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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Keep in mind that the HP numbers are not final. GM for the last 5 years intro's a car at one HP and right before they hit the streets they find another 5-10 HP. Also a GM Rep said the V6 would be just north of 300 HP.
  2. The CTS hearse was a joke!!! :AH-HA_wink: But they can and would be lengthened just as the DTS already is. Wagons are just not cool and are as well liked in this country. It is a image thing. Europe loved them and Japan is just into the square box concept anymore. What the Americans like is they can have a fairly compact vehicle with a short nose that is easy to drive and it tall enough to carry large objects. A wagon has a longer nose and is not usally tall enough to carry large objects, long yeas but not large. The new Ford will be worth watching as it is a lttle wagon and a lot of Minivan. It is kind of a high roof wagon. If it sells well the others will be watching. But as it is there is no Kingswood estate in the future nor do I see any traditional wagon in the future out side the CTS or a updated HHR. There is a new market for something that gets good mileage but will carry a hot water heater size box.
  3. There is just no market. Saying they are way over due will not just cut it. Show GM enough buyers and they will do it but you would be lucky to find many in the Chevy demographic. Only higher end Euro cars are in any demnand and we just get the cumbs of what is left here. IF you want to sell a wagon it has to be different from the traditional wagon like the PT or HHR. To make it sell you need to make it cool and if you put two doors on it to make it cool no one in that market will buy. The CTS will sell here but only in limited numbers and to people who would not be caught dead in a Chevy. Speaking of which I wonder how long till we see a CTS hearse? With the few wagons that are offered here is is a white elephant in this country. It is not a one world market.
  4. There are more than a sedan planned for the Cruze. I agreee dump the Vibe. If you want to show you have a better product you don't rebadge a competiors car to your own.
  5. This car is lighter than a CTS So the performance numbers should be much better. Also none of this is a real Suprise as Settlmire has said time and time again that the V6 car was the focus. This is not your usual base car nore was it ever intended to be such. This was all planned long before the high gas prices came in and it is a good thing they did as this may save the program in the long run and provide s few more years of this car as is vs if it had just been a V8 focused car as the past gen was.
  6. Well it is now or never. The card have to be laid down. As for the Cobalt name it was not so negitive as it was close but not good enough car. I have images of cheap door panels of the first one I ever saw yet. The new name is not going make or break any heritage here.
  7. Not anti-climatic for many who kept saying they would never keep it close to the original show car. I recall when the first pictures came out many said it was all wrong. The ribs are all Chevy as the Bird was more notched and higher up.
  8. All these name have been considered class leaders and have few negitive thing tied to their names. The Cavaliers by the general non GM loving public have been considerd and seen as close but no cigar type cars. It is simple makreting as a new car name has no negitive ties to it from the past if there are any. And in this case fair or not there is some baggage. We may love the Cobalt but not enough other people do. A new name open some simple closed minds. Also the marketing of one name for a world platform is a lot simpler and cost effective. Cost is everything today.
  9. Only in racing the girls cheer if you finish first!
  10. All in due time. Hockey Stick side stripes will be seen too.
  11. The interior is not my first choice but it not as bad as some try to make it out to be. The key to the interior is it needs to haqve the touch and feel of the new Malibu. Any cheap plastic touch surfaces will be nailed by the press before the first car rolls off the lot. The Mustang suffers greatly the cheap plastic feel in the console area. Scott said the prices will mirroe but expect them to be just a little higher than the Stang. Chevy is going to market this car as a better value as you will get thinks like more power and IRS for only a few hundred more. You get what you pay for and in a Camaro you get more per dollar than the Mustang. This also has always been a Chevy trademark vs Ford. I have heard the 3700 pound weight that right about what I expected for the V6 base on what I have been told. I exect the V8 will be high 3750 lbs just just over 3850 lbs in a full optioned car. I hope the sky is falling 4000+ lbs people will appolgize now. The convertible in black is a breath taker with the roof up or down. Just wait till you see it in person.
  12. I understand what your saying and don't feel any attrack here. I just expect GM to improve as they have and you expect them to continue to reapeat their errored ways. Kind of the glass half full or half empty thing. My out look is they can not longer repeat the same errors any longer as the pockets are getting empty. It is either do it right or not pay the light bill in 5 years.
  13. A lot of us have already seen it a while ago. :AH-HA_wink: :AH-HA_wink: I already can hear how the trunk is not user freindly and other nit picks. Some people just don't relize how lucky they are to have what their getting. And Camaino we agree a lot more than disagree. What scares me is I am agreeing with PCS more since the gas prices went up and the stock went down. PCS that was not a swipe it is just we were polar oppisites for quite a wile and the gap has closed on both our parts.
