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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. There is good and bad both on the Impala and Malibu as neither are perfect. GM has room for improvment and they know it. The fact on the Impala that can not be overcome no matter how it is spun is the fact it is a old design and it is showing it's age. In a market where cars are getting upgraded in only a few years it is a good thing the Impala was as good as it was. But that is why we still have peopel supporting it as strongly as they do. It was never a car to be ashamed of but the end has come and the sooner it is replaced the better. I feel the fact it is so long after the BK it will give GM a chance to do this one right all the way through. No short cuts to save time or money. I fully expect a car that will make the Taurus look dated in many repsects.
  2. Before we get all indignant Some of own a 08 Bu and also own the better version of the W the GTP Comp Grand Prix. I also know very well what the Impala has and is having spent a lot of time in them time in them. While it is not a terrible car it is a very out dated car in many way. GM has done well to update it but the car has it's limits. It still lacks the things that the new Impala will bring us and are expected in todays market. The Model T was a great car and updated too but it never could compare to the A model or 32 Flat Head. Some things need engineered in not just added or bolted on. As for the Bu it has it faults too but it is a smaller car and some just go with the package size. The trunk is the worst of it and agree there. But for ride comfort and drive train the V6 Bu it a much enjoyable car to drive and should be since it is much newer car. It is not so much the Bu is better but the fact the Bu is newer and with a much better drivetrain. As for price I got the Bu for under $20K with the V6, 18 inch wheels and upgraded suspension ETC. The only thing it really lacks is the Sun Roof. The V6 is a much better engine than my 3800 SC Series III that the Impala never got. The new 6 speed tranny is smooth as glass and with the manual shift mode it is often hard to tell what gear it is in with out looking. The GTP in Manual mode you know what gear it is as it crashes into each one. So don't get bent out of shape as I too speak from experience of the car and it's platform. It is not that I hate the Impala but I see it as a car that is below what it could or should be at this point because of age. SOme people like older women if that is your thing go for it. I just look forward to the new car as it will help put Chevy back as it should be a leader. We get over 20 MPG in town and I often hit 30 MPG highway on trips witht he Bu. We also have 2.5 years on the car with only one tire pressure sensor issue other than that no problems what so ever. FYI The Bu is very easy to keep clean as I have no issues with the plastic strip. You like what you like and I just happen like the newer Bu. THat may change with the new Impala once it gets here. There is no right or wrong here just what each of us like. Just never assume others do not know what the car is like as others than you spend time in many different cars including the Impala and own more than one car. So I do have a informed opinion here and know your car well. I do have to say from the Impala Police special I sat in at the auto show it is one car that did have a much worse rear seat than my GTP and that is hard to do. I though the GTP was rock hard but that plastic rear seat was much worse. LOL! So no hearsay here as some Rubes like to think.
  3. The whole thing that is good about it is it will be smaller than a mid size truck. We have small medium and large cars so the same line up of truck would supass eveyone else. While the small truck and box is not for everyone it would still appeal to many and to small comapnies for delivery. Gas prices are effecting the small companies and many have already made good use of the HHR here this if priced right would do the same. Give a florist a choice of a large can or a Granite many would look to the smaller truck. I even have a pumber who hase several HHR panels in his fleet here and makes good use of them. They are even fitted with racks.
  4. It looks like it is game on. I know we all kind of expected this to happen but they are reporting that GMC had made the rear door work. I hope they improve the engine choices over the Cruze as this vehicle is not small and I expect it to weigh in more than the Cruze. I think at GMC the Diesel could be a good option here. I hope they plan to look at the pick up verion of this too. It would be a great light hauler that no one else really address yet in the market, I expect other will soon look at light FWD options and GM has a chance here to lead vs follow. This could gather enough HHR owners looking for a new home if they price it right. I know many will cry for AWD etc. But the weight and price have to be kept down as both would hurt it's sales. They need to price this under the Terrain. Keep it light, low price and fun and this will sell. I would also from the start market this to a older buyer. The other boxes are loved buy those 40 and older. Don't try to make this a dorm room on wheels like some have tried.
  5. To market a car at the performance crowd and not be a real performance car is a sin. Buick has walked a fine line on almost over doing it on the Regal before the GS. It is ok to sell it as a Euro sedan as it is one but don't claim it to be a M car before you really have a suitable performance package.
