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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. I have to agree as look at some of the names out there on some of the best selling cars. If this car is priced right and is as good as it needs to be you could call it a Chevy Turd and people will buy it. The group this car is aimed at only worry about MPG Quality Price Warranty Reliability Lets face it these are Consumer Report reading non car people or Toyota/ Civic/Hyundia owners. They do not care about what the care looks like as long as it is not offensive. They do not care what it is called. Besides this is not a Vette or some image car. It is an appliance. You guys are spending way too much time on worrying about the name. We should be more worried if the 1.4T will be enough power vs MPG to make the average American consumer happy enough to replace his Civic with this car. This is not a car for most here it is a car that sells in numbers great enough to permit Chevy ability to sell cars like the Camaro and Vetter.
  2. Just got off a long road trip and Enclaves are all over. Most are drive by Lexus type customers and not old people. Old people could not see over the wheel or back them up. I did see 4 G8's in 5 hours and 1 new Camaro along with 5 new Mustangs. GMC Arcadias every 4 miles one went by.
  3. Let me make this simpler. Buick sell the same cars here and in China. Pontiac sells the same cars here and no where else out side North America unless you count the Opel and Holden Solstice and G8. GM spends money to rebuild Pontiac here and if they tank the investment is lost and GM looks like a bigger bunch of idiots than they all ready do to the American public. Or GM spends money on Buicks they can sell in China and here and if they tank the investment is not lost as the cars continue to sell in China at a profit. It is called covering your Ass....ets. The bottom line is there is great risk to invest in Pontiac with no way to recover the loss unless you rebadge Chevys... oh that did not work already. Or you can sell a Buick you already sell elsewhere here and if it makes it you look like a hero if it fails you will still cover your losses. Buick at this point is not even an old persons car since they really have no relivent cars at the moment or even in the last couple years. Many in the public could not even name or ID a Lecrosse or Lucerne if they had too. The time has come for Buick to reinvent itself and the new Lecrosse is the first step. It is more like what younger upscale people are looking for. With AWD options and a powerful 3.0 it will be more performance than Pontiac has offered in years out side the G8 GT. Once Buick also gets an Insignia from Opel it will help change peoples perspective of Buick. What you post makes no sense? GM will l have little investment with Buick NA since you will share cars already avaiable elsewhere. With Pontiac on the other hand you will need to spend more than a Billion to fix all that needs fixed at Pontiac. If all the Pontiacs were sold outside NA at a profit then you would have a solid case. Right now Pontiac needs Billions in dollars to rebuild and only one real market to sell them in. Is there another market that would buy Pontiacs like Chinese buy Buicks?
  4. It is clear what he is hoping for. But there is no hope. One needs to deal with the reality that even if someone was crazy enough to buy Pontiac the rate of failure is high. I call this the Malcolm Bricklin factor.
  5. MSNBC hates our country as they attck and down play almost anything in our country anymore. The author fails to point out that GM is selling a system and not a car. He fails to point our this system improve and be much more advanced than the Prius. I just love how he points points out the Volt has gas engine well the Prius does too and the way it is used it is much more inefficent. GM in the future will still have to contiune the attcks from the media. As they improve the attacks are going to be harsher. There are faction within and out side our country that are bent on seeing us fail. The are funded by a wide range of countries and people. While GM may have done many things wrong even when they or other powerful companies get it right someone is there to attack them. THe media and internet is being used to fight us and Americans need to wake up and start to learn the truth on many things. Too few really know much about anything going on in the world and just believe what some agenda setting reporter states.
  6. The concept was never production possible with the low roof. Also for years this is how Concepts traslated into production and little was carried over. It was only a few years before that Concepts did carry over much in tact. The only thing I was dissapointed in was the fact it was not a performance car in anyway but bolt on FX. THey could have offered a 3.6 or Eco Turbo. something with at lest 250 HP+.