  14. Ok your Supra was advance in 1987 so your only 19 years behind now. There are some giant leaps since your car was built in many areas. Heck the HHR SS and Cobalt SS offers some of the basic improvments already Check what the 2.0 Turbo Eco offers in these cars vs the standard 2.4 Eco engine. They are not the same engine and were built to last. The 1.4 will only be better. Subaru has proven time and time again that turbos can ans are cheap and reliable. Ford Mercedes and other will prove this too. THis is why GM is moving this way. The only thing is Tubos today add to the cost of the engines but with fuel milage requirements it is th price we all will have to pay. Fuel injection was too much at one time too but with emissions they has to meet it was the price that had to be paid. As for long term the emission rules will make sure these engines will last and be reliable long term. Most cars today already have platinum plugs and thing we only saw on high end vehicles.
  15. 1987 is not exactly state of the art. You do undertstand technology has advanced 21 years?
  16. Things are not that bad! Cadillac will do ok on the cars but I just don't see many people want to move up to a Cadillac Vibe. It may be a very good vehicle but if I want a Cadillac it is not going to be a people mover. If I had a CTS my wife would have a Enclave to do the hauling. Equinox will do fine as it is not a bad vehicle and it is priced well. Besides a Cruze will not hall the things a Nox will. You have to have a affordable hauler to replace the many Tahoe's no one wants to drive. The Buick you will find will look much better than the photo's. You have to see it in person before you condem it. What will hurt the Buick is ...well it is a Buick. They may be great cars today and I like them but they are not on the top ten list of got to have cars with most people under 60. The Cruze will do well and you had better get used to the turbos as they will become part of life for most vehicles. Mercedes just anounced turbos will be available on all models in the future. Please understand todays turbos are not the turbo's of GM's past like the T types or Grand Am Turbo. Todays Turbos are well built and desigened with proper water cooled housings and engines built with sodium filled valves and forged pistons that will stand up to the heat and pressure. They also will have intercoolers and other supporting componets using synthtic oils. Today the Eco turbo is also has the ability to use High test or Regular gas . You will lose a little power with the regular but you will not burn a piston but it is your choice to use what you want with no damage. On the other hand we stiull have a CTS coupe to come and a few other fun cars like the GXP G8, G8 Truck and Camaro. GM is only talking econ cars to help with Wall Street. We also should hear something on the Alpha soon as to what they will or won't do with it. What GM is going through is a case of what does not kill you only makes you stronger. They are forced to make the changes they have been putting off. They will make it and they may have some less than fun cars added but they will still serve the rest of us. In time we will see a Cruze SS Coupe that will be as good or better than the present Cobalt SS. Performance will be about the same but the interior and styling will improve.
  17. One must watch the wording with GM carefully. They like to say freezing, delayed, review, hold, etc and none mean canceled. As we all know by now that most times mean work has just stopped and money and man power is applied to more important things. We saw this in the Camaro and G8 many times. GM will have a V8 but they will be fewer and used much less. Right now GM needs to get the small engine effort up to standards and that is just what they are doing. GM has V8 engines to the point they will suit their needs for long into the future. There will be little need to make more power. All they need to do is look to make them more efficent. I think the HP race is over now it is who can make decent power and still get 40 MPG. The other race will be who can remove the most weight and still meet crash standards? The companies in Japan are already at work on that one.
  18. All this could be going on to make sure the car is not more expensive a Shelby. Also it could be as simple as the fact GM may not build the Z in house and farm it our to some one like SLP or Saleen. Thereis a place for theis car but you have to make it so it is cheaper than a LS3 Vette. As the price climbs the options for some serious other cars start to climb and will reduce the market.