  6. GM is doing a lot of things different in marketin. Did you ever think you would see a ZR1 marketed on TV? No less being hammered around the track. Diesels can be fun car with Turbo's, just look at what the truck guys are doing. And if you haver been to a ALMS race you know what Audi has done on the track. The key is to get the people in the United States to not think of the stero type that the have on Diesels. Most think of the Old Olds that got a bad rep fair or not. They think dirty city bus. They think you will have to plug it in to start it in the winter. They think where am I going to find diesel fuel even though it is easier to find than ever. Many things that once were true have been improved over the years and the people other than those Eurocentric types need to be re educted. GM I think can do this but it is not going to change over night. It will take a few years of reliability and the ability to show they are very acceptable cars for todays drivers. Also if they can keep the price of the fuel down it will help. For a while Diesel was not cheap and any savings over gas in MPG was gone in price.
  7. That was my 2nd point. GM needs more than the small group of Diesel fans to buy this car. Most of them will never give up their VW anyway. IF GM or anyone wants to sell more Diesels for better fleet ave they need to grow a market here in America. Right now there is not much of one nor is there much demand. I think they would do well with a small Turbo Diesel in the 1/2 ton trucks but in a car it will be a struggle. The old GM car diesels have hurt the market preceptions to the point Ford and Chrysler would even have a hard time selling them. The public needs educated on the new Diesels.
  8. Problem one solved with GM offering a small Diesel. On to problem two. Get people to buy it outside the normal small group of diesel fans.
  9. GM has a lot up their sleeve with Buick period. We have yet to really see the new Buick yet. It is just going to take a little time.
  10. So Buick needs to go to the expense and time to get cred with 5% or less of the market? It is had to even buy a Ferrari or other super car with a true manual. If Buick was cred they need to build a better car not just a transmission. While the present car is a vast improvment it is a older rebadged Opel that was going to be a Saturn. Buick and GM has just filled part of a large hole in a weak line up with this cars and never did expect to change the entire world market with it. Buick is gaining ground. From this point on they need to work to make models that will be more up to market. The same with the Cruze while it is a vast improvment it is also a car that was late to market as will be the Malibu. Much of what GM is doing right now with new porduct is just late product as they wither did not have the money to finish it before BK. Many of these cars were slowed, delayed, stopped or were a last min change of plan as the Regal. It is going to take time to change things. The only sin the Regal has is that it needs a early update or replacment. Since GM is not saying much we have little knowledge of what is to come so we will have to wait and see where they take this past the GS.
  11. There agin if you can get people to buy a stripped performance car they will build it. Most performance cars today are loaded with options as people want the best the can buy. It is more about image and want vs real performace for most. If there was a real market for a stripped down performance car I am sure there would be a ZR1 offered with out air, radio and power windows. As of now people who really race a ZR1 have to strip them out since they won't make one. Sorry but real car purist do not dominate the market. People with money that like image do. Sorry I agree with you but that is just the way it is.
  12. Well if you can get more people to buy them and learn how to even drive one they will. No market no manual it is just that simple. What is the total manual cars sold now around 5%-6%?
