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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Was ich will nicht! Pass I was not a big fan of this before and it has yet to grow on me. GM needs to better here if they want make a dent in the market. People in this small class in the states don't care about 7 passengers they want neat and cute. That is why the Soul is a runaway hit. Anyone here wants to haul more they buy something larger. The Suv, CUV and small Mini Van markets in Europe and the State just don't want the same things in many areas. This is one area the world platform will have issues dealing with.
  2. Bill did have a thing for some odd colors with some Cadillac Eldorado's that lead to the bright Red Bird, Blue Bird and Yellow Bird Firebirds. The yellow Eldo is here in Cleveland. There are photo's of Bill in a matching bright yellow suit. Not a good thing even for the early 70's. But on the other hand he did accpet the TA after John Schinella painted it the John Player colors that Bill liked on his Norton. I never understood the changes from the wire wheels on the concept. The later car was just the wrong direction with the WW tires. Any ways back to today. Buick needs to make a new car no matter what it is called that will help lead there styling future into the next decade. Relaying on the past is good for only so long and then you need to move on. A very stylish coupe of some kind with styling that could be adapted to other cars in the line would go a long way to being it up in the public eye. The Lacrosse has done well to make people notice but it look too much like a Lexus to lead to future Buicks. I see it as only a short term fix. It got peoples attention and now it is time to give them a car everyone will like and would not be confused with some other brand. Buick needs to break through the public preception of their name with their own original styling.
  3. This is the main issue. GM needs to sell what people want and expect. GM for years has tried to sell the less is better concept with while true in many cased is still not accepted by the general public no matter how much they are coached. You can toss around all the numbers in the world but people still often think more is better. We even see it here as today we have some very good, powerful and efficent 4 and 6 cylinders but many will not buy them because they have less than 8 cylinders. People in the general public for the most are idiots when it comes to cars and you need to give them what they want as you can not change their preception. Sometimes the best path is not always the most profitable.
  4. The whole point is the XP715 was a god send to Buick when Cadillac refused the Le Salle concept they were offered. The chop top on the 63 Riv show car look great on a already fine looking Riv. I would have 86 the wide whites though and I am thankful Bill did not go for one of his odd colors he liked. For the most the 63-65 Riv is one of the best looking production Buicks made other than the limited 50' Skylark convertible. I was lucky enough to work on and drive a 12,000 mile example of a 65 Riv GS with the 425 dual quad. I have been in and drove many a Buick and that is one of the best I have driven.
  5. Now put that nose on the 3 door turbo coupe and we might be talking. FYI the Wildcat name would be nice. It sounds good to the many who don't remember it and it still has the heritage for the few who do.
  6. I will wait to see what we really get. The Caddy will need a diesel in Europe or not even bother to go. I supect that GM for the most will tune the line over there more to their market less the V series. Unless they adapt the entire car to Europes needs or wants it will be another fail. As Oil continues to rise it will become even more important. You have to give Europe what they want and not expect them to fall all over American cars.
  7. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Nothing really exciting here. Same old Honda styling etc.
  8. It is very plain the quality and standard of luxury on the Buick will be top of the line. But will it be enough to make people willing to pay for it when money is tight? The same applies for the Cruze. It may have the bet interior, ride and quiet but will that make it enough to pay a higher price per month. Often these people will pay a higher price and just get the larger car. The market is headed this direction with smaller cars and higher trim levels. The problem is being the first there is going to be difficult till the others are forced by CAFE to move there in a couple years.
  9. The real issue in this class is price and MPG. GM is really going into a uncharted area with the Buick. Small Luxury cars have never proven to do well and I am real sure how the market is for them yet. Usually they are better accepted with a performance edge.
  10. Sorry I was thinking Skyhawk but it pretty much is the same thing with the X body and N body aboninations. The only real Skylarks of any worth were the limitied edition 50's convertibles and the RWD 60's-72 models. Even their popularity pailed to the other GM models on the same A body platform. The fact is most of today buyers really don't care about old Buick names. In fact often the reply of many unwashed non Buick fans are why did they put Buick on the car? they would have been happy with the Opel name. You and I know why they kept it but The general public that Buick needs to entice could really careless about the past vs what they will offer now. Very few Asian cars are built on heritage and most are out selling GM models. Heritage is being lost on the youth of today and they will pay a price for it.
