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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. It is not irrelevant as Electric will improve but it is not going to take over the entire industry in all areas. It will still take all variations of energy to meet the needs and desires of customers. While technology will improve we are still decades from infrastructure that will meet the needs to most people. Hell there are still many places with out cell coverage yet today and will not have it in the near future. Not everyone lives in a metro area. I don't think it is unrealistic to think that in 2050 every new car sold will be electric. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen in time. Electricity is more readily available than gas also. And electricity has better performance too. Cost is the obstacle, eventually they will overcome that. To be totally honest there will be a place for many forms of power. Electric will grow but unless there is some major advancement in charging times and ability to charge just about anywhere. Electric cars to many owners are life style changing to live with them and until that is handled it will remain a hurtle. When will these changes come. Next year? 10 Years or 75 years. You can not predict advancements. More money is going in and will increase the odds but there is no way to predict it. As it is most market watchers that are stable and intelligent agree that Gas will still be a part of the market for a good time into the future unless the government out laws it like some EU countries are trying.
  2. not kidding, the EU's proposed regulations / bans on toasters and tea kettles are said to have made a difference in the way the UK voted. It is pure and simple there is a faction that is changing the world financially through emissions and healthcare. UK finally called their bluff and I am afraid they will be made an example of to try to scare others. While health care and emissions are legit issues they are also be extorted to the point they can redistribute power and money to other countries. We will see a big push back here if it is not already too late before too many are brain washed or it is just too late to do anything about it. America has a history of not wanting to be told what to do by others outside our country. This will lead to similar issues here I am afraid. We already have leaders willing to put emissions in the hands of the UN and let them tell us what we can and can't do in our own country. Once you give up your sovereignty you will have a difficult time getting it back unless you are willing to fight for it. Here in Ohio they selectively enforces Emissions testing on a county by county basis. If you live in a select few counties that had a run of poor emissions years ago you are now forced to be inspected while residents less than 10-20 miles away are never tested. I don't think the air between counties stops? Note emission are similar at to the Columbus area and they do not have testing but the law makers also live there too. Hmm? Finally note many years ago those who passed the laws also invested in the company that did the testing. Now they do not charge for it anymore but are taking the money from the cigarette settlement to pay for it that could be used to fix our roads and bridges. Nothing like stealing the money right from in front of everyone and getting away with it. Same in Cleveland. We had a past senator pass to get taxes for a new stadium that was being built where he bought up all the property. He then built parking and made fortune off of it. There are so many scams and no one speaks out.
  3. VW stepped over the edge but most MFG take advantage of the gray areas much like Smokey Yunick did in racing. There are open areas where companies can go that are not covered. The real question is how soon till these areas are closed down and make it nearly impossible to make Diesels impossible to sell and own.
  4. It is not irrelevant as Electric will improve but it is not going to take over the entire industry in all areas. It will still take all variations of energy to meet the needs and desires of customers. While technology will improve we are still decades from infrastructure that will meet the needs to most people. Hell there are still many places with out cell coverage yet today and will not have it in the near future. Not everyone lives in a metro area.
  5. This is just another case of corporate black mail. Law firms look for cases with large automakers where they know they have no case but yet still file these class action cases to basically work for a settlement just to go away. They often know they can't win but they know the company does not want the bad publicity generated and they often are cheaper to settle than fight to the win in legal cost. The fact is that the GM diesels have been investigated in several countries and no issues were found. Most engines do not meet the standard at all times but they do meet them at the regulated standards that are set. The gaps are open and legal to exploit. Case in point the gas cars are not regulated at WOT. This lets companies and even tuners to add power to a car at WOT and not mess with the emissions being legal. Same on drive by noise. Companies will put an exhaust on the drivers side to channel a less restrictive exhaust. By having it on the left side puts it away from the testing standard and they can open the exhaust up and still pass the drive by regulation. It is all legal as they have met the standard. The diesel on the other hand is a major issue to meet emissions on soot. It will only get worse as we go on the regulations and I would not be surprised if some countries ban them all together in the near future. Automakers will not fight it in most places as it is just not worth the investment anymore in many places. It is a shame as these are very efficient engines and the emissions they are worried over are small compared to what we had in the past. I just feel there is a faction in the global leadership that is out to control economies and people with control over things in our daily lives. By controlling the environmental issues you can gain the power over many industries and countries. You can shift the power and money to areas that could never gain a foot hold. Same with other areas too. We are seeing it in England now where people found the EU was not the utopia that was promised. They found that they lost the freedom to control what happened inside their boarders and the right to make their own choices. While that was going on they picked up the burden for other countries that created their own issues with bad choices. Now we will see others in power try to burn England for taking the step up in trying to free themselves as a punishment and a warning for others. But that is an argument for another day. Either way I hope GM calls their bluff and I just pray we finally get some form of Tort reform that makes the looser pay to prevent these frivolous black mail cases. In the end these class actions only enrich the legal firms and leave the so called people they represent with a discount on an Oil Change most never use and companies passing on the cost to each of us with out next purchase.
