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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. The Lacrosse concept by the time it made it to production would have never looked like the concept. The head lights are too low, the side impact score would have been -4 stars with the hard top and suicide doors. the rear impact would have never made it with the set up they had and the quarter panels wouls have never made it though a winter with them sticking out so far and stones hitting them. Just look at any HHR with no running boards. In fact if that car had made production it woul have turned out much like the 2010 Lacrosse. note the side spear and grill are similar. Damatic is ok but you have to keep it real and not let it get too weird. Just because you can draw it does not mean they can build it.
  2. Nox just hit the dealers here. I want the wife to look at one. She wants a SUV but not a big one. I would consider a Nox now that it is fixed.
  3. The Pontiacs from he 70's were not as good as many think they were. The other cars were just that bad that Pontiac had the better cars but they still were not great cars accept for a few very limited edition SD cars etc. . Case in point the TA did ok in the early 70's but did not take off till around 1976 with mass appeal. It did it on the help of a Movie and the fact it had little to no compitition. The Z28 was gone and the Mustang was a Pinto rebody. Lety alone the Vette was a shadow of it self with a low power engine and Vega steering wheel.
  4. You have you're opinion and I have mine. I also am not the only one to have the same opinion. I do not attack your opinion and respect it even if I do not agree. <<<<<<<<<<<So if you if you would stop addressing this we will never come together on it again. To agree to disagree goes a long way.>>>>>>>>>>>
  5. My friend GM started to fail in the 1960's. As for Delorean he did a lot but it was he and Bunkie who made the real changes as a team. The truth was in the eyes of most real Pontiac diehards was the death of what they considered the last real Pontiac engine the 400 in 1979. After that they do not accept any of the later cars as real Pontiacs. They even have a hard time accepting the 1984-88 Fiero 4 cylinder as the last real Pontiac only car. It has gotten better now but it used to be if you showed up in a post 1979 Pontiac at a POCI meet you got the cold shoulder. After Delorean and Bunkie Pontiac was a solid brand with no weak points. After 1970 Pontiac lost its drive and focus. They had some good models but the entire line was never as stong as it once was. As for Global things are changing and changing fast. The Americna market is not as strong as it once was and will become weaking in time. To make it companies need product they can sell anywhere in the world. America is fast becoming what England has become a player but not a leader.
  6. I had heard of this guy but never been to his place. I miss fining a lot of these kinds of cars around. We had some yards here that used to have some very good and old rare cars but many have been closed down and cleaned up. I remember picking up a green 1960 Pontiiac with a bad engine mount from a little old lady years ago. I drove it to the shop to change the mount. I never realized till I drove it that here car had no power steering and at here 5 foot 4 she had the arms of a trucker. That car also had the interior in the yellow and green colors still sealed in plastic. THe only rust was on the lower 1/4. The original paint still had a shine. The car wanted to run 50 MPH with the broken mount pulling the throttle. I often wonder where that car got to.
  7. Since detailing cars is a hobby here is what I use. Note I have two black and one silver car. I use the Meguires profesional polish line. They are the ones in the quart bottles and mostly found at paint supply shops. It is not the regular Meguires line. I keep on hand all levels of polish. They are listed from the most abrasive to the least and all are clear coat safe. Diamond Cut which is a compound polish for deep scratches. Power Cleaner which is for moderate damaged paint. It will clean scrating and marks up. Duel Cleaner This stuff will clean up light ot moderate marks Swirl Polish It clean up the marks left form buffing and those swirls it can leave Hand Polish this is a fine polish to get the last detail cleaned up and works great on dark colors. It is like a glaze. To polish out a car I have a six inch Porter Cable duel orbital buffer. This is a great and safe tool to use in general detailing. It takes a lot of the work out of polishing and works great with the Meguires line. Also use foam pads to buff they do a much better detrail job. Now if you are buffing new paint a wool pad is good for the first fo around. and if you are doing new paint use a regular buffer id you know how if not get help. Once I get the paint perfect I will follow it up with Mother California Gold paste. It last long and is easy to work with. Meguires is as good just I like the yellow since if you pick up any dirt it shows before you wipe it into the paint and make a mark. On the silver car I use the Nxt Gen 2.0. WIth the lighter color it does not need the extra work and this stuff is good. I was in Reno at Hot August Nights a while back and one of the Meguires guys I know gave me a kit and told me to try it. It works great for the every day cars. The reason I use the paste yet on the black cars is I can use detailer to clean them up and the paste will hold up better on the dark paint. It lets me wipe down the car at show better in the hot sun. I use Nex gen detailer or any other Meguires detailer as most are all the same. Last use Micro Fiber towels if you are not already using them they are so much better than anything else. One other note clay bars are great to clean paint before polishing. it will take out the impurities and make for a much better surface to polish. I use it with just running water to lubricate the paint surface to wipe the car down. It remove over spray, tar sap and anything else that can imbed into the paint. The first time you clean a car it is a lot of work but once it is done you can maintain it easily and it take so little to keep it up. It has really paid off when I trade cars as I always get top dollar when I sell my cars and often have several people waiting for me to sell. My last 11 year old truck sold in hours when I put it up for sale and I did not let it go cheap. There are a lot of good products out there from Mother, Meguires, 3M and other specialty lines. The key to getting good results is prep the surface, Polish with the righ products in the right order to restore the shine and then sealing it with a good wax. Using the right tools make it easier. Then using detailer, dusters and follow ups on wax and polish will make it easier to maintain.
