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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. HUD is one of the best things I have had in my last two cars. If you have lived with one you learn it is far more than a gimick.
  2. In good design and styling the rule of less is more should apply more often. The GXP is a model case.
  3. Spent some time in a GXP Coupe today and I came away unimpressed, The dash was not much better than the Grand AM I went to the Nationals in today. The seats were nice and similar tot he G8. the radio is not the new GM radio. The rear seat is nice once you get to it but getting there is an adventure that the average buyer will not put up with. Out side styling has the wheel base too long for the width of the car. It looks out of proporsion. THe rear wing does not work. and the black chome wheels did look good but no on the blue. They would look nice on a black car. The fake hood scoops are a waste. This may have been a good car 8 years ago but I would pass it up for several other GM cars before I would put my money on it. Keep in mind I would like to buy a Pontiac but they are not giving me real perfromance cars other than the G8 or the Solstice. There is no way on Gods green earth Pontiac should not already have a Eco Turbo in a G5 or even this G6. I bought one Chevy last week and will be getting my Mother a Malibu in the next few weeks. THe wifes car will be replaced in a couple years and if Pontiac is still around they will have to do some major changes before I would replace here car with anything other than a G8. I want to buy a Pontiac in the future but they are not giving me any reasons to do so on most models. At this point I do not want to see Pontiac go but if they can not do any better I would rather see them put down than continue they way they are. Keep in mind I don't want retro GTO's or Trans Am's I live in the today not the past. I just want some real perfromance models that are affordable and attractive to most buyers today. Give me Real Performance Cars for Real People. At the rate it is going the next First G? may be the Last G?
  4. No longer a fan of the Warrner Bro edition G6. When I saw it persone it killed it. There are a few in my area here in Ohio and all were driven by women. I supported this car when I saw the GM pictures. And I though it would look better inperson. Well I hated it at the auto show and on the road it is worse. The real wing is wrong and the nose looks like it is in a fun house mirror. But the shinny gille is what is the deal killer as it is like some kind of chome. Pontiac should have used the nickle plate like on the Solstice. Pontiac should have cut down on the bling and understated the grille. Even the black like on the race cars would have been better and more aggresive looking. Either way the sooner they send Elmer Fudd to take out this waskaly wabbit the better. The G6 needs replaced. Maybe Pontiac should have taken a right in Albuquerque. Lets just pray Pontiac if they survive do not go on to make a Daffy Duck G8 with a screaming duck on the hood! I am sad to say if the market does not imporve and they do not start bring in more money GM will be Chevy, Caddy and maybe Saturn by the end of 2011. The slow market has taken this out of GM's hands at this point. You might have to go to ShangHi to get a Buick, By a Chevy to get a truck and the Pontiac name may have to be suspended. Many at the Pontiac Natiionals yesterday are very worried and most are not the kind that worry.
  5. When my wife showed up with my 7 year old son and when it hit me I was going home and I was alive and with no broken bones. The way it turned out it was not really as bad as it could have been. Also I did not think the HHR was hut too bad and now I have learned it is not that bad. Once it is all said and done the only non original paint will be the front bumper. When I found there was no unibody damsge or suspension I was thrilled. When you walk away from a crash that was only a few feet left or right of possibly killing you cars are not that important. If you look at the top of the first picture behind that bush was a telephone pole, The stop sign I just missed to the left as was a larger ditch and gardrail. A little more left was his car sideways infront of me and to the left of him was a row of cars coming head on. I kind of threaded the needle next to the stop sign and to the left of the pole then hit a shollow part of the ditch. Also the hill stopped me as if it was not there who knows how far I would have gone. It was the best case for a bad situation. I was a little down but now with the first estimate and no hassles from the isurance I am good. The dealer promised it will be just as I picked it up a week ago with all new GM parts and if it isn't they will fix it till it is. No sheetmetal was damaged and the worst was the intercooler and bumper Anyway possible death puts things into perspective. I learned that from a bad crash about 22 years ago I was in. That one hurt for two weeks but I walked away and I still have that car yet today. I looked at everything I could have done in this crash and what happened was the only one that was good and all the rest were worse. Thank God for my little skill and a lot of GM stability control. Looking at the positive , now I can a bumper with no plate bracket bolted on.
  6. As long as sales are over 100,000 you can call it an amish buggy but don't call it late to market.
  7. You had better say sorry as he is corect with the SUV statment as GM and Chrysler as both the HHR and PT are listed as SUV/Trucks. They both are register with the Goverment for the Boost in CAFE they gave to the Truck CAFE regs for both companies. Plus sell 100,000 plus more vehicles along the way. The only one that is considered a car by either is the PT convertable. They may be close to the Golf but they are offically in a different group by the MFG. For what is is worth it is a car to me.