  6. That is just the problem as these paints and wraps are not as durable or in many cases as easy to care for as most normal paints. Also touch up is nearly impossible with some too. Just look a the high end cars that have the flat finishes. They take special car and washing to the point it is a total pain. Warranty issues with a daily beater would be a major issue for MFG and customers both. Also you will not get the paint like shown for only an additional $1.000. Note most cars that do offer special paint like this are high end cars as the added cost is only a fraction of the sticker. To add this to a $20K Chevy would be a major issue on the sticker. We already have people complaining about the added charge for the tri tint colors that are now offered at a reasonable price for a few hundred dollars on many Chevys. I think my Bu Tri Tint was $400 or there about if i recall. Good and high quality paints are not cheap and custom just jacks the price even more. I laugh at people who cringe when they hear about a $10K paint job on a restored car. You want it right it take time and labor as this is not Earl Schhibe.
  7. Wish they would do the following colors: Bing Cherry - A dark heavy metallic purplish color covering a range from black to purple. Candy Apple Red - Anyone who knows the 60's should understand this lovely color Candy Apple Green - Same as the red note. Chromatic Paint jobs would be cool like the following: Blue-chromed-car.jpg Chromatic-blue-SLS-EV.jpg Chrome_Mirror_Gold_Film_Car_Color_Change_Film.jpg GoldChromeEscalade.jpg MultiChromePaintJob.jpg Heat Sensitive paint jobs would also be really cool: Nissan-Skyline-with-Heat-Sensitive-Paint-1.jpg HeatPaintHiddenHulk.jpg lamborghini-gallardo-features-hidden-heat-sensitive-captain-america-paint-job-video-98076_1.png I was suprised to see this but for fun Thermal paint urinals seem to be the rage in the asian rim. Thermo-Urinal.jpg Oh ya that would be cheap!
  8. Cheaper to build them in China and just leave them there.
  9. It is not about PR and you know better than that. It is purely about profits. GM is investing in the CUV markets as the hatch market in the states is small and even if it grow some will remain a small part of the segment. Same with wagons. Case in point. GM will never sell as many hatches combined as they do a Nox. Add in the many other CUV models and it will still be staggering. Even the new Buick CUV from China even limited in import will sell more than the hatch. Companies can cater to niche markets if they go total global like Honda, VW and Ford but Chevy is not there. As for wagons if you make it like a truck or SUV people buy it but most car based wagons are tepid at best. Just look at the HHR it was a Cobalt wagon but sold nearly 200,000 K units. The Cavalier in it's entire run may not have exceed that in all years hence they dropped it. GM will see if people bite and how much they make if they make good profits we will see more if they make little profit the car will be replaced with a different model. Just making money is not enough anymore it is the higher value profits companies are after now. The import builders are better placed as the sales here are just add on sales unlike. Chevy that would mostly have to rely on sales here, China and not anything from Europe. You can say GM is wrong all the time but if you note their profits and how well finacially they are doing I suspect they may have gotten something right. You may not like it but they are doing something right. Note I do not hate hatches but I do understand what GM is doing and while it is not fun and thrilling it is a path to future financial stability. Lets face it the 3 strongest companies around finacially have been the dullest. VW, Toyota and Honda. Note too the new Civic is selling cheaper and well because it had been reported that Honda has cut prices to try to flood the market with their cars for market share. At this time the report said they are not making and may be losing money on the cars to gain the share. As of now market watchers are pondering how long Honda will go on with this before they raise prices. The story said the reason you see so many Civics has been the cheaper prices. I don't aways like or agree with my market observations of the companies but I am just telling it like it is. Like it or not you may get some more hatches but they will not dominate the market or take over sedan sales. Wagons will still remain a cult car.
