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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. I would not buy a 911 but I have enough miles in them to know I can not say it is a bad car. Appeal may be the wrong term but respected. Should the comprimise be a interior of Cobalt quality in a $60K+ Vette? Could GM not have done better on the C6?
  2. So you are saying the Vette base is willing to take less than the best? You are also saying GM should not make the car better to take sales from other brands? In other words lets just keep selling to those who settle for good enough? Even the Harley guys anymore don't want oil leaks. With that thinking we would still be selling C3 Vettes with Vega steering wheels. Thank God the Vette Engineers strive for more. I just want them to get what they really want. Read the book Inside the Corvette by Dave McClelland and see how the Vette team has in the past always gone for what they want and have always had to settle for what they can get. They want more than what you claim the base wants. The Vette team has fought for years for the kind of things I would like to see. The C7 may get them under new managment? Time will tell. Who in the Vette base would not accpet a better car? One that they can say is the best in all areas and not just most? You might be willing to settle but I want the best in class.
  3. Do you not want all people to buy this car because it it the best? Right now it is not the best. Close but still not the best. You know well enough I am not saying build a Cayman clone. I just wast a car that uses better quality and materials that give no comprimise. I have not ever said to change the charicter of the car just make it better in all areas it has lacked in. Where here did I say to dump the V8 or transverse springs, where have I stated to do away with any trademark Vette hallmarks. I never said to make this a $100,000+ car. I just want to see the best car GM build be their image car in it's class with no questions from anyone.
  4. While not mechanically identical there are other sports cars that GM could take sales from the under $100,000K class. Many of the diehard Vette owners hated the 84 C4. In time now they all have learned it lead to a much better car. Is it wrong for GM to make a no excuse car in this price range? They are so damn close and it is time to finish the car as it deserves. The Vette owners as you discribe are the diehards that bought the 74-77 cars that were just plain crap just because it was a Vete. I know and work with many people like this and that is fine if they are willing to accept what ever they are given. I know for years the Vette team has designed and engineered better cars than GM ever let go to production. The little things that get picked out are things the Vette team would fix if they had the funds or permission. It is time for GM to stop leaving anything on the table. 85% Is not close enough any more. If GM wants to be the best than build the best. The Vette has represented GM well in for many years of how much they can get right but things like cheap interiors show how GM just can close the deal. Time for GM to show they will close the deal on this car and all other GM cars. Sorry if I disagree but I know they can do better and just selling the Vette because it is a Vette to the same people is not enough for me. It is like a rac, I do not go just to settle for a top 5 I go to win and I believe in the Vette and believe it can and should win no matter who looks at the car. As far as I am concerned you are selling the car short. To be the best it must be in all eyes not the bias base.
  5. Is the Vette the top of the line GM staus car that no other GM car can out perform? Does it not represent GM in all area's of what they can do? Should it not have the best of anything GM has or can do? IF this car fall short even in the nit pick areas it represent all of GM and where they can fall short. HArley Davidson has live selling to its base for years on it's heritage. Today Others like Victory have taken their heritage and imporved on it and stolen sales. Harley is not doing as well as they have been. The Vette has it's area cut out but it sould take and steal sales from all others it competes with. It has improved on this since 1984 but is still leaving potential sales on the table. I am hoping the New GM will let them build the car like they Vette team wants and not make them water down some area just to save a few dollars. If they can address all areas as they have on the drivetrain and suspension there will be little to complain about by anyone. In todays market being a Vette is good but being what defines what a sports car is is even better. A no excuse Corvette will not only reflect well on it but on GM as a whole. It is the car to show how the company has really changed. The small details are the key. The Vette needs to appeal to the sports car fan in general not just the Vette fan. It should cross over bias lines. I am not a Ford fan but appreciate the GT and would not be ashamed to own one. This is what the Vette should strive for. It should have no areas that can be nit picked. My statement of all people are sports car fans. Not Joe Honda Civic owner who is only wanting 4 doors and economy these are not who we address this too. The Sports car market is more than just make it is the car itself and many people can cross bias lines in this class. The Vette has improved here since 1984 but still falls a little short in some areas. Give the guy who is thinking of buying a Cayman no reason not to consider the Vette? Is there something wrong with that? The failful will buy the C7 no matter what. It will come out half will love it half will hate it and they all will buy it in time. The key it to get the people who would wrtite it off just because it is a Vette to love it. We want to make Vette lovers out of Vette haters. Any smart company wants not only to sell to it's base but to others looking in this clas and convert them. The Vette should remain in the 50K-100K [base-ZR1] price range but if it cost 5-10K more to fix the little things than do it. It will pay off not only on the Vette but all of GM's cars. 5-10K in this class is not anything. If that would keep you from buying a Vette you should not be living in a trailer and buying a Vette anyway.
