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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Lets also not forget the 2.0 LNF with the GM Performance Turbo Up grade that is California legal with a 5 year 100,000 mile warranty get 145 HP per liter. Do not underestimate DI and Turbo. DI thrives on Turbo's. What is the Leno Camaro 3.6 Liter turbo with 425 HP and V6 economy per GM? I think these engines show what GM can do with all the avaiable technology on the small engines. Imagine where they could go on the V8. The added features will be what saves the V8 into the future even if it is more limited. The point is they have not even scratched the surface yet with the VVt, Turbo DI engines. The end result is the Valves in the LS engine will be the limiting area of the engine. You can only go so big. My company has taken them as large as you can go on the heads we produce.
  2. I am speaking of the regular Vette most people buy. And the little Ecoboost engine as 365 HP out of only 3.5 liters. What is going to happen when this technology is applied to a V8 at Ford? The ZR-1 is advanced but is it as advanced as the current crop of sports cars on the market. In time that kind of thinking will get you behind. Imagine if someone back in the 80's said the carberator was good enough Or we don't need a computer? Yes the old ways still work for now but what will you do when you need to go to the next level and the jump will be great as you did not advance when you could. I think with the work Zora did in the 60's that if here were around today he would be pushing the limits and using the best technology avaiable. The the ZR1 and GS are fine but the point is the biggest seller the base Vette is getting stale. I know platform changes bring the buyers back. But if GM can do what they have on limited technology just think what they could do with more. Then spread it thorugh the entire Chevy line. Use the Vette to intro new tech to the Chevy line.
  3. Finally GM is bringing the good cars to the US market before they are old and out dated like the Catera and GTO. This should play well with the 28-50 year olds and lower Buick market age. This is the kind of car the market is wanting and buying. If they can't get it from GM they will go to Acura or Lexus.
  4. Seeing most trucks other than Chevy and Dodge now have DOHC a new engine with this feature would work well in a Vette, Truck and Cadillac. If Cadillac comes thorugh with a AWD Zeta based car a new V8 will be needed and it needs to be more advance for the class and price it will be. The Northstar is as little old to carry on. I just find it sad when the Ford Taurus SHO will have more technology than the Vette if nothing changes. It will see harder and harder for Chevy to ask the prices for the Vette in the future and not even come close to the technology offered in a Ford Taurus. The Vette in the past used to lead with Fuel injection, 4 wheel disc brakes and IRS. Today it really leads in Heads Up Displays and Carbon fenders, that's is about it.
  5. That is the sweet part of VVT. You can now carry a flat torque cure from low down to the top. My Turbo 4 as state goes from just over 2000 RPM to 5300 RPM and holds the torque. The same could be sone with about any other engine. Today the cams can be held in the sweet spot even as it changes with RPM. The days of peak levels are becoming a thing of the past with the new Tech.
  6. RWD cars and V8 options as well as technology or other options we can not get in a Buick will be their play. As of now we are just now getting a glimps of Buicks plans and we have yet to see much of Cadillacs other than the Plan or the Alpha and a larger sedan we only have some light details on. Just a few months back many here were asking why save Buick to some now changing plans on maybe buying a Buick. It is amazing what happens when you start to see what you don't know. GM is a lot more fun now that they do not tell us more than 6 months out what they are going to do vs showing us cars 5 years in advance and making us wait. It makes thing seem more progressive at GM.
  7. Have you considered the factors of adding a power adder like a twin turbo and what the gains would be as in the Ecoboost engines? This would add to cost and weight but vs the power and economy gains? On the gearing I have found on many of the smaller cars the gearing is rather conservitive. For example the Ecotech LNF in a Solstice has a very flat torque curve. It can and will pull 260 lb-ft from 2500-5300 RPM on 2.0 liters. HP peaks at 260 HP at 5300 RPM. VVT is a very valuable tool.
  8. It is nice to see the GM marketing worked well! As for the future Complexity is what will permit you to still buy the V8 power you want. Again you do not give the LS enough credit. While it may only have two valves it is far from the simple small block that GM used to make years ago. Displacment on Demand, VVT, DI and dry sump systems are not all that simple and are just the same as they are on the DOHC engine. Oh ya all of this is run by very advance computers. To call the LS simple is very short sighted. If you really love this engine give it the credit it deserves. Even with one came it is a very advance well worked out design.