  7. Ah because Chevy needs a to make the new Cruze a winning car, they need to replace the Malibu soon, they need to replace the HHR, They needs to worry about cars that pay the bills more than an limited market car that will show little profit and steal sales from the base Chevy. Remember that the Vette will be smaller in the future. So with this in mind I don't think many in Chevy let alone the Vette team would want another roadster. The base Vette is not that much more than a GXP right now and you get a lot more for what little more you pay. Just a bad business idea. The bottom line is GM and Chevy have a lot better things to do than worry about converting a small low profit car entering the end of its life cycle to a Chevy. If the Alpha and when appears I wouls assume the Vette will share in this.
  8. Come on you are smarter and better informed than this. We have got enough nuts that still think the Fiero is coming back. Not please don't you go over the edge. Net thing you will get a B pullar hang up. LOL!
  9. As a long time owner of a two seater car and a long time Pontiac owner the Kappa's have limitations. The Solstice and Sky are a second car or third car at best for 95% of the owners. This limits sales to a small group. Then it being a small sports car limits sales to a smaller group. The two seater market is limited in sales and portential buyers. Mazda limits sales in this country to keep up demand. I looked into buying a Solstice but as a every day car I could not cut it in the snow or for the things I need to haul. If I bought one I would have had to keep my Truck and have 4 cars sitting around and that is not what I wanted to do. The Kappa is a image car and the key was to make it so it made money but it was never required to make a large amount of money. Pontiac is and was not going to live or die on the Solstice and looking back I wonder now if they had taken that money and invested in a better G6 you know one that was a real performance car what would have happened? The Advantage of the Genesis coupe is it is a car that anyone could own as an only car. It also is a car you can drive all year round. I also is a car though tight can carry something in the trunk and even two near leg less people in the back seat. I love the Kappa's and wished I could have fit one into my life but it just did not fit. Imagine if Pontiac had offered a 2+2 coupe with RWD and a usable turnk for under 30K with a 304 HP DI V6? Also base a sedan off of the same parts and not share them with Chevy. Also note accept for the Vette and Miata most 2 seater cars go in cycles. All of them have lived not so long and died off. RX7, MR2, Fiero, MR2 again, ETC. The reality is the Kappa was just a blip on the radar of GM profits. It had no effect directly on the health of GM. It was more a marketing tool for Pontiac to help sell G6 cars like the Fiero help bring people in to sell Grand Am's to people who could not live with a two seater. Pontiac has credited the Fiero for getting people into the show room and help sell a lot of Pontiacs in the 80's. It may have been the differace of Pointiac living and Olds going away. Pontiac later wasted any advantage they did have.
  10. Yep and the Fiero is coming back too! LOL! If anyone is dumb enoiugh to buy Pontiac let em have them. I can't see the Chinese goverment letting this one pass if they are already questioning the Hummer sale. Out side China no one is stupid enough to make a more like this. Saturn was more a dealer network and the the present cars are just a hold over. Pontiac for the most has one car anyone will be able to sell for more than a few years. Nothing else. You would be better off starting your own company.
  11. Give them time for the new product. If Hyundia can do it with one division Chevy can too. Besides we are not worried about volume right now as much as we are going for just making a profit. It does not matter if you sell tons of cars if you don't make a dime on them why bother. Once good GM emerges and anounces there plans we can give a better opinion how well they will fair. At this point we do not all that they have planned. I don't see where Pontaic would make a differance with Hyundia and Kia.
  12. I know thw chances are slim but I would not count out a El Camino if the G8 goes to a Caprice as I expect. It would be a good way to keep Holdens money flowing. Lets face it the work is already done and ony a new nose needs to be applied and they already make it too.
  13. I think if they had given the Opels to Pontiac over the G5 they would have done better. But again if Pontiac did not market them any better they too would have failed there. There will never be too few dealers to hurt too much. Just look at Lexus and other low volume premium dealers. If you build a car people want they will come. Ok so if Pontiac had new cars and old names they would be saved? I will agree on one part if they had new product it would have made a differance but with out good product name changes would have made no differance. Pontiac did not fail due to the G name. It may not have helped but it alone did not kill them. As for new product how much would it have cost to revamp the entire line? If Pontiac failed how much would GM lose in the deal? GM would litterally have put all their money on one number and if they lost they lose big. Now with Buick if it works it works if it fails they continue to sell in China and GM recovers their lost money. Low risk is the smart move. But to say you only needed to redo all the models and rename all the car, in other words recreate a majore divison in only a couple years would have cost billions GM just did not have or could risk losing. Imagine Pontiac tanking with billions of dollars of goverment money already spent. That wpould be the PR nightmare of the century to explain your way out of. Give GM a chance as we have a lot of good new product coming. Lutz may be gone this year but his products will continue to appear for the next 5-6 years. Just read the reviews of the new Caddy SUV and see how well they are doing. Almost every car has been a well accepted vehicle in a GM hating press.
