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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Forget the 2.4 in the Aveo It will see either a juiced up Turbo 1.4 or 2.0. The tuners will love the turbo as it make them much eaiser to modifiy. The guys on the HHR web site with the SS are in the 11's but the 2.4 guys can figure out how to pick up a .5 second with out spending a lot of money. Also foreget the supercharger on the 3.6 The Bu would run fine if they can just add the 305 or the newer 3.6 to this car. It already is better than any 3800 SC out. If you want force fed than use the turbo V6 out of the Cadillac. I would like to see a 3.6 in the Nox as an option even with out the SS.
  2. What part of the Alpha is not here yet do you guys not get? There is RWD coming and AWD is a option on the table if they can get people to pay the money. o matter what they need a car to build and these are not on the market for a little while yet. what better than to let them work the magic on the cars that are about to come out and make most of the money GM needs. The Alpha will make money but the Cruze and Aveo need to be the profit center. This is the class that sells a lot of cars and GM needs to make money with them. The RWD are just frosting on the cake But if they fail GM will not fail. The Cruze is more improtant than any GM car coming in the near future including the Volt. The Cobalt would have done better on a newer car with a better interior. They took an old car fixed the mechanical end and really did not market it. Same for the HHR SS. I still get people who think I built it.
  3. The 6T40 in the Buick is at 182 FT LBs is there more than one 6T40? The Buick is not on the limit and I know the 40 is stronger than the 45.
  4. That is the target. This is a performance car that is for daily driving. Handling will be like the Cobalt SS and HHR SS where they tune it to drive as well on back uneven roads as will as the black lake in Warren. Too often the GM cars of the past were killer on the proving grounds but never took to the back roads as they should. GMPD has learned a lot and uses this in theit tuning. One thing that you should note is this car will be Premium Recomended. GM on all Chevy exspecally the lower price cars use this formula. The computer will take add power if they use the better fuel. It usally amounts to about 15-20 HP. I had a long talk with a Brand Manager on this at Chevy. They like to give the option to the owner that way it will not prevent someone from buying this car. It may only be 5-15 cents a gallon but often it prevents many form seeing the big picture and not buy the car. GM also could offer a Turbo upgrade as they have with the 2.0 and if the owner wants it added he can change to Premium Required and retain the full warranty with an added Power. My SS went from 235 in first and second gear to 290 HP. If they can put a better tanny in or better manage the torque managment it too can make a good add on sale for GM as the Upgrade has with the 2.0.
  5. Many things were just put on the shelf over the last year or so. Now is the time to open some of them back up. The Z28 was not the only thing selved. I just loved how some just kept gut wrenching because they only thought dull were comeing from GM. Time to understand there is a lot more you do not know about the new GM vs the old. They are just not going to give you 5 year plans or more like they used too. While ever car is not going to be something you want in your garage it may well fit into many others well. Along the way I think we all will have our favorites. This move had been coming I just did not know the time line. To be honest I did not expect it till later. It is welcome new. These guys are good and will do much for GM's image. If they can make a respectable performance vehicle out of a Trailblazer, HHR and Cobalt just think what they can do with a modern plaform. No more excuses for bad interiors and old styling. I know first hand what they can do so little to start with so I see this as very good news.
  6. The death of GMPD has been greatly exaggerated! They are now back to work on some new SS models for the Cruze and Aveo line up. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/08/23/report-gm-high-performance-division-put-back-to-work-focus-on/ I suspect they are also involved with the ATS V and GS that are coming too. These guys do it right and it will be interesting to see what they can do with a new Cruze many of their people were already tuning the standard suspension vs have to fix the old Cobalt one. These guys are good and worry less on stickers and more on hardware, the right hardware.
  7. Needless to say not a lot of options. http://eogld.ecomm.gm.com/NASApp/domestic/proddesc.jsp?year=2011&butID=1&regionID=1&divisionID=3&vehicleID=10621&type=0
  8. Only if you are in Cleveland, Toledo or Youngstown. Coulmbus and the rest of use are doing pretty fine. In Akron Goodyears building new headquarters and Firestone Bridgestone is building a new large tech Center. The only real issues in Akron anymore is Coyote's, Deer and a random Bear are becoming a problem. A guy near by hit a bear in a Grans Am. Killed the Bear and messed the car up pretty well. The only thing not growing is MFG with the Gov, his taxes we have and the hold over unions no own wants to do much with new plants. They need to learn from the UAW in Lordstown and work with the companies and gain jobs. Other wise they will just go else where. They are also finding out that letting in the Casino's is not going to help anything.