  19. Autoblog often is a day late on news. I am not going to say GM may not change their mind but untill you hear it from them we need to just wait and see. I will post again the last know statment from a GM rep working on the Camaro. FYI: Scotts statment was after the Left Lane News post on 7/11. Originally Posted by Fbodfather I posted this on another site -- and I'll post it here. I am not doubting that Jim got a telephone call from someone -- but I don't know who that is -- and rumors are running rampant here in the Motor City right now -- so --if it makes you feel better -- send a note as SuperChevy is asking you to do --- now -- that said: without further ado: "...........Articles like this really put me up the wall -- past the pictures -- and on to the ceiling. The Camaro (and Z28) is not Dead. (......in my opinion, there are some in the enthusiast community that hope it does die -- esp. on certain sites -- and that confounds me........not to mention giving a dangerous boost to my blood pressure......) I don't know how these things get life -- but let me assure EVERYONE -- that every car and truck program out there is on the table right now -- and I think I can safely say that this is the case at the other two American manufacturers -- all one has to do is to look at what's happening to new vehicle sales -- coupled with the housing meltdown -- the budget deficit -- the elections -- the Dow Jones Industrials down by a breathtaking amount -- and of course, high energy costs that are forcing the price of everything upward................ Let us take a quick walk down memory lane - shall we? The year is 1979 -- interest rates are double digit -- energy costs and inflation are spiraling out of control.......people are "upside down" on their loans for pickups and large cars................ .....................and yet Chevrolet somehow sold 282,000 Camaros -- TEN years into a lifecycle. Yes -- the times are different -- but I'm betting that when people see the production car -- they see the value that the car offers -- and they see the fuel economy -- we'll sell a lot of 'em. ........I said a long time ago "Have Faith" -- and that's what I'm saying once again. Untill we hear Scott or one of the other GM people who are working on this program say different we just need to relax. My guess at what Scott stated is the car is still on. But, I fear the price is becoming even more a factor. The Z price was getting high before we started to see prices of cars to climb and I suspect the Camaro has reached a point it is a real problem. My hunch is they are looking for ways to reduce the cost. The Z/28 I sure will appear in some form but it may change from what was originally planned. This is just my guess based on Scott statment. I think the car is under review more than canceled? Either way if Scott said it is not canceled yet I will wait till he says different or some other Camaro rep offically speaks.
  20. As it stands today the SS is the standard perfromance car for Chevy and anything with a Z will be the uber performance car. IT fits right intop a pattern that makes sense. They also finally have made the SS mean performance again and not the sitcker package as has been on some vehicles. Just be prepared as the Camaro is going to be mosrtly Marketed as a V6 Coupe. This was the plan long before the spike in gas prices. As Scott Settlmire pointed out they need to sell the many more coupes to the people who don't care about performance such as women that want a stylish car the is fun, comfortable and affordable to drive. The 4thgen was not appealing to women ingenerl and GM left 50%+ of the market on the table. So understand when you don't see advertising of a smokey burn out and just standard coupes this is the car they need to work on to sell/ THe SS and Z will sell not matter what as the people interested in them know what they are and what they can do. Scott said many of the cross over people will be lost if they see an ad for just performance driving. As he pointed out that the Camaro is back to it's roots where it is not a car for everyone and not just some niche of performance. The majority of 67-69 cars were not SS/Z28 as most were small V8 or inline six Coupes.
  21. They can send one over for Top Gear to test as they test cars not always sold in Europe.
  22. With Gas prices over $8.00 and expected to reach possible as high as $12.00 in some areas GM has more important things to do than send this car. For as few as they would send would it really make a differance other than some bragging point. I admit it would be great to kick butt and take names but work comes before play. I suspect in time we will see some V series make the trip over at some point. A diesel wagon might do much better over there to convert the peoples preception on Cadillac.
  23. I learned a long time ago that just because you may work for GM or may be highly placed it does not mean you know what is going on. GM is a big place and they don't tell everyone everything.
  24. CRUZE THE USA IN YOUR BRAND NEW CHEVROLET! Cruze on down to your local dealer and get your new Chevy. Heck it is better than Ram, Probe, Dodge, Impact, Fairlady, G# or HHR
  25. The guy driving a deisel truck is more inclined to be aware, capable and willing of adding fuel additive vs the average Civic,Camry, Pruis, Maliibu driver that only adds gas because it won't go with out it. People who buy cars for economy and reliability tend to not check things. If you want this to work and not have cars have problems you need to take the responsibility out of the drivers hands when it comes to required additives. I have too many times seen cars fail due to poor up keep or just plain stupidity. Like the time I had a car in where I worked and the woman put tape over the oil light becausr it shined in her eyes at night. In one trip to work I can see at least 3-4 tires way under inflated. I mean to the point the could suffer heat damage. If GM leaves this in the hands of the owners most will never make the required addition. If the cars engine will not start it will not be the owners fault it well GM's fault in their eyes. There are too many people today that in the winter will not clean their windows of Ice or Snow. So what if they can't see. My mother inlaw won't even put gas in the car and makes my father in law do it. Truck people and deisel owners tend to be more hands on and able or willing to take the extra step. Many would think nothing of changing their own oil or plugging in during a cold night. Just don't expect that from the average car driver. It is not one world.
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