  10. Not my statement but someone from GM. But it is plausible just due to the fact that they will makeup only 1/4 of sales at best and the less you make of some the higher cost per unit. Add to that you have to have additional cost of crash testing over fewer models and the additional glass and sheet metal used along with more upgraded trim panels that need to be finished vs just trunk matting. Also factor in that they sell less Cruze globally than most other models since they are no longer in Europe. That really hurts as Europe is the largest hatch market there is. As for Millennials they are far from the largest segment of buyers and not essentially a profit center for an automaker. This is one of those deals where you have to just use some common sense. If there were large profits here GM would be into it whole hog but the fact is this is not a major profit center and while others may make some money GM can make much more with other models like the Nox etc and sell them well north of the 200K unit mark per year vs. 15K-25K. GM I think is just testing the waters and if people respond you will see more if not then don't expect a lot of hatches. As for trends the smaller cars will have hatches as that is the only way you can carry anything. But from Compact up it is a sedan market as a whole. You need to use your trends in context as you have to factor the hatches are made up more by sub compact and micro cars as a whole. Companies like Ford, Mazda and VW sell their hatches globally in all areas not like Chevy that only covers part of he globe. People respond here expect higher volumes and cheaper models. Till then it is a LT and hell $22k is not much for a car anymore when the average price is now over $35K. As for the low ball cars you don't get much there anymore,
  11. Let me inject some real world here. The Hatch is going to be a low volume model and it is going to be more expensive to build. Because it is lower volume and to help cover the added cost they make it only available on the upper level trims. This is the same tact that they took with the Diesels as the cars were not cheap to build and will be low volume. By doing this they can keep the cost to with in $200 of the LT sedan. Also doing production in Mexico will also try to keep expenses down. The reality is while many on the web say build it, build it not that many are expected to buy. To make money and at least offer a package that looks attractive and still hold some profit the higher package is only offered at least for now. I suspect if the demand is higher they may offer more versions but right now they really don't expect a ton of sales. Lets face it if not for the sales outside the states there would be no hatch here as development cost are just not in line. The real issue here is this is not a big segment, GM is not importing them in from overseas where they are made at a lower cost and it is just a tough segment to make money in with the way and the numbers GM expects. Note today automakers are picking and choosing models more on total profit potential and not just making some money. They are now looking at models to see what is the most profitable and even if it is making a small profit the model can be dropped and replaced with a more profitable model. We just saw this with the Verano. Buick will get a new model we have yet to see but it will be expected to sell in higher numbers and make more money. Just making a simple profit is just not enough anymore. The truth is if everyone who said to build it buys one we would have a run away hit but you know they won't. The end game here is GM is not building cars anymore just to survive but now they can pick and choose to make the most profit with where they are at. Also they are out to build cars people will buy and not just want to buy. As for the prices listed. lets face it most will have $2K of options added in most cased and put them right where the Chevy is anyway., Few people buy stripped models anymore and $19K does not buy you much in the compact class anymore. If anything GM can market the hatch as a better value as most of what people want will already be in the car.
  12. Any investment now at Cadillac is into the future of Cadillac. No more using what is just on the shelf if they can help it moving on from this point. As of now they are plowing money into new engines and models that we have not even been hinted about yet and they are not going to take the time and man power away from fixing the future to put in a Chevy truck engine. While the Chevy engine is a good engine it counters everything they are trying to do in changing image. While it may not seem like a big deal to some putting a truck engine or a $36K Camaro engine in a car that cost twice as much just leaves a poor impression for someone shelling out the money. In this class people are paying for technology along with the power. You want people to pay more you have to give them more than you get with a Chevy. It was like the Caprice and Fleetwood. While the Fleetwood was a nice car it really was just a Caprice with some fancy dress. The future is not that far out and it is better to just ride out the transition and use the money to do what really needs done. Time to fix the issues and stop putting the band aides on. Like Drew stated the cost of engineering and certification is just not worth the trouble.