  11. The flagship is not a priority right now. They need volume cars to sell now one high priced show case. In time they will get one but when you were to the point of only two cars and two SUV the dealers needed volume product than needed it now. As for the name I see many people resistant to Buick yet today just for the Buick name let alone recycled names like Skylark. We are lucky they kept Regal but many still have a positive image of this name. Lesabre and Park Ave are hurt by the fact that ever old person over 60 had one. Not a image you want to project if you are wanting to sell to the young. Skylark was prostiuted on way to many different cars. It went from one of the best Buick of all time to a Monza or Cavalier clone. Marketing Buick to a younger crowd will take names with out baggage. A Buick fan offten overlooks this but not the person who could care less if Buick lives or dies. Chevy is already being sold world wide so they are sharing with other markets. Buick is in China and Under Opel in Europe. SO they really are not much different for sharing. At least they are set appart from Chevy so far and the different from Chevy the better for Buick. We really have yet to see a true post Chapter 11 Buick yet. All we have seen are the products they had ready before but no money to release. In time the product will improve and expand but it and Opel are now as one on many models as Buick needs at leas 2 other world markets. Caddy is also going to share with cars like the Alpha. They are not getting platforms all to themselves. Heck as it looks they will still be sharing engines with the Silverodo.
  12. The team that raced the Sedans a few years back used to be in this area a lot. I am not sure if they were working out of a shop in this area. I would see a CTS that was set up to look like the street car with the wing wheels and paint. It looked like the race car on the street. Also the race cars would show up at local events on display. They were cool but The coupe is the next step beyond. I hope the same team runs these as I would love to see them around. The team and haulers were seen often in the North Canton and Canal Fulton area. I wondered if they used Kryder Racings shop in Clinton. Their shop looks like a old Phillps 66 station but you walk in and some of the best cars in the SCCA are in getting worked on. Reed Kryder is a good engineer to repair or set up a car.
  13. Now I would love to see Buick use this kind of design language to advance all their lines. It is bold, fresh and specific. No one would mistake this for anything but a Buick with the proper marketing. I love this car but understand that it is not the kind of model that would save the division. But that does not mean they can't use elements of this on other cars in the line. This styling is flowing but still with the sharp edges that Bill Mitchell loved in his designs. Bill loved his pressed pants!
  14. This is the car GM needs here. It needs to come with the 2.0 Turbo and needs to retain all the performance suspension items. As for the Riv I really hope they refrain do much Retro in it. for Buick to move ahead it needs to set a future path just as the 63 did in it's own time. There are times to remember and a time to move ahead. Now is the time to move ahead. Note I did not really like the show car of a couple years ago. But then again it really was not a production minded show car.
  15. I suspect the engine may be part of the plant upgrades they have been making. Along with the fact the Regal is just now going to be moved from Germany to Canada. I expect we will see many upgrades and improvments to the Eco soon cross the entire line. Smaller lighter stronger more economical etc. The Riv name is fine as long as it is put on the right car. If they put it to the wrong car it will tarnish it for ever. Wisdom needs to be used in picking the right model. Also no matter what they pick someone will complain. So they just need to get the right product. I would love to see a modern Silver Arrow edition again. I don't mean so much in similar stlying but groud breaking styling like the original show car of the 60's. Not big, not too small and luxury with a sporty edge. Then put a body on the car that makes one just say wow.
  16. The price and size are fine. The real issue is this car make a Camry look exciting. It would have cost little to make it more stylish. Even a Mennonite apires for a little more style. Too often in the past German cars eiter get the stlying right or they are just very plain and dull and there never seems to be a middle ground. Even if they get the quality wrong people often can forgive if the car looks great.
  17. Too plain of a car. It make a Cruze look down right exciting. How can a company that makes a car like the CC come up with a car with so little personality. In the past most VW's had a charm about them no matter if you liked them or not. They held a different look and image all the way back to the Beetle. This thing just has nothing to really make it stand out. Just wait till they hit the track in NASCAR. I can see these down south with numbers on the side and a Calvin in the real window in a German helmet pissing on a Toyota. All we need it some Fiat Stickers on the Chryslers and we will have all the Axis powers in NASCAR. I expect this to be a nice car but it will fail on look alone. I have already had several die hard VW buddies give it a failing grade just based on looks.