  9. The 1955 Small Block you speak of stopped many years ago. That engine shares nothing with todays engine. I would expect a fan of the present LS engine to give it more credit for being a all new modern 2 valve engine that relied on nothing of the original engine. The last LS engine I was in has nothing shared with anything on my last 1970 350 engines I had. To compare a original SBC and to a LS is selling the LS short. The 2 valve LS is a great engine but GM kept it because at the time it was much cheaper to build. Less parts less cost more profit for a cash starved company. Also without VVT less low end torque with the 4 vlaves. Today the computers can handle it. As for the Hemi... You know what I mean. Chrysler has tried to convince many this was the second coming of the 426 HEMI. It was all marketing. The new Hemi in fact shares more similarities with the LS engine than any other. All I can say is I was able to spend time with John Lingenfelter several a few visits and just sit and talk to him. He by far was one of the best builders of the SBC, LT and LS engines there has been. At the time of his death he was well into the Ecotech and the DOHC V6. He was seeing numbers that as strong or stronger than some of his best LS engines. He was sitting on 2,000 HP with the DOHC V6 Turbo with not many aftermarket parts. None were avaiable and he often had to mod stock parts. In fact it was this car that took his life. If he had lived I could only imagine where this would have gone. He loved these kinds of challanges and was making great head way. But I do have to admit his Twin Turbo LS Vette and LS Sonoma would even make a ZR1 blush. On last thing to consider. If GM has had to use displacemnt on demand to improve fuel economy just as Chrysler. That should tell you smaller and more efficent is needed. Ford OHC engine have not needed it. I guess it comes down not so much to what we want but GM needs to survive the regs for the long term future. The next engine needs to last more than 8 years and were all this is going.
  10. The truck key is the big one. the truck engine will have to get more MPG and better emissions. I get the feeling we will see more composites on the truck to cut weight but that is not going to be enough. Just a gut feeling we will see a DI engine with less displacement in the truck and we will see a Turbo package option of some kind. The other factor is Cadillac will share in this engine too. GM will not do more than one V8 and it have to be adaptable from a Truck to a Vette and even the top line Cadillac. Unless they make some changes to the Alpha I expect a twin turbo V6 for the future Camaro. As for Exotic DOHC is no longer Exotic. It has become the norm. It is what the buyers want and expect from other brands. If you want to win any over you have to give them what they want. The GM fans will buy it no matter what.
  11. If you put my post name with that one I may have to change my mind just because of that. LOL!
  12. Duel exhaust is not abusrd for anyone who knows buyers. Not only do customers like the look of two tail pipes but they want the better sound of two pipes to avoid the fart can sound. The fact is a single will flow better in most cases but I have found most willing to take the cut in power. Note Flowmaster offers a 3rd gen F body exhaust that comes in duel or single outlet. The single is worth 7-10 HP more but most buy the duel. The Camaro SS and WS6 4th gens also had single more powerful exhaust as an option for 1-2 years. It is just all about giving the customer what they want. I know my company makes a lot of money selling fake duels to car and truck owners.
  13. Lutz and dealers are talking about a GS model already as well as a wagon. Hybrids will be added once production comes to Canada in 2011. There is a lot planned.
  14. Well it being 2009 and the C7 is still a few years off. Here is my out look. The Vette is expected to be smaller and lighter. This is a known. Also known GM will have to go to smaller V8 engines for the trucks. That means the Vette will have to use these said engines or at least be baised on them. Also add in the fact the entire industry is not going OHC and DI. A smaller displacment engine with VVT, DI and Turbo could deliver punch most engines in the past never could think of. The VVT give the low end torque and keeps it flat all the way up the RPM range. Turbo's thrive on DI. GM and Fod have proven this already. IF GM can get 290 HP out of 2.0 liters with 315 ft lbs and 325 HP out of a 2.8 V6 Imagine what they could do with a V8. The Leno Camaro also shows 3.6 DI Turbo can put out the same numbers as a LS engine. So a small Turbo V8 DOHC I feel would keep the Vette up to date and give it a power plant GM could still use in other heavier vehicles. Cost is everything and the Vette will still be expected to share parts with other cars to live on and still pay the rent. Also some still have to get over the illusion the present LS engine is a small block Chevy. Other than some odd bore center spacing and a lot of marketing the present engine has as much to do with the old one as the original Dodge Hemi has to do with todays Chrysler Hemi. The fact is GM and Chrysler both did these engine to contain cost and save money they did not have. If GM has not has money issues they would have been gone long ago. The whole saving grace here is Ford Screwed up on the 4.6 mod engine and never really got it right. The new Eco engines they have are right this time and they will have a V8 to go with it. So GM and Chrysler both need to stop the BS on the 2 valve and move into the best DOHC V8 they can now before it is too late. The original ZR1 was a over piced chunk of aluminum. They tried to do too much with too little elctonic technology. The computer technolgy just was not there to support what they really wanted to do. Today they can do it in a smaller packackage and make it work. You can either just have another evolution and get left behind or create a new revolution like the original small block did in 1955. GM has the best powertrain engineers in the world and it is time they are left to do what they can with all the technology available not just what is on hand and affordable. If you want a V8 in the future you will need to use all things available to keep it on the road unless the CAFE comes down. GM needs to get more from less and DOHC is the way to the future. Everyone else has figured it out. Not the two companies that still use the 2 valve V8 are the ones that filed chaper 11. I remember back in WW2 that some pilots fought to keep the piston engine too. At first it looked like the right idea till they did get the jets rigt. Right or wrong like it or not this is just my 2 cents. Some of the best engines I have ever driven has more than two valves and no GM name on them. It is time the best in the world should again come from GM.