  13. Is there an echo in here? I knew you bought all that Tesla stock for a reason! With your money you can get a 17 in 3 weeks. LOL!
  14. Alpha is not cursed.. its just rightfully so.. more expensive than the Sigma and Zeta platforms it replaces. People want to see massive sales, but U aren't going to see that from a NICHE platform that even in its cheapest form comes in at $30K. The only way GM will see massive sales from Alpha is to pretty much make it so full of variants we can't see straight. At this point.. sales on that platform need to come off of a new purpose built SS Impala or better yet.. Chevelle, a Riviera, a ATS Coupe, wagon, sedan, a sub.. (sorry Dfelt and Balthazar) ATS model with, a Saturn Sky type Cadillac sports car and a few RWD Cadillac CUVs. The Camaro simply is not gonna garner same sales as the Mustang without securing the Mustang's 35% Fleet mix. The ATS isn't gonna sell in 3/4Series numbers without also having a diesel, a convertible, a coupe, a wagon, a hybrid, and a vSeries of those coupes, wagons, sedans, and convertibles.. and did I forget actually be established into a segment Cadillac really hasn't TRIED before. CTS needs to be on Omega.. because this is a thing BMW got right when they moved the 5Series over to the 7Series platform. The 5Series is essentially the SWB 7Series. The CTS(CT5) should be the SWB CT6 This.. Absolutely This. The CTS-V and the Escalade possess a great deal of what would make a helluva sales romp happen over at Cadillac IF.. GM would just realize that the OHV V8 should be in everything they make in one form or another.. only exception maybe being the XT5.. and even that should get a TTV6 with minimum 400HP asap. This also reinforces why Cadillac needs to do a V edition of the Escalade. I would take a fully loaded ESV Platinum V edition now. Would love to have my escalade as is with that extra supercharged power! At this point.. just for profits and novelty. I could see a 550HP Escalade. 640HP in an Escalade would have GM on trial for MANSLAUGHTER weekly.. guaranteed. There is no pressure on the Camaro to beat the Mustang. For one they share the platform and Ford does not. Second do not underestimate the Camaro as they have beaten the Mustang with the last gen on a regular basis. Get production up and more models on the lots and things will take off next year. I expect some changes soon on the Alpha. I suspect the platform will get a remake like the Omega and lose more weight with the aluminum, steel welding. Also they will revamp it for RHD. Also with the Omega the size it is now I suspect the Alpha may be made to go even smaller while the omega could support the CTS and larger. With so many management changed at Cadillac in the last few years the stability for a few here as they rebuild will get all their model on the same program. Lets face it the ATS and CTS were started under one manager and the CT6 and XT5 were another and now the work being done is all JDN and we have yet to see his first product. I really don't think people really have much of a clue how much things will change in the next couple years at Cadillac. They have done well under a mix of managers and once they get all on one idea they will really prosper and show direction. As for Cadillac some people just have to get with the program and understand they are no longer Cadillac material. (my mother inlaw) These will be higher priced lower volume cars for those with the means. This is a race where GM does not have to beat the Germans in volume. They just need to sell their cars at a fair rate at higher ATP and make a lot of profits to win. This is not like selling a Chevy anymore.