  6. I am not asking for a 100K Vette. Never have! Like I have stated I am not asking for AWS or GPS. [i know Duel Disc clutch is coming though] Right now they do a good job on drivetrain and suspension. No one has ever complained here. I just want them to fix the little detail things that add up like the dash, steering wheels etc. GM gives them so much money and they spend it all on the mechanicals and it leaves little for the interior. The third gen F body suffered the same thing. I know that one for a fact since the past F body manager told me. What I am asking for is nothing GM designers already what and intended. It just too often gets left on the design floor when the budget guys get the car. Lap times are great but how many owners set lap records at the Ring? I just want to see the areas fixed where most owners sit or use everytime they get into the car. Something like a standard Hud on all Vettes would be an advantage and statment on car. Like Clarkson on Top Gear or not he is fair with the Vette. He loves the performance but is brutally honest with the details. Some people are so close to the Vette they can not see it without bias. What they are willing to accept is not what owners of other brands are willing to accept. Too often they buy it just because it is a Vette. This is a car GM needs to sell to all people not just Vette fans that are willing to take just what they get. The changes the Vette needs would all be under 12K. in this class that should be more than accpetable for the improvments it would bring. The Vette should be able to appeal to a buyer of any brand in all areas of comfort, quality and performance.
  7. Most people buying this car are now spending the extra coin to make it over well $50K. It would not cost that much to fix the detail things that give the critics fodder to pick the Vette apart in their eyes. Chevy is close and could do what they need for little more. The GS is an example of how many people are willing to pay more to get a better car. I expect it to become more popular. Even Chevy has stated they expect it to become the most popular model. If cost is that much of an issue to these buyers they should be looking to the Camaro. A look at most good 2 seat sports they are as much or more than the Vette. These are not even the super cars. The Boxster, 370z and others are not cheap anymore.
  8. I am not talking gadgets. I could care less for AWD or GPS. I just want to see them improve what they have. Removing weight would only enhance what they have in all performance directions.
  9. Why not force Goverment health car on the UAW like they did on just about everyone else. Remember the UAW was left out of the health care fill as were some other high powered contributors. If it is so good for us then make the rest take it too. Give them the choice I got.
  10. They move the ball forward for the Vette. I just want them to make a new car with no excuses for once. If they can afford Carbon fenders they can afford to make the interor and small details top of the class. Let them build it completely like they designed it. Chevy has always left something on the table because of accounting.
  11. Well-defined is one thing but to make the car better is always on the table. The lead in the market is always moving so there will always be room for improvment. They are close on being class leading in most areas and with just a little more they will be lead in all areas. Even if this car was perfect I would expect GM to still be looking for where they can advance the ball in this game.
  12. Because a a 318 T is not a $15,000 unrefind economy car. Even a low end 318 has more status than most cars and they can get away with that. Life is not fair an neither is the auto market. Some get a free pass. All GM has to do is source a wheel from a out side vendor like Caddy does not the V series and even if needed offer it as a option. This would give a better wheel and pay for it if the owner wants one. Hell even in the 60's you could opt for a teakwood wheel if you wanted it.
  13. Comparing a 3 series to a 7 series is not the same as comparing a Cobalt to a ZR-1. If Cadillac can offer a different suede wheel then the Vette could. Many of us have driven a Vette and in fact have drive all the body stiles. Some also have even autocrossed a Z06 so we do know the the Vette well. It is a good car that we just see in our veiw things we would like to be changed a little. Keep in mind many of us have also been in and driven other cars like Lotus, Porsche, Spyker, GT4, 370z etc. I would be good with just a interior that looked the price of the car and not a pick up truck. Also I learned along time ago that less weight is better than more HP in many cases. You gain much more in all areas with a little less weight. The car as it is today is very good but imagine if you could stop faster, turn better and acclerate quicker. Drop 200 pounds and you can gain a lot. The styling is good I love the C6 and the edges. I do think if they could change the rear a little it would give people a better perspective on the true size of the car. It is not the that the Vette is big it just looks big with the large flat rear. The 911 tapers down the back and looks smaller than it really is.
  14. I have no issue with the wheel as it look good. The main issue is a guy buying a $50K-120K car should get something for his money other than a $17K Malibu wheel. I Should the guys on the HHR web site be able to put a ZR1 emblem in their HHR wheel? The wheel make a statement in the interiro as the wheels out side the car do for the exterior.
  15. The Vette interior needs to meet The low to medium Porcshe standards. They need appealing to look at, Good feel and refrain from using anything but the best GM switch gear. It is ok to make the Vette with a better than Chevy interior as it not your normal Chevy. Give it an interior fitting of it's price class. Lets face it I have the same steering wheel in my HHR SS as the ZR-1. COuld they not opt for a Momo or other quality wheel. They are not that expensive and people in cars over $50K expect better. In the big picture the price would increase but buy only a small amount for a car like this.