  9. I love California and know it well enough to get anywhere in LA and San Diego with out a map. But with each trip it just gets harder and harder to get around. I miss it back in the late 80's when I thought it was tought to get around only to find we had it good. I make the rounds of some of the race shops and Race MFG when I am out there and it takes so long to get to in between them anymore. At least it's good I have a lot of family out there as it save a lot on stays so it does make a affordable vacation. My only issue is some of them are thinking of coming back to Ohio. They are getting tired of the cost of living.
  10. It kind of goes with the You Are with US 100% or You're Are Against US idealology.
  11. It was reprinted in many other papers. I saw it in the local Akron Beacon Journal. I just love how so many in CA get all righteous on the enviroment and then drive from LA to San Deigo 95-100 MPH. CA is a nice place to visit and I visit often but it makes me so glad to come home after a week.
  12. Just passing along the story I read in the Arizona Express News. They make no mention of California making any such moves. Passing the car to Texas and other states sooner may be part of the reason here. It will be interesting to see how other more stable states deal with it.
  13. The Solstice is not original either. Just pointing out similar themes. The 60 Has been around buy is still in good shape. Got you beat on the 64 Tri Power. I bought one in the 80's complete manifold, Carbs, Air Cleaners and linkage all in perfect working order for $95. I also had someone give me a set of complete Air Cleaners for free. I wish that would happen again to me today. I was just in the right place at the right time on may Pontiac parts. We have been shopping for a 421 of late for the 64 GTO. My buddy wants to put the numbers matching engine on the stand and get a 421 to run and race. We have a line on a couple but may just go with a 428 in the end. We though about making it a Bobcat Clone since we could change it back to stock real easy. This is only one of the many GTO's he has owned over the years but it the one he always will keep. HE also had a 455 SD TA a while ago. Made some good money on it but the prices went even higher. His 64 is a clean car from SC and only has 60,000 miles. We are going to go all through it as it got scraped up a little from his kids in the home garage. We now have it in his hanger with his plane. We want to get it to show then he wants to race it. He is only the 3rd owner and even has the protecto plate. The body is straight and clean.
  14. I just notice California will not let the Volt use the Diamond lane with a single driver and will not extend the additional $5,000 credit to the Volt because it has a tail pipe. When will the madness in California end?
  15. Pontiacs stripes new and old I had never seen these G8 Stripes before and they looked good on red. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us This was not the Camp Grounds. GMC is included and this guy was there 8 AM buffing his wheels on this Palm Beach. There was even a COE Semi GMC from the late 40 here. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Packed up and ready to go. I had to put my trophy in the back seat of the 64 Goat. It would not fit in my car with the roof in. They asked me how I was going to get it home when they gave it to me. Note the 64 GTO in the background in the first picture here is a original owner 64 GTO with the origina Ram Air V crated engine the owner installed in 1971. Take about right choices to make in a life time. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Here is the rear veiw of the El Poncho that I could not edit in. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  16. Here is a real one of none. This was a wagon converted with a Elcamino top. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us The more things change Uploaded with ImageShack.us The more thing stay the same. Red and Black looks good in a Old Cat or new Solstice. Here is my buddy Dave's work in progress. He has built it for the street with a LT1. The tube frame on his is amazing to look at. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Here is a veiw form the air and gives an idea how big this event really is. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  17. Here are some more. I did not take a lot this year. I did not get any race pictures. None of my friends raced this years so I did not spend much time on the pit side. I did find a 16 valve Super Duty head new in the swap meet. These were rare even back in the 80's. Uploaded with ImageShack.us I found this one on the non judged parking. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Here is a car I grew up with. My buddy has had this numbers matching 64 GTO since 1981. Every High School kid should own one. He followed me to the show. His Dad worked at Knadfel Pontiac back in the day and still has many cool Pontiacs. He still has his 63 GP and a 76 Jag sedan with a 428. I have tried to get him to bring the Jag to the show. Here is a real 421 SD Cat that was raced by Arlen Vanke in the 60's. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  18. The 3 mile drive to the Ohio mall and back is in most cased worse on oil vs if it was taking laps at Mid Ohio. Never getting oil up to temp is worse than most things you can do to it. Syn oil just holds up better under most conditions. Cold start up is better with all syn oils.