  8. I hear the cetificates make good wall paper.
  9. The problems with Pontiac started around 1970 and it has been in a decline for years. Pontiac never got the attrention it needed to grow. This has been the case for years and on many models. The history behind the Fiero development and death are a good snapshot of what GM did not to Pontiac in general. I have been a diehard Pontiac owner, racer and national winning Pontiac show car winner. I love Pontiac but I also understand the reality. The world has changed and companied don't offer lifetime employment, Chistmas parties and retirement plans anymore. The world is now about Profits! The world changed but GM did not. We were left with what Lutz's called a damaged division and it is true. We had two cars that represented performance and that was it. They had nice but not great cars that could be bought at a Chevy dealer with more performance options but as for Pontiac performace was just a marketing ploy of some grafted on spoilers on some token cars and red dash lights. The bottom line was yes Pontiac sold cars but only in limited markets and not the global market. Pontiac did not make money as many of the cars were offed on fleet and lease deals. To repair Pontiac it would have taken a large amount of money and tme to revamp 4 different car lines. [The Solstice is due for an update]. I know a few G6 owners and their opinion of there cars are they are ok but they were cheap to buy. The death of Pontiac is not the goverments fault. I may not like Bama but I can not blame him for this. The niche idea came last year and in my opionion was a way for Pontiac to fade away quietly. I really did not expect Pontiac to be around past 2016 as it was. The fact still comes back to the fact GM did not kill Pontiac because they wanted to. GM did not kill Pontiac because they were a cash cow. GM did not kill Pontiac because they would be easy or cheap to fix. GM did not kill Pontiac because the rest of the corperation is on stable footing. The big lie I see here often is Pontiac was profitable. Pontiac was not a global division and was not paying the rent. If they were making profits we would still have them around. GM needs money and anything making money will live on. Lets take a look at what divisions are the most profitable world wide. Hmmm Chevy, Cadillac, Buick, GMC. I see a patttern here. GM is to the point now where market share means little and profits mean everything. To get their house in order the smaller the better. Less is more in this case. GM will retain the name and rights to all that is Pontiac. In time if they get back on their feet we could see this name return if the market warrants it. GM has pondered the retun of some other names in the past so while it is not likely the possiblily remains that they ccould revisit this if the need or market is there. Right now every car company needs to get everything rigt as we have yet to see bad times. It will get worse yet and how worse is yet unknown. The new GM will have an advnantage of little debt at a time others are racking them up. Sales are still tanking and the last thing GM needs are weak divisions they can not afford to repair hanging around their neck like a anchor. From a nostalgia stand point it hurts to see Pontiac go but from a business stand point it had to be done. If GM was strong I would have expected them to throw everything they had into Pontiac. But when I look at the needs at Chevy alone to get updated I can not justify spending money on Pontiac when we still have a W body Impala that is how many years old still on the market. I may have good discount sales now but imagine if it were updated and sold at agreater profit how much it would be making in profit. Lets face it if Chevy was in good profitable shape they would have had the money to fix Pontiac. Yes things are that bad.
  10. More people want Buick world wide than Pontiac. If more Americans and Canadians bought more Pontiacs it would have survived. But you guys did not buy so Buck lives on. It is all about Profit. Remove the fleet sales from Pontiac and you will see the truth. GM is killing many Canadian dealers and most others will become a Chevy or Buick and they will do fine.
  11. You have to wonder. The work they did between 95-03 on future models finished off Pontiac so much the Solstice and G8 could not repair the damage. Just think Pontiac could have been worse the GP was cleaned up before release because it was done when Lutz came in and he made them change the Aztek styled front they had on it and some other things they could tweek at the last moment.