  15. Well we all need to take a step back here and understand what is really going on big picture and realize this is really good marketing than some big revelation. Take a look a the date. June 15th. Now figure out when the line change over for the new cars happens. Hmmm Right now to the first week of July normally. Now consider that Cadillac is selling about what is expected of this car as it is not going to be a high volume car. Most performance models outside the Camaro SS do not sell over 5K units a year at best including cheaper models like the Cobalt SS etc. You could not even order a CTS V for a month now. GM did a good job of building the right amount of cars for the market demands and we will see more on dealer lots as 2017 soon. But this marketing will help in image as most people will not understand the change over and the end of year changes here. Most will see the headline and consider there is high demand on these cars and that they should maybe take an interest. This is a brilliant play here and should attract more attention to the V and even the V sport. This is a great car but it will never be a high volume car nor do you want it to be. Once they go global they will expand production but each market it will remain a small player. That is good in this segment as not everyone wants to pull into the club and see 10 more just like it sitting there. Also you do not want to pull into Walmart and see a bunch of them there getting car dings. This is just what Cadillac needs to increase interest and demand of a car. You always want to leave people wanting more. In this case you will give them that feeling but yet will be able to feed it with in weeks with the 2017 models. This is a big change from years past where in August they are offering massive incentives to unload last years models. That is a real image killer. The Alpha, Cadillac and GM are all going in the right direction and it will only take time to let the seeds they planted grown.
  16. The bottom line is ICE will be here for a good while and will remain in the lead in market share. The EV segment will grow but it will be slow growth with no time table.
  17. $$$$$ say different. 2 Billion and more dollars. Also you can not claim the movie theater is dead and gone. Today they may have less small town units but the ones we have now are larger and more advanced than ever. Where they have lost is because of movies like Ghostbusters Robocop and Total Recall. These were just plain bad remakes of movies no one asked for a remake of. Transformers, Marvel movies and future Star Wars will generate Billions in the future. Lets face it Disney and Universal are making a killing at the box office and on DVD both. You get a good movie it will make hundreds of millions or even in this case Billions of dollars but you make a bad one then it will go straight to DVD after a week and then you can watch it on the home system. Hollywood when they get it wrong is not making money but when they get it right they make Billions to the point that Disney expanding the series. As for the EV yes all MFG will have to have EV cars even if they do not make money on them to meet future regulations. They have no choice with MPG and Zero emissions numbers they have to meet. This is why they all are making these cars that make little to no profits. The fact is the EV is being paid for by the sale of Gas Trucks, CUV models and SUV models. It will be a while before they show a profit of their own. If they were ready for prime time function and profit wise we would see a major change over. But the truth is it will take some more time for them just to show a profit and even then they will be a part of the market not the entire market. I do not disagree they are coming and will grow in percentages but it is very foolish to think they will replace the ICE in the short term if even longer depending on advancements yet undiscovered. The development you just can not put a time table on better batteries. That is the biggest thing companies want to develop as getting the perfect battery for the job is like winning the lottery. See unlike Tesla that has no other support other than keep promising share holders they will make money in the future. The other MFG are still making enough money to support their work on EV product. They can afford to slow grow this and help make an increase in the market but it will be a while before prices come down and other the other bugs are worked out to where the average buyer will consider the car. Like I have clearly stated this is about all options as there is no EV utopia around the corner that is acceptable to most buyers nor share holders. As long as you see large MFG continue to pump billions into new ICE and Transmissions they will have a life in the future and be a significant part of the market. Like the Movie industry some things may change in how they do things but the basics will still remain.
  18. See this is why this is such a F'd up issue. Even you do not get the whole picture and you are pretty much up on most but not all. So many others do not even get 25% of what you get. The simple fact is today Oil is a traded commodity. The economy of the world is based on oil as it was changed over from the Gold standard in the 70's. It is not so much the use of oil but the manipulation of the price of oil at what time and who benefits from it. The simple fact is oil is needed till we can base the economy on something else. If the price drops out of oil we all hurt. Of late the fact that Canada and The USA have been able to control the markets with the supply of oil till the Saudi government flooded the market to down turn oil. This hurt the dollar but the truth is it really hurt Russia. Now our leadership at this time has done much damage to us as they have refused to put in the pipe line from Canada that would give us a strong chip in controlling oil prices refined in TX. This also tied into the fact we have lifted sanction on Iran who now can try to help Russia. Putin has been in the middle east trying to prop up their control over oil production. The bottom line is the Royal Saudi family controls their country. There are two sides and one likes us and one hates us. The one that likes us is the one we support to help win favor with the control of the global economy. The other is willing to toss the other side and cut us out. Iran wants to take Iraq and Syria and control the region in time taking Saudi Arabia too. This is a very involved deal where it can not be explained in a simple