  13. For the record I agree there is way too much tech going on and we will pay a price for it at some point. But right now the Genine is out of the bottle and he ain't goin back. Just look at Eygpt and how revolutionary Twitter has become there. But back to cars. It is to the point the companies who offer advanced systems are now going to be who the younger buyers go too. I have stated before the electronics in many of todays cars are more important than cylinder count and RWD. Every kid who has a DS will expect nothing less than than the latest trick technology. In fact many will upgrade a car for more advanced electronics in the future. Just look at how millions flock to the latest cell phone or PS game leaving a good working older unit sitting to collect dust. The sales the Apple has shown in the I pad and I phone are not lost on other industries. The features these things can give an auto company an edge that is so hard to find in a competitive market. The Ford system has sold a lot of cars and made them a lot of money. The technology is not going away and it is a matter of survival in the market to have it. I am sure society will pay a price as we have with other advancements but like it or not it is here to stay. I am sure in time many of the features will get crazy and will at times be more of a novalty than anything like auto park. But the ones that take with the public will stay. Many will be expected or you will not sell the car. Most of these will be in the entertainment, nav communication and other fields. Right now if any of us were smart we would come up with some Norton like security systems for the new cars. Hackers are already attacking some of the car systems out there. The will be a lot of money made with software for cars that will protect it from being stolen or damaged electronically. I see cars possibly getting as screwed up as some of the problems we see on the web. Technology is growing faster to the point it can make us live longer than ever expected. But It also has grown faster than society has the ablility to deal with the legal, etical and moral side of it. The smarter our tech becomes the dumber our society becomes. The sad truth is computers are not making kids dumber, it is the lack of good parents for the most parts. Most have no one to teach them right or wrong. They never knew how to grow their own food or hunt. They can read a map because Mom or Dad never taught them. It is not technology killing society so much as lazy parents who let electronic take over their job. FYI: the Amish cheat. They can and do use Cell phones as long as they don't own them. We have some that live about 20 miles from here. On a Saturday night I have to pass the buggies that have sub woofer stereo's in them as they go to the Super Walmart to buy Beer. The kids borrow the family buggy and make good use hooking the battery for the lights to a good stero system they can remove before the parents find it. I hear too that they are making meth in Lancater PA. As for the climate control app. I already set the AC on my car so before I leave work it is full bast with the remote start. Like wise if the car is iced over I leave the defrost on the front widow to melt off the ice. The rear comes on automativ already. If only I could start the seat heaters. I am sure they will have an app for that.
  14. I was thinking this too. My Eco Turbo is not as good below 40 degrees. The sweet spot is 40-70 degrees. At times it can be 4-8 PSI lower at cooler temps. Also this car is not the GS. I think because it has a turbo and a 6 speed everyone thinks it is a balls to the ball tuner car. This is not that kind of a car yet and if it was would they be making a GS? I think GM really needs to make it clear what this car is as even the magazines who should know better take it out of context. I think with the weight and the small engine they have tuned it for MPG and a little sporting nature but not a Green Hell burner. Now if the GS comes and does not put down some good lap and 0-60 times they may have an issue. Not Ever BMW 3 and Audi 4 it a drag care either and they are also not cheap.
  15. The same case could be made against the ZR1. is there really a need for 650 HP on a street car? Not really but the fact you can says it all. I too like you have no need for all this tech crap in my personel life. I often unplug when I go home accept for a few forums. I don't have a Facebook and don't twitter. But on the other hand for work I deal daily with many people in country and overseas with E mail, Chat and computer links with many MFG's on my job. Tech is a very big part of my job anymore and to keep up I have to use it and know where it is going if you are going to lead. Daily I am dealing with people who may be on a Blackberry on a yacht in Istambul to a I phone in China. Many of the MFG reps I deal with live with their smart phones and they will do buisness where ever they are anymore. They may be on the floor at SEMA and no longer sit waiting in a office waiting for your call. Next week we will be back to even solving customers issues in the pits at Pomona when racing starts again in the NHRA. When I started it was a big thing to have a 800# now you have to be involved in many areas to keep up not only with in our country but the world. The third world is now linked and they know how to use it. If we are to lead we need to stay ahead. Tech in some ways is over blown but in many other ways it is the new way of doing business. You either have it and lead or leave it off and get left behind. Todays and tomorrow generation are and will be great multi taskers and will not wait for you to call them or wait to get ahold of you. What I hate the most is the little keyboards on smart phones. My fingers are too large. I agree with much of how you feel but if you are going to get anywhere in life you can not disconnect anymore.
  16. Tech is the new way of life and you had better catch on or get left behind. When I saw my son learn to use a computer and mouse by the age of 3 it was very telling. He is not even 10 years old and is very tech involved in many areas. This will be very important to the auto industry to keep up as who ever does will get the younger buyers. As for me I could care less if it does not make it faster or the music. Even today someone got me a nav system and I gave it away. I had no need for it and figured I saved a window from getting smashed out. It is not far off that many will not be with out a smart phone or pad. It will be like carrying a wallet. Just think what will happen if we get hit by a pulse weapon. Many could not find their way home. LOL!
  17. Test what waters? This stuff is already here. This is the present not the future. Our homes, radio, Video, cameras, nav, phones, lap tops, cars, tv, home security and more can already be interlinked anymore. If GM needs to tweek this system it will not more than not be software update. If they would add a Tazer to this it could also be our personel security.