  15. Also we have yet to see the CX Regal yet too. Infact we have yet to see much of the other trim levels yet on the Regal. I kind of like seeing the mid level first as it gives people more to look forward too. As far as I am concerned if it would not hurt sales too much I would rather see them adjust the prices and leave the mid level trim the base model. Base cars need to be Chevy.
  16. I have had Delco's last anywhere from 5 years in the GTP to 18 years in the Fiero. The average Delco usally went at least as long as I have owned most cars with 5-12 year being the range. I have been using Optima's since I have them at work and Delco's are not easy to find in my area. So far I have had 3 and never an issue with the Optima. The first one in the fiero is now about 8 years old. I got it for $7 new so it was worth the risk. My delema is the battery for the HHR when I need to replace it. It is a vented battery since it is next to the spare tire. The Optima is a sealed battery but does have pressure vents on the top. I have a call in to Optima's sales manager to see what we are to do with their battteries that need to be mounted inside the cars. I know their batteries only vent if they are charged over 15 volts for long periods of time. This should not happen unless a regulator goes out. I wondered if they had some vent adaptor for these.
  17. The Regal getting quickly lost in the shuffle with the Altima, Mazda6, Milan/Fusion, etc will be nice for a change since they ar enot even found now in that crowd. It rare if you ever saw one in a crowd anymore in So Cal. LOL! I had a heck of a time getting an American rental car there my last trip. They look at me like I was crazy when I took the Buick. They even gave me a discount. Wait till 2011 and when they start the line up in Oshawa Canada. We should start to see the really cool stuff like AWD, more power and a stick to make the 5 percenters happy. Lets not for get about the hybrids too that will compete well with the tree huggers. This car looks like it will have something for everyone.
  18. Thanks for the insite. I hope more people get the chance to drive one as I think it would change a lot of peoples ideas of what Buick is and where they are going.
  19. I think many of hose who do not like this car will feel different once it is seen in person. Also I think many will be shocked when they drive one. This is a car that will finally compete with the market leaders. Now that GM is meeting the market leaders I want to see them lead the market classes now. not just be as good but better. The coming cars should have a chance to do that. The Nox has already proven it can be done. The Bu interior is nice but the Buick it a step above all the way.
  20. I would rather see him do a hole shot with his first gen Camaro we sold him the parts for that they built. Nice Camaro.
  21. And they are not done yet. The tranny will work with the better engines. Remember anything Opel can do Buick can do if GM chooses. Note a mention a few weeks go of a GS model being possible? I would look for priced to start in the mid 20K range on the more base Enterprise models and top out at just under 40K for the better models. It will be priced with or below the cars [Acura and Volvo] it is compared to by GM.I expect below. The import part will help with he idiots that think a car is no good unless it is imported. We know the reality but preception is a big part of the game with the unknowing public.
  22. I saw in the press they were building them in Germany. The first cars are limited to just one model and two engines and trannys. I think they will open the door for the rest later. A manual should be easy to do for the small number of buyers since this is a real world car.
  23. This is a great car for the money. The 4 bangers they have are good engines and will perform well. The great news is these are not the only engines we will see in this car since they hinted at a GS model later. I suspect we will see a manual tranny and AWD with that one as an option. This car should do real well with conquest buyers that are import owners. It is a true Import car from Germany and carrys much of the needed things they look for, I think it will suprise many people for Bucik as the CC did for VW. This is the first true Euro sedan Buick has offered. Not just some e body that had stiff springs and a rear sway bar added. Hey anyone who thinks importing the Euro car of the year as a Buick needs to really learn what the market is about today. What Pontiac 06 said is true, the market moved on but GM and a few people blind to the market never did. This would have made a hell of a G6. The truth is Buick and Pontiac seperated were just wrong but if you combine the luxury of Buick and the performance aspect of Pontiac into one car line you have what the market is today. Also this car is not a rebadged Chevy or a rebadge of any other car in this market. Job well done GM on such short notice. Given a clean shee in a couple years imagine what we will get. While this may not be a car for everyone it will strke the many who left GM to give them a look and even a sale. I think the impact of this car will help the Lacrosse stand out that kind of just blends in a little with the Lexus cars.
  24. Thw wife likes it but I could really care less too on these. But they are very competitive and lets not also forget they make money. If your going to do them do them right and profitable. the thing on the Chevy is it looks like something is missing on the back.
  25. Now with Lutz now talking that a Volt SS could be done means they know how to get the extra power with out a major penalty. He even mentioned the V word from what I heard. I assume this car will be marketed not so much as a save the earth/save tree car as it will be more a efficient performance car. They may not sell it on a zillion miles per gallon but it would be sold on 0-60 that are very impressive with available MPG that has never been see before in that type of car. This would play big in Europe. All the MFG there are looking for a eco friendly perfromace car. I think this is a strong clue they have the suspension and brakes very well sorted out. Handling is a must in this kind of package and they may have it well figured out. This kind of car could create a whole new market that will be more affordable than the Karma or Tesla. If it breaks then you just have to go to the local Cadillac dealer.
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