post and generally most Americans have no clue. You can still power all the cars by Electric but the issue is Oil is still needed for so many other products including the construction of EV cars that it will still be the focal point of our economy as that is what the dollar is based on. As for any ideas of changing the currency to a Electric based economy that is not going to happen. The fact is when we left the gold standard we opened Pandora's box and getting it closed is a real major issue that is not something that will ever be completely resolved out side of a global shift and conflict. The fact is no matter how you make the Electric it takes a lot of money to build and support the damns, wind mills, power plants, Nuke plants and any other way. It also cost a lot of money to keep the grid in place. Also the electric companies are in it to make a profit and right now many complain they are not making enough as my bill grows higher and higher. Again this is a case where it will take all applications of power to maintain an edge in the future. There is no free ride and we are not going to see a free power utopia unless you are willing to forgo many things. Only the Amish are the few that are off the grid to a point but even they are now working the edges as they can not do all they need to do with wind or even solar. Many rely on Diesel and even go on the grid to control the refrigeration they need for milk and other things to meet FDA regulations on the farm. They may not have electric in the house but they have it in the barn. There is so many things to this issue and to be fair both sides leave out and cherry pick for their side. In too many cases people just do not understand the truth on all the factors and are taken for a ride on by some who have hijacked the green industry for fast profits. Yes some on the green side are just as corrupt as some on the oil side. Mr Gore is one of them. The bottom line a war is going on for power and world financial control. Going all green is not going to change the fact the dollar is oil based and will remain that way.
  19. We spend this money on TV systems so we can watch the replay of the video that we stood in line a at the theater big screen 3 months before. Point is yes we have more options but the original is still a player just as ICE will be in the future along with the other options. The only thing to stop ICE would be government regulations. If you think the gun debate is tough just wait for that one. You comparison is a partial truth you need to include all the facts and factors not cherry pick. Why?
  20. Balthazar, do you not think EVs will catch on much faster due to state, county and city GOVs going to EV fleets which will introduce more people to driving them and helping to change peoples perception? Tesla I think more than the Prius has changed peoples attitude about EV auto's and I think the BOLT will only increase the notion that I can go electric and ditch the dirty pump for many people. Ease of recharging at home is very appealing to people rather than having to plan to run out and fill up auto's for the week. I kinda view the situation you described like going to the movies in the '20s-70s to the 80s with VCR rentals to the 90s with DVD rentals to Netflix at home... It was once fun to go to the movies with friends and family....but....waiting in line excessively took a toll on our patience... So by the time movies were being transferred to Beta and VHS and we could rent them, we stopped waiting in line excessively... We still wait in line like this...but only for the Star Wars franchise it seems and for young Leo DiCaprio movies where he is drowning in the North Atlantic from hypothermia... And, by the time DVDs came of age....we were even fed up of rewinding the damned tape before returning the movie back to Blockbuster Video...(yeah remember them???!!!) So when Netflix came to be...we just about had it from renting movies for 24 hours, then for renting them for 48 hours and then for 1 week, only to bring the movies back???!!! What the hell is that???!!!! I have to go out of my way to rent the stupid movie, then return it????!!!!! Go phoque yourself Blockbuster!!! I dont have to return no movies no more!!! (this was when Netflix mailed the bloody movie to your home...and alls you had to do is just mail it back, but that too became tiresome..now Netflix lets us download....but apparantly that is starting to bother us as well) OK...the connection: I dont know about anybody else, but Im fed up of stopping every so often at the gas shop and most of the time the route to the gas shop is outta my way just to have my hands stink of gas.... I realize that EV range is nowhere near the range of gasoline powered cars..but doncha think when battery range comes close to gasoline range....doncha think that people are gonna view recharging at the comfort of one's home versus going out of one's way to gas up or recharge at a gas/recharge station as they do Netflix to DVDs to Beta/VHS to movie theatre going? We as humans, when we find a way that eliminates the hassles, we tend to adopt the less hassle way of things immediately is alls Im sayin'!!! Yet we the movie theater is still alive and gotten even larger with more technology as we line up to spend millions to go stand in line to see Star Wars in HD 3D paying even more for the privilege. While the VCR and Netflix has become part of the market they have not yet taken fully over. Like I say it will be a shared future as not one technology solves it all for everyone. It is not all about the same range. It will be about life style altering. Until the EV is to the point where it does not change your lifestyle from what you experience with the gas models it will always be seen as a disadvantage by many. No people do not want to take 30 min piss breaks every 200 miles on a trip. It is not just electric but even hydrogen. Until there are more places to charge or fill and units that will do it in the same time as 18 gallons of gas there will always be a problem for the average customer on many of these technologies. Add to this the customers that live where they have to park on streets and in cities where there is just no place to charge. We have come a long way but we have a ways farther to go and no ETA on the destination. This will be a growing segment held to the speed of development. It will be faster than it has because of the spending increase but it will still be limited by the technology discoveries that you just can not put on a time table.