  19. They had the 69 GP roy Tyner ran in NASCAR there fully restored. There were real Super Duty Cats on hand some even ran the strip. There was just about something for everyone from Oakland to Solstice and G8's My buddy drove his numbers matching 64 Tri Powered GTO up following me. There was stock to mod to Reto to repo. You name it. Got to watch a lot of old timers I knew get back with the old Kanfel drivers they used to work with. One of my Friends drove up Saturday with is 1960 Cat 4 speed coupe. It is the blue Pete Seton car seen behind the 1960 Cat at the US Nationals in 1960. It was the runner up in Super Stock to the Royal Pntiac of Wangers. It is a street car now. You can still see the class numbers in the blue tint in the windows from the 60's. This event is more fun than any of the POCI meets since it is not only a show but also a working Pontiac only race for three days.
  20. Here was a stop on the way home. Two guys just pulled out 2 Navy Cougar fighters out the Ohio woods. Made a nice picture with my car. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Check out the web site in a few days and they will have the pictures from this year posted. http://www.pontiacnationals.com/showclasses.html Here are last years race pictures. http://www.pontiacnationals.com/2009event.html
  21. I will post later as I have yet to unload the car and camera.
  22. I attended today the largest Pontiac Meet of the year the Pontiac Tri Power Nationals at Summit Raceway Park in Norwalk Ohio. This is usually the best attended and run event for Pontiac yearly. They had over 500 Pontiac powered Race Cars and almost 500 Pontiac Show cars. The thing to note there was not one word of the loss of Pontiac and things carried on as normal. People there really were into the cars on hand. There were some real special cars there and some of the nicest Pontiacs you will ever see not only on the show field but also going down the track. Many of the original Knafel Pontiac Tin Indian drag cars were there with Akron Arlen Vanke Doc Dixon and Norm Tanner on hand driving them. Jim Wangers was there with his GeeTo Tiger. Also Arnie The Farmer Bestwick was there with several of his original and new Tigers. Note I saw more Pontiac vendors and repo parts than ever and the swap meet area was also the largest ever. I even found a head and valve cover for a 16 valve Iron Duke Super Duty that Pontiac made in 1986. It was new and unused. This was a very good year and the there really was no sorrow to be seen. I think the die hard Pontiac fans will keep the memory alive for years to come. I entered my 1985 Fiero 2M6 SE that I bought 25 years ago yesterday 8-07-85. I came home with a Ames Performance Top 5 best of show awards. I was shocke to have pulled this one down in the field of cars I was up against. Also one of the Pontiac Magazines took interst in my car, Prototype parts and The Pontiac Fiero Fitted Luggage I had on hand. Not sure if this will make print so we will have to see. Either way I was happy to see that things in the area of Pontiac enthisiast remains strong and should remain this way for years to come.
  23. Still to this day there are people who will not buy a car that requires premium full. Add a buck or two to the price of their oil they may pass on buy that same car. There is little logic to it I and I agree the full Syn would be better since I use Syn in all my cars. But that is the reality of many car buyers and what MFG face. This debate rages with many of the Ecotec owners that have Mobil 1 OE engines. Some get all goofy over the added price of Mobil 1. They argue like hell over the Premium Recomended rating on the fuel. Syn oils can last longer as they do break down less. Like stated depends on the driving conditions. Like in my Turbo Syns last longer under tha harsher high temps and GM lets the oils go as long as the conventional oils in a non Turbo. In the not too distant future we will get full syn in all cars. It is better for the engines. GM and Car owners. I am suprised we have not been attacked by a Amzoil diciple yet, but that is another story. Oils are like Religon and Politics. Everyone has a veiw and they are all a little different from each other. Everyone may not always be fully correct but often they have enough that never makes them fully wrong either.
  24. Check out the new Motor Trend that is coming. GM has put in the Ad where it looks like a story on a GM car in but this time the Traverse and Malibu are replace with a Corvette. It is nice to see a multi page ad for the Vette. It has been a long while since I have seen this much effor for the Vette.
  25. Smart man!! Going all Syn is not in the card for people that buy cars like the Aveo, Spark or Cruze LS. People buy for economy in these cars and they do not care to pay more for service related items any more than their cars. Often do not even service their cars as they should anyway. Going Syn Blend is better than not going Syn at all. While it is not a full step up to Mobil One it is a step up just as they have upgraded conventional oils over the years. In time I expect full syn will become the norm but for now they need to take it in steps and leave the Mobil One to the higher priced cars. Either way GM will get better engine service and the customer will get a longer service periods. The dexos1 is just a grade of oil and will be sold under other names that we already know like Mobil, Castrol and Penzoil has already put on the market a dexos1 graded oil. Dex is just a name GM has used for years and was around a lot longer than Dex Cool. Dextron has been the top grade tranny fluid for years.
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