  12. Before we get ahead of ourselves lets see if the normal high volume sells so we can maybe see a niche car later. Lets face it a coupe is not the hot ticket today as the sedans. Lets see if the sedan sells and then it will pay the way for a low volume coupe.
  13. MI is a good PR move at a time GM needs it. Also I suppose they did get a good offer. Spring hill is not dead and I expect to hear in the future a new car being built there. Like stated it is one of GM's best and most modern plants so I do not see it being sold or shut down long.
  14. I had a 1997 Rare fully loaded 30th Anniversery Bonneville SSEI one of only a few hundred made. It was so much in demad that it added nothing to the value when I went to sell it. In fact I owned it for years and never knew how few there were till I went to sell it. I think there were less then 500 made. I drove it enjpyed it and sold it. I loved that car but I in no way would want it back today. I got top dollar because I took care of it and not for any other reason. Even then it was not an easy sell as it was just another old Pontiac that cost too much new and not very good resale old.
  15. Or just fid an importer that already has imported some of the Holdens already in this country. We have one in our area. It looks like a GTO but it is not. Besides the right hand drive would be cool for picking up girls. LOL. Though the drive through would be a Beeotch.
  16. I think much will be shown to us once the new GM emerges. Till then everything is clamped down.
  17. This car will be as collectable as a Celeberty Eurosport or a Citation X-11. There will be some nut out their 25 years form now still thinking it was the greatest car ever. I would tell them to drive it into the ground enjoy it and move on.
  18. If you can find a Niche car vehicle that will sell in Shanghi, LA, New York and a lesser degree Germany you might get one. No matter what it is it will have to show a profit even at low volume. Or as GM says Pays the rent.
  19. Not all are A holes as the Chevy dealer I have is the best dealer I have ever done buisness with. From Sales to Service they have been over and above anything I could ask for is how I have been treated and respected as a customer. Doug Chevy here in Akron is an example of what GM should expect from a dealer. Too bad I can not say the same for some of the other GM dealers in my area.
  20. What GM is not telling are the deals they will cut with many dealers off the reocrd. The local Pontiac/ GMC dealer here is all new just built to Spec by long time GM dealer owner. The local Chevy and Buick dealers are old out dated and owned by large chains who refused to put money in them. The Pontiac is off the record gaining a Chevy and Buick franchise to mate with its strong selling GMC dealer. They right now with the gaining of Chevy will not miss Pontiac and the owner is happy. The long and short of this is some will get burned unfairly and some will get for poor servies what they should have years ago. In the end the dealers that remain will be better serving to the customer and represent better service for GM. My local Chevy dealer is excited about this as they will remain and the Chevy dealers that are piss poor 8 miles down the road will be gone and will bring them more work and more money. The press will not interview the dealers that remain and show how they will benefit from this. There is just more to this than what is in the press.
  21. Thank God! At one point it was set to be the last Pontiac Built. I was hoping for a Solstice Red line or GXP G8 to be the last.
  22. What you leae out is they already have good selling cars and are not losing money by the bucket fulls. People said the Bu was not going to do anything for Chevy and it turns out to be doing very well. GM is not going to take the lead here but they need these cars to stay in the game. Ford dropped much of their performance line for a short time accept the Mustang and now they have the new cars out we now have a new SHO and will see a new Focus in the future. Ford fixed the cars first then went to add more fun later. GM needs a goos car foundation first just as Ford did. I think the one liners are there because they don't know what they can or will do till they leave court. They have already made enough statments that they had to eat in the past and are smart enough to keep their mouths shut till they know what all it left.
  23. You have every right not to support them just as they have a right to try to turn a profit with product that will connect with the common majority auto buyer. Lets face it if GM had gotten the Vega, Monza and Cavallier right we would have still had a Pontiac with real performance because GM would not be hurting for money to the point they had to rebage a bunch of Chevys and Toyotas. So lets cheer them on to get the mainstream cars right so they will have the money to bring us the cars we really want. I will never buy a Spark or a Cruze but if they get them right it will pave the path to a new Camaro. If the Cruze, Spark and New Bu fail then no new performance and what you have now will be gone. You have got to give to get. Performance is not free.
  24. Sorry to be harsh but deal with it. The fact is if the boring cars don't start paying the bills there will never be any fun cars. So your hope is in a bunch of boring import loving losers to start buying Chevy Cruze's and Sparks. This will fund fun cars you want.
  25. It is not just about you. They have to hit the main stream public. That is an area they need the most work in since it brings in the most coin. You and I are a niche car persons, we want car that everyone else don't have and will be addressed in time. The car you and I want don't pay the light bills is the bottom line.
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