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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. You really need to get out of the house even if it raining! LOL! Just kidding.. Thanks for the photo's even though it makes me miss my Sprint SP.
  2. I know that a lot can still happen till the ship docks in Long Beach. But with that said I feel this deal is farther along than most realize. I would not be suprised if the El Camino does not appear about the same time as the RWD Chevy Sports sedan in 2014. Too many people from GM are talking and about the new Zeta and Chevy would not be doing this if they had no intentions of bringing it in. This is too sensitive of a topic after the loss of the G8 and G8 ST. To tease and not have any intentions to bring it in would do more damage than good. If they were just thinking about it I know they would be silent. Also PCS has been laying hints all around. He is speaking as loud as he can on this car with out words.
  3. To me the Regal is closer to what Pontiac pretended to be for many years. Delorean wanted to take Pontiac in a more Euro direction and never could get the full support to do so. Years later the STE and SSEI tried to be Euro but were never really in touch fully with the real Euro cars. They were good American cars but never what I would term as a car that could steal sales from any of the Euro brands. The Regal is a real Euro car and a good one for the money. I see this car growing and becoming even better as a post BK model. Just imagine if the G6 was this good back when it came out as the First G6. If it had it may have not been the last G6. Seeing this car joined with Opel I suspect it will only get better and keep the real Euro feel no matter where it is built. Also if kept close to Opel they can keep the limited Manual cars and even sneek in some sport wagons as the bulk of the sales in Europe will keep them profitable ove here in limited numbers.
  4. I feel the Sonata like most Hyundais are like a sugar rush. It is all good up front but in about 4-5 years the ragged edges will show on these cars. I had many at work that bought Hyudais the last few years and most are or have replaced them with other brands. Things that go bad that are not under warranty have been an issue. Also rust is a major issue. Where as most GM cars will hold up well for 10 years in the midwest winters the Korean cars will go 4-5 and start to show exposed rust. Hyundais cost less for a reason and these reason catch up to in in less time than many other makes. As for manual trannys being rare it is just a sign of the times. People today and the coming generations do not have a love affair for the car. They are taught in school that they are evil and create global warning and VD or what other progressive agenda idea they can promote. To many in the young generation cars are just a way to get from point A to point B. They see no thrill in shifting as it takes away from their texting. In the future only cars like the Vette, Camaro, V Series Caddy and what ever model is shared with Europe will be given this option. Even then I see the numbers dropping even more. There is not reason to be shocked as this has been somthing that has been going on for as a long time. The take rate in general is only going to get worse.
  5. Agreed... they really should be putting units in places where women shop... or metrosexuals... for hours... places that rhyme with Beer None... Bled, Wrath and Abscond... Eye-Pea-Ahh... or Rome Woods. I kind of thing the Leaf matches their demographics anyway. (That list is actually my GF's favorite places that I hate... yet, so far the Leaf does nothing for her.) You could put chargers at bars for the guys but then they could not drive home after a proper charge. LOL!
  6. That is just it PR and marketing. Everyone wants to be painted green today. Just look at all the companies sporting green colors in their marketing. Banks, insurance companies etc they all want to be that ugly green. They have little impact on the enviroment but they want to push the green agenda anyway they can. The real need right now is for the companies to come together for an agreed level 3 charging system. Then they need to find a way to keep it from degrading the batteries as if the level 3 is used often the battery will lose capacity vs normal level 2 charges. There is a lot of technology that needs to be worked as as well as Politics. There is a level 4 being worked on but they still have not even got the issues settled on level 3 yet. The SAE needs to get everyone togther to set a standard agreed by all. This is similar to the nut and bolt SAE standard 100 years ago. This is something that will help shape the future and right now it is a pissing match with many MFG.
  7. Even if GM built the best minivan on the market it would be a struggle to sell in this segment. Only Honda has been able to make a dent in this market and it has only been a dent. The Quest for better or worse will just be another that will sell ok with little impact. People no matter how good or bad think Chrysler and Dodge in this segment, few even with better products have been able to change shopper minds.
  8. But how long will you really remain plugged into these stations? Most people other than my Mother Inlaw can not find ways nor do they want to spend 4-5 hours at any store. Lets face it Grown Cheapo is one of the last places that would be a good place to plug in. Most shoppers there are men. They go in buy their nails, glue and Monkey Butt powder and leave in 20 min with 10 of these min waiting in line or for them to fix the self check out. They get in, they get what they need and they get out. Most have a project to do or one half torn apart and just want to get the work done. Until they solve the faster charge they are all just moral builders. In time they will matter but their time is still a little ways off yet.
