Prius works but not to the degree that Toyota likes to convice people it does. But the average non car enthusiast buys it hookl line and sinker. In turn they feel the rest of the line is empowered by this advanced technology. Economy is no different than performance. It does not matter how fast you are but how fast people precieve you. With economy it only matters how efficent people think you are as Toyota is not too much better MPG wise than GM but the public think of them as the leader of the market in MPG when the truth is Honda does much better line up wise. It is the same argument on Quality as Toyota is not as good as they think and GM in not as bad. Preception is 85% of the game. Either way the Volt will do more good to sell other Chevys than just its sales numbers. It will draw people into the show room that would not have given Chevy a look other wise. You can't sell em a car if they never come in the showroom. GM needs to prepare the dealers so they know what they have and can tune a looker into a buyer of a product into the dealer. They will have the product if they can correctly present it. It is time for GM to press the dealers to do thier job on selling the cars and not just dealing them.
  7. You of anyone should know just picking a name off a list is not all that has to be done. To make that list they have to have legal and marketing approve it and reshearch to make sure the name can be claimed, marketed and no offend anyone. We don't need another Lecrosse deal like they had in Canada again. It all takes time to dig into all angles of a name. Besides till I am willing to bet it will show up on Woodward in a big anouncement. Where better to intro a performance truck.
  8. So belts and hoses or industrial belting to fan belting and as well other industrial rubber chemicals are not also rubber related? Aerospace also intails many things like Tire combo's for aircrafts and other rubber related Aerospace applications. Hell they even sold the rights to the blimp design. Selling the right to the design of the blimp is like Chevy selling the Vette. Accept for ther pipe lline it was all rubber realated as noted the companys name is Goodyear Tire and Rubber. Hell they even printed it on their pencils. Almost everything they old of was rubber related. Goodyear did not sell off their tire lines but by selling off the non tire lines of Rubber that were not making as much money they were able to invest in less but better new products. GM sold of things that were not Auto related. But my point is GM needs to get to the basic divisions that are profitable and not over laps or un profitable area. Trucks became the core and times today dictate cars from like the Beat up to the Malibu the need to become the new core. It it rubber products or Cars to many divisions can ands will hurt a company. Right now to save the money and the company it all needs reined in. It has been said GM has had too many divisions and many have been in denial. To day it is hard to say that is not correct. It is time to take money from 5-6 divisions and make 3 strong brands and make a profit. Get the facts on Goodyears turn around as it is not complete by any means but it is on the right path. Just a few years ago they were not give much of a chance of making it at all. Keagan the CEO and earned every dollar even though he has to make some unpopular choices. No matter how good a CTSV is or a Malibu if the rest of the company kills the profits the whole body dies. It is time to remove the tumors or die.
  9. Many companys have gone through this as they just did not evolve enough over time. The good news is GM will remain with us and be much stronger. The bad news is some history and tradition will be gone. GMC needs to be cut. Pontiac has little to offer and will take a lot of money to repair. Buick is left for the Chinese. Saab is best sold off with Hummer. A Chevy Cadillac and Satun may be all we are left with and while it is sad these cars will get the money and attention to bring GM to where it needs to be. You can raise 12 ok on you single pay check but you can better afford to provide for 3. I have seen Goodyear sell off their oil pipe line, Aerospace, Belt and hose, Chemical and other divisions. This was a sad day but if it was not done Goodyear would have been gone altogher. Today Goodyear is back to it's core and making money. We can all cry point fingers and complain but the time has come to play ball and the name of the game is to make money. GM will but there are going to have to be some painful changes. Better to have three stong NA divisions vs 5-6 weak ones that die together. I have a garage of Pontiac and GMC's so don't think I hate to see this. But it is time to think with our brains not our hearts. Heritage does not pay the bills anymore in this what have you done for me latley scociety.
  10. Even with the mark up I see very few GT G8 cars on the lots. In fact I have never seen a GT on the lot as they are gone as soon as they hit. The V6 cars are not maked up and last around a week.
  11. Those who can do and those who can't write about it. If GM 4 years ago dumped all the large trucks and SUV's the shareholders and press would have complained then for not selling what the market wanted. Out of the top compnies only Honda has stayed with small fuel efficent cars. They have forgone the easy profits and are in shape to reap rewards today for the price they have paid over the past few years. Even Toyota now has some house cleaning to do and few have bashed them on all the money they spent on the large trucks they just got into place when gas and oil spiked up. GM's only sin is that many of the small cars they built overseas are not workable for the American market like the new plaforms are. GMs move to the world platform concept is about 5 years behind. As it is they are not the only one either.
  12. GM has held back as I believe GM has kept some in reserve for the future. The ZR-1 engine has been stated to have been tested up to 725 HP with approved EPA emissions and durability. Some have said it even has seen 750 HP but that could not be attributed to a GM scouce Also and sorry I can not recall which Chevy offical was asked if the ZR-1 would have over 700 HP about a year ago but he was quoted as [ No we will not do 700 HP the first year."] I expect we will see the ZR-1 increase in power till the C7 arrives. The last year of this car should really be the king of the hill. Trust me the ZR-1 will make it into the teens before it is over.
  13. I would love to see a G8 with a Hust in it. It would be interesting to see many of the GM cars to offer a manual tranny numbers in sedan form over the years Most people who wantthese cars tend to also be coupe buyers. The sedan numbers would be low enough to show why we don't get one out side a CTSV. I can recall GM offered a manual at one time in the Grand AM sedan but it has been a while since I saw one. Same for the GP.