  21. My question is if Electric cars are so great why would they need to ban the Gas ones? My feeling is continue development and investment and make a better EV then let the market make the change. 1 word: POLLUTION https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_sector_in_Norway From the WIKI link: I dont like Big Brother dictating to me either what is good and bad for me... However, I dont like big business greasing up the politicians I vote for telling them to tell me what is good or no good for me either. As you could see...this is a stale mate.... However...since Norway produces its own electricity...and Hydro-electric power is as clean as it gets....and all these EVs will be roaming around in Norway relatively pollution free, with the exception of battery replacement and disposal...and the re-charging costs of the drivers will go DIRECTLY into Norway's coffers instead of Big Oil and Middle Eastern, Russian(Ukraine), Canadian, or even American oil drilling interests...Id say its a win-win for Norway this way.... PS: Norway has Middle Eastern internal problems.. Banning gasoline cars... Saudi terrorist oil gets eliminated killing two birds with one stone...money to Norway while really stifling Saudi terrorist oil money... Yes but we here in North America have nearly all of our oil here. Little comes from the middle east and so what is the difference if we pay an oil company or if we pay a electric company? Norway's electric companies will fill their coffers. As for pollution well it is well documented the auto is a very small part of all emissions and has dropped much in the last how many years. Sorry the electric future is not a future free of pollution and free energy by a long shot. How long is it going to take for most Americans to understand so little of our oil comes from the middle east. Hell I think Canada and the US export more than we bring in.
  22. My question is if Electric cars are so great why would they need to ban the Gas ones? My feeling is continue development and investment and make a better EV then let the market make the change.
  23. Yes this is an evolution not a revolution of change. As of now companies are not even making money on the EV cars and little on the Hybrids. A lot of ground needs to be covered to make them more affordable and universally accepted. Too often people who live near salt water think the entire country has the same wants and needs as they do. Nothing could be more different than the life in Iowa and LA. No one may be wrong but they do have different needs and lifestyles and that is why it will take all forms to settle this transformation. Also along the way what ever is discovered can change the direction fast here. Who knows the EV could lose out to a yet undiscovered technology that may be found in the next ten years. Something new can always be just around the corner and you never know it till you discover it.
  24. No, not really. In 1985 you could count the number of mid-size SUV/Crossovers on one hand, today, you'd need an excel spreadsheet just for the ones that are no longer in production. Look at the adoption of Turbo-4 cylinders since 1980.... flat line and then huge spike. May need to use an asterisk that the models we have today were spurred mostly due to regulations not peoples choices. If it were not for regulations we would till be mostly RWD and V8 yet today as the automakers would not have deviated to what was required not asked for. EV and hybrid autos were never high on the list of auto buyers as it was something few asked for. But now like the turbo 4 regulations made MFG's invest and in time the auto buyers will adapt like they did to FWD Turbo small sedans. Note during the adaption to smaller FWD cars the truck market and SUV market exploded. Was this just coincident or by choice of the non adapters? Generally people do not like change but they will change if they have to or sub the next closest thing in this case trucks. The CUV is doing well mostly because it is a little more roomy and usable over a small sedan. Also cheaper than than a full size SUV that is off the charts. Again adaption not their first choice. Adaption is what the market is hoping for. So far it has been reluctant to many hybrids and EV cars but as they get better and there are less choices adaption will set in. It is Like in the Dish commercial people are settlers. In time we all settle on many things.
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