  14. Ok by 2012-14 Pontiac needed all the models replaced but the G8. First where do you get the money? Second if the division tanks how do you absorbe the loss? After spending that kind of money this could put Chevy and Cadillac at risk since they will now be short funds to rebuild and retool their line up. If Pontiac had a way to cover their butts on the potential losses like Buick they may have had a chance. The Niche class was not going to hurt GM as much but it was never going to save GM either. Too many thinkwith their hearts and not their brains on Pontiac. Sometimes in Buisness you have to make the hard call. this was it. The cry to save Pontiac need to have been done 30 years ago before they gave us some of the many mistake cars as they have loke the G3, G5, Korean Lemans, A body Bonnevilles Minivans and Aztexs. It is too late to cry about it now. Kinda of like regretting lung cancer after you smoked for 50 years.
  15. Ah! but you do not count the factor that if Buick fails in this country the losses will be covered by the sales in China. Buick is a low risk venture as for the most part models will vbe shared and cost will be covered. Pontiac is not sold anywhere and if it failed here it was going to take even more money GM does not have with it. Holden is haning by a thread so they could not absorb the loss either. the loss of the G8 is going to hit them to the tune of a Billion dollars a year. For this reason I suspect once the supply of G8's are used up we will see a Zeta Chevy Caprice inmported to the tune of 40K a year. That would be a win win for Chevy and Holden by not burdening Chevy with a number af cars they may not sell and Holden retains the income lost from Pontiac. Selling Pontiac in China and Europe was not going to work so where to you cover your losses if Pontiac tanks after a rebuild? I don't think Canada can absorbe anymore sales.
  16. Well I live not all that far away and the weather just in the last few weeks has even been ideal Convertible weather. I think it is a bit premature to be able to measure a run on Mazdas due to Pontiacs death. For sure Mazda will gain some Pontiac buyers but so will many others MFGs. Avis and Enterprise will have to go elsewhere for their fleet sales so someone will get them. While I hate to see Pontiac go but it was not going to save GM. Also GM did not have the money to fix Pontiac properly. We all spend GM money here freely but if we had to work under what GM has left you would be hard pressed to do much more with what they have available. Pontiac is gone and to fix it needed to start happening a long time ago. Lets just hope some time in the future Pontiac may retuen as a niche car. If the Mini and other cars can return so can Pontiac. Time to deal with the truth and that GM would have never fixed Pontiac short term to your wishes. GM could not even afford to properly market the all the car they had so how could they provide new product with no money? Lutz statment that Pontiac was damaged was a message to the BOD. He saw a long time ago Pontiac was on life support. He did all he could with what little he was given. Time to move on as what could, would have and should have all have moved on. So should we as nothing is going to change.
  17. I hope you are correct. I have noticed the last two months FOrd and GM sales have dropped much less than Toyota and Honda. I would have expected a drop in GM sales just because of the killing of brands. They were the ones that took the hit but the others did much better. I know there are 101 reasons this could happen but I hope maybe some people do have a little pride in the American companies and will come back to support them.
  18. We can sit here and bash the imports and the people wh drive them all day and it will not change a thing. The fact is the group of anti American car buyers has grown and is a very large group today , Misguided, mis informed what ever the excuse they are buying thiese cars and bashing American cars more and more. These people do not intend to ever buy an american car as they feel no need to. This is something that GM and the others lost with this generation that grew up in Hondas and Toyotas. Odds of winning them back are slim. What American car comanies need to do is win back those with open minds and wallets. Also win back the kids just entering the car market that are still open to cool neat cars they would like. It took American car companied 25-35 years to created this group and it will take some time to creat a new generation. Cars like the Camaro will wins some but they also GM needs to offer cool cars Gen Y would pay attention too. They don't care about V8 engines and larger cars they want smaller powerful cars. Now witht he new Hyundia and drifting at least they will now show an interest in RWD. GM needs cars like a Mini and WRX to compliment the Camaro. THese are markets GM has hardly made a serious entry in. The Cobalt SS is one car that shows they can so it mechanically but it needs to be in newer and better sheet metal. I just hope they use the Alpha in this area if it makes it.