  16. I do not have a problem in the size but I would love to see them hit the weight at 2900-3000 pounds. Less weight not only improved MPG and acceleration but it also improves Performance in many areas like stopping and handing that bigger engines can never improve. The leap in performace all around even with the present engine would be very good on the track and back roads. It would only make a great car better. With their work into the area of Carbon Fiber I expect we could see a 3000 pound car very easy in the future. The price on Carbon will come down with the increased use in many of the new cars. Other materials will also decrease weight too. SMC body panels are not light no matter what people think. I would like to see them make the car sleeker so even if it does not get smaller it would look smaller. The Vettes shape makes it look bigger than it is. The tail make the car look very larges with such a large flat area. The key is to make this a car that makes going fast feel slow. and less mass is the best way to make it happen.
  17. The last practical coupe was the old buisness Coupes of the 30's. I saw the first CTS coupe in the wild tonight and it is stunning. The styling has a wow factor X 10. While it will never out sell the sedan it will gain Caddy some respect an image.
  18. I would like to go again. I was there by accident at the first one. I had attended a Pontiac show at the head quarters and at the Silverdome then the NASCAR race in one weekend. We went over to see the Cruise. It was nice but we never it would turn into what it is today.
  19. Well I got to spend some time with some Camaro owners this weekend. Word among them is that the Camaro Disciples are being convened in Detroit during the Woodward cruise week per the Camaro web sites. GM has been and is still working with them. It looks like they might be used for the updates to the present car and I would not be suprised since work is already started they will be used for the Alpha car. This mean real Camaro fans will be in on the new car from the start and not just the end of the program. Good move on GM's part too keep working with them. None of them are talking so we will just have to wait to see what they are doing. Some of what they can say ends up on Z28.com. Word also is there will be a big suprise at Woodward. In my opinion with the timing and that it is no seceret that the new Camaro move will be a Z/28 in the next year GM will show up at Woodward with the new 2012 z/28 with the new 2012 interior. The other thing it could also be the Convertible too. Both are due soon. Keep you eyes and ears open as we should have something to check out in a month and a half.
  20. Well it was targeted at Lexus and if sales continue it will not be compared to anything. The others will compare to it. The SRX is what it is and people like it. So right now Cadillac needs to build on what it has and become the bench mark other compare to and compete with. Product value and quality are what this vehicle delivers. It also shows you can afford better than many other products out there and image rate high in this class. Image is something you can't design in you have to earn it with the vote of cofidence from the buying public.
  21. The scope was right on Lexus on this one and GM made that clear from the start. It show that if GM makes the car the market wants it will sell in great numbers. Just because we here say the pulblic want this or GM says they must have that does not always work. Many of the best selling cars on the market are FWD non enthusiast cars and this proves it right here. The lesson learned here is on the money makers give the public what they want and then take the profits to build the fun limited or enthusiast cars. Like I have said before the boring cars pave the way for the fun things.
  22. Not sure on the trannys. I just found the new 2010 HHR SS came with 2.0 Turbo's built in Gemany vs the past ones built in Spring Hill TN. The Trannys were also from Saab. The Lecrosse grill looks like a poor mans CTS V series. The rest looks like the poor side of town. I am ok with the grill since I was never a big fan of the big tooth look. The wheel and pin stripe need to go. The wheels look smaller than the OE wheels.
  23. COme November it will be a blood bath. I just hope the new blood will work with the knowledge that if they do not represent the people who elected them they will be out too. This whole deal in Ohio I have found is being pushed by large dealers in the state. I have not seen the names but hope to find out. I can almost be sure Spitzer is one of them. He like to push the political end and the one persone behind this bill is from Lorain where he is out of. He already have manipulated the state on Gambling and other deals. His dealers have been high volume but a pain to Chysler, Ford and GM. At one time his Ford dealers I was told got busted for giving price breaks on cars if you signed that you would take the warranty work elsewhere. This bill wants to limit the time a MFG can check on a dealer for service and quality issues. Hmmm!
  24. Here I found the bills for the House and Senate. I will just post the link as they are as very long. Senate 204 http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=128_SB_204 House 364 http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=128_HB_364 The state of Ohio has gotten so screwd up over the last 10 years the rate of decline has accelerated even more under the latest screw ball Govenor. To be fair both R's and D's are at play here and both hold responsibility for this fiasco. Now you see why few companies want to come to Ohio to build plants and buisness. If the Union doesn't screw you the Goverment will. If I was GM I would let the state know that Lordstown and the many other GM plants can be moved very easily. We have the second most GM plants in the country of any state and it would kill the state to lose any of them. We have not had a goverment here that favored buisness since Govenor Jame Rhoads about 25 years ago. While we may not all here likes every thing he did he did bring a lot of companies here and got a lot of jobs for us. Since he left office it has been down hill since. He was the guy who got Honda to Marysville. until they lower taxes and bring a more favoritable climate to the state this is the end of any growth. Many of the union members like Lordstown wised up now it is the elected officials to wake up. My call to others is if it can happen here it can happen anywhere. With the economy still tanking Goverments are up to do some really stupied things for special interest or desperations due to the lack of money and too much control.
  25. Please google and read the proposed bill as it could happen elsewhere.
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