  18. Ford pushed their systems in the lower end cars first. I think it is more a demographic thing. The younger you are the apt you would be at using apps. Ford really focused on the Focus and Fusion in marketing of their system. The younger you are the cheaper car you buy and the you want smart phone tech options. I am sure the rest of the line up will get upgraded very soon anyway,
  19. They have sold few small trucks since the Sonoma as the Canyon did not sell well. The rest of the line is mostly made up of SUV/Crossovers that got less than 20 MPG in town and most of the trucks they sold were full size. Even the Envoy got crap for MPG and even the Terrain is right at 4,000 pounds. What I am speaking of are small trucks like the 4 cylinder old S 15 that can get better MPG and Granite size vehicles that will change up their market and make them more diverse. Not everyone wants a 16 MPG vehicle to drive back and forth to work with gas over $3 a gallon. Ford sold a hell of a lot of 4 cylinder rangers even if they were out dated. THere is a market there but few are tapping into it.
  20. I see this as a positive. It give GMC a chance to carve out a place for itself and move away from just being another Chevy clone. Bring on the Granite and even a pick up version. Bring on a the new small pick up with a body and features Chevy does not offer. The only reason I bought GMC in the past was I liked the grill better than a Chevy. Now they can reach and do special models that will set them apart. GMC also needs to find a niche for the smaller vehicles in their line up. The days where all they sell are just large trucks are coming to an end. They need more balance. I would love to see them build and tune more for the sport SUV market on their crossovers. An American Audi anyone? GMC is the right division to create new segment products and experiment a little. Also they do the specialty tuned vehickles. Just don't do a Denali of everything and try to wack us with a price that is near a Cadillac. They need to price there products more in the middle of Chevy and Caddy.
  21. GM is doing better and lets just hope it continues. Like the ones above they were good but then if some group complained the ads were pulled. I have seen GM promote proformace like they have not done in years the last 6 months. Lets hope it continues. The Chrysler Imported from Detroit do nothing for me but if they are working more power to them. I too thought the VW spot was cute but two commercials later the Chevy is started from the airport by a woman on the airplain. There was not a man watching that did not say cool and then when she locked and unlocked the doors felt like they have been there before.
  22. That is the one we saw last Summer or Spring around Detroit in spy photo's. It had a real Nox flavor on the nose and had a more import looking bed with outer tie downs. Back then most expected it could come here but with a different bed. It was said to similar in size to the present Colorado truck.
  23. I think this is Akersons way of showing he is willing to go to people who know more on product. GM of late was looking like they were going the old corperate way and now look like they are moving back to a more product friendly enviroment. Just two weeks ago the truth on the Lutz group of journalist that were reviewing product and looked lost and now Ruess cam out and said he supported the knothole group. I get the feeling their is a fight going on with some folks inside on product. We keep getting some things that look bad then someone counters. I wonder what is really going on.
  24. The Goverment does not like him because he tells them what he thinks no matter if they like it or not. They also may be affraid of him since he owns his own Mig and he is not affraid to use it. I think really do think they fear him because if the get to much involved with poor decision he will spill the beans on them to the public. Elected officials have a fear of being outed in public.
  25. Found this on Autoblog. I am not sure how good this is but I was just thinking the other day I wish they just had Bob around to tell them they are doing something stupid once in a while. Seem sto the story Dan Akerson wants him back but the Goverment does not want him back [go figure]. Well I hope GM can get him in to help sort out the new product and make sure they don't screw it up. I would like him to take Mark Reuss and really teach him all he knows. It is refreshing to see someone like Akerson show that he needs help with product. There may be hope for him yet and it is so sad the Goverment is showing that they are inept as usual. God can only hope their idea of a good product person is not Joe Biden. I would like to see Bob set up a system of people and standard that will remain in place with GM after he is finally gone. At the age of 79 he can not stay for ever and GM will need a way forward with like minded product people. Too few product people get put in place like Bob. I would like to see them keep a steady stream of people in line to keep up the standards set to bring the best product out and stop short cutting things for the sake of the $$$. The money they save taking a cheaper way out at times developing a new car bites them in the a$$ with lost sales and larger losses than the money they saved.
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