  18. The dash will play well in this I Phone Generation. Just add a good sound system with a sub woofer and many will be happy. If they get the handling right this could be the next CRX. Since Honda has screwed that one up the title has been sitting there waiting for someone to take it.
  19. Toyota opened the door that is for sure. Time to step through and take all that we can as this will not happen often. With the bad Economy the states away from Salt Water will take note and could make for a added boost. The people in the middle states often will buy American if they still can with many products. Price is the key. If this car is as fun to drive as it looks like it could be it would sell. The Engine and Suspension sound as if it was done by the GMPD people and if it even is half as good as the Corbalt it should be a very fun to drive car. The interior look great too. I would pass on the Cleveland Browns stipe on the Concept they are showing. It just does not work well on this small of a car. Chrysler is doing the same to the Fiat too. As for the Hatch it will sell better in this class than any other. But I would still expect it to be 50% or just a little less of all sales. The Sedan from the side gives me a VW vibe and that is not a bad thing. I think that will help draw people in. It all comes down to price.
  20. The new SRX is a case where it shows what GM needs to do. GM needs in all classes give the public what they want. While the first SRX was a nice RWD and AWD vehicle it was not what people wanted. Women are just a tick over 50% of the market and comanies can no longer ignore them. You want to make money to day give them what they want or they will go else where. Loyalty is not something anyone can rely on anymore. Trends with the public anymore are unpredictable and need watched. You just nev er know what they will want or buy anymore. Just look at shoes. Would you have figured all the different people wearing crocs shoes when they first came out. There is no accounting for taste.
  21. The Avero name was tarnished that much and this is a whole new name better. I wonder how the public will embrace the small car that for once is made in America. This should really help sales in the state between the coast.
  22. This car will do much better than many here expect. The one that will sell well will be the sedan. It represents what most buyers are looking for. The interior is killer in the two tone. It look like a much more expensive cars. The color play on the inside in this class is something few other do or do well. The Turbo engine will make this a little more fun. Also GM noting that the car was tuned by their peroformance people. Sounds as if the GMPD people may have worked on the standard suspension and not just a future RS or SS. IF they have it tuned as well as my SS it should be a very good handling car. GMPD has a good graps on how to set up a FWD. The hatch will do ok but I just see more in this market going for the trunk. This will be the suprise car of the year in sales for GM. I think now after seeing the final results the new name was a very good idea. Is it a car for many here on this web site? No. But it is a car that many in todays car market will heartily embrace if they get the pricing right.
  23. In the big picture the Portholes mean so little to 95% of the people out there. Many will not notice them and even few will know of any past meaning. With so many glue on Portholes on everything from a 300 to a Civic many will wonder more why the owner did not order more of them from JC Whitney.
  24. Cadillac is in the right price range now the key is they need to execute and put the best car out in the classes they are in. If they can't make the ATS and CTS best in their price range then who in their right mind will pay $90K for a larger model. I still can see them doing a model just over the CTS but that is it till they really are the world standard in class. I am affraid they will have to do a smaller car at some point as BMW is looking to do FWD. Benz and others are also looking at doing very small cars as that is where they world market is being forced. I am not sure how this market will form nor dose anyone else. They are all searching for something that will connect with the buyer and I really don't think any of them have found it yet.
  25. The Wall Street Journel also had a story on how the people that are well off but not uber rich are not buying the big houses and taking the the expensive vacations like they used to. There were signs they were cutting back just as most people are today. Most are affraid of the economy and future tax rates. Also just look back to the early 30's and how many high end Luxury cars died that did not offer cheaper offerings. Even the rich have their limits in hard times. I really think Cadillac needs to prove they are best in class in with the ATS and CTS they can grow to the other classes. But as long as their cars are close or almost as good as BMW and Benz any Cadillac car over $75K will be a hard sell. GM needs to make the ATS and next CTS a full step better than the Germans in all areas. By the time they hit the market the economy should be recovering or finally crashed.
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