  8. Well I just got the estimate and it is $5,344.00. I was expecting more. It turns out the damage was much less than it looked. There is no sheet metal or Chassis damage. The rear bumper can be reattched with new mounts. The worst damage is the front bumper, Intercooler, Condenser and Radiator. The Radiator was not broke but dinged but they are replacing it. The only non original paint will be the front bumper. Almost $1,000 is the air bag and related parts. They are only using new parts and anything with a ding is getting replaced evne the splash guards. I am please they will give me my truck back just as it was when I first got it. I will be with out it for 3 weeks but as long as it is right it is worth the wait. Note the stop sign was missed by only a inch when I went by. At one point it was dead ahead and I though man this is going to hurt. The trooper noted how close the tire marks were. Here is the day before. I went where I had to go to save my skin and the idiot who stopped in the middle of the road during his left turn. If I had hit him I would have ated to see how bad both of us would have been. I would have gone right through his passneger door on a Mitsubisi. It may have killed him as those cars do not hold up well in side impacts. The ditch and hill I hit was enought to stop me but not really hurt the car much. I was so happy when I heard no mechanical or frame damage. Oh and my burns, cuts and bruises are healing well. I was glad the only option I lacked on the SS is side air bags. If they went off they may have killed me. It was just like in the movies.... The cars stops you think it is over and the bag hits you right in the face. I can say the HHR is one damn tough truck/car or what ever you want to call it.
  9. The dealer said he can't get enough Cobalts and HHR's. He sells them as soon as they come in. They traded a Avalanche to get mine in and were glad to lose the full size truck. I can remember how many were condeming Lutz for the HHR and said it was too late. Hmmm looks like it was one GM product right on time. For the money and what you get it is just what Chevy was for years a lot of car for less money. That is what a value leader should be. Lutz has done this with the Malibu and I am sure the Cobalt replacment will be the same. Lutz may over speak but he has over produced in getting GM cars right. Too bad he was not here 10 years sooner.
  10. Well I am not yet a week in and I will be without my new ride for about 4 weeks. I was on my way home from work Monday and has a Idiot [i think on a cell phone] turn left infront of me and stop in my lane. The witnesses behind him said he was over the yellow line and driving eratticly before he turned infront of me. I swerved to the left to try to miss him and almost made the turn into the street when I hit the gravel and went straight off into a ditch and up an embankment. I was lucky I went straight in and came to a erasy stop but the front airdam folded under and smashed the intercooler and ripped the front bumper cover up. The rear bmper also pulled away as it caust on the ditch. Then to add insult to no injury the airbag wnt off as I stopped. It cut and burned both arms. I was so slow when I stopped that The belts did not even make a mark and the air bag hit me not it. But over all I have not gotten the final look from the dealer but I would say it is all bolt on damage infront of the HHR sub frame. Even the engine cradel looks to have not taken a hit. All the sheet metal, and doors look fine and even the hood and grill are good. The body shop manager said he felt unless they find something hidden it should be just as I picked it up last Friday. In the time I had it it was a dream to drive. It has as much power as our 04 GTP, Better ride and much better handleing. It has drawn crowd at some of the places I stopped. Including when I parked next to a new Challenger. The only things I would change are the Speedo as the 20 MPH jumps and small lines make it harder to judge youe speed at a glance. This is important as I find I am 20 MPH over what I normally drive just by feel due to the better ride. Also I worry about the rockers as they are much larger than my GTP and you really have to step over them. They look great but I wonder if running boards may have been a better choice as I can see a passenger not used to this car hit it with theirt shoes on the paint. I already am working to get a set of Steel Chevy ralley wheels from Wheel Vintquie wheels. I plan on painting them with black center and red lips with a ribbed trim ring. I will just toss on a set of Goodyear Triple Tred Assurance tires as they have done a great job yeare round on the GTP and have gottnen great wear. Other than the guy who ran me off the road the the with the HHR was great!!! The SS should be repaired ok and back to me soon. I just with he got more than a ticket. At least this way I can have them leave the place braket off this time on the front. The other was on before I got it.
  11. I had a 308 Ferrari that I got tired of everyone thinking it was a Fiero so I converted it to a 1985 2M6 SE Fiero with my own changes.
  12. Not sure if it has changed but at one point it was to be a mid year 09 model intro. Pontiac usally has been doing many intro's Feb-Mar the last few years. I assume it will be called a 2010 model.
  13. Well I scored a black with ebony and red interiorin a loaded 08 HHR SS tonight. I get to pick it up Friday. I will do a post on life with it after I put some miles on it.
  14. Well I may go to a black HHR. I can get one of these with no issue and it is availalble. I love black when it is clean and I know better than to buy my third black car when I said after my first it was my last black car but I think I may take the plunge. All the red 08's auto's are spoken for in a 500 mile area.
  15. Man this is the hardest car I ever had to buy. To get the colors and option I want has been a pain. The dealer in Jersey won't release the one he has as he think he might have a buyer and now I am 500 miles out in the heart of the south. I am waiting to hear if the salesman can make a trade and bring it in. I can find some black ones loaded but all other colors are not too easy to come by loaded. At this point I am willing to get the roof rack I did not want just to get everything else I want. Too bad I don't drink, I could use a shot of JD right now.