  14. Here are the sad facts on Manual trannys. At this time and age fewer people today know how to drive them than ever. Demand outside the enthusiast is as low as ever. [Remember we the enthusiast are in the minority] Cost for federalizing drive trains and other fed regs is as expensive as ever. The G8 is a limited number import car and they are not going to be able to spead the cost out over 100K cars. The fact is if it was so cheap and easy to put a manual in the G8 in this country GM would. But with them, counting every dollar and so few people buying It can not justify the cost. In the end GM has to look at the fact too that everyone can drive a Auto and only a few want or can drive a manual. If you want more manuals teach a kid to drive one. If even only 35% of the market would buy them a number like that could justify them coming back. Create the market and they will build them. Other than some sports cars and small cars few people care in the general public. I myself love a good old standard shift for weekends and playing around with a car. But to drive to work every day in stop and go traffic it ihas become a pain. Not much fun just flipping between 2-3 gear in a creep of traffic. My weekends are all for manual shift where I can seek out a road that lets me go through the gears. But because of the daily traffic and heavily traveled roads I have lost some of the passion of manual driving. If you can't rev throught the gears why bother. The other factor is few peple do nothing but drive anymore. The are playing with the GPS, Cell phone, MP3 i pod, the new Internet capable cars, eating, DVD, ETC. I am sad to say the caqr is more a living room on wheels vs a driving machine. May people today would skip the manual just because it would be harder to dial the cell phone. The bottom line is there are too few of us [enthusiast] and too many of them [point a-b drivers]. If you think there are a lot of people like us around you had better take a good look around. There are less of us everyday, More are wanting Camry and Prius vs SS and GXP.
  15. I am sad to say I have to agree with you. A day worse than 911 lies ahead somwhere in our time. The question is just when and where. Only a fool would feel other wise.
  16. You already have the California tree huggers and a few other states that can't agree on a federal law what do you think the greens would do to us if they could. It is not fun times to run a auto company. You have eviors complaining too much smog too little econo. You have ethusiast who say not enough power and tranny options but at times not enough buyers to justify meeting gov regs. You have the general public not trusting your product now fixed due to past failures of past leaders. It goes on and on. The gas prices just have added more fuel to the fire so to speak. I still blame helmet laws, seat belt laws and the lack of a world war that has let too many dumb people live and mess up the lives of the stable people. Time to thin the hurd.
  17. Even then we will do just as we aready have done growing up with Electric RC cars. Bigger Batteries and more powerful Motors. If you want you can make anything faster. Hmmm... who will be the first to buy the Mallet Volt? It runs on electric till you want to race someone and then you fire up the 502 BBC in the back seat to do the deed. We will always have fast but we will just have to learn new things.
  18. What movie? THe SS is a suprise for me too. I would like it also in the center and larger. Hmmm is somw one can tool one up to replace the bow tie they might have a hot item.
  19. Note the SS emblem in the grille. Also the front bumper is the expected final version. Yes th Sunroof cars lose the Concpets two hump design.
  20. I have stopped reading his posts after my last and moved on. At this point he is not arguing with me but a journalist and I don't really care anymore. Here is my shot to get this back to reality. As for the Camaro . I spoke to my friend who got to drive 3 different Camaros as part of the focus group. She was suprised when I asked if she had seen the new pictures. She said no and when she did see them she started to speak about the black Camaro she saw. I guess of all the colors she said the black had a evil look and made the car look very aggresive. She would not say but I get the feeling they may have been shown this black convertible. It did not seem to suprise her. She is doing well to abide by the non disclosure Scott should be proud of her. I hope The ghost of Harley past is ok with this. I really do know this person and not just in theory. Some time you just have to laugh and move on. This is for enjoyment not get stupid or rude with anyone.. Thank you for the stabil voice of reason.
  21. I am sure it is in the hands of the GM law department and marketing trying to decide what one will piss the least people off and cost GM the least to hold tittle on. If it was as easy as just picking a name.
  22. Ok your right Amerca is the styling capital of the world and I compared the Seville to the the Rolls. [Don't know where you pulled that one out of??] Ok you should be feel better now?? You speak in even more generalities as you want to say I am wrong and only can reply to most things in opinion or strongly feel? The 55 Chevy story is from a publication that did a story on Harley Earl a few years back and that is what was stated I have a choice to believe you or a creditable publication? Hmm based on your comments I will take the press. If I recall it was a story in AutoWeek on a trip HArley Earl too to Europe and spent time with Pinniafarina and the Paris auto show. If went on to show where it inspired him on some of his future cars. The only reason the Germans were behind after the war in the early 50's was they lost the war. They were just trying to survive. Mercedes in the 20's and 30's were second to none and built cars that were styled very progressive for the age. By the mid 50's they were taking each model line back one at a time. The upright grills were trade marks that many kept over the years, Alfa still retains this. Caddy has done the same with the tail lights. There is no right or wrong just as in our opinions. Cadillac had nothing on the 300 SLR and The 500K would rival even the finest V16 Caddy made.Today the XLR is even still emulating the 230SL original sharp creased pagoda lines. I never said Cadillac was bad and of all the divisions Caddy most time did their own thing. Anything I have said or posted here can be seen in the cars and or in print. I did not just pull anything out of the air. If anyone cares they can check it out. As for your statments or theory as you stated They can do the same. Get a clue and move on and give these people a break and get back to the topic at hand the Camaro. Even if it is post 3001 it is more productive than where we are going.
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