  19. Shhh! they will go for that one after they take the second. I understand the risk and all of sock holders. But the UAW also has the risk of getting nothing too. GM could have just shut the doors and said sorry about your luck till the goverment stepped in. The fact is a lot of people got a cut here that normally would have been shut out. The fact many of the share holders were old people and retired GM employees not represented by anyone for the most part lost out. DO you think the UAW would have gotten much if the Republicans had been in charge here with all the money the UAW gives them? Right or wrong DC works on pay back for what you payed for with both parties. Lobbiest rules and how much I need your money and vote will gain you favore. A hand full of unreprsented grand fathers and grand mother had little chance here. While a large amount of money would have done little for the major bond holders it would have at least been something to the small private invester that got nothing but the shaft. This was a case were either everyone got a piece of the pie or nothing. The goverment and UAW could have done with a little less to cover many more. Everyone should share in the lose equally.
  20. It is not so much mob mentality than just the people who did not benifit from the goverment action. There were winners in this deal and losers. The UAW for the most won due to a lot of donations and the invester who lost out. I have no issue with the UAW getting a part of the action if anything it will put them at stake. But the investor should have been included somewhere. No matter what anyone did someone would be pissed.
  21. You need to stop being Obama sensitive. He and Fritz are just the top targets for all of this by the people who lost money and jobs. When you are at the top you have to have thick skin. I can understand the comment on how many will want to invest in a company after giving most of it to the goverment and UAW. I would not buy stock in something like that till it show strenght to stand on its own again. But on the other hand I have no issue with the bail out. I would rather see the goverment bail out GM and Chrysler vs sending billions to N Korea or spending it on laid off workers welfair when we could have kept them working. The idea of bailing them out was the right call now how they split the money I could put up to debate. In a free market society it is important to maintain a free market if you want investment. I would have liked seen the investors better covered for their risk and trust. Either way there are just going to be a lot of hard feeling and a lot of this is going to go around for a while. I know the UAW guys in Mansfield are on the war path with everyone from the prez to the uaw.
  22. Ok will the eviro global warming nut jobs go to China and set fire to Hummers over there too? The other question is will Dongfeng Motors still clome the Hummer H1? I can't wait for the Hummer H2 Chairman Mao Zedong Edition also the Chou En Lai edition H3 pick up will also be one to wait for.
  23. Manual trans mission Malibu or G6 Hmm that would cover 4-5% of total sales. GM did the Hybrid thing but on the cheap since they could not afford it. It would have been wasted money since they were working on the Volts new system anyway. G 3 and Mini Cooper in the same line? Are you nuts? I bet the BMW CEO starts our everyday thanking God they beat the G 3 to market. Anyway I spoke to my dealer and he is safe. He is trilled in fact this should give him a chance to gain buisness and sell a lot more cars. They do a good buisness now and will do even more in the future. The dealers we are losing around here should have been gone years ago due to poor practices and shady dealings. One dealer here will pick up Buick and Chevy to replace his Pontiac dealer and another just bought out a Chevy dealer to replace his fine Pontiac store. The cream will come to the surface and the turds will sink. GM will have a much stronger repitable dealer ship network when this is done.
  24. Might want to study up on their history a little better.
  25. The Volt has no compitition as it is a whole different car. The first models will be bought by those who want to drive this kind of car. They are the same kind of person who bought the first over priced Prius. Read the review in the new Autoweek that just came out. They were very impressed with the car. They only drove the test mule in a Cruze with no gas engine drive hooked up. Imagine once they get the full production car. I seldom hear anyone in the press impressed with a test mule but here they loved it. Note they said driving the Volt in electric mode was like a normal car and not like a lab experiment like so many other electric cars. If anything they said it was as quiet and smooth as some of the most expensive cars on the market.
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