  9. If you are speaking of Best Buys I know about their plans. They will hit the big metro areas but it will take time to hit many other areas of the country. Heck there are plenty of places that still struggle with Cell Phone covereage. Besides these charging spots will not be in great numbers and will service some areas fine but in areas with many EV's they will be tied up and prevent many from plugging in. Lets face it a one to two hour charge at the Mall is not going to give the Leaf much. It will still come down to if people will invest in the home charging stations that will provide a faster full charge so they will be able to leave with a full charge in the AM. Many will invest but others will not. Usage during the day will never be a constant value so people will have to be respoinsible enough to keep up with the usage rate of the car and conditions it is used. I know some will handle this well while other today can't even keep gas in their tank and enough air in the tires. This is a car with zero error system as you can not just walk to the corner to get a gallon of voltage to correct your error. It would have been nice if the goverment took a lot of the wasted stimulas money and invested it in infrasturture for charging stations and even better or more Hydrogen fueling stations. If they want to promote alturnitive fuels they need to improve the support systems for said vehicles. Few in the private industry want to invest in a time where the economy slow and money is tight. This is just a deal that is going to take time to grow in many ways. Consumer interest, Technology, Infrastructure, etc. Even the original gas cars took time to take hold of the market in a way it had little compromise. The first gas cars were nothing more than a expensive novelty when they were first on the market.
  10. Yes, a very cool fellow C&Ger sent me one! I kinda like Atomic green. While the kid was shopping video games I slipped over and found one in the car section. It is the only one I have seen so I bought it.
  11. Few people could live with the Leaf as an only car. Most people have lives at are more 50 miles from home. Second electric is all around us but few places are able to recharge a leaf just anywhere. Yes there are plans to put charging stations in but the issues is many will not install them till there are more cars and with no charging stations few people are willing to buy the cars. The Chicken and the Egg Principal is in play here. The story in Autoweek points out that when you leave home you have to figure out your miles you need and see what you have. Then you need to monitor your usage as the 75 miles you left with may not go 50 miles if you are driving hard or if the weather is cold. They had this very issue. They then tried to make it to a known charging station and could not make it. So they went to a electican they knew and tried to hook up a charge when it fried the cords they used to get from the outlet to the car. Even then the time it would have taken to charge would have put them into the next day at the least. In the end it ended up on the Flatbed of shame as they called it. I know there are people out there that live close to work and could use this for short trips but they are in the great minority. Most people who will have these will have at leat one or two other vehicles to drive if needed and that is fine. As batteries get better and charging faster this could be a vehicle for all needs. The bottom line is the Volt is a car that any average driver can own and live with as a single car the leaf is not. The Volt gives you the short run all electric deal for daily commutes but will fill in for the car that you can go see grandma in San Deigo and still get home back in Orange County that night. Heck there are many in LA that could not even get to work and home in a leaf as they drive more then 50 Miles one way a day just into downtown. Neither the Leaf or the Volt are the final solution to the gas issue. The Leaf is just a little early and is need of better power cells while the Volt is a compromise to make a electric car the average buyer could live with. Both will improve and evolve in time but we are years from either having a system that could even think might dominate the gas powered car. It is nice to have these as an option but that is all they are for now and the Volt is the best option at this point for the normal car owner. Yes this title will change in time many times. As for Mark he is doing his job. If he is to lead GM he needs to speak out on why you should buy his products. He is a salesman just as much as he is anything els. He is still new to the job and has to learn a few things just as Bill Ford and Allen Mually did over at Ford. Speaking out is a two edged sword as it can help you a lot but it also can back fire with a poor choice of words or comments. If care is used in the statment and if they are spoken from the heart he will do fine. He needs to just speak how he really feels and be honest. Like Lutz if you agreed with him or not you knew where he stood and how he felt will little. As for his issues at GM I think he has most well on their way to be delt with. The Aveo is gone in witht he Sonic, The new Impala is well on the way, two new Vettes are being worked on at the same time. GM is cutting production on the slower large trucks and is adding better MPG SUV'S to the small SUV's they already have. The only hold up is time right now as many of these programs got started once they got the loans. The Goverment could money buy they could not loan them time too. If he can keep the profits up as they have been he can say what ever he wants and people will listen.
  12. Camino did you get the Matchbox Holden Ute yet? It looked good even in the bright green.
  13. Did you post that from your phone? Sorry and yes.
  14. Oooh, this would make for a good Top Gear challenge. Send Hamster, Slow, and Jezza back to the States and give Jezza the Volt, Hamster the Leaf, and Slow the Prius (or an Insight) and see which car would make it from DC to LA first. They're all three sort of boring cars, but the challenge would be entertaining. Someone get the BBC on the phone. I really would like to see this. I like it but Slow would have to be in the Leaf on a flatbed. He needs to be in the car that would take a month to make it.