  16. Thanks! He found a all black interior I may go for if this one will not come through. The rebates or 3.9% rate help. Also if you don't use a GM card you are missing a free $1000 off. We pay off the card monthly so this is free money. Buying an 08 is not a bad deal as it did get the window buttons moved before the othert HHR's Those were the worst idea. I will see if I can find the post and put it on here for the arm rest. I think as people find out about the HHR SS this year it will take off. Few know about it as it was never really promoted [Go Figure GM would do that]. Well I will hopefuly know something in about 3 hours!
  17. My grip is nopt so much the lack of gauges but the size and they way they are numbered. The one test drive I went on I dropped it into second gear at about 10 MPH and hammered it. I looked down as I threw it into third and noticed I was over 80 MPh The truth was I was over 95 MPH as it is numbered 20-40-60-80-100-120-140 MPH. So what normally looks like your just over 80 MPH is really 96 MPH. I know I will get used to it but they should have been spending less time on making the dash fancy and make it so it is easy to read at a glance. The tack is small but at least is numbered in 1000 RPM jumps.
  18. Oh I do have one big gripe on this vehicle. The dash sucks. It looks nice but it only has the DIC, speedo, tach, temp and fuel. The speedo go in 20 MPH jumps and is somewhat small. The tach is even worse as it is smaller. The one area this thing needs some major work is the dash panel and just imporve the tach and speedo if anything. The perfromance dash for 09 has some extra things like Oil temps, g meter and other toys but it looks like a fuzz buster on the dash and you lose your storage unit on the dash.
  19. Well IF all goes as planned I hope to have a 08 HHR SS in the garage Friday. I don't know where anyone can say they are not selling as I have had a heck of a time finding a loaded one in red with the Ebony and red interior. They either are not loaded or one of thew odd colors. Most dealer do not have any and if they do they may have one or two at best. The dealer my dealer is wanting to trade for is holding us up. I have already lost one as they sold it before we could get this. I am going 388 miles to get this one. I was looking for the 09 but the price for the 08 was $6,500 off sticker with my GM car money. The only option I will lack is the roof rails and I did not want them any way. The HHR SS is not the perfect car but none are at the price I am paying. But it is a useful vehicle that is a blast to drive. It will get good mileage and not cost me an arm and a leg to drive as a daily driver. I was never really interested in a HHR or buying a FWD car but after one test drive I was interested and with the price I was sold. I am trying to get an auto as the wife does not drive stick. THis one does get the arm rest with the performance seat. Also the parts are available and it is eady to add to the manual seat. The HHR web site list the part numbers and needed parts to make the edition. I was going to wait the the USB, Bluetootth, and perfomance dash. But I was willing to skip per this price was good. Now if I only can get the dang car. The dealer is to call at 9 AM to say what they want in trade and a driver is to leave to pick it up asap. Also I saw the 09 is getting a back up camera for what it is worth. Well wish me luck as this is the 3rd HHR I have tried to get in two weeks and I hope the third time is a charm. FYI I hope we will get back into RWD when we dump the wifes GTP and either go to a G8 or Camaro. One more sleepless night. I hope! If not I will just order a 09 once the incentives hit them. If I do get this I will give a long term review on how it holds up and my mileage and such.
  20. Has to to be an active employee as they can not be retired of have taken a early buy out. I suspect sales will stay down for the near future so if the 09 sales are slow this deal may be opened up to all at the dealers to keep the cars moving and cash coming in. On average for a $25K car it can save $3000 to $5000 depending on model. I know someone wanting a Cobalt SS that stickered for just over $24K and is looking at a price of $19K. My problem is most of the GM employees I know well are retired or dead.
  21. Man, your really stressing. I can feel the tension in your posts.
  22. Hot word out of Detroit is it will be the Pontiac Travois. They are getting ready to anounce this soon. A Travois was the two stick the Native Americans pulled behind their horse to haul their Tee Pee on. Kind of like a Indian Pick up. Sorry, Truth is that is just the name I sent in and I just want to see what the post would look like. Besides you goit a little history lesson while I was wasting your time
  23. I am not a FWD fan but after driving the HHR SS with the same parts as the Cobalt SS I came away impressed. The HHR SS did a 8:44 at the ring. Not bad for a box. The only problem with the HHR SS and Cobalt SS is under hard acceleration the traction control makes the steering feel like it is hunting a little to prevent torque steer. Other wise the ride and handling is great The Camaro did well but the Cobalt SS is just that good.
  24. This was about 10 sec slower than I expected. It really is not a bad time because the times the Cobalt and CTS are really very very good time and hard to compare. The Camaro as it is is still better then the Caymon S and BMW M3. But about 4 seconds of the M5. Still a good time for they type of car and price it will cost. Besides the Camaro is a flying brick the aero cd numbers are in the mid 30's.
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