  15. Buicks going to be a lexus fighter and Caddy has to move up. That has been the plan but it just got bogged down with the BK. As for flag ship I see Buick not really going for one great sedan and a then the rest. I see them doing the best they can to beat Lexus in each class and then offer something a little different. As it is now flag ships at many makes mean little and often are not the most popular car anymore. In the past everyone wanted the largest and most plush but not anymore. There those who what smaller, sportier etc. Years ago many wanted the Roadmaster but has to settle for a Century. Today not everyone wants that top car and it is not based on price. Anymore the mid size car is the one most like and not all are buying because it is cheaper. Anymore even if Buick offered a larger car I see the LaCrosse as the most important car. Agree or not that is just my observation on people and the cars they buy anymore. I see many who can afford the biggest and most expensive buy the lesser car as it fits their needs and taste better.
  16. Unless GM goes under again or some crazy unforseen world conflict I think you may just get your original wish for a El Camino. It may not be a high volume or a long run but I see this one happening this time. Just call it a hunch!
  17. I get the feeling that this may be farther along and this is just to stimulate interest. Also I really don't expect to sell them more than 10K-15K units anyway in the NA unless demand warrants. But with Holdens sales aready that is a number of units that could be done here and I would expect still show a profit if the exchange rate is right. I really don't think GM would base bringing a car in just on replys to one web site. Lets face it the car is already good to come here already and if they update it with the sedan it will for sure be set for our market if they want it. Based on the comments it looks like the plan for the sedan is set and just needs the new car to move forward. I know as in the past something always could get changed at the last min but I expect this car with the help of Mark Reuss The Zeta Father will be here in the near future. Lets face it they would not be going public with this unless they had some real plans or considerations here.
  18. Sorry but I did not like these back then and never warmed to them no matter how much I tried over the years. This is the one I loved and the one my Uncle owned. It even had real wire spoked wheels from the factory. A family friend just sent his 1985 Seville to the great junk heap in the sky. He just flat wore it out and was having a hard time getting parts. It was in such poor shape it would have cost more to restore vs it was worth.
  19. GM owns this segment and it is a tough one to break into. Fords struggle shows how well GM has a hold on it. The other issue is Ford brought this out around the time gas prices were jumping up and down and thar is not a good time for a into of a large SUV no matter how good it is.
  20. The story in Autoweek points out it's all about numbers. They drove a leaf on their first long term test and found it used more power and ended up on a flat bed truck. The same issue showed where they drove a Volt to the U.P. of Michigan and ran it out of power and gas. Once the gas was gone it would go back to electric to get you to a gas station if you were not in the middle of no where. The whole point of the Volt vs the Leaf is the Volt is a car that will take you anywhere and you could live with as a single car. You also could drive it to work every day through the week and never be on gas. The Leaf on the other had has limited range and would limit you life unless you have a second car. The Leaf is good if you live in the city and only short ranged it. The Volt is good for short range but you can go anywhere you andt and take less time to charge it. I still would love to see GM challange Nissan to a trip across country and show how long it takes each car to make the trip. The Volt is not perfect and some other cars still will be better options. But the point of the first gen car is to get it on the market and accepted. It will improve much faster as a production vs a prototype. Companies invest more money in technology for car in production and on the market vs cars that could or should be built. Right now till there is a better battery the Volt is a car the average person could live with and have a interest. The greatest issue is cost. It too will come down with each and every genereation just as any new technology. Nissan has range anxiety themselves as they hate it when ever the range and charge times come into play. This is why before the car came out they has stated they may give loaners to the owners if they really have to go anywhere. That is no way to build a car.
  21. There is a turbo V6 coming soon and could be also used in the trucks. The Ranger is dead but the the Colorado was just shown in Asia and odds are will be shown here in the next year. GM has not anounced it here but they are already testing them here. I am sure GM will notice the V6 ratio in the Fords and will have something for it but when?
  22. Yes it could be a human factor but there are others factors. A supplier could have made the intermediate shafts wrong. A tool on the line could be set to the wrong torque or did not push the shaft onto the spline far enough. Could be the one car it happened too was not a GM issue? All in all this is not a major problem as of yet and GM by jumping on it ASAP will make sure it gets no worse. Production cars can be trouble shot all you want and still something can shake out no matter who makes it. All in all the Cruze has been a pretty painless release and it will ride this one out with little harm. As for the shift indicator out of adjustment how many other cars have this all the time and no one ever recalls them? I see it often in many cars. This is even something the dealers should have caught on the prep for delivery.
  23. If I did